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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Page 6

by Unknown

  “I think we should have some sort of service for him” Pam suggested one evening as we all sat in silence around another barely eaten meal.

  “No” Charlotte declared “that will mean we are giving up hope, he might still be alive” she ran from the table and up to her room.

  “I agree” I said “It might be the only way she will face up to Mitchell being gone”

  James nodded but I saw the same pain in his eyes coupled with a glint of the same blind hope that he might have survived.

  Charlotte returned to college and her slightly strained friendship with Shelley. Everything seemed to remind her of Mitchell that her studies and dancing started to suffer. In her room the wardrobe and drawers were still filled with his clothes and each night she slept in his t-shirt which now hung very loose on her. When she couldn't sleep she danced only to their songs. Each day bled into the next as her heart ached for him.

  “Charlotte, it’s time to leave” I called upstairs, on the day of the memorial service.

  “I don't want to come”

  “Please Charlie, you need to do this. We all need to try and move on”

  “I'll go up and see her” Sarah said. I smiled and watched my best friend ascend the stairs. After a short wait Sarah appeared.

  “We'll be down in ten minutes”

  I turned to James and he held out his hand for mine.

  Sitting in the pews of the church I shivered at the cool air surrounding us. It was filled with college friends, fellow dancers and taking up the very front row was Felicity and Daniel. She turned to look at our party and despite the sombre occasion her expression seemed more of triumph than sorrow. She dabbed at her eyes but I saw no tears. Charlie stood between me and Sarah, she stared straight ahead but seemed to see nothing. However I noticed her fingers were tight together in fists.

  Simon stood up and spoke, followed by James.

  “Mitchell was my son, he wasn't always good and didn't always listen to me. But I hope that I taught him to be true to his feelings and beliefs. I will..... Miss.....him” his last few words stuck in his throat as he choked back sobs at the same time. I held my arms open to him as he stumbled back up the aisle of the church. Filing out into the bright winter sunshine I lost Charlotte in the throng of people wanting to share a few words with James. Finding a clear space I saw Sarah and Chris walking towards me.

  “Have you seen Charlotte” I asked

  “No. Perhaps she's with some of Mitchell's college friends” Sarah said.

  “We'll go and look for her” Chris suggested, as he took Sarah's hand and they mingled between the crowds.

  “Please I'm worried about her”

  I turned back to locate James and saw him talking to Simon. I just caught the last part of their conversation.

  “He asked me to find someone to open an encrypted computer file, then said he was going back home to you and Charlotte” Simon said.

  “That's interesting, I don't suppose you know this person and whether he still has the file?”

  “I'll ask him, just so long as the police aren't involved I think he will talk to you. Call by the bike shop next week” Simon said “I just can't believe he's gone, he was always such a careful rider on his bike and maintained it to perfection so this seems so bizarre”

  James reached for my hand as Simon hung his head and walked away.

  “Have you seen Charlotte?” I asked.

  “No, but we need to keep this information of Simon's secret for the time being, both from Charlotte and Rob until I find out what might have been in this encrypted file”

  “You think it might shed some light?”

  “Maybe, I know this is supposed to be where we move on but coupled with Felicity saying that he was staying I just can't let it drop, even if the police have”

  “Ok, but we do have other things that we need to do, it’s only three weeks until we get married”

  He pulled me into his embrace and planted his lips firmly on mine.

  “How could I forget” he murmured.

  Charlie saw Felicity and Daniel trying to make a stealthy escape from the crowds. Running across the grass of the cemetery she cornered them at the lynch gate, barring their path.

  “What did you do to him” she screamed, her fists still clenched. Her face was red with rage.

  “I don't know what you mean dear?” Felicity countered, her voice calm.

  “You killed him to stop him coming back to me, you evil witch” Charlie pulled back her arm and aimed a punch straight at Felicity. However Daniel was too quick and grabbed her arm before she connected with Felicity's cheek bone.

  Daniel moved so that Charlotte was pinned back against the wooden gateway.

  “Get off me, you're hurting” she yelled. From out of nowhere Zach appeared and aimed his own punch at Daniel, catching him square in the jaw. He landed on the grass as Zach stood over his former friend.

  “Leave her alone, go back to your fantasy life” he spat.

  Felicity had already wandered through the gate and stood waiting for Daniel to get up. If only Keith had been around with his camera.

  Daniel stood up and brushed down his trousers and jacket, casting a look at Zach that was hard to fathom.

  “Stay out of our lives” Daniel said, taking both of them in with the statement.

  “You too” Zach countered, his dark eyes blazing. His hand twitched to lay another punch on Daniel but he restrained his urge. Instead he turned to Charlotte who was crying and rubbing her arm.

  “Are you ok?”

  She nodded and tried to back away from him, but the gatepost prevented it. She hadn't seen him since New Year's Eve and even now she was in turmoil.

  As his strong arms pulled her shaking body against his chest she caught her breath on the scent of his aftershave. Closing her eyes it took her straight back to the reckless night in his office. She had been back there many times in her dreams and they always woke her up in a cold but aroused sweat.

