London’s Triumph

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London’s Triumph Page 37

by Stephen Alford

  Jenkinson, Judith (née Marshe) here, here

  Jenyns, Stephen here

  Jerusalem here

  Jewel (ship) here

  Jews here, here

  John the Evangelist (ship) here

  Johnson, Richard, The Pleasant Walkes of Moore-fields here–here

  Johnson, Richard and Robert (of Muscovy Company) here

  Jonson, Ben here, here

  The Alchemist here

  Bartholomew Fair here, here

  Catiline, His Conspiracy here, here

  Every Man in his Humour here, here, here, here

  Judde, Sir Andrew here

  Judith (ship) here

  Justice, Elizabeth here

  Kara Sea here

  Katherine of Aragon, Queen here, here

  Katherine Wheel Alley here

  Kazan here

  Ketel, Cornelis here, here

  Kholmogory here, here

  Killingworth, George here, here, here

  Knightrider Street here, here

  Knights of St Thomas of Acre here

  Knights Templar here

  Knightsbridge here

  Knowles, Thomas here

  Kosityn, Mikhail Grigor’ev here

  Kyd, Thomas, The Spanish Tragedy here, here

  Labrador Sea here, here

  Laet, Jaspar, Prognostication here

  Lambeth here

  Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire here

  Lancashire here

  Lancaster, James here, here

  languages here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Lapland here

  Latin (language) here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Leadenhall here

  Leadenhall Building here

  Legg Alley here

  Leo X, Pope (Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici) here

  Leonardo da Vinci here

  Levant Company here–here, here–here, here, here

  Limehouse here

  Lisbon here

  Little Carter Lane here

  Little Hall Island here

  livery companies here–here, here, here

  Livy (Titus Livius) here

  Llewelyn, John here–here

  Lok, John here

  Lok, Michael here, here–here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here

  Lok, Michael (younger) here

  Lok, William here, here

  Lok family here

  Lok’s Land here

  Lombard Street here, here, here, here, here, here, here


  Bishop of here, here

  Great Fire here, here, here–here

  as Londinium here–here, here

  Mint here

  mortality in here

  population here, here–here, here

  as ‘Troynovaunt’ here, here, here, here, here

  underworld here–here

  London Bridge here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here

  London Wall (formerly ‘Babeloyne’) here

  lord mayor, office of here–here, here

  Low Countries:

  and beer here

  book trade here

  Dee and here

  dialects here

  Thomas Gresham and here

  and Hanse merchants here

  William Lok and here

  merchants here, here–here

  ports here

  Protestantism in here

  and Spain here, here

  trade with here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here

  wars here, here, here

  see also Antwerp; Dutch

  Lower Thames Street here, here

  Lübeck here, here

  Lucca here

  Ludgate here

  Luther, Martin here, here, here

  Lynne, Walter (Wouter van Lin) here

  Machiavelli, Niccolò xii

  Machyn, Henry here–here

  Madagascar here

  Makarov, Feofan here

  Malabar here, here

  Malacca here

  Malay Peninsula here

  Mallerye family here

  Malynes, Gerard de here

  Mandeville, Sir John, Travels here, here, here, here, here

  Margaret and Elizabeth (ship) here

  ‘Mark-All, Martin’ here

  Marler, Walter here, here, here

  Marlowe, Christopher, The Massacre at Paris here

  marriage here–here

  Marshe, John and Alice here

  Marten, Naantgen here

  Martire d’Anghiera, Pietro here

  The decades of the newe worlde… here, here

  Mary and Grace (black women) here

  Mary I, Queen here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here–here, here, here

  see also Privy Council

  Mary Queen of Scots here

  Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor here

  Mayfield, Sussex here

  Medina, Pedro de, Regimiento de navegación here

  Mediterranean here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie: Or, The Walkes in Powles (attr. Dekker and Middleton) here

  Mercator, Gerardus here, here, here, here

  Mercers’ Company here, here–here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Merchant Taylors’ Company here

  Mermaid, Bread Street here

  Mexico here, here, here

  Michael (ship) here, here, here

  Middelburg here

  Middle East here

  Middle Temple here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Middleton, John here, here

  Middleton, Thomas here–here, here, here

  A Chaste Maid in Cheapside here–here

  Mierdman, Steven here

  migration into London here–here

  Milk Street here, here, here, here

  Ming dynasty here

  mints here

  missionaries here

  Mithras, cult of here

  Molucca Islands here, here, here

  monasteries here–here, here, here

  dissolution of here, here, here

  Monnocks, Sir George here

  Montague, Viscount here–here

  Moorfields here, here, here, here–here, here, here

  Moorgate here

  Mor, Anthonis here

  morality plays here

  More, Sir Thomas here, here, here, here, here, here–here

  Utopia here

  Moscow here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Kremlin here, here, here

