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New Beginnings: Holiday Novella Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 5.5 (Barrington Billionaires)

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by Jeannette Winters

  “We could go to my apartment.”

  Myla sucked in a deep breath. There was no way was she going to his apartment. “Oh, I don’t think so,” she stated firmly.

  “It was an innocent offer. Nothing more.”

  His words sounded sincere, but there was a look in his eyes that said otherwise. “I’m sure there are other places we could go.” She knew her dorm wasn’t one of them either.

  “So where do you want to go?”

  She hadn’t taken the time to explore Boston. She could make it to her classes and local places to eat. Nothing struck her as a place she could take Leon. Then she remembered Alex’s offer to use his study at his home anytime. Showing up with a strange man probably wasn’t what he had in mind when he made the offer.

  Opening her bag once again, Myla slipped her laptop inside. Although she wanted to make a bit more money today, she couldn’t think of any other place that would be suitable and open. “I think we should skip it today. Your exam is not until next week. I think it’s best if I use this time to study for some of my other courses.”

  She was all studied out. If she looked at her notes anymore, her head would explode. There came a point of overthinking things, and she was there. Never thought someone could become OCD about schoolwork.

  Myla had anticipated an argument from Leon, but surprisingly there wasn’t one. “Sounds good. Maybe Friday night?”


  “Yes. I know this great little pizza parlor. It quiets down around ten. How do you feel about a late-night study time?”

  It sounded absolutely ridiculous, but it wasn’t as though she was busy. “Okay, tell me where to meet you.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven thirty.”

  She shot him a puzzled look. “I thought you said ten.”

  “We study at ten. I thought maybe it’d be nice to have dinner first. What do you say, Myla? Is it a date?”

  Date? Her heart raced. She was twenty-four years old, and she’d never been on a date. There were good reasons for that, but nonetheless, she knew nothing about dating. It wasn’t as though she wasn’t attracted to him, but it was obvious Leon was far more experienced than she was. At least in some areas.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Myla said, her voice cracked slightly, giving away her uncertainty.

  “Because you don’t like pizza?” Leon asked, arching a brow. She couldn’t tell if he was playing with her.

  “I love pizza. It’s more about . . . keeping this business.”

  “That’s easily solved. You don’t have to tutor me any longer.” He got up from his seat and said, “So I’ll see you at seven thirty.”

  He waited for her response. She wanted to say no. This was going to go badly. Instead of studying, she knew she’d be thinking about how many different ways she could screw up her first date. If she wanted to date, it would be with someone like Leon. Smart and sexy as heck. Before she knew it, she was nodding her acceptance, and he was heading out of the door. She didn’t remember giving him her address, but somehow she knew she’d be hearing from him before Friday. Or maybe that’s wishful thinking.

  Leon had ignored the vibration of his phone the entire time he’d been with Myla. He had no doubt it was his mother. She’d been hounding him for days. As soon as he got back to his apartment, he called her. If he put her off any longer, she’d probably call the state police, requesting someone check on him. Someday, Mom, you’ll get it. I am not MIA. I just don’t want to hear the same bullshit over and over again.

  She picked up on the first ring, not a good sign. “Napoleon, where have you been? I’ve been worried about you. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, Mother. Everything is fine.”

  “Then you’re coming home for the holidays, correct?”

  And here we go. “Mother, we’ve had this discussion already. You’re going to have to celebrate without me.”

  “Napoleon, you know I want all my children home with me.”

  Don’t I know it. “We aren’t children any longer.”

  He could hear her frustration as she gasped at his comment. She excelled at being overly dramatic. It worked wonderfully with his father, but over the years, it had lost its power with him and his siblings.

  “Are you trying to break your dear mother’s heart?”

  He knew he was going to regret calling her, but this wasn’t anything he hadn’t expected or heard before. “I’m just stating facts, Mother.” It wasn’t that he didn’t love his mother, but she was overbearing and had overstepped her role more times than he could count.

  “I expected as much. I have made arrangements for you so you won’t be alone.”

  “What does that mean?” Please don’t tell me you’re all coming to Boston.

  “Your father has called a business acquaintance of his, and he’s agreed to have you join him and his family for Christmas.”

  Oh hell no. His tone rose as never before with his mother. “I don’t care who or what arrangements you have made. I want you to cancel them.”


  “It’s Leon. And I’m not joking.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “That I have my own plans for the holidays.”

  “But Dean Henderson has already agreed to—”

  “Henderson?” Leon remembered meeting him several years back. It was one of the first deals he’d tried making on his own. Dean had been out for blood, and, one might say, he didn’t play by the rules. Leon lost that battle, but when Dean went up against Leon’s father, he didn’t fare as well. One shark to another. They were both ruthless in business. It’s what was expected to be successful. I’ve done my share of cutthroat deals, and that’s exactly why I don’t want anything to do with the family business. “That sounds more like a holiday you and father would enjoy. I have another call coming in. I have to take this. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Napoleon, I really think—”

  “Sorry Mother. This call is important. I have to go. I’ll call you later.” He disconnected the call.

