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Cum For Bigfoot 12

Page 2

by Virginia Wade

  “Jesus, it’s late,” muttered Zelda. “I’m wiped out.” She tossed a fur over her shoulders, rolling to her side. “Good night, guys.”

  “Night, Zelda,” said Leslie.

  I got up to relieve myself, taking a lantern to light the way. The bathroom was a hole in the floor some distance off. This part of the cave smelled musty. The location was perfect, close to the entrance with abundant ventilation, but it was freezing, so I dropped my pants and finished my business quickly. On the way back to our cozy sleeping chamber, I glanced around at the dying embers in the fire pit and the sleeping forms of humans and apes alike. Before I reached my pelt, something grabbed me, a strong, furry hand, bringing me down on top of a lengthy body. It was Leonard.


  “Shush,” he rumbled.

  Pooky had been possessive of me, watching me like a hawk, but he was ill now and incapacitated. He was oblivious to the fact that his prize was now in another’s hands. Even after everything that had happened tonight, this ape was horny; his cock pressed into my tummy, as rigid as a baseball bat. I found myself on my back, and wet, hot lips were at my throat, gently sucking and kissing. My mind recoiled from this lascivious advance, but my body began to buzz, knowing that the promise of fulfillment was a real eventuality. These creatures were primitive and wild, but conditioning and need had made them skilled lovers; their talents in this area were not to be underestimated.


  Thick fingers were surprisingly dexterous, as they undid the buttons on my pants and lowered the zipper. He grasped the jeans and pulled, exposing my underwear and bare legs. In this light, he looked less fierce; his face was as furry as his body, with a black nose and mouth. Not content with the removal of my pants, he grasped for my sweater, drawing it over my head. His lips covered mine, and his tongue darted into my mouth, slinky, wet, and coaxing. It was surprisingly easy to forget this was a Sasquatch, because he felt exactly like a boyfriend, but one who knew how to kiss very well. The only difference was the abundance of hair, which tickled me, as he wedged himself between my legs. He held his weight, not crushing me, but it was with some effort that he did this.

  “Pretty girl,” he purred.

  I should have been ashamed for letting my sister’s ape have his way with me, but what choice did I have? The tribe seemed to share women, and, from what I gathered, it was impossible to tell which ape fathered which baby. It didn’t matter to the creatures. They raised all the babies, as if they were their own.


  Strong hands grabbed my hips, lifting my legs, and exposing my glistening snatch to eager, hungry eyes. A lengthy tongue slid over me, leaving a streak of wetness. I’d experienced this treatment from Pooky, and my entire body trembled, knowing how delicious it was going to feel. Their tongues were extraordinarily long and stout, and, as he slid inside of me, the sensation had me gasping, flinging my head against the pelt.

  “Oh, my God!”

  He thrust his hand in my face, covering my mouth, presumably to keep me quiet. I sucked a finger, while my pussy was ravaged, his tongue driving in so deeply, I could feel it wiggling nearly in my belly. Not content to just invade, he flicked the tip from side to side, hitting something incredibly pleasurable. I moaned; the sound was low and throaty. My reaction to these Sasquatches was mortifying. If anyone knew how much enjoyment I received at their hands, I would be so embarrassed. If any of my friends ever got wind of this…I would die…but until then…


  There wasn’t a corner of my anatomy that wasn’t explored and laved. The slinky wet feel of him sent shivers through me that gathered and centered in my tummy. My fingers threaded through his fur, feeling the soft, yet abrasive strands. His nose nudged my clit, producing shockwaves of bliss. At this rate, I knew I wouldn’t last long.

  “Oh, shit!”

  The orgasm began in a burst of tingles that gripped the muscles in my pussy, forcing them to clench around his tongue. From there, the spasms shot outward, the pleasure registering in every nerve ending I possessed. I thrashed, my legs kicking involuntarily, while the feeling continued to course through me. My animal lover persisted, his tongue rubbing against something wildly sensitive, and, although I had just orgasmed, I was stunned to find another one hot on its heels, blazing a path of white lightning straight to my core.


