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Page 8

by Bex Dane

  "Did you fight when he tied you up?" I spoke low to her so Falcon couldn't hear over the engine. The ropes were natural fiber and came loose easy. At least he'd done a good job.

  "No. Look at him. He's huge and scary. I didn't think to fight him."

  I rubbed her arms where the ropes had wrinkled her blouse. "We'll work on that."

  "You wanna hear about the rig or not?" Falcon interrupted us.

  I turned back to him. "Fine. Tell me."

  Falcon glanced at Soraya. "Dos cargado..."

  "No more Spanish. Speak in English!" Soraya said.

  He paused and turned his gaze on Soraya. She flinched but persisted. "English. Slowly. So I can understand."

  I ran my palm over my head and scratched behind my ear. "We're in a hurry, Teimosa."

  Falcon chuckled. "You call her Teimosa?"

  "Fits her. Stubborn in Portuguese."

  He laughed. "Teimosa means scary in Spanish."

  Oh shit. I didn't think of that. Well, it didn't matter. I'd already given it to her and the word meant stubborn to me.

  Falcon was enjoying his laugh when Soraya brought us back to the conversation. "If we're in a hurry, why are we cracking jokes? It doesn't take longer to talk in English than Spanish, so speak English."

  I shook my head. "There are details it's best we keep from you. And there's no time to argue about it." My voice tightened as I forced patience.

  "No!" She threw her hands up. "No. Don't keep details from me. He tied me up, and now we're zooming down the interstate in an RV? Speak English or I will scream and kick and slow you down even more."

  She was kinda cute trying to command two men who had her life in their hands. Regardless, I nodded at Falcon to continue, who was now all-out smiling at her. "Two MK-16s in the kitchen seats. Loaded and cleaned. Unregistered. Unmarked. I assume you have your personal carry weapons?"


  "Multi-caliber cartridges in the cabinet next to the table." Falcon pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "Three full body armor kits in the bedroom closet."

  "Why would we need body armor?" Soraya's voice hitched up.

  "Intelligence center and first aid in the galley." Falcon ignored her and stuck to business. "And a shitload of gear in the basement."

  "That should do it. We need more, we can stop. Anyone following?"

  He checked the mirror. "Looks clear."

  "Good, because no way we could outrun anyone in this tank."

  "You don't like it, get your own rig. If you're going on the run, might as well do it in style."

  "On the run? We're going on the run?"

  I held out my hand for Soraya. "Come sit with me."

  She stood slowly, and I helped her into a seat beside me at the small kitchen table. She looked at me expectantly, most likely unaware she was sitting above two fully loaded automatic weapons, even though Falcon had just stated the fact.

  "We're on the run."

  "We? Meaning you, me, and Falcon?"

  "Not Falcon."

  "Hey," he called from the driver's seat. "I'm on the run too."

  "You are not," I answered back.

  "I'm here. We're doing eighty-five miles per hour. I'm on the run too."

  "Are we running from Greco?" Soraya asked.

  "Yep. And his men."

  "How many men?"

  "Depends on how big he's going to make this. My guess, pretty big."

  "What'd you do?"

  Shit. The more she knew, the more she was at risk.

  "Greco and I have a long history."

  "The kind of history where he might start a fire in your apartment?"

  "Yes. If he gets grumpy."

  Her brow scrunched up and she pursed her lips. "When I get grumpy, I eat a Boston cream pie. I don't burn someone's place down."

  "Well, he does."

  "Why? Why do you allow him to do this?"

  I shrugged. Excellent question. Why had I allowed Greco to pull all the strings in my life? "The money's good."

  "He pays you to burn your house down?"

  The irony of the way she phrased it made me chuckle. "In some ways, yes. It severely cuts into my profits if it burns down, but after I rebuild, he buys it from me."

  "How bizarre."

  "There's more to it than that, but it is unusual any way you look at it."

  "Tell me more."

  "Not right now."

  "When? Because according to you, I've been kidnapped, and I'm on the run from a man who I know nothing about."

  "You have not been kidnapped."

  "Can I leave if I want?"


  "I want to leave."

  "You can't do that."