  Mount Oxford here

  Mountjoy family here

  Mughal empire here, here

  Münster, Sebastian here

  Cosmographia here, here

  Murād III, Sultan here–here

  Muscovy Company here, here

  and Anglo-Russian trade here–here, here–here, here, here–here

  and Cathay venture here

  and competition here

  and East Indies project here

  financing of here, here, here

  fleet here

  foundation here, here

  Frobisher and here

  members here–here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Persia here

  royal charter here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Smythe and here

  trading charter here

  see also Muscovy House; Nepea, Osip

  Muscovy House here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Muslims here

  Naples here, here, here

  Nashe, Thomas here, here, here

  navigation here, here, here, here, here, here

  books on here, here, here–here, here–here, here–here

  Hakluyt on here

  rights o
f here, here

  Spanish here

  Neidhart, Seiler, Ducci and partners here

  Neolithic era here

  Nepea, Osip here–here, here, here, here, here

  Netherlands see Low Countries

  New England here

  New Fish Street here

  Newberry, John here, here

  Newgate here, here, here

  Nieuport here

  Nogai here, here

  Norden, John here

  Norfolk here, here

  Norlande, Thomas here

  North Africa here, here, here

  North America here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here

  North Atlantic Ocean here

  North Carolina here

  North Pole here, here

  North Sea here

  Northampton here

  Northampton, Earl of here

  Northamptonshire here, here

  Northumberland, John Dudley, 1st Duke of here, here

  Northwest Passage, search for here

  Norway here, here, here, here

  Norwich here

  Nova Scotia here

  Nova Zembla (Novaya Zemlya) here

  Nunes, Hector here

  Nuremberg here

  Oecolampadius, Johannes here

  Offley, Sir Thomas here

  Old Change here

  Old Company here

  Order of the Garter here

  Ortelius, Abraham here, here, here, here, here

  Ortelius, Elisabeth here

  Osborne, Edward here, here–here

  Osterley Park, Middlesex here

  Ottoman Empire here, here–here

  Our Lady of Grace monastery here

  Oxford, John de Vere, 17th Earl of here

  Oxford, University of here, here, here, here

  Christ Church here

  Paddington here

  Paesschen, Hendryck van here

  pamphlets see books and pamphlets

  panoramas here

  papacy here, here

  Paris here, here, here

  mint here

  Notre-Dame Cathedral here

  Paris Garden here

  parish churches here, here–here, here, here, here, here–here

  parishes here

  Parliament here

  Paternoster Row here

  Payne, John here

  Pegu here

  Peloponnese here

  Penang here

  Penn, Sir William here

  Pennsylvania here

  Pepys, Elizabeth here

  Pepys, Samuel here

  Percyvale, John here

  Persia here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Shah of here–here, here

  Persian Gulf here, here

  Peter, Goodwife here

  Petre, Sir William here

  Petty France here

  Pevsner, Sir Nikolaus here

  Philip II, King of Spain here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here

  Philip and Mary (ship) here

  Philippes (agent of Duke of Alba) here

  Phillips, Fabian here

  Philpot Lane here

  Pilkington, Bishop James here

  Pimlico here

  piracy here

  Pissing Alley here

  Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire here

  Pitsligo Bay here

  plague here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Plymouth here

  Poland here, here, here

  Pope’s Alley here

  Pope’s Head, Lombard Street here, here

  Porder, Richard here–here

  Port Royal here

  Portugal here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here

  Potts Alley here

  Poultry here

  poverty here–here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here

  Prague here

  preachers here–here, here, here, here

  Preston, Goodwife here, here

  Preston, John here

  Priam, King here

  Primrose (ship) here

  printers here–here, here

  in Antwerp here

  privateering here, here, here

  Privy Council:

  censorship here

  of Edward VI here, here–here, here, here–here

  of Elizabeth I here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here

  of Mary I here–here, here

  and Royal Exchange here

  and strangers here

  prostitution here, here

  Protestantism here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  iconoclasm of here

