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The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Joanne Sexton

  Carol would tell her to inform the police, but Isabelle wasn’t sure what to do. Was there anything the police could do? There was no direct threat, only an implied one. It was disconcerting that the writer referred to Jesse and knew Mitch by name. Though they were hardly secrets, was it really something to worry about?

  One thing about the letter struck home though. Was she making a mistake as a mother by exposing Jesse to Mitch? No, she decided, Mitch was simply a good guy who had made stupid choices. This didn’t make him a bad role model. In fact, he was the opposite as he had a loving and supporting family. She wasn’t going to let some letter writing stalker - was that what he was? - scare her away from Mitch.

  Although knowing it was naïve, she decided to keep this new letter to herself. She hoped once again if she ignored him, he would go away. Regardless of how foolish this idea could be, she decided with resolution to erase the whole business from her mind.

  Picking up her book, she flopped on the couch and opened to the first page. The hour passed and Isabelle realized she hadn’t read one word. Indecision clouded her mind and an uneasy feeling had wedged in her chest. Was this really the wise thing to do? Ignore it and hope it would go away? Isabelle wasn’t sure but pushed her fear aside and went to collect Jesse.

  On the walk home Jesse regaled her with stories of pre-school, but Isabelle listened with a distracted mind and she couldn’t help but check over her shoulder occasionally, wondering whether they were being watched right now. She shook her head, telling herself to stop being ridiculous. For the rest of the walk to the ice-cream parlor she focused her attention on her son.

  As Jesse tucked into his appetite-spoiling chocolate sundae, Isabelle’s phone rang and a smile leapt onto her face when she saw it was Mitch.

  “Hey, you.”

  “Guess what, Izzy!”

  “You found a gallery?”

  “Yes, I can’t believe it.”

  “I can.”

  “I’m meeting with the gallery owner next week to organize the opening.”

  “I told you it was fantastic work.”

  “Let’s celebrate! Bring Jesse over and we can have dinner together and you can both stay again.”

  “I don’t think we should stay again, Mitch. I don’t know if it’s good for him.” The moment the words left her mouth, she regretted them. She was allowing the letter to get to her, which is probably just what this ‘A’ wanted.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I just have other people’s interest to put first.”

  “Oh, okay, I’m sorry. I know we’re moving too fast. This is all new to me. I really wanted to share this with you, and Jesse.”

  “We want to share it with you too. Sorry, Mitch, I have other things on my mind. Of course, we would love to come. I think Jesse liked staying at your house more than home.” Isabelle would ignore ridiculous words from an unknown letter writer; they deserved to be happy.

  “Great,” he answered, but the zest in his voice, there a moment ago, was missing now. He was gone before she could say anything else.

  Annoyance caused her to clench her fists under the table and it took all her control to not allow Jesse to see it fill her face. She was annoyed at receiving these letters, annoyed that she didn’t know what to do about them and annoyed for letting it into her relationship with Mitch. While Jesse finished his ice-cream, she mulled over what to do and came no closer to the answer.

  An hour later they arrived at Mitch’s with their overnight bags. Mitch answered the door with a discouraged and subdued expression, and Isabelle’s heart sank. She was the cause and she needed to fix it.

  “Jesse, could you go and unpack your things and play for a moment while I speak to Mitch?”

  “Sure, Mommy,” he said, racing down the hall to what had become his bedroom.

  Her eyes sought Mitch’s and the disappointment in them almost broke her heart, before he lowered them to study his feet. Reaching up she brushed the hair from his eyes, and he flinched.

  “Mitchell.” She waited for him to look at her. “It isn’t because I didn’t want to celebrate or that I’m not excited about your exhibit. I was being cautious, and I overreacted. There is nowhere else I would rather be than here with you.”

  “No, I’m sorry.” His tone sounded like a boy who had been caught pulling the cat’s tail.

  “What for?” She ran her fingers down his jaw and rested them under his chin.

  “I got caught up in the excitement and I haven’t been thinking about what you need to do as a mother. I know I should back off a bit.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she said with a tender kiss on his soft lips. “I wouldn’t want you any other way. I was protecting Jesse, but I trust you, Mitch, and I realize now there is no reason to be scared.”

  “No, there isn’t.” His eyes met hers and they were filled with desire and love. “I don’t think you understand how much I want to be with you.” His hands cupped her face and his sky-blue eyes burned into hers, pouring his emotions from his to hers.

  “I do now,” she smiled. “Now where is my happy, less serious Mitchell?” This attracted the smile she was after. “Ah, there he is.”

  “So, pizza?” he asked.

  “Yes, please!” Jesse cried from behind Mitch - he’d returned without them noticing.

  “Sure,” she said with a small laugh. “I guess I’ll just have to jog further tomorrow.”

  Later that night, after she had wiped away Mitch’s concerns with passion, they lay side by side entwined.

  “So, I need a date for Jared’s wedding.”

  “Amber seems to like you. I’m sure she’ll go with you.”

