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Mr. Tucker

Page 11

by Justine Elvira

  I'm a teacher–a professional. This eighteen-year-old seductress–who's also funny, brightens my day, and I can't get her out of my head–is not going to work her voodoo on me. She’ll serve her damn detention and I'll be the perfect, respectable teacher to make sure she serves it.

  No hanky-panky allowed.

  Dear God, even when I try and make her off limits it's hot. There's something undeniably exciting about claiming something that's forbidden, and Savannah is definitely forbidden.

  I grab my dark gray canvas messenger bag filled with my laptop, papers, and cell phone, and leave my classroom on a mission. Savannah has no idea what she's just done by lying to me and not showing up. After her shift I'll be outside waiting for her and give her a detention she'll never forget. Then my naughty student will show up to any other detentions I decide to hand out, or I'll make her ass so red she won’t be able to sit down for a month.

  How's that for respectable?


  I've spent the evening preparing myself for how I'm going to handle Savannah. I lifted weights thinking of proper punishments, I ran five miles on the treadmill going over ways she can complete each of her detention assignments I assign her, and then I showered, thinking of all the inappropriate things I want to do with her body–the first being grabbing her by the hair, opening her beautiful mouth wide, and then fucking her face until I come down her throat.

  I'm done being the good teacher. I'm done watching her perfect tits, slim waist, video-girl ass, and thick, toned thighs taunt me every day. Savannah wants me. She makes that perfectly clear every time we're alone together and when my mouth was pleasuring her, her wet cunt made it clear, too, when she came on my face. I'm not a saint. I never took a vow of celibacy or made a promise to God. I'm a hot-blooded man who has needs–needs only Savannah can take care of. I can no longer resist this gorgeous woman throwing herself at me.

  I've changed into a pair of sweatpants because they're less restrictive and a black Nike t-shirt. I leave my glasses and messenger bag at home, and hop in my Prius before making the seven minute drive to the GG-Mart. It's just before nine pm when I pull up to the small station and I know Savannah will be getting off her shift at any minute. With any luck she'll be getting off on me in about thirty.

  The radio in my car is playing Salt-n-Pepa's Push It and while this isn't the normal music I listen to, it's the right music to keep the adrenaline flowing through my veins so I don’t change my mind and pussy out. As the last note of the song enters the airwaves the door to the GG-mart opens and Savannah steps out in a pair of tight black jeans and a low cut gray t-shirt. She adjusts her backpack and takes a step in the opposite direction of my car but when her eyes assess the lot she spots my car and stops her next step. I don't get out or roll down the window to call her over. Instead I just sit in my comfortable seat and wait, knowing she'll come over soon enough.

  I'm right.

  She continues to mess with the strap on her backpack. Once the strap is resting on her shoulder just right, she tilts her head up confidently and saunters over to my car. Instead of heading to the passenger side to slide in next to me, she walks over to my side and I roll down the window. Her hand rests on the top of my door and she leans in.

  "Why are you here?" She purses her lips as she studies my face, waiting for an answer. Her hair is blowing in the night wind and I let out a pleasurable sigh as I get a whiff of her strawberry shampoo.

  Stating the obvious I answer, "You missed detention."

  "I told you, I had to work. If I didn't show up I'd get fired."

  Her low cut shirt hangs down as she leans over and I can see the cream lace of her bra and the soft pillow mounds of her heavy breasts trying to topple out of the material. I've seen hints of this bra almost daily in class. It might be the only bra she owns.

  "And I told you I don't care. When you put on a show like that in my class you will suffer the consequences and show up to any detentions handed out to you. It's that simple."

  "You know, you're sometimes. School is not some communist country with you as my dictator. I still have a free will and if I want to skip detention so that I can make money to keep a roof over my head and food on the table then I'm going to do that. You can't stop me." Her rant has her chest moving up and down frantically and I can't help but stare. I want to die buried with my face between those two tits.