  I pressed my thighs together, squeezing Leonard’s skull with the force of the approaching second climax. Streaks of neon light flashed behind my eyelids, green, red, and gold, the power of the sensation leaving me gasping for air and shivering with tremulous aftereffects. Knowing that I had succumbed fully, he slid from me, resulting in a swollen and soaked pussy. I opened my eyes to the grey ceiling of the cave, with small patches of shadow cast by the dwindling flames of the fire.

  Leonard flicked his tongue over my pussy, and I shivered, feeling overly sensitive down there. He kissed his way up my belly to my breasts, gently grasping my mounds and pushing them together. He continued to caress and kiss me, until his lips met mine and he kissed me. I could smell myself on him. It was the sweet, musky aroma of sex. I felt like I had taken a sedative, my body was limp and relaxed, utterly spent. I didn’t even know if I could sit up. The effort was too extreme.

  “Pretty girl, Lena,” he purred.

  He shimmied his way, scooting on his knees; the dripping end of his cock was in his hands, the head manipulated by expert fingers. I didn’t have to be asked, but took him into my mouth, producing an animalistic groan from the beast. The end was globular and spongy; the continuous stream of pre-cum dribbled out of the sides of my lips and down my neck. I choked as he drove deeper, the width forcing my jaw to widen slightly more than was comfortable.

  “Good…good…” His wheezy breathing had deepened.

  I licked the length, my tongue gliding over ridges and grooves of veins. He flung his head back and moaned, the end erupting in a spray of whitish fluid, which he aimed at the fire. A shocking amount of semen nearly doused the flames, sending up puffs of greyish-white smoke. A slightly pungent smell filled the cavern. He collapsed next to me, drawing me into his arms. His tongue flicked over my forehead.

  “You a good girl, Lena,” he rasped.

  “Thanks, Leonard.”

  Chapter Three

  Leslie was the first up the next morning, banging items around in the kitchen. I found myself snuggled into Leonard, who was on his back with his mouth open. Never in a million years did I ever think I would find myself in a situation like this, surrounded by mythological creatures that truly did exist. I had to use the bathroom, and I disengaged myself from my ape lover, who expelled a noisy snore and then turned on his side.

  After using the facilities, I tiptoed over to Pooky, who slept soundly. It was impossible to tell if he had improved or not, because he was covered in tufts of brownish fur. His raspy breathing filled his lungs, as his chest rose and fell. The noise in the kitchen had woken Lendal and Bubba Jr.; the smaller Sasquatches sat up to observe me. They looked bleary-eyed, with messy fur standing on end on top of their heads.

  “Fuck this!” muttered Leslie.

  Kat and her son, Archie, had begun to rouse. I stepped into comfy snow boots and headed for the kitchen.

  Leslie glanced at me, looking frazzled. “I’m going out. I gotta make a call. Pooky needs meds. He’s got a fucking high fever.”

  “Oh, you checked that.” So, he wasn’t getting better.

  “We have basic supplies.” She thrust her arms through her jacket. “If they hurt my baby in any way, I’ll fucking kill them.”

  “I’m sure Wolfie’s fine. The bastards stole him like a trophy. They’ll take care of him.”

  “Are you coming with me?”

  “Sure. Whatever you need me to do.”

  She threw a jacket my way. “Put it on. Let’s see how bad the storm was.”

  Bubba appeared, scratching his belly and snif
fing. Tate and Archie were behind him. “We clear snow and get food,” he rasped.

  “I gotta make a call. Pooky’s sick.”

  The old ape nodded. “We help him. We make a path.” They shuffled out of the cave. The Sasquatch winter molt of lighter colored and thicker fur would keep them warm.

  Zelda strolled into the room. “I’m gettin’ tea on. It doesn’t sound too bad out there. The worst might be over. We got lucky.” She eyed me. “Well, someone had fun last night.”

  How mortifying! I found it difficult to meet her gaze. “Um…sorta.”

  “I heard that too,” said Leslie. “Leonard has the hots for her. I think she reminds him of Porsche. It never ceases to amaze me how these apes can have sex under almost any circumstance, the horny shits.” She held the satellite phone. “I hope I can get a hold of somebody. If Pooky doesn’t get some meds, it could be really bad.”