  “Of course, I didn’t even think of her. I might have her number here somewhere…”

  “I’ve been wondering when you were going to ask me,” she said, giving his side a pinch and producing a boyish chuckle, which was new. She would like to hear that again.

  “I’m not. I’m going to ask Amber.”

  She pinched him again and his laughter was contagious.

  “Izzy,” he said once her assault on him had ceased. “I just assumed that you’d assume that you would be going with me, but I thought I had better make sure. Jesse can come too.”

  “We would love to go with you.” She paused. “Right now, though, I have other plans.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Nervous about his meeting with Valery, Mitch asked Isabelle to accompany him.

  In the car, she studied him for several moments trying to determine why he had the concentration crease between his eyebrows. His knuckles had gone white from gripping the steering wheel, so she placed a comforting hand on his leg as she spoke.

  “Are you nervous?”



  “What if she’s changed her mind?” His voice was filled with the doubt that clouded his expression.

  “Why would she?” she asked, squeezing his thigh.

  “Maybe she realized my work isn’t good enough.”

  “Of course it is. You’re really talented. I’ve told you many times.” She offered what she hoped was a reassuring smile when his gaze flicked to her before returning to the road.

  “You’re biased.”

  “No, Mitchell. You need to have more faith in yourself. Where is that confident self-assurance you have with women?”

  “Had,” he corrected.


  “This is my dream, Izzy. If this doesn’t work out and I have to keep earning money doing modelling shoots or even freelance, I’m going to go crazy. Working with you helps, at least.” He offered a slight smile, his nerves still showing through.

  “If she liked your work before, then it’s not going to be different now.” Her hand trailed up and down his thigh hoping to ease his tension.

  “If you keep doing that we won’t get there.” He grinned and she laughed, relieved to see desire rather than nerves shine in his eyes.

bsp; They pulled up outside the gallery and without saying a word Isabelle gave his hand an encouraging squeeze before getting out of the car. He took her hand in his as they entered the building.

  “Oh, here you are, darling,” gushed a petite, slim woman Isabelle guessed to be Valery. “It’s good to see you again. I’m very much looking forward to preparing the gallery for your opening.”

  Her velvety voice seemed to soothe Mitch, for his rigid stance relaxed a little beside her. His grip on Isabelle’s hand loosened too, much to her relief. She’d started to lose feeling in her fingers.

  “I’m looking forward to it too.”

  “Now who is this exquisite lady and why isn’t she in your collection?”

  “This is Isabelle and I would love to have a shot of her, if she’ll let me.”

  “Lovely to meet you, darling. Would you consider allowing this wonderfully talented young man to take your picture for the exhibit?”

  “It’s nice to meet you too. Of course, all he has to do is ask.” She squeezed his hand again and she could feel his loving gaze caress her face.

  “You only have a month to prepare,” Valery said, bringing his attention back to her, which was just as well. If he kept looking at her that way, she would have to kiss him. This shy, unsure Mitch and his desire-filled eyes were almost too much. Her limbs felt like liquid of a sudden. “I have scheduled the opening for the first weekend of next month.”

  “A week after the wedding,” Mitch said, turning to Isabelle.

  “Your wedding? How delightful! Is this a problem?”

  “No, not ours!” she said and, by the slight frown on his brow, she realized she been a little too vehement with her response.

  “My brother’s,” Mitch said. His voice sounded strange and she knew she had offended him again. Something she would have to make up for later. “No problem at all.”

  While Valery and Mitch ran through the details, Isabelle took in her surroundings. Although smaller than others she had visited or seen, the gallery’s contemporary feel ensured it was the perfect place for Mitch’s work. The intimate feel and modern furnishing suited him and his art. Her excitement grew as she listened to them and she could hardly wait to be on the arm of a ‘famous’ artist.

  Mitch seemed pensive on the drive home and Isabelle hoped she hadn’t insulted him too much. Comforting words were about to pass over her lips when he spoke first.

  “You don’t have to pose for me if you don’t want.”

  “I would be honored to be part of your collection.”

  “I have some ideas.”

  “We can do it tomorrow, if you want.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “Absolutely.” Silence filled the car again and Isabelle thought she needed to be sure she hadn’t offended him. Her vehemence when Valery asked if they were getting married had been a little strong. “I’m sorry if I sounded a bit harsh back there.”

  “You did?”

  His innocent expression wasn’t fooling her. She’d seen the hurt look in his eyes.

  “Yes, about it not being us getting married… it’s not that the idea doesn’t appeal to me, because it does. I’m just not that into marriage. I’ve seen too many of them fall apart.”

  “Think nothing of it. I used to feel the same way.”

  “Used to?” Her voice wavered a little over the words. It wasn’t like she was totally against the idea but talk of marriage was a little too soon for her liking.

  “Don’t panic, Izzy, I’m not picking out rings yet,” he said with a laugh.

  “I’m not panicking.”

  “Oh, yeah, you are. I’m the master at freaking out about commitment.”