  “You really shouldn't mess with them” he said.

  “How would you know? She's a bitch through and through. I know what she's capable of and I'm not giving up. I know she has something to hide”

  “Well, she knows you're coming now. Perhaps subtlety and stealth would reveal more” Zach said, his hands running down her spine and resting on her butt.

  Charlotte looked up at Zach, extremely aware of his grip, pushing her against him even tighter.

  “So, when can I see you again?” He breathed.

  “Um...uh...I don't think I can”

  “I think that if I can help you out with your investigations then perhaps you can find some time?”

  Before she could answer his lips were pressed against hers, their heat searing against the numb coldness. Trying to move back just made him press his weight against her. She tried to speak and his tongue dived inside and jousted with hers until she gave in.

  Helplessly she squirmed in his embrace, her body betraying her true feelings of desire.

  “Charlotte....Charlotte” she heard her name being called. Zach let her go and stepped aside so that Charlie could respond.

  “I'm coming Uncle Chris”

  “You will be” Zach replied “I'll make sure of that Charlotte”

  He stepped through the gate and blew her a quick kiss before he strolled round the corner and out of sight. She straightened her coat and walked back towards the church, meeting Chris on the bend in the path.

  Chapter 10

  Sliding into the passenger seat of her Mercedes Felicity relaxed her facial muscles and laughed. She was still chuckling when Daniel fired up the engine and they drove home.

  “That was perfect” she breathed, as the townscape dispersed into rolling fields.

  “Do you think the police will leave us alone now” Daniel asked, rubbing his hand over his swelling jaw.

  “They have nothing on me. All those interviews last week about Anthony's death and then having the cheek to ask if I knew anything abo
ut the stabbing of Stephanie's if!!”

  She reached over and started to rub his inner thigh. Daniel pushed his foot down on the accelerator as her fingertips reached higher. Felicity pulled down his zip and slid her hand between the teeth. Daniel was already hard to her touch.

  “Shall I pull over?”

  “No. I'm just teasing you ready for later. But first I need to get home and speak to Mitchell, tell him all about his memorial service”

  Mitchell saw the Mercedes kicking up dust as it powered up the driveway and drove into the garage. Daniel entered the house but his mother sauntered to his door and unlocked it.

  “Mitchell....Mitchell can we talk” she called from the bottom of the staircase.

  “Yes, I'm upstairs” he sighed.

  “How are you?”

  “How do you think I am?”

  “It’s not for much longer now and then you'll be free in your new identity”

  Mitch sighed and turned away.

  Felicity stood up and opening her handbag pulled out a couple of photographs. She laid them on his coffee table.

  “They did a fine memorial service for you today. So poignant even I felt emotional for Mitchell Cooke”

  He looked back at her, tears teetered on his lashes.

  “Was Charlie there” he mumbled.

  “Oh yes of course she was. I have to say I admired her long velvet coat.....but her choice of men has sunk even lower”


  “Oh it appears she is with the owner of Dusk till Dawn, a friend of mine saw them in the park together on Christmas Day”

  Mitch felt sick to the core, he couldn't believe that of her. He had seen the reply to his text on Christmas Eve, this was just more lies.

  “Leave me alone”

  “As you wish, I'll send some food over later” Felicity said, tripping back down the stairs and out. He left it a good half hour before he picked up the photographs she had left on the coffee table. They were blurred and distant but he could make out a couple embracing in the snow covered park. A black Labrador was in the second one, unmistakably Jester. Fuck! This looked like Charlotte and Zach although their features were difficult to see.

  Perhaps her text had not been the truth, perhaps she had said it under pressure from James? He shook his head, he couldn't believe all of this. He no longer knew where the truth was? Who was lying to him now, his mother or Charlotte? Lying back on the sofa he ripped the photos up and scattered the pieces on the floor. If only he'd had time to look in the encrypted file. He guessed his mother had this now or had destroyed it along with his laptop. It seemed hopeless to try and plan an escape, especially if Charlie was now involved with Zach. After all he owned two night-clubs and probably drove a flash car. How could Charlotte resist now that she thought he was dead?

  He flicked the remote on the sound system and chose the playlist that he had compiled during their relationship. He knew listening to the songs would be torture but in his dejection he found then strangely soothing. Closing his eyes he remembered all their good times and as the last track faded out he pressed stop and deleted it. His only option now seemed to be to move on. He didn't want to go back to James and the memories of his old life. Maybe this new start with his Mother would work? If not he might just manage to walk out of it with some money that he could use in the future.

  Back inside the house Felicity made her way to the bedroom. She knew Daniel would be waiting there for her and after today's acting stint at the memorial service she was ready for some fun. Starting to giggle again she thought of how her ex-husband had looked, old and haggard. Inside his room Daniel watched her enter, he was already wearing his dressing gown. He had lit candles and the massage oil was on the bedside table.

  “Here let me” he said, rubbing her shoulders as she slipped out of her heels.

