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The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3)

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by Joanne Sexton

  An excited ‘oh’ escaped her lips when she spotted him heading up the path to their building. She leapt off the chair, waved to Carol and hurried out to meet him. When she walked out the door she stopped- he looked incredible, again. Tonight, he wore jeans and a blue t-shirt the color of his eyes. His hair looked damp as though he’d just showered, and images of his wet body ran through her mind.

  She couldn’t move.

  Mitch couldn’t help but notice her when she dashed out of her apartment building. His heart flew into his throat when she stopped. His tongue became tied. The tight skinny jeans with boots, which had her matching him for height, showed off every curve of her body. Her blue ruffle shirt brought out the blue in her eyes and they were once again that mixed color. Her hair was down and fell in a dark satiny curtain down her back. Shiny lips begged him to taste the raspberry on them.

  In two swift strides he bridged the distance and was not disappointed when he buried his hands in her hair and brought her lips to his. They felt and tasted just as he remembered. Her floral scent intoxicated him as he devoured her mouth with fervor. Seconds, minutes went by as they stood entwined. When she pulled back to speak, he found he missed the taste of her.

  “We should go before the neighbors call the police.”

  “The police?”

  “Yes, you keep kissing me like that and we’ll be indecently exposed.”

  The image of this froze him to the spot until she started giggling, and then he laughed along with her. He offered his arm and they strolled towards his house. The heat and electricity passed between them like a steadily flowing river. They chatted about the people with whom they were both acquainted and discovered they shared similar views regarding their outlook on life. They were both in an occupation they would prefer not to be in. She asked about his collection and seemed excited about seeing his work.

  When he stopped and turned up a path leading to an apartment building, she realized they’d arrived. The modern complex looked expensive and it pleased her to think he must be frugal with his money and respected him more for it.

  Hand clasped together, they rode the lift in silence, before entering the front door. The inside was as contemporary as the outside. His furniture looked informal and comfortable, which suited him.

  There were photographs on the walls of various landscapes from around the world, and she was awestruck by their beauty. He was a talented photographer. She walked over to one shot in a desert with the sunset lighting the dunes. The yellows, reds and oranges tinged with pink were spectacular.

  “This is beautiful, Mitch. It’s yours?” He nodded. “It’s really good.”

  “Thanks,” he said softly, a blush coloring his cheeks.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing what you have chosen for your collection. Looking at these, I'm sure you will have no trouble finding a gallery and selling your pieces.”

  “You’re too nice,” he mumbled.

  Modest too, she liked that. “No, I’m being honest. You’re definitely wasting your talents photographing models, although you do that well too.” She smiled to ease what appeared to be discomfort over her compliments. His mesmerizing stare was also doing erratic things to her pulse.

  “I guess. Um, would you like to have a drink out on the balcony?”

  “Sure, lead the way.”

  Isabelle found this humble and shy side of Mitch endearing. It seemed there was more to him than his reputation. Underneath the womanizer was a sweet, shy man and Isabelle was glad she'd taken the chance and ignored his past. It was just that, the past, and she planned on changing his future. She knew how crazy that sounded in her head but couldn’t deny the charge that passed between them and the heat warming her blood.

  He led her through a generous sized kitchen to a larger sitting room. A sliding door led out to a large balcony. Two chairs and a table sat at one end and she noticed a barbecue waiting to be utilized at the other. A bottle of wine chilled in a bucket on top of the table.

  “You have a nice apartment, Mitch.”

  “Thanks. It serves its purpose at the moment. I aim to buy a house if I find a gallery and sell some pieces.”


  “When.” He smiled.

  Mitch poured two glasses of wine and as he handed her a glass, he gestured for her to take a seat.

  “I’m cooking some steak on the barbecue and have made a salad. It isn’t much, but it’s about all I can cook.” His cheeks flushed again, and Isabelle’s heart flip flopped.

  “Sounds good to me. I can’t remember the last time I had steak.”