  He loved his family, but they were focused on one thing only. Networking to the next big moneymaker. Leon knew exactly why they’d called Dean Henderson. It wasn’t about Leon being alone. There was something going on, and his family wanted him to find out what. The only problem with that plan is that I have no interest in playing either of your games.

  Leon put his phone back in his pocket and leaned back on the couch. He was able to shut his mother down this time, but he knew she was pushy and persistent. If he were a gambling man, he guessed he’d hear from her or his father by the weekend. They were used to getting their way, and it infuriated them to know Leon played by his own set of rules.

  He closed his eyes and thought back to something more pleasant. Myla. What is your story? I know you wanted to say yes, but you hesitated. What held you back? What made you finally say yes?

  Leon smirked knowing part of the answer. It was the reason he’d asked her. The attraction between them couldn’t be denied. Of course with their major age difference, it also couldn’t be acted upon either. Why am I putting myself through this torture?

  The answer was simple. Not seeing her again was even worse.

  Chapter Four

  Myla had spent the rest of the previous day back home in her dorm. It had started snowing again. She’d been looking forward to her first snow experience, but after learning they had to cancel classes due to the weather, she wasn’t fond of it.

  As she peered out her window, she saw snowplows driving by. Outside looked like a ghost town. The wind whipped by so fiercely her windows rattled. Maybe I should be glad they closed the school. She heard her cell phone ringing across her single dorm room. Walking around her bed, she answered without checking who it was. There weren’t many people who had her number.


  “Hi, Myla, are you home?”

  “Hi, Ziva. I sure am. Everything around here is closed up tight.”
/>   “Great. Alex and I are on our way to pick you up. We should be there in five minutes. Pack a bag with what you need, and you can spend the rest of the week with us.”

  “Why?” She heard Alex laughing in the background. “Did I say something funny?”

  “Myla, have you watched the news? We are in blizzard conditions. People have lost power all over the city. There is no way we’re leaving you alone.”

  She could almost laugh. The dorm was filled with activity 24/7. Alone was something she’d never be. “I have everything I need here. There’s no reason to make that trip.”

  “You mean besides the fact that Alex won’t rest until he knows you’re with us, safe and sound?”

  They had the most beautiful place just outside of Boston. She would have to be crazy not to take them up on their offer, but she didn’t want to intrude. That was their place, not hers. “And what am I supposed to do there that I can’t here?”

  “Well, for starters you can help me try out this new recipe I found.”

  Cooking? It was something she honestly enjoyed doing. She didn’t remember sharing that tidbit with anyone, so they weren’t using that as a ploy to get her to agree. “What exactly are we cooking?”

  Ziva laughed this time. “Guess you’ll find out when you get in the kitchen. Now get off the phone and pack your stuff. We are already outside waiting for you.”

  Myla walked back to the window and saw a limo parked outside. “Be down in two.” She hung up the phone and threw some clothes in an overnight bag. Then she put her laptop back in her backpack, which she still hadn’t reorganized. At least it will give me something to do while I’m at their house.

  It didn’t take her long to make her way down the stairs and into the waiting limo. She hadn’t been outside long, but she could tell this snow was different from the other one. It stung her face as it made contact. She hated to admit it, but she was glad they had come and picked her up. She couldn’t picture trying to make her way around the city to get something to eat. I think I’d rather starve than freeze to death.

  Once they were back at their house, Ziva had Myla settle in the guest room she’d stayed in when she first arrived many months earlier. It was exactly as she’d left it. They had told her it was her room anytime she wanted it. They’d wanted her to stay there instead of at the dorm, but she’d insisted on making this a true college experience. I’m not sure I’m getting it.

  She knew it was mostly her own fault. People had invited her to parties on weekends, and she’d kindly declined. After a while, they stopped asking. Would that happen with Leon if I didn’t go? Would he just stop? Myla didn’t want to find out. Although she was shaking on the inside, part of it was the excitement of seeing him again. I’m going on this date, and nothing is going to stop me. She remembered how slippery the roads were on the ride here. Not even the snow.

  She hadn’t shut her bedroom door, and out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ziva walking by. Myla needed to talk to someone about Leon. Alex wasn’t the person she could confide such a thing to. If anything he’d be researching every little thing about Leon, and she’d never get to leave this house.

  Myla called out, “Ziva, do you have a minute to talk?”

  Ziva came right to her door and said, “Always. What do you need?”

  Myla waved for her to come in, and she peeked her head out to make sure Alex wasn’t anywhere around. Then she closed the door behind her. When she turned around, she could see the concern in Ziva’s eyes.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Myla walked over and sat on the bed. “Yes, I think so. I’m not sure. I need a woman to talk to.”

  Ziva arched her brow and came over and sat on the bed beside her. “Now you really have my attention. I know this look.”

  “What look?”

  “The one we get when we’re thinking about a certain man. Does this someone have a name?”

  Myla blushed slightly and nodded. “Leon.”

  “And where did you meet him?” Ziva asked.

