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Lorne (The Dark League 1)

Page 7

by Melody Adams

  “Don’t fidget like that,“ Charleene urged me quietly.

  She was standing next to me as my blood sister, a sort of witness, and we were waiting for Lorne and his blood brother Sean.

  “There they are!“ said Charleene quietly and I turned my attention from my skirt seam to the door where Lorne and Sean were just entering. Cheering greeted them. Lorne’s eyes fell upon me and I saw that he had suspiciously wet eyes. Love took my breath away and I grabbed Charleene’s hand.

  “Everything’s OK. You see? There they are. He hasn’t changed his mind,“ Charleene joked, but I was not in the mood for joking. I felt quite miserable with anxiety.

  Lorne look stunning. As his family had Scottish roots he was wearing a traditional kilt in green and blue, with a white shirt and boots. He did not take his eyes off me as he walked approached. He knelt down before me to fasten a small gold band around my right ankle, as a symbol of the fact that I belonged to him. Then he got up and gave me a beaming smile. Now it was my turn. I nervously took the somewhat thicker gold band from Charleene and knelt down before Lorne. I took his right wrist and put the gold bracelet around it. As I got up, Milton, who would lead the ceremony, stepped up to us and Lorne and I both stretched out our left arm. Milton took the ceremonial dagger from Sean. It had a silver blade and would leave a scar because wounds caused by silver never healed completely. Silver was the only thing to leave a scar on a vampire. Milton first drew the blade over the inside of Lorne’s forearm, then mine. I bit into my lip as the hot glowing pain went through me. Once we both had a heavily bleeding wound on our underarm, Sean stepped forward and first drank from Lorne, then from me. After that Charleene did the same. Finally Milton lay my arm on Lorne’s arm, wound on wound, so that our blood mixed and he wrapped a red cloth around our arms.

  There was indeed no five course menu like at my cousin’s wedding, as of course none of those present were in a position to eat anything, but to make up for it alcohol flowed in streams and it was a merry party. I felt quite euphoric with happiness and had to look over at Lorne again and again to feast my eyes on him and assure myself that I was not dreaming. He actually belonged to me now. The gold band with my name on was proof and I was his. I lifted the hem of my dress a little to admire the small gold band.

  “And you think you’ve won now?“ came a spiteful voice behind me. Goose bumps spread across my body. Davina! I had not seen her at the ceremony and thought that she would not take part. Her voice was so full of hatred that I had to breathe deeply first before confronting my arch rival. Slowly, I turned round to face her.

  “What do you want, Davina?“ I asked and was proud by how strong my voice sounded. Inside I was anxious and agitated but I managed to appear calm.

  “You won’t enjoy your happiness for long,“ hissed Davina, glaring at me angrily. “I’ll make sure of that!“

  With these words she walked away and left the hall. I stood as if frozen, trying to compute what had happened. Of course I had not counted on Davina’s blessing, but that had just been an unambiguous threat. I had not expected that.

  “Was that Davina just then?“ came Charleene’s voice next to me.

  I turned my head and looked at her, then I nodded, still disturbed by the unexpected meeting.

  “What did she want? I don’t think she was wishing you all the best for the future.“

  “No!“ I replied, breathing in deeply. “She threatened me!“

  “Threatened?“ my friend asked, horrified.

  “Shh! Not so loud! Don’t let anyone hear.“

  “What did she say?“ asked Charleene.

  “She said that she’d see to it that I would not enjoy my happiness for long.“

  “Damn! We have to report this. First we should let Lorne ...“

  “No!“ I said to her sternly. “No one is to find out about this.“

  “Why not? She’s threatened you!“

  “What’s she going to do then? Kill me?“ I laughed, although I was not in the mood for laughing. “I don’t think I have much to fear from her. She’s angry. That was to be expected.“

  “I’m not so sure that you’re right,“ said Charleene uneasily. “Davina’s a beast. She only thinks of her own ass and I believe her capable of all sorts. Don’t underestimate her! I won’t say anything right now but I’ve got my eye on her and if I get the feeling that she’s planning something then I’m going to Milton!“

  “OK! Deal!“ I said. I hoped that I was not making a huge mistake, letting Davina get away with her threat.