  "Why not?"

  "Greco saw us together. He thinks you're mine. You have to stick with me to stay safe."

  Her eyes narrowed and she pinned me with her stare. "You're turning me back into a slave."

  Ouch. This girl's sharp tongue cut deep. "The last few weeks, I risked losing millions of dollars I made on the palace not to mention hanging out in the armpits of Veranistaad sorting out a plan to free your ass." Her gorgeous face stiffened into an adorable scowl. Our gazes locked in a heated standoff. "I understand you're not happy with this situation and you're here against your will, but don't accuse me of making you a slave again. Have some respect."

  As her bottom lip quivered and her chin scrunched up, my resolve crumbled and guilt covered me just as sure as a glossy sheen coated her big brown eyes. Okay, this was a face I never wanted to see her wear. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and felt her go limp with a sob. "Besides you're on the run too. I shot a guard when Zook got Cecelia out. Not sure if he ID'd me or not. Did Yegor mention me or Zook?"

  "He asked about you a few times. I told him I knew nothing, but yes, he could suspect you simply because you were American and from Boston where we went to school."

  "Exactly. Best if you're with me for a while." She heaved another wave of tears. I pulled her to me and pressed my lips to her ear. "Hush, now."

  "I'm scared."

  "I know."

  "And confused."

  "I'm sorry."

  "And tired."

  "The jetlag is still messing with you. Get some sleep. When you wake up, the skies will be clearer." She swiped at her cheeks. "Look on the bright side. Ever been on a road trip in America?"

  "No." The hope I'd first seen in her eyes flickered there again. She wanted so badly to believe in me, but I hadn't given her any reason to yet.

  "I've traveled all over the world. Never seen anything as spectacular as this country. I'll show you places so impressive you'll forget the fact you're on the run." She nodded and her shoulders lifted. I knew she'd love an adventure. "The danger will be invisible to you. I'll shield you from it. We'll have fun. I'm fun, remember?"

  "Oh god, are you gonna make me ride a bull?" She sniffled and wiped her eyes.

  That drew a chuckle from deep in my gut. "You're never getting anywhere near one of those bulls." I kissed her, not sure if that was what she needed, but I had to give her something to show I cared about her. At first she didn't respond, and my lips were still curled in a smile. She finally offered me a tender kiss. The warmth of her full lips caressing mine quickly became sensual. Suddenly I wanted to give her much more than a kiss to show her how much I cared. But she was in no state for sex, and I needed to plan my next move. "Now go lie down. Try not to worry. I need to talk to Falcon."

  "Okay." She stood, and I walked her to the small bed in the back. She climbed in and curled up with her head on the pillow and her legs tucked in. The urge to crawl in behind her hit me hard, but I held onto the doorway to keep me in my spot. My precious Teimosa. Maybe I should let her go. Hide her from Greco and Yegor until I kill them then set her free. She could go on with her life, have a career, be anyone she wanted to be. Maybe she'd meet a stock broker or an engineer. Someone boring who'd set her up in a house and give her babies. Darn that stung. My Teimosa making a family with some
one who was not me.

  Would she choose that path? Of course she would. Any woman would take security over life on the run with a criminal.

  I tapped gently on the wall and headed back up to the cockpit. Falcon was still smiling.

  "It's not a joke, Falcon." I kicked the ropes he'd used to tie her up with a little extra force, letting him know I did not appreciate his humor.

  "It's funny. Running from a white-collar mafioso is child's play compared to the shit I've done."

  Truth. We'd all been in much worse situations with no food, water, or transport. "Greco is no joke. He's smart and he plays dirty. If I wanted to turn, I could get him nailed for at least five murders by his own weapons, plus another ten he's ordered for the Dubare Syndicate."

  "Dubare's dead. We both watched Rogan take him out a few years back."

  Ah, so he remembered meeting me there. "Greco took over when Dubare died. They changed their focus to buying and selling properties, but that's all still a front for the drugs, guns, and prostitution racket."

  "You tell her any of this?" He tilted his head to the back of the rig.