  literature here

  Protestant refugees here

  Ptolemy here, here

  Pynson, Richard here, here

  Pytchley, Northamptonshire here, here

  Quazvin here

  Queen Elizabeth’s Foreland here

  Queenhithe here, here, here, here

  Ralegh, Sir Walter here, here, here, here, here, here

  Randolph, Thomas here

  Recorde, Robert here, here, here, here

  Castle of Knowledge here–here

  Red Lion theatre here

  Red Sea here, here, here, here

  Reformation here, here, here, here, here

  Regensburg here

  Reigate here

  Revett, Thomas here

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua here

  Reynolds, Nicholas here

  Ribault, Jean here–here

  Terra Florida here–here, here, here

  Richard II, King here

  Richmond Palace here

  Rivers, Elizabeth (née Barne) here–here

  Rivers, John here

  Roanoke Island here, here

  Rochdale, Lancashire here

  Roebuck (ship) here

  Rogers, Daniel here–here

  Romans here–here

  Romney, Sir William here

  Rose theatre, Southwark here

  Rosetta here

  Rotterdam here

  Royal Commission on Historical Monuments here

  Royal Exchange here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Royal Exchange (ship) here

  Russia (Muscovy) here, here, here–here, here–here, here, here–here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Rutland, Earl of here

  St Andrew Hubbard here

  St Andrew Undershaft here, here

  St Antholin’s here–here, here, here–here, here, here

  St Bartholomew the Less (St Bartholomew near the Exchange), church and parish of here, here– here, here, here–here, here

  St Bartholomew’s Hospital here, here

  St Benet Sherehog here

  St Botolph without Aldgate here

  St Dunstan in the East (parish) here, here, here

  St Giles-without-Cripplegate here

  St Gregory by St Paul’s here, here

  St Helen, Bishopsgate here, here, here

  St James’s Palace here

  St Katherine, hospital of here

  St Laurence Lane here

  St Lawrence Jewry here, here, here, here, here, here

  St Magnus the Martyr here

  St Martin Outwich here

  St Martin’s here

  30 St Mary Axe (’The Gherkin’) here

  St Mary le Bow here

  St Mary’s Spital here

  St Matthew’s church, near Cheapside here

  St Michael Cornhill here, here

  St Michael Paternoster here, here

  St Michael (Wood Street) here

  St Nicholas Lane here

  St Nicholas (port) here, here, here, here, here

  St O
lave, Hart Street here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here

  St Paul’s Cathedral here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  St Paul’s Churchyard (St Paul’s Cross) here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  St Paul’s School here, here, here, here

  St Peter Le Poor here

  St Peter’s Cornhill here, here

  St Sepulchre-without-Newgate here

  St Sithe’s Lane here

  St Stephen Walbrook here

  St Thomas of Acon here

  hospital here–here, here, here

  mercers’ chapel here, here

  St Thomas’ Hospital here

  Salzburg here

  Sanderson, John here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here

  Savoy Hospital here

  Scandinavia here, here, here

  Scheldt, river here, here, here

  Schutz, Jonas here, here, here–here

  Scotland here

  Seething Lane here, here, here, here, here

  Seres, William here, here

  Seville here, here

  Shaa, John here

  Shakespeare, William here, here, here, here, here

  Hamlet here

  1 Henry IV here

  King Lear here

  Love’s Labour’s Lost here

  Measure for Measure here

  The Merchant of Venice here, here–here, here, here–here, here

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream here

  Romeo and Juliet here

  scene in Sir Thomas More here–here, here–here

  The Tempest here

  Timon of Athens here

  Shaw, John here

  Shaxton, Nicholas here

  Sheffield here

  Shelley, Thomas and Mistress here

  Shemakha here

  Ship tavern here

  Shirvan here, here

  Shoemans, Wouter here

  Shoreditch here, here, here

  Sidney, Sir Henry here, here, here

  Sidney, Sir Philip here

  silk-weavers here

  Silver Street here

  Sir Thomas More (play) here–here, here–here

  Sir Thomas Smithes voiage and entertainment in Rushia here

  Skinners’ Company here, here, here

  slave trade here, here

  Smith, Sir Thomas here

  Smithfield here

  Smythe, Alice here, here

  Smythe, John here

  Smythe, Sir Thomas here, here–here, here, here, here

  Smythe, Sir Thomas (elder) here–here

  Soame, Sir Stephen here

  Soenen, Thomas here

  soldiers here, here, here

  Somar’s quay here

  Somerset here

  Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of here

  Somerset House here

  South America here

  South Carolina here, here

  Southampton, Earl of here

  Southwark here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here


  Casa de la Contratación here, here, here, here


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