  She pushes herself away from the car, drawing my attention away from her breasts. She tilts her head as she watches me skeptically, probably because she's just caught me eye fucking her tits. She has me so wound up right now. "Get in the car, Savannah."

  "Why? You don’t tutor me during the week anymore, remember."

  "I said get in the car, or so help me God, I will spank you right here for the whole town to see and then drag you inside myself."

  I can't believe I just said that. Anyone at the gas station could have heard. This is why it's so hard being around her. Savannah's presence alone has me thinking and doing things so out of character, so foreign to me, but I'm not stopping now. At some point I crossed the imaginary line drawn in the sand and there's no going back to the beach where it's safe, warm, and comfortable. Now I'm in the ocean, where the water's cold, the waves are rough, but the deep beauty is undeniable and I enjoy the thrill and excitement of the dangers it hides in its depth.

  Savannah doesn't move to get in. She stands there examining me with a dumbfounded expression. "Now," I command.

  That one word has her walking around the front hood of my car and opening the passenger side door. She slides inside, filling the car with her scent, and she buckles herself in. I peel out and head towards the school. Her floral scent mixed with strawberry shampoo is subtle but enough to have me practically foaming at the mouth with anticipation of smelling that on her skin as my nose traces a path down her soft body and towards her sweet cunt.

  The school parking lot is dark and empty, the gravel crunches under my tires as I pull in. I park under the branches of a large tree, attempting to hide my vehicle from the street. When I shut off the car, open the door, and climb out, she does the same thing.

  "Why are we here?" Savannah's brown hair shines under the moonlight and I want to run my hands through it as I kiss her waiting lips.

  "We're here because you have a detention to serve."

  "But it's late and the school is closed. We can't get in."

  I pull out a single key from the pocket of my sweats and hold it at eye level. Her eyes squint and her forehead scrunches with confusion. "Then it's good I asked the janitor for a key and the night code today so I could work late."

  I don’t wait for her shocked response as I turn my back on her and walk toward the entrance of the school. I know she's following me because I can hear the pebbles on the pavement move with each step she takes. When we get inside the hallway lights up, the fluorescent lights sensing our movement. We walk all the way to my classroom in silence and when she follows me in, I turn the manual lights on in the room before I shut and lock the door behind her.

  She studies the room, looking for what I don't know, and then she places her hands on her hips and breaks the silence between us. "Aren’t you the one continuously worried that you and I are acting inappropriately for a student and teacher? I think bringing me to your classroom late at night is probably one of the inappropriate actions you're always so worried about."

  "Sit down, Savannah, and shut up,” I demand roughly–my tone coming out lower than normal.

  Her mouth drops open and her pupils dilate as she's startled by my assertiveness and the words that pass my lips. I can tell she's turned on, too. She can't hide her body's reaction to me as her breathing speeds up and she bites down on the center of her plump lower lip. She listens to me and sits down, her cheeks flush and her nipples harden as the two hard pebbles poke the material of her shirt.

  "You went to work instead of serving your detention. That's unacceptable, Savannah, so I've come up with an alternative
time to serve your detention and that time is now."

  "Okay..." she trails off, still wondering what tonight is all about.

  "Savannah, only speak when I tell you to."

  She licks the seam of her lips seductively and nods her head in agreement. She thinks I'm playing a game with her. By her body's reaction I know she's a willing participant. We can definitely make tonight a game–a naughty game where I finally win the prize I've wanted for so long.

  I reach for the ruler on my desk and fist it in one of my palms. My eyes never break contact with hers as I lightly, teasingly, begin to slap the ruler against the heel of my other hand. "For the next hour you're mine. You will serve your detention however I see fit. Do you understand?"

  Her eyes move to the ruler and she doesn't respond, so I approach her. I move my empty palm and rest it on her cheek. Then I lift her chin and look deeply into her cat-like eyes. "Do you understand?"

  She whispers her reply obediently. "Yes, Mr. Tucker."