  I took a seat and noted he'd chosen a smaller two-lane highway. We were going through a rural area. "Of course not. If she gets captured, she has to be totally clueless. I don't want them to have any reason to try to get information out of her."

  "She won't get captured." He shook his head.

  "Your lips to God's ears."

  "It's not about praying. It's about being smart and knowing how to avoid trouble or get out quick."

  "That why you want to go with me? You want to avoid trouble and get out quick?"

  "Man, I'm looking for trouble."

  "Rogan and Dallas aren't keeping you busy?"

  "They're throwing plenty of work my way. Uneventful hostage rescues. Great pay. No action."

  "Don't hope for action, Falcon."

  He shrugged.

  "You got a death wish?"


  "Great. I'm on the run from two crazy bastards and my second-in-command has a death wish."

  "I'm not your second-in-command." He narrowed his eyes at me.

  "You're not in command of this mission. I am." Fucker.

  "I provided the vehicle, all the ammo, all the gear. I'm driving the damn bus. Rogan sent me here to help you. I'm in command."

  What an arrogant prick to hijack my mission and claim command. If this were a SEAL team op, an attitude like that would get him kicked out of the plane with no parachute. "No. This is my mission. I rescued Soraya, and I'm responsible for her safety. You were supposed to drop off the transport and disappear. We had to run so you're here. That's it. You're leaving ASAP."

  "What do you mean two bastards?" he asked.


  "You said you're running from two crazy bastards."

  "Yeah. Greco and Soraya's husband."

  "She's married? Oh, this is getting good." He sat back in his chair as we passed a small town named Falcon. He pointed at the sign and chuckled.

  "She is married, but against her will. A Veranistaad prince. He kept her as property. She didn't love him. He abused the hell out of her and messed with her head bad."

  As I spoke, he pulled his gaze from the road and assessed me. "And you did the extraction alone?" I heard a hint of respect in his tone. Finally.

  "Yeah. Had her come to the embassy. Made up a ruse about her diploma. She went to Hale."

  He did a double take as he looked from the road to me again. "She's married to a prince and went to Hale?"

  "Yep." Wouldn't believe it myself if it weren't absolutely true.

  "What's she doing with a son of a motherless goat like you?" he asked.

  "Fuck off. And I don't know. Not sure she's even with me at this point. When she finds out more, given the choice, I don't think she'd choose me. I pulled some shitty moves before I got her out. Working on earning her forgiveness."

  He chewed his lip as he pondered what I'd said. "If she doesn't forgive you, can I fuck her?"

  Falcon knew all the things to say to piss me right the fuck off. "No fucking Soraya."

  "What if she does forgive you? Let's both fuck her."

  I shook my head. "Not sharing her."

  "But it would be so much fun."

  I pointed an angry finger at him. "I don't wanna see your dick in any of her orifices, hear me?"

  "Yes, sir." He gave me another snarky salute. Insubordinate ass.


  "You shoulda been a blowjob, Torrez."

  "I like you, Falc. I'm gonna fuck your sister."

  He laughed. "I ain't got a sister."

  "Too bad. I'll have to fuck your momma."

  "Don't go there."

  "Oh, poor baby can't take no one fucking his mama? Bet she gives great head. Considering you were a blowjob."

  "Go check on your Teimosa." He raised his voice like a girl and mocked my nickname for Soraya. When I didn't laugh, he sobered up. "We'll do twelve hour shifts." There he went again, acting like he was in charge.

  I pulled up a map on the on-board computer in the console. We had a choice up ahead. We could get to Atlanta via Nashville or Jackson.

  "Deal. We'll stop in Jackson, Mississippi."

  "What's in Mississippi?" he asked.

  "Lots of bigass RVs."

  "We'll fit right in."

  "Yes, and you can catch a flight back to North Carolina."

  "You'll see. By the time we get to Jackson, you'll be lovin' on me, wanting me to stay on."

  I doubted that. "We done? I got some shit to do."

  "We're done. You're on in twelve hours."

  He'd drive through the night, and I'd be on in the morning. I could catch some shuteye with Soraya. Okay, maybe Falcon wasn't so bad.

  Before heading back to the intelligence center Falcon had set up, I asked him, "What's the password for your intel setup?"