  “You’re doing it tough, aren’t you?”

  His voice held no judgement or pity, just compassion, yet she was guarded about her private life. And, honestly, she also felt a little embarrassed.

  “You could say that,” she said.

  “Please don’t be offended. I’ve been lucky and given great opportunities with work, and a family who provided well for us. Not everyone is that fortunate. I worked hard to buy this place, but I’ve also never had to struggle.”

  “It has been difficult to sacrifice my dreams, but Jesse is worth it.”

  “I understand, in a way. I had to put on hold my aspirations; being a struggling artist didn’t appeal all that much to me.” He offered a cheeky grin. “I have saved quite a bit of money from my freelance work, but not enough to live on and buy a house. I’m almost there now. Just gotta find a gallery that will exhibit me.”

  “You will.”

  “One day you’ll finish your studies, you can’t give up.”

  “I hope so.” She paused for a moment. “Are you using any of the pieces from your freelance work in your portfolio?”

  “No.” There was a hard edge to his voice, and she wondered if she had offended him, when he spoke again. “I try and forget that part of my life.”


  “I worked in a lot of war-stricken countries and I wouldn’t wish the sights I saw on my worst enemy.”

  “I’m sorry, Mitch.”

  “It’s all good. It helped me to grow up a lot. When I went over there, I was an innocent rich kid who took his life for granted.” He paused. “Though I guess I didn’t grow up that much.” Pink colored his cheeks again.

  “I don’t care about the things you did, Mitch. I admit it did put me off, the womanizing thing, but there is more to you than that.”

  “I guess.” He shrugged. “Anyway, I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. Stay put, I’ll be back.”

  Mitch disappeared inside, returning with a plate holding two mouth-watering steaks. Isabelle pulled her chair closer to him while he cooked, and they chatted about their favorite authors and movies. They ate on the balcony and Isabelle was impressed by his barbecuing and salad making skills, as it tasted ever better than it looked.

  After dinner they finished the wine and, with prompting from Isabelle, Mitch told her about the places he’d visited and the good and bad aspects of his work. His face showed the toll of his experiences and she couldn’t help but wonder whether his bed hopping was his way of dealing with the horrors that plagued him.

  Time seemed to fly with Mitch. She hadn’t noticed the late hour and was shocked to see how much time had passed. She should head home. Once again, they walked hand in hand, but now neither of them felt the need to speak, enjoying the company. The walk seemed far too short and before she knew it, they were walking up the path to her apartment.

  At the door they stood staring at each other and Isabelle knew he didn’t want the evening to end as much as she didn’t. Their heated kisses and urgent hands sent shivers over her skin and it took everything she had to say goodnight. They arranged to see each other again the following afternoon and evening. With one last kiss, Isabelle sent him a reluctant wave and went inside.

  Tiptoeing to her room, she went to check on her little man and returned the covers he’d kicked off during sleep. Isabelle decided, at that moment, to bring Jesse along on her date with Mitch the
following day. She could tell him that Mitch is just a friend. It was too soon to say anymore. Concern almost made her change her mind but for some reason she felt it was safe for them to meet. Jesse wouldn’t get attached after one meeting and if it didn’t work out with Mitch, Jesse wouldn’t be too upset by it. Decision made.

  As she brushed the curls from her angel’s forehead, she hoped she wasn’t making a mistake.

  Chapter Nine


  The morning went too slow for both Isabelle and Jesse, who was excited about meeting Mitch. He’d already asked what seemed like hundreds of questions about him and thought it interesting that he took photographs. At last the time came for Mitch to arrive and when the knock at the door sounded it was Jesse who raced to the door with Isabelle in tow.

  Mitch waited outside nervously as the door opened to reveal a blonde curly haired boy with big blue eyes staring up at him. Mitch thought he must look like his father, as there appeared to be no resemblance to Isabelle, until he smiled, and he recognized the same wide friendly grin.