  “He showed up in one of my anatomy lectures. Kind of odd because I’ve never seen him before.”

  “From what you’ve told me, you focus solely on the instructor so maybe you never noticed him.”

  “Oh, I’d have noticed him.” She knew as soon as the words left her mouth she’d revealed a bit too much.

  “Really? He’s that good looking?” Ziva teased.

  It really wasn’t all about his looks. Although he wasn’t lacking in that one bit. There just was something else about him. She’d spent the last few days trying to pinpoint it. Was it his confidence that she found sexy? Or could it be his intelligence? There were so many things that jumped to mind, but not one specific thing. “He’s very handsome.”

  “I don’t think you closed the door just to tell me that.”

  “No. He asked me out.”

  Ziva smiled. “Nice. And when is this going to take place?”

  “Friday night. We’re going for pizza.”

  “Perfect. He can pick you up here, and we can meet him first.”

  Oh, shoot. “Actually, he’s supposed to pick me up at my dorm.” She didn’t know much about him. Alex was probably just a few years older than Leon, but he was very protective of Myla.

  “That’s easy. Just give him this address.”

  She knew Ziva was trying to help, but that was not the issue. “That’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess I got carried away. What is it?”

  “I’m not sure about going. I have my studies and . . . I don’t know if this is the right time.”

  Ziva chuckled. “Is there such a thing? I know you like to plan everything, but that’s not how things work. Definitely not things of the heart. Look at Alex and me. I wasn’t looking for him, and from what he’s told me, he wasn’t in Tabiq looking for love either. And here we are today. I can’t picture my life without him in it.”

  Love? I’m only talking about a date. “I think you’re moving a bit fast for me. I mean this is my first date.”

  “Those are always nerve-racking. And you can’t compare it to your dates with anyone else either because—”

  “I’ve never had one.”

  Ziva looked closely at her. “Never had one what? A date?”

  Myla nodded. “You know what it was like back home, Ziva. We were hidden away for as long as we could be. So now I’m here and twe—” She’d almost let her true age slip. Thank God, I caught myself. That would’ve been bad. “Eighteen and have no clue what to do. I’m going to make a fool of myself.”

  Ziva placed a hand on Myla’s shoulder. “No, you’re not. If he can’t see you for the wonderful woman you are, he’s not worth knowing.”

  Myla knew Ziva was right. But what Ziva didn’t know was her little secret. It was one she was going to have to keep from Leon as well. How could he see her heart if she was hiding a large piece of who she was? The saying that age doesn’t matter wasn’t really true. Her age and experiences were what made her who she was today. Not being able to share such things was like putting up a wall. One that Leon wouldn’t even know was there.

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “I know I am. You know, we’re about the same size. Why don’t you come to my room, and we’ll see what I have that you can borrow for this date of yours.”

  Ziva had such beautiful clothes; Myla could only imagine what her closet looked like. Her life had changed so much since meeting Alex, but neither of them was pretentious. They were both people she was proud to call friends. Myla had to remind herself that everything they did was because they truly cared for her. Since she was far from her home and family, it was nice knowing there were people here she could trust.

  “I’d like that. My wardrobe works for school, but I want to look a bit different, if you know what I mean.”

  Ziva gave her a playful wink. “Then I think I know the perfect outfit. It’s a sweater dress that will keep you warm in this wea
ther, but it hugs the right places. That with a black belt and my black high-heel boots will look awesome on you.”

  “Warm sounds good.” But I am never cold when I’m around Leon.

  They headed to Ziva’s room and spent the remainder of the day trying on clothes and laughing at some of the styles. When Myla finally made it back to her room, her arms were overflowing with not only an outfit for Friday night, but enough to last her for months of dates. Stop planning. You have to get through the first one before you can think there’ll be a second.

  Leon had tried calling Myla, but it had gone straight to voicemail. He didn’t leave a message. What was there to say? It made no sense that he was worried about her, but he was. The snow was piling up a few inches every hour. He’d spent many winters in Boston, but this one was far from pleasant. It seemed colder than usual, and he hadn’t seen this much snow before Christmas.

  As he flipped through the channels, the local weatherman stated schools and colleges would be closed again tomorrow. That was fine with him since he wasn’t missing much. It was Myla who concerned him. He’d seen her folder and the classes she had. She had a full schedule, and losing out on so much could affect her grade. I bet she’s spending every second of this downtime studying.

  That was the only thing that prevented him from driving to her dorm. Although she hadn’t told him which one she lived in, he’d seen the address on an envelope that had fallen from her bag. He hadn’t intentionally memorized it. Was it his fault he had a photographic memory? Leon wasn’t sure she’d see it that way, and he didn’t want to look like a stalker.

  He opted for a text message. “You wanted snow. You got snow.”

  “Can I take back my request?” Myla replied.

  Good. She still has a sense of humor. That must mean she was okay. His phone rang, and he answered it right away.


  “Hi, this the Napoleon Oliveira?”

  That wasn’t the sweet voice of Myla that he was expecting to hear. “Who’s this?”


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