  "Shut the fuck up."

  "Okay. It's sit-on-my-face-sixty-nine."

  I muttered under my breath and walked over to the laptop. Yep. His stupid password worked. I logged onto the dark web using an old handle that could never be traced to me. I ordered the first hit of my life. Prince Yegor Sharshinbaev. Doubt any sane hitman out there would pick it up since he was a foreign dignitary, but the million dollar payout might make it worth it. I'd be using the money Maksim paid me to pay the man who killed his brother.

  My second job was a kill-on-sight for Luigi Greco. There'd been many hits on him over the years and no one had the balls to do it, fearing retribution from the Dubare Syndicate. I made that one five million. Someone had to take it. If they didn't, I'd kill him myself.

  Third task, check for a hit on me. Nothing. Yet.

  Chapter 10


  My teeth were furry. Very furry. Needed a toothbrush bad.

  Last night I dreamt Torrez held me in his arms and he loved me. Without a doubt, he unconditionally worshipped me, and with him, I was safe.

  A quick look around the miniature bedroom of the RV reminded me safety remained far out of reach. While I trusted Torrez had the skills to stay one step ahead of Yegor, this Greco person seemed ruthless and dangerous. Torrez hadn't told me the details, but I got the impression the stand he was taking against Greco—or in this case, the run he was making from Greco—was monumental. An epic battle at the end of a long hard war.

  I peeked through the cracked bedroom door and spied the bathroom a few steps away. I could sneak out in my pajamas, brush my teeth, and slip back in without the men noticing me.

  Even if they did, who cared? These red silk PJs covered my private parts, and they were pretty cute. A hot pink ribbon edged the collar and the sleeves. On the chest pocket, a set of oversized embroidered magenta lips puckered in a kiss. The white writing underneath the lips said "Swak!"

  Someone had thoughtfully placed my new toiletries bag on a she
lf by the door. I grabbed it and tiptoed to the bathroom. I froze when I caught sight of Falcon sitting at the table opposite the bathroom door. Luckily, he didn't hear me or see me. He sat with his shoulders hunched, head down, and a distant melancholy emanating from him.

  What happened to Falcon while I'd slept? Last time I saw him, he was carefree and joking with Torrez. Now he looked like someone had burned his puppy at the stake.

  I brushed that off and whooshed into the bathroom to do my business.

  Hmm. Should I go bouffant and painted or natural and sunny? How does a girl do her hair and makeup when she's on the run from her abusive husband and a shady businessman? I decided to keep the makeup light and the poof in my hair at the crown of my head medium height.

  When I went dark and maximum with the hair and makeup, it always attracted attention. Yegor hated even the slightest tease of my hair when I wasn't on display.

  Too bad I ended up with Cage because Hale could've been the time of my life. If I had met Torrez at Siege the night Cecelia met Zook, my future could've been different. I wouldn't be on a strange bus headed for god knows where. Or maybe I would. Did Torrez run from Greco because of me? That was absurd. We'd shared two incredibly hot nights together, but this whole road trip couldn't be for me. Could it?

  I opened the door with my head deep in thought, so I didn't see Falcon standing next to the kitchen table.

  "Cows on my side." He spoke slowly and reflectively as he stared through the window blinds over the small dining area.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Cows on my side." Wild strands of curly hair stuck out of his twisted ponytail. His dark goatee made his chiseled jaw and cheeks seem dangerous. As his sterling blue gaze pierced mine, a trickle of fear crawled up my arm like someone had released a jar of spiders in my hand.

  I glanced at the bedroom door. I could scoot through quickly and pretend like I was never here. I took one slow step. When my hand hit the little handle to the door, Falcon screamed, "Cows on your side!" and pointed to the window next to me.

  I jumped and my back hit the wall. "What the hell?"

  "Two points for me. Zero for you," he said, unexplainably.

  "Are you on drugs?" What the hell was wrong with this man?

  "Didn't you see them? The cows? There were cows on my side then cows on your side. I called both sets. Two points." He talked matter of factly as he pointed to each window. I fully believed he thought he was saying something that made sense.


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