  I leave her sitting down and walk over to the whiteboard in the front of the room. My back is to her, and as I write down what I need to on the board I tell her the rules. "It's simple, really. We're going to play a game and see just how well you were listening in history class this week. If you get an answer right, I remove a piece of clothing. If you get the answer wrong, you remove a piece of clothing. Either way, we're both getting naked."

  "You want to play..." She trails off, her nerves evident in the tone of her voice and the way she pauses before finishing, "strip history."

  I whip my head around to look at her. "Did I say you could speak?"

  "No," she replies meekly, her cheeks flushing even brighter than before.

  "Then keep your mouth shut until I ask you a question. This game serves many purposes. It's a way for you to study, it's a way for me to tutor you, by the end of the game I'll get to see you naked, and it teaches you the beauty of anticipation. Round after round you're going to crave me more. You're going to want what's in front of you, but you can't have it until one of us is naked."

  She raises her hand and I decide to call on her since she's being a good little student and following the rules. "Yes, Savannah?"

  "Does this mean you've changed your mind about being with me?" The hope in her voice makes me want to soften my approach with her and give in now, but I know I need to keep going with this game. The anticipation is going to drive her crazy and she deserves to feel that way because it's the way I've felt for so long.

  "Oh no, Savannah. I'll only answer one of your questions if it has something directly to do with the game."

  Savannah raises her hand again and I concede. "You may ask your question."

  She smirks. "At the end of the game, when one of us is inevitably naked, what happens next?"

  "At the end of the game, when you're naked and your pussy is slick with want and your clit is begging to be soothed, I'll fuck you so hard your screams echo down every hallway in this school." Her smirk turns into a victorious grin and then I add, "Let the game begin."

  Chapter Thirteen


  We've only been playing Landon's kinky game for ten minutes but with his rules a winner will be declared soon. I've answered three questions correct so far and Landon has removed his t-shirt, shoes, and white socks. His chiseled bare chest taunts me as I watch the muscles of his six-pack tighten and release every time he moves. When he uses his arms to write new questions on the board I'm distracted by his large biceps, defined triceps, and muscular forearms that I want him to use to lift me and throw me on the floor so he can ravish my overheated body.

  These distracting thoughts mixed with his strong tempting body have caused me to just answer my fourth question wrong. Landon and I were even up until now. Somehow I was able to convince him the hair tie around my wrist is considered clothing for my hair so I've only lost the hair tie, my shoes, and my socks. Now I'm left deciding between two major items–do I lose my shirt or my jeans? I'm covered in just a thong underneath my tight black jeans so my gray t-shirt is the most logical item. My hands grasp the hem of my shirt and then I pull it up and over my large breasts before slipping it over my head and tossing it on the floor.

  Landon's eyes rake over my bare skin, trailing over each satin smooth inch before he focuses on my covered breasts. My bra is old, worn thin, and a cup size too small for my curvy body so my breasts are practically falling out on display for him like a nice feast.

  He licks his lips, his nostrils flare, and his next words are laced with want. "You better take your time with this next question, Savannah. You don’t have much more clothing to lose and I'll be happy to see each item go."

  He turns his back to me. His defined back muscles twitch as he erases the last question on the board and writes something new in its place: Israel.

  He turns around and asks, "What is the capital of Israel?"

  What the hell? We're learning about the amendment process and amendments to the U.S. Constitution. I don't recall him speaking about Israel at all this week. "What does Israel have to do with the U.S. Constitution?"

  He sends me a wicked smile. "Nothing. This will be a bonus question on the test."

  This isn't a bonus question. This is just something he came up with so he could see me naked quicker. "It doesn't make any sense. Why would knowing the capital of Israel be a bonus question?"

  Crossing his arms over his bare chest he replies, "Because I said it is and I make the test. Do you know the answer or not, Savannah?"

  I was never good in geography or social studies. I don’t know half the state capitals let alone the capitals of other countries. "Umm..." I trail off. I can’t think. The only city that comes to mind is Nineveh. I'm not even sure why the name pops in my head, if it's a modern day city, or if it's even in Israel. I just remember it from a Bible story I was told when I was a kid.