  Reverently he undressed her and led her through to the sunken bath in the ensuite. It was already filled with warm, fragranced water and Felicity slipped beneath the soapy surface. Daniel continued to massage her shoulders and then joined her in the bath tub. His hands tenderly caressed her legs and thighs as she closed her eyes and smiled. Then he wrapped her in a towel before he began the massage. He preferred this to when she was domineering but it so rarely happened.

  After they made love he left her to relax and set about preparing dinner for them all. His jaw still ached from the punch Zach had thrown at him earlier. They had been friends since high school and through college but since the advent of Felicity in both their lives things had drifted between them. Daniel still regretted not getting involved with the club when Zach had opened his first one and made a success of it. Closing his eyes he thought back to the day that Felicity had asked him to move in and now they would be moving on again.

  Putting the food onto a tray for Mitchell he walked across the yard, opened the door and left it on the table. In a way the only flawed piece of Felicity's plan was Mitchell who would potentially inherit everything. He wanted the wealth and unless Felicity relented and married him, he would forever be at her whim, kept or discarded if she so chose. That thought always bugged him and at the same time kept him compliant to her every wish. He heard footsteps approaching and quickly stepped back outside, he didn't need Mitchell seeing the bruise appearing on his chin.

  Felicity was also thinking about their showdown with Charlotte and then Zach at the memorial service. Daniel had proved his worth in saving her from a punch in the cheek but had then let her down when Zach waded in and put him on the floor. She smiled wistfully as she thought about the time she had spent with Zach in the past. She had met both of them at the health spa, watched them with a view to seduction. Her husband Anthony had been heavily into the swinging scene and loved holding elegant parties at their home for their affluent like-minded friends. Single men were always necessary to keep the numbers up at these events and this was where Felicity excelled.

  She prowled the Health spa, looking desirable and sexy in her quest for the right men to join their elite group. It had been in the summer and after a game of tennis with her friend Marcia she had noticed Daniel and Zach on one of the other courts. Their lean fit bodies rippled beneath their tight t-shirts and shorts. She had waited casually for them to vacate the court and joined them on the path back to the shower rooms. Offering them a drink on the house she had met them in the bar. Daniel had been the confident one, happy to chat and flirt especially when he knew she was the manager.

  She had offered them a three month free membership at the Spa and made sure that she was around when they used the facilities. She would be swimming at the same time they were, showing off her cosmetically enhanced body in skimpy bikinis. Then she had made her move in the sauna one evening. A hand on Daniel's leg as the sweat trickled down his firm, young skin which he had reciprocated. She remembered how Zach had made a move to leave but realising his hidden voyeuristic tendencies it hadn't taken much to make him stay.

  “Felicity, dinner is ready” Daniel called up the stairs, breaking her happy day dreams.

  “I'll be down shortly, have you opened the champagne” she replied. Then slipping into her full length silk robe she sashayed downstairs for food. At the table she savoured the cold, bubbles and enjoyed the hot look that Daniel was giving her.

  “The estate agent is calling round tomorrow to show us the proofs for the brochure. Hopefully he will have some viewings lined up”

  “We will need warning so that we can make sure Mitchell is hidden if they want to view the barn conversion” Daniel said.

  “Yes, I need to speak to Keith and find out how all the paperwork is progressing. I'm hoping the photo's I left are doing the trick and turning him to my way of thinking”

  “Do you think we should arrange another party before we leave?” Daniel asked, thinking of the last one a few months before.

  “Oh yes, what a fantastic idea, why don't you invite Zach this time. I hope you're not going to let one punch come between your friendship?”

  “He probably won't come” Daniel said “but I'll talk to him, warn him off Charlotte”

  “Yes, she hasn't suffered enough yet and if Zach is making a play for her she will find it shocking to know about his shady past” Felicity giggled, this turned into a laugh that echoed up to the ceiling.

  Back at his apartment Zach sat down and breathed in the faint scent of Charlotte that lingered on his coat lapels. It was musky and sweet and took him straight back to New Year's Eve. She was the first girl he had yearned for, she reminded him of his first love, Sasha and he hadn't thought about her since the night of the party 7 years ago. He had tried to blot out that awful memory for years but his confrontation with Daniel and Felicity had bought it back to the surface. Crossing the room he poured his usual JD and ice before sinking into his leather sofa.

  Where Sasha had jet black hair and smooth dark coffee skin, Charlotte was the opposite. He had liked her with red hair but now it was almost blond it suited her features and made her green eyes stand out against her porcelain skin. Oh those green eyes, they had glinted with naughtiness after he had spanked her. Just thinking about it again made his hand tingle with delight and other parts of him stir.

  About a week after they had met Felicity at the Spa he had ventured there alone one day. Sasha was running the Aerobic class and he stopped to look in at her through the glass wall that separated the studio from the gym. She was older than him but younger than Felicity. Her skin shone with sweat like a polished conker. She was slim and supple but still with curves in all the right places. Although he was shy he waited for her outside the door and handed her a bottle of water with a smile.


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