  “I gotta get home. I hope they pick me up.”

  Zelda eyed me dubiously. “Honey, I hate to break it to you, but they never come out here in the winter. I’ve never seen anybody till spring. Why these mercenaries attacked us now boggles the mind. They’re crazy to try it period, but it’s suicidal at this time of year.”

  “But…but how do you get medication and stuff?” Her announcement had sent my spirits plummeting.

  “They drop it off from a plane.”

  Oh, shit. “Well, my parents miss me. I’m sure they’ll make an exception.”

  She grabbed a bucket. “Good luck with that.”

  “Let’s go. We’ll worry about it later,” said Leslie.

  Zelda followed us out into the crisp morning air. The path was in the process of being cleared by the Sasquatches, who used their arms and legs to open a small trench. Zelda thrust the bucket into clean, white snow, filling it to the top. I assumed she would melt the purified substance and use it for cooking.

  “I got a signal!” Leslie’s face broke into a huge smile. “Thank God.” She pressed buttons and held the phone to her ear. “Hello? Dr. Haynes?” She paused to listen. “We were attacked by an organization called Team Sésquac. Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Hunters. The apes killed most of them. They had no choice. Pooky’s injured. We need antibiotics.” She listened again; her expression was grim. “Yeah, I’m serious. They shot at us with arrows. They could’ve killed us, Connor. They stole Wolfie! They have my baby!” There was a lengthy pause. “Lena’s here also. Pooky kidnapped her…yeah…yeah…oh, good. She wants to go home…yeah…oh man. Okay. We need another phone. I’m using one I got off a bad guy.” She listened for a long moment. “Thanks so much, Connor. You take care….bye.”

  A hand touched my back, and I turned to see Leonard. He brushed hair away from my face in a gentle, yet possessive manner. This had the oddest effect on me. Man, this guy’s a natural born charmer. Good God. Now I see why my sister likes him. Something glimmered in the depths of his onyx eyes, but then it was gone. He left me then, following the others, who were working further down the path.

  The snow wasn’t as deep as I thought it would be. We had gotten lucky with the blizzard; the worst of it must have gone elsewhere.

  Leslie slid the phone into her pocket. “I’ve got good and bad news. Let’s get inside. I’m freezing.”

  “Are they coming to get me?”

  “Um…that’s the bad news.”

  “Oh, shit.” A knot formed in my stomach.

  “They know where we are, because the apes have tracking devices embedded in their fur. They’ll drop off supplies in an hour. They can’t get you right now because of the conditions. They don’t normally do winter rescues. It’s dangerous, but they’ll try. Porsche already told them that Pooky took you. They know you’re here.”

  “That’s not bad news then.”

  “Um…another storm’s on the way. They can’t get you for a couple of days.”

  I had to look on the positive side. “Okay, that’s not so bad. I can tough it out. I can wait a couple of days.”

  “You’re gonna have to.”

  “What did he say about the attack?”

  “He’s gonna check into it. He’s never heard of these yahoos before. He was pissed they took Wolfie. I don’t know what’s gonna happen there.” She looked grim.

  I touched her shoulder. “Everything will be fine. They won’t hurt your baby.”

  “They better not.”

  An hour later, after we had eaten, a small group of us headed out to pick up the air drop. The sound of a plane had been heard five minutes earlier, and red smoke could be seen in the distance, over the tops of snow-covered evergreens. Knowing that civilization was accessible made me feel slightly more at ease. My parent’s knew of my whereabouts, and my rescue was being planned. I just needed to occupy myself for a few days, and the ordeal would be over. I could go back to my life and get ready for the next semester at school. At this rate, I wouldn’t even miss a single class.

  The package had fallen on our side of the river; the tendrils of red smoke had grown thinner, and the signal was dying out, but the apes had spotted it below. We began an arduous hike down the side of the mountain, made even more difficult because of the thickness of the snow. My feet sunk into drifts that went to my hips. Leonard rescued me more than once.

  “Get on my back,” he said gruffly. He carried me most of the way down; my weight didn’t seem to bother him at all.