  Seeing Jesse surprised him. Did this mean that Isabelle planned to bring Jesse with them today? This thrilled Mitch, as it showed how much she trusted him. It made him more determined to be a better man for her and her family. Who would’ve thought that he would be falling in love and with a woman with a child? He most definitely had changed.

  He watched as Isabelle approached behind her son appearing fresh faced and casually beautiful with her hair tied up. Her flowing summery dress in yellow complimenting her skin and hair. How much longer could he control his desire for her?

  “Hello, I’m Jesse.”

  “Hey, Jesse. I’m Mitch. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Mitch shook his small hand and couldn’t help but notice that Jesse seemed to like it. Just like his nephew, he appeared to enjoy being treated as a ‘grown up’.

  Mitch’s wink over Jesse’s shoulder caused Isabelle’s blood to rush and she discovered it was a feeling she could get used to and look forward to. The pleasure in seeing him seemed to increase each time and she welcomed it. He looked fantastic again and she began to wonder how much longer she would be able to resist him and be content with just kisses, even if they were knee buckling ones. She craved to feel his hard body and the smooth skin beneath his shirt.

  They strolled to the park with Jesse between them holding their hands. Every now and again he would count down from three before jumping high with their aid. When they reached the park, Jesse raced off towards the playground as was customary, whilst Isabelle and Mitch located a nice shady spot nearby. Mitch sat as close as suitably possible in a public park.

  “He has your smile,” he said quietly.

  “Yes, but the rest is Adrian. It was difficult at first, the constant reminder. Now I’m just happy there’s something left of Adrian in the world. I cared deeply about him, but I was never in love with him. We were best friends who occasionally… well you know.” She smiled. “Jesse was so young when he died and it’s sad he never got to know his father. He needs a father figure so much.”

  “I plan to hang around, Izzy. You and Jesse are just what I’ve been searching for. I just didn’t know I was looking for it until I met you. I don’t intend to let that go.”

  The endearment caused her lips to lift and she made a decision then and there. “I want to stay with you tonight,” she whispered in his ear. Mitch wasn’t sure he’d heard her right.

  “Are you sure?”


  “What about Jesse?”

  “I’ll tell him I’m going to a sleep over.” She grinned.

  His pulse raced as he thought of touching her bronzed body. He was about to lean over and steal a kiss when Jesse ran back and plonked himself in front of them.

  “What’s in the bag?” he asked Mitch.

  “Jesse,” Isabelle protested.

  “It’s okay,” Mitch said. “I brought one of my cameras with me,” he told Jesse.

  “Can you take some photos of us?”

  “That was the plan,” he said, pulling his camera from the bag.

  Jesse went over to his mother and sat on her crossed legs before hugging her around the neck and gazing up at her. When she looked down at him, Mitch captured the moment.

  “We weren’t ready,” Jesse protested.

  “That’s the idea, Jesse. Natural photos are better than when you pose.” Bringing up the photos on the camera screen, Mitch said, “Here, see for yourself.”

  Jesse leapt up and plopped himself onto Mitch’s lap. As Mitch scanned through, Jesse looked at the pictures enthralled, while Isabelle watched her son sitting with the man she was falling in love with. He was a natural with children and relief swelled her heart. When she told Mitch she wanted to stay with him, it had been a hasty decision, but once said, it felt like the right one. Now that Jesse had met and obviously liked Mitch, she felt happier with her decision.

  While they played and ran in the park, Mitch continued to take shots of them singularly and together. They photographed beautifully as a twosome due to their contrasting coloring. As he watched Isabelle with her son, his heart warmed, and his affection grew.

  This hard working, professional model was simply a mother supporting and adoring her little boy. He wanted to do everything he could to help her fulfil her dreams and hoped one day she would allow him to do that.

  They left the park just before sunset and decided to have Jesse’s favorite for dinner- pizza- a luxury he rarely enjoyed. Isabelle appreciated Mitch’s gesture and his insistence on paying. Pizza was not in her budget.