  “Yes, I suppose you are.” They laughed again and her tension rolled away. He was right, what was she panicking about? A little voice inside her head reminded her of the letter. As she dismissed this thought, another stronger warning sounded, have you forgotten who he was? Could a womanizer really change? She ignored the concerns; he wasn’t that man anymore.

  “I’m thinking of doing a color shoot,” he said as he set up the lighting in his makeshift studio in one of the spare bedrooms. “To highlight those multi-colored eyes of yours.”

  “Multi-colored? They’re just green, aren’t they?”

  “No, they’re blue too. That’s why I’m going to light you in both colors.”

  “You’re the artist.”

  Isabelle watched him as he focused on setting up the camera and lighting. His face contorted in concentration in the adorable way she was coming to love. Love? Was this the feeling filling her with desire and contentment? With a sudden thud of her heart she realized that was exactly what it was.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Mitch asked, looking up from the lens.


  “I have to concentrate, Izzy.”

  “I’ll get ready.”

  “That would be helpful.” His smirk followed, so she poked her tongue out before giggling. He shook his head and went back to concentrating. She slipped off her clothes and lay on her stomach beneath the white sheet they placed on the bed for the shoot. The lights crossing together made a lovely sea green across the stark white. This was how Mitch saw her eyes.

  When his glance returned to her, she propped herself up on her elbows, the sheet wrapped around her nakedness in what she thought would be a sensuous but artistic way. He stared at her without speaking and she wondered what was going through his mind.

  “Why are you naked?” he asked, his voice thick with desire and surprise.

  “I thought it would be better this way.”

  “I did too but wasn’t sure if I would offend you if I asked. I can’t believe we were thinking the same thing.”


  He nodded. She smiled and without further words he began to shoot. She didn’t pose as she would normally, but stared at him, pouring her feelings for him from her eyes towards him and the camera. It felt natural, posing for him without having to sell anything. Just two lovers together, their chemistry and connection captured. He shot more than she’d anticipated, but they were enjoying themselves.

  After taking shots of her lying back looking towards the camera, he stopped, came over to her and seized her in a passionate embrace, his lips urgent and hungry. Soon his clothes were discarded too.

  Later, excited to see the results, Isabelle urged Mitch to get up. “Go get your camera so we can have a look.”

  “Might be a bit hard to do without developing them in my darkroom.”

  “Darkroom? Isn’t it a digital camera?”

  “Not this one.”

  “So, you actually have a darkroom?”

  “Yes, downstairs.”

  “I thought you printed your photos on the computer.”

  “I do sometimes, when I use the digital camera, like that day in the park with you and Jesse. But for my other prints I use film.”


  “Yeah, the developing is part of the process and art of it all. I started off this way, before everything went digital. Without my darkroom I would be lost, it’s all part of the fun.”

  In the darkroom, she watched impatiently as he went through the developing process and, eager as she was to see the results, watching him in his element was something she felt grateful for. This was part of the many layers of Mitch.

  Once the photos were all hanging and drying, they looked at each one in turn together.

  “I want you to help me choose one.”

  “You’re the artist, Mitch.”

  “I want you to be comfortable, though.”


  After looking at each one in turn, twice, they both agreed on one of the first frames he’d shot. Her smile was on the verge of a laugh, which balanced her seductive pose and was one of the more natural shots.

  Isabelle watched again as he enlarged the print and set about developing it, then framing it. Watching him caused desire to warm her blood, but she subd
ued it and waited for him to finish.

  “I don’t know if I want this image sold,” he said as he held it up for her examination.

  “Oh, if it isn’t artistic enough… or isn’t right or I didn’t…”

  His laugh cut her off. “No, silly, I don’t know if I want some guy seeing you like this on his wall.” He winked.

  “Oh, in that case, perhaps you had better hang it on your wall instead.”

  “Great idea, I can stare at it when you’re not here.”

  Isabelle giggled. “I like the sound of that.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Every spare moment between shoots, they spent together as a twosome or threesome.

  Trips to the park, zoo, movies and any other fun-filled, child-friendly activities were undertaken during the weeks leading up to the wedding and gallery opening.

  Isabelle was astounded by Mitch’s energy and patience with Jesse. He never tired of doing everything Jesse wanted to do. Each night, after a full day, Jesse would fall asleep quickly and contented in what he now called his room in Mitch’s apartment. They spent more nights there then they did at home.

  Her concern for Carol grew as she left her alone more often than not during the night. Carol reassured Isabelle she enjoyed the extra alone time and freedom.

  Now they were also doing all of their shoots together, Mitch and Isabelle discovered newfound love of their work. Although they had different aspirations, modelling shoots for both of them became more enjoyable.

  Having Isabelle and Jesse staying most nights solidified his desire to have them around fulltime. Mitch contemplated asking both, along with Carol, to move into his apartment, but hadn’t found a way to broach the subject. The mornings he woke up alone increased his need to have her with him. Waking up with Isabelle thrilled him more than he ever thought possible.

  When they’d been together a month, Mitch organized for Carol to sit with Jesse at Isabelle’s apartment so as to spend some alone time with Isabelle. He intended to ask her to share the apartment with him.


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