  Water gushed over icy rocks, as an impressively sized river with a strong current flowed around a bend, continuing on out of sight. Tate and Bubba went up ahead, while Leslie grabbed the bundle, examining the box for damage. It had landed with the aid of a small parachute.

  “Looks good,” she said. “Where are they going?” She squinted into the sun. “They must’ve caught a scent. Maybe they smell Wolfie. Let’s check it out.”

  I shrugged. “Okay.” Leslie and I followed the river, stepping over icy rocks and snow. As we cleared the bend, I spotted the Sasquatches, who gazed up at the side of the ravine. Tate headed our way, his long strides closing the distance quickly.

  “They smell other tribe.” His words were gruff.

  Leslie’s look of hope fell. “Oh, is that all. Great.”

  “They found a boat.”

  This announcement perked her up. “Really? Where? Show me.” Tate led us to a black pile of deflated rubber. It was floating in a shallow, rocky area. “This is a bad guy boat. So, somebody didn’t get away or they had to use another boat.” She looked confused, eyeing the departing apes. “Where are they going now?”

  “There’s another tribe here. I protect you.” He glanced around warily. “It’s not safe.”

  It was unusual for a Sasquatch to fear anything in the wild, since they were the fiercest predators in the forest; so seeing Tate concerned and slightly on edge worried me. Their only enemies were other apes, and, from what I had gathered, there were more than one tribe roaming these lands.

  “You stay with me.”

  “You got it, buddy,” said Leslie. “Can we follow them or should we go back?”

  “We follow, but stay behind,” he rasped.

  A low growl sent the hair on Tate’s head straight up. It was an instinctual Sasquatch warning sign, a harbinger of danger. Tate indicated for us to follow, and we stayed with him, knowing that he was strong enough to protect us from whatever lay ahead. Further up the river, Leonard and Bubba stood facing two new Sasquatches I had never seen before. They were grunting and gesturing, speaking in an ancient, primitive language that only the creatures understood. My sister had learned it, which was quite an accomplishment for a non-Sasquatch.

  “What’s going on?” asked Leslie. “Do they know anything?”

  Tate shrugged. “You stay back. They like women.”

  “Um…guys,” I said, eyeing the arguing apes with trepidation. “Maybe we should go back then.” Uncertainty left me feeling anxious. I’d already been kidnapped once. Wasn’t that enough for one forty-eight hour period?

  Leonard saw us coming, bu
t we remained several yards away. “What’s going on?” asked Leslie. “Do they know anything?”

  The strange apes gazed at us with interest; their expressions were inquisitive and…lustful. A prick of fear shot down my back, rooting me to the spot.

  “They have the bad people,” rasped Leonard. “They have Wolfie.”

  Leslie dropped to the ground, relief shining in her eyes. “Oh, thank God!”

  Chapter Four

  There was a lengthy discussion among our tribe and the rival tribe; Leonard and Bubba seemed to be negotiating unknown terms. I wondered if it was our safety they were concerned about. I suspected it was. After a particularly heated exchange, an agreement was hashed out.

  Leonard waved to me. “Come, girls. We go get Wolfie.”

  “Is it safe?” asked Leslie.

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  She glanced at me. “We get to meet these fuckers in the flesh. I can hardly wait. I have a thing or two I want to say to them.”

  “I bet.”

  As we approached the group of Sasquatches, the other ape’s noses perked up. Their eyes glimmered in a carnal light, roaming over us readily. They seemed to like what they smelt, which made my skin crawl. They were similar in height and appearance to our apes; their thick winter coats were threaded through with patches of white. A moment of curiosity and distrust ended when Bubba roared, asserting his authority. He was clearly older than the others, which demanded respect, even from strangers. They nodded deferentially, casting furtive glances our way, but the moment of uneasiness ended within seconds, and we began to hike into the forest, leaving the rushing water behind.

  They led us to a cave; the opening was a gash in the side of the mountain big enough for only one ape to enter at a time. The sounds of animalistic grunting reached me, and again, a thread of worry had my feet stopping. It was a sound I had grown accustomed to. It was the utterance of an ape having sex.


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