  After consuming more than his share of their family pizza, it was Jesse’s bedtime. Several protests later and after much resistance she finally- with the help of an ice cream- convinced him it was time to leave. Subsequent to several goodnights to Mitch and one last browse through the day’s photos, Isabelle coaxed Jesse to bed while determining the best approach regarding her impending night away.

  “Jesse, honey, how would you feel if Mommy had a sleep over with Mitch?”


  She noted the hope in his voice and smiled. “No, sweetie, at Mitch’s house.”

  “Will you be here in the morning?” he asked, rubbing tired eyes.

  “Probably not before you wake up, but Nan will be here.”

  “That’s okay, Mommy. I like Mitch. Why do you want to stay at his house?”

  “Well, I guess I like him too and would like to spend some time with him.”

  “Can I see him again soon?” His little hand reached up to touch her face and her heart swelled with pride.

  “Yes, honey, you can. Right now, though, it’s time for bed. I’ll be back after breakfast, before I go to work, okay?”

  “Okay, Mommy. I love you.”

  “Love you lots, Jesse.”

  Leaning over, Isabelle kissed his cheek and after sufficient cuddles, tucked him in. He rolled over and promptly dropped off. Isabelle watched the rise and fall of his chest for several minutes, amazed by her wonderful and understanding son.

  Isabelle crept from the room and came out to find her mother laughing quietly with Mitch. It seemed his charm had won her over and relief filled her.

  “I’ll be home before work tomorrow,” she said as she approached them.

  “No rush, dear, have fun.” Carol winked, which caused her daughter to blush.

  The color in Isabelle’s cheeks was almost Mitch’s undoing and the urge to touch her, to love her, overwhelmed him. With a swift goodbye to Carol, he grabbed Isabelle’s hand and pulled her towards the door. Her soft chuckle could be heard as he closed it behind them.

  When they entered Mitch’s apartment, he took her bag and offered her a drink as he walked towards the kitchen.

  “No, thanks,” she whispered in his ear.

  His response was to drop her bag and turn to face her. Neither of them moved nor spoke for endless moments, both taking in every feature of each other’s faces. Mitch noticed her eyes became
a deep green color and there was no mistaking the look within them, as it mirrored his.

  Staring into his incredible blue eyes, Isabelle was overcome with desire, but found herself unable to move. It had been a while since she had ventured here, and him, well, she knew he’d had plenty of practice, and this struck her with nerves.

  Would she be enough in comparison to all those other beautiful women? Before she could allow her nervousness to take over, she let her desire win. She threw her arms around his neck and sought his lips with passionate abandonment.

  When she kissed him, his yearning threatened to consume him and it took all of his control not to take her then and there on the kitchen floor. Pulling her hair free, he buried his hands in the thick silkiness. Her hands were at his back tugging at his t-shirt.

  “I have to touch you,” she said between kisses.

  Yanking his shirt off for her, he proceeded to kiss her neck while she ran her hands over his chest and shoulders, heating his skin.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” he said in a hungry tone.

  Taking her hand, he guided her to his bedroom. He hadn’t shown her this part of the house the previous evening but she was too dazed to pay attention to her surroundings. Nerves almost threatened to overcome her as he eased her backwards towards his bed, hot kisses tracing the line of her neck and shoulder. After unzipping her dress and removing the straps from her shoulders, he followed the path with his eyes as it fell to the floor. With a gentle urging from him, she lay on his bed and he followed without hesitation.

  Her bronze skin looked smoother than he imagined, and he took all of her in before returning to ravish her soft supple lips. Bringing his lips to her neck, he inhaled her scent. Tasting her silky skin intoxicated him. With slow movements he worked his way down her neck, stealing a glance at her perfect bronze breasts and nipples before taking each one in turn into his mouth. Her hands gripped his shoulders and he thought she would surely leave marks, which only enticed him further.


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