  My mind's blank. My brain can't form a name of any another city. Since I have nothing else to go with I say with little confidence, "Nineveh."

  He grins, shaking his head at me cockily. "Wrong. While Nineveh existed long ago, it's not a part of the modern world. If Nineveh did exist now I believe it would be located it northern Iraq. The city of Mosul stands in Nineveh's place now."

  I knew I was wrong. He doesn't have to be so smug about it, although he's sexy when he's cocky

  "The answer you were looking for is Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel."

  Of course it is. "That's not fair. I had no way of knowing that."

  "Life's not fair, Savannah. Now lose a piece of clothing."

  I was under the impression when we started this game that it was actually going to be fair and prepare me for an upcoming test. Knowing the capital of Israel doesn't prepare me for shit. He cheated and he knows he cheated. I want to call him out on his bullshit question and demand a new question that has to do with the current curriculum we're learning in class, but then I remember that losing more clothing isn't a bad thing. This is what I wanted all along with him, isn't it? Landon's finally come around to the undeniable connection between us. I'm not going to jeopardize that just to prove I'm right.

  Getting up out of my seat I decide to do a slow strip tease when I remove my pants. My hands rest at the top of my tight jeans and I slowly unbutton them–his eyes inspect my every move. I peel the metal zipper down and then my hands grip the sides of my jeans and I wiggle them past my wide, curvy hips at a slow, seductive pace. He's examining me intensely as the material lowers past the rounded swell of my behind. When my pants reach my ankles I kick them off and stand up in just my bra and thong.

  It's hard not to notice his cock stirring underneath the material of his sweats as his eyes trail up and down my young, flawless body. "Do you like what you see?" I tease invitingly.

  "What did I say about talking?" he asks sternly.

  I decide to be defiant and reply, "I was just asking a simple question."

  He sets the dry erase marker down
and stalks toward me. With each step he takes I can feel the anticipation inside me rising, the air is charged with our sexual need. The butterflies in my stomach are flying around like crazy and my pulse is racing with his approach. His naked chest brushes my chin and then his large hand is at the back of my neck. He pulls my long brown hair, my head falling back under his instruction until I'm forced to look up at him. His grayish-blue eyes captivate me into obedience.

  His husky voice is filled with heady desire. "Nothing with you is ever simple."

  His mouth crashes down on mine, claiming me with the harsh caress of his lips, and I don't have time to think about what he's said, or what he means. Instead I focus on the way his lips feel against mine, and how he tastes like coffee beans and mint. My bottom lip trembles between his lips. My body shivers as the hand at the base of my neck tightens and Landon pushes my mouth impossibly closer to his. His tongue parts my lips and then we're battling each other in an intense new game of tonsil hockey.

  My hands grip his biceps, slide up his shoulders and then I'm pulling on his brown wavy hair–the horny temptress inside me wants to come out. His lips leave mine and then he's kissing down my neck to the base of my throat and I tilt my head further to give him access. His tongue trails a path along my collarbone before moving down between my breasts. His hands grip the straps of my bra and forcefully lower each strap past my shoulders. He drops the cups of my thin push-up bra, leaving my breasts bare, heavy and swollen with desire.

  My head feels heavy, drugged with arousal. His tongue licks one of my erect nipples before moving to the other nipple and repeating. The hard nubs tingle with desire and I can no longer resist the heaviness as my head falls back and I moan out in elation. I've never felt this high and intoxicated. But as great as it feels to have his mouth lavishing this attention on me, I want to play along, too.

  My hands move from his wavy hair, down his toned body and to the elastic band of his sweatpants. My fingers play with the band, causing Landon to hum against my breasts. I dip my hand below, slipping inside his sweats and immediately feel the wide crown of his erection. His hard cock is poking through the slit of his boxers and I'm able to wrap my hand around his length. He's hot in my fist and the girth is so thick my thumb doesn't meet my other fingers.


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