  Weeks passed and I began to forget about Davina’s threat. I enjoyed my happiness with Lorne. As I was now his mate I had changed from Milton’s team to Duncan’s where I could hunt side by side with my mate. There were nights when we had two or three missions and then again several days where nothing happened. We could patrol in small teams but we very rarely came across Renegades.

  “Hey, you two!“ came Sean’s voice and I looked up. Lorne and I were sitting in the big hall on one of the sofas and had been looking into space, arm in arm, as at the moment there was a real slack period – no tip-offs about Renegades for six nights.

  “Hi!“ I called back. Lorne only muttered and closed his eyes again, leaning his head back on the back rest.

  “Man, are you a dozy pair. I thought we could go and get something to eat together? I was thinking of Italian. Are you coming?“ Sean laughed at his own joke. He loved choosing a specific nationality as a victim and then saying that he had eaten Chinese or Mexican.

  “Thanks, but we’ve already eaten,“ replied Lorne with his eyes closed. “Fast food!“

  I snorted with laughter and even Lorne started chuckling next to me.

  “Fast food! OK! I thought you’d have a little more style, but fine, I’ll ask Charleene then.“

  “Yes, do that!“ replied Lorne, yawning loudly.

  Sean shook his head and turned away. I threw myself against Lorne’s chest, chuckling hysterically.

  “Fast food?“ I cackled. “Fast food? Aahaha. I must remember that one. Fast food!“

  Lorne put his arm round me and pulled me onto his lap.

  “I’d still like a little dessert,“ he murmured into my ear.

  “Oh! And what were you thinking of?“

  “Of you,“ he murmured, moving his teeth along my neck. A shudder ran over my body.

  “Sounds good,“ I agreed breathlessly. “But we should go to our room, don’t you think?“

  “Definitely,“ replied Lorne. It was actually not unusual for vampires to have sex amongst the others in the hall or anywhere else on the estate, but Lorne fortunately was not one of those who found pleasure in that sort of game.

  Lorne grabbed me under the knees and on my back and got up with me in his arms. I put my arms round his neck and snuggled my head under his chin. His scent filled my senses and the anticipation of what we were about to do made my pussy tingle. I put my head back a little and kissed Lorne on his jugular. I felt the throbbing under my lips and could not resist. I made my canines grow and dug them into Lorne’s neck. His taste filled my mouth and he groaned hoarsely.

  “If you don’t stop that right away then we may not make it into our room and I’ll take you right here and now!“

  With a sigh I pulled away from him and licked the two small wounds. Lorne had sped up his steps and almost flew up the stairs and along the corridor to our room. As there were now two of us we had been given a suite and it even had a big balcony. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door, then Lorne carried me inside and closed the door behind us with a kick. In front of the table Lorne put me on my feet and kissed me hungrily. I clambered onto him like someone drowning. Desire shot hotly like glowing lava through my veins and my clit pulsated longingly. I groaned as my nipples, that were now erect, rubbed against Lorne’s chest. The tearing of material could be heard as my mate pulled the shirt from my body. His hungry mouth found a nipple and sucked it between his lips. Exquisite pain shot in a
direct line straight to my sensitive pearl and I uttered a stifled cry. Then I felt his teeth break through the tender skin of my breast.

  “Oh God, Baby, yes!“ I gasped, aroused. He had never bitten me there before and it felt unbelievably good. He loved drinking from the inside of my thigh, near my pussy. Otherwise it was always my neck, rarely my wrist. But this was ... This was so indescribable. I felt my knees grow weak. Then he moved away from me and quickly pulled his shirt down. We both fumbled with the zips on our jeans and simultaneously pulled off the tiresome pieces of clothing. With one tug our shoes and socks were removed. Now we were both standing there dressed in pants.

  “Turn round!“

  I obeyed, my heart pounding, and let Lorne bend me over the table. His hands embraced my hips and he rubbed his pelvis on my bottom. I could feel his hard erection on my bottom and groaned longingly.

  “Fuck me, Lorne!“

  “Patience, my little one. Patience!“

  I murmured in protest and got a smack on my behind. It burned, but in a good – arousing way. With one tug he tore the panties from my body and one hand found its way confidently between my legs to my slippery femininity. I pushed myself against his fingers, wanting to get him to stimulate my pulsating clit.

  “Keep still!“ he groan, giving me a second smack with his free hand. I whimpered.

  His hand disappeared from between my legs and both hands were now on my behind, stroking the slightly tender flesh where he had smacked me.

  “You have such a magnificent behind!“ he said, kneading the flesh a little more firmly. “I’ve often wondered what it would be like to bite into your sweet arse.“

  I could almost see his grin of pleasure before me. I knew that he was licking his sensual lips without turning round to him. By now I knew him well enough. So I was not surprised when he suddenly placed kisses on my buttocks. I groaned quietly. Lorne’s mouth slid deeper and kissed my soaking wet opening and began to lick me. I pushed my behind towards him even more, howling as his tongue stroked my clit several times and shudders of pleasure shot through my body like electric currents. A finger slipped inside me, then a second. He fingered me and found my G-Spot. That made up for the fact that he had stopped licking me. He confidently massaged the small magic point and I felt a torrent of juice shoot out of me. I had actually heard of the female ejaculation but had never experienced it myself.

  “Good girl!“ murmured Lorne, licking me again, lapping up my juices whilst he continued to finger me. I came hard and again a torrent flowed out of my pussy. “Hmmm. I knew you could do it,“ murmured Lorne quietly to my bottom.

  “That I could do what?“

  “Ejaculate. You’re always so very hot and wet – I was sure that I could get you to open your little spring. The first time is the most difficult, then it gets easier and easier.“

  “And ... and you like that?“ I asked, a little uncertain. “I mean, it must be a real mess.“

  “I’m sure it feels like more than it actually is,“ he answered, laughing quietly. “I licked up most of it straight away. And yes, I like it. It turns me on. I can’t wait to push my cock into your wet cave and fuck you really hard!“

  His words were not wasted on me. Tingling anticipation spread through my pussy and as Lorne finally rammed his hard, large cock inside me, I cried out loud. He grabbed my hair with one hand and pushed my head back as he began to thrust hard inside me.

  “Oh ... Oh yesss!“ I cried. “Lorne!“

  “Yes, baby! That’s it! God, you feel unbelievable. Trisha!“

  He moved his hand to my clit and rubbed it in hard circles.

  “Come for me!“ he asked hoarsely and it only took a few more thrusts before the orgasm shook my whole body like an earthquake. My pussy closed more tightly around Lorne’s cock and he groaned. He grasped my hair more tightly and made me whimper with pain. Then he came inside me, shot his seed deep within me. He called out my name and tears of happiness ran down my cheeks. I loved this man with every damn fibre of my being.


  I wrinkled my nose in disgust as we entered the sticky little saloon – it stank of sweat, cheap perfume and still cheaper booze. Sean, next to me, snorted with revulsion, too.

  “Why do informants always have to choose such horrible places?“ he asked.

  “Fuck!“ I swore quietly. “No idea, man. I can hardly understand how a vampire can come here voluntarily. Does the damn son of a bitch not have a nose, or what?“

  “Come on! Let’s get this over with!“ said Sean and I followed him reluctantly through the smoky room to the bar where we were to meet our informant.

  Sean ordered us two beers in bottles. That way would come to the least harm in his filthy hole. We leant our backs against the counter and sipped on our beer whilst we looked around the room.

  “What time is the bum supposed to come?“ I asked after a few minutes that felt like hours to me.

  “At eleven. What time is it now?“

  I looked at my mobile.

  “Five past!“

  “Well, he’s sure to come at any moment. We shouldn’t expect a damn Renegade to put much store on things like punctuality.“ said Sean, putting his bottle to his mouth to empty it in one go. “Do you want another one, too?“

  “Yes!“ I answered, emptying my bottle too.

  Sean turned to the bar and held up his bottle.

  “Give us another two, yeah?“

  “The bum‘s probably lying somewhere doped up and we can wait here till we turn blue,“ I murmured. I did not want to spend the whole night here. I was missing Trisha. She had gone to the cinema with Charleene tonight and was probably now on her way back to the headquarters.

  Sean passed me another bottle of beer and I took a swig.

  “I don’t think he’s doped up,“ said Sean. “I’ve worked with him a few times and actually he’s pretty OK. He doesn’t think much of rules and he hates Victor like the plague, but he’s not a junkie. Actually, when I come to think of it, this saloon is not his style at all!“ Sean emptied his bottle and put it on the counter. “Damn it!“ he suddenly swore. “Why didn’t I think of that straight away?“

  “What?“ I asked, feeling uneasy.

  “I don’t think our informant will come at all.“

  “What? Why not?“

  “I should have realised straight away that something wasn’t right when we were ordered here. As I said, this dive is not his style. Up to now I’ve always met him in a park or in a quiet street. Never before has he met us in a saloon.“

  “Damn it! What’s going on? ... Do you think someone’s ordered us here to take us out? It’s possible that a few of these bastards are lurking about outside here now.“

  “Or for some reason someone wanted us out of the way. But why?“

  “That makes no sense. It’s more likely that someone’s in wait for us. We should call for reinforcement.“

  I was about to grab my mobile when it suddenly began to vibrate. I fumbled about for the telephone in my trouser pocket and looked at the display.

  “It’s Lothaire!“ I said, accepting the call. “Yes?“

  “Lorne! You must come to the headquarters immediately. I think you’ve been set up. Or has the informant turned up?“

  “No! That’s why I was about to call. We think the Renegades might have drawn us into a trap and wanted to ask you for back-up.“

  “That won’t be necessary. You weren’t drawn into any trap – you were drawn AWAY! Lorne. Please stay very calm now. I need to tell you something bad.“

  My heart missed a beat. Panic spread through my insides. No! It could not ... Nothing could have happened to Trisha!

  “Lorne, Trisha’s been – she’s been abducted!“

  “What?“ I shouted and Sean grabbed my arm, worried.

  “What’s wrong?“ he whispered.

  I waved him away so that I could understand what Lothaire was trying to explain to me.

  “She was with Charleene on the way back
from the cinema when the two women were attacked by six Renegades. Both women defended themselves as well as they could but the bastards were only after Trisha. Three of them dragged her away whilst the other three dealt with Charleene. She had done her best but she could not prevent your mate from being pulled into a car. We ...“

  “How’s Charleene?“ I asked.

  Lothaire sighed audibly.

  “She’s been badly knocked about but she’s on the way to recovery. We haven’t heard anything from the abductors yet but I’m presuming that they won’t do anything to Trisha. They probably want her as a bargaining chip or something. We ...“

  “They want me!“ he said grimly. “Gregory must be behind this, I’m certain! He wants me!“

  “I don’t know. We have another hunch that we’re following at the moment.“

  “And that would be?“

  “We did, of course, immediately look into who took and delivered the so-called call from the alleged informant and I’ll give you three guesses.“

  “DAVINA!“ I snarled.

  “Precisely! We thought you might like to interrogate her personally.“

  “You’re absolutely right!“ I said coldly.

  “Good! We’ll wait for you.“

  “See you soon. We’ll be with you in twenty minutes!“


  Every damn bone in my body was hurting and I felt sick. I tried to open my eyes but they seemed to be swollen.

  I groaned. Why did I feel so damn dizzy? Everything felt completely upside-down, aswell as the fact that I felt as though the underground train had rolled over me.

  “Well, take a look. The little one’s coming round,“ sounded a man’s voice that I had never heard before.

  “She doesn’t look like anything special,“ said a woman’s voice. “What does Lorne see in her?“

  “Sweetheart, if I was to knock you about like that, you wouldn’t look much better, believe me,“ replied the man.

  “What are you going to do with her now, Gregory?“


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