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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Page 14

by Unknown

  “Steph...I....I don't know what to say” he stammered as he clung to me tightly.

  “Just say you understand, it will only be for five months until my visa runs out”

  “This is hurting already and I haven't even left yet”

  “I feel it too but I need to do this, for my own peace of mind. I will be no good to anyone back at home and unable to offer anything other than words over a phone line or the internet”

  The enormous weight of the situation felt heavy on my shoulders. James withdrew his arms and stood up. He removed his t-shirt and walked down and into the waves. I watched him swim away from me, his strokes fast and furious against the calm currents. Then he turned and returned at a slower pace. I watched as the last droplets of water clung to his chest and strong upper arms. Standing up I ran down and into the waves, jumping into his awaiting arms. My body was aching for his touch, to feel his skin on mine once more. His lips sought mine in a fierce, claiming kiss. I knew he was fighting his true feelings about the situation. He carried me back into our room and put me down.

  Taking my hand in his we entered the bathroom and he started up the shower. Turning back he peeled off my sundress and finding me naked beneath he sank down onto his knees. The tip of his tongue licked up my inner thigh then teased my clit until I was aching for more. Before I had chance to return the favour he stood up, the steam and heat of the shower hit our bodies. James pushed me up against the cool tiles, holding my arms above my head so that he was in complete control. His intense kisses engulfed me and combined with the hot water I felt light-headed.

  My body slid against his as I pulled my hands free and wrapped them around his back, forcing him closer. I nibbled his ear and whispered.

  “Love me James”

  He needed no further encouragement as he shut the shower off and carried me back to the bedroom. He dropped me onto the bed and I spread my legs wide open for him. Despite his energetic swim he had lost none of his vigour as he slipped into me. I bucked my hips to meet his, sighing and groaning as the droplets of water turned to sweat on our bodies. We flipped over and I rode him to completion, the love making had cleared my head of everything other than my utter, undying love for James.

  He pulled me close and I leant my head on his firm chest just listening to his heart beating.

  “I understand” he said “I will miss you but I do understand”

  “Thanks baby, I just hope Charlotte will”

  “I'll be there for her”

  His fingers ran circles over my now lightly tanned and freckled arms.

  “I know you will because I know you love her as much as I love your sons”

  He squeezed me a tiny bit tighter and I wondered how I was going to tell Charlotte and what Greg would say.

  Later that evening when I knew it would be morning in the UK I pulled my phone out and made the easier of the two calls.

  “Hi Greg” I said when he picked up after two rings.

  “Hi Stephanie. I thought you were still on honeymoon”

  “I am Greg but I need to ask a favour”

  I quickly filled him in on the details, holding in my emotions at my Mum's condition.

  “Christ, that's a big decision but I understand. I will hold your job open for you for the next six months but after that I will have to fill it”

  “I understand, perhaps you can get Jack to take on some of my responsibilities I think he will do a good job”

  “Agreed, and Stephanie look after yourself we will all miss you and keep our fingers crossed that you'll be back with us soon”

  “Thanks Greg” I finished the call and took a quick breath before Charlotte.

  “Mum, you woke me up” she groaned.

  “Sorry sweetheart but I need to talk to you”

  “Oh god has something happened?” She gasped, as I imagined her fully awake now.

  “Your Nanna and Grandpa need me to stay and help them out for a bit. Your Nan has dementia and Grandpa is struggling to look after her by himself”

  There was silence from the other end of the phone.

  “Do you think I should come out? Is James staying?”

  “James is coming home and you need to get your career started, anyway I think you coming would only confuse her even more” I silenced her concerns.

  “You can always ring and we can Skype to keep in touch and it may not be for long”

  Hanging up I turned to James who had endured an equally telling conversation with his parents who had wanted him to stay with me.

  “I can always see if the Brigade will give me an extension to my leave and I can come back out”

  “Try, but I think you need to get back and see what's in that file and find some closure over Mitchell. I'm stronger than you think”

  He placed his hands either side of my face and inclined my head to look at him.

  “Just promise me that if you need me, call me and I will come, whatever it takes. You are my whole world and I love you till the end of time”

  His words dislodged the lump in my throat as his lips touched my forehead.

  We went out to eat in the fabulous Sky tower restaurant for our last evening together. The panoramic views from the top were staggering as we looked down on the city lights below or further out into the bay and the harbour full of expensive yachts. The night was clear and stars sparkled clearly and I turned to James, remembering the words he had said to me so long ago.

  “If you're lonely when we are apart just look at the stars and know I will be looking at them too”

  Our final night was filled with joyful love making as we tried to imprint each other’s touch in our very souls to sustain us when we were apart.

  The next morning I travelled to the airport with James and managed to get a partial refund on my plane ticket. I used the money to sort out a hire car for the next month. As his flight was called for the final time I clung to him.

  “I wish I didn't have to go”

  “I wish I didn't have to stay”

  With tears in my eyes I smiled and shooed him towards the gate.

  “Ring me when you land and I love you”

  “I will”

  Then he was gone and I slowly left the airport on my journey to my new home back with my parents.

  Chapter 21

  Charlotte was struggling to concentrate at college since the news about getting the part. Rehearsals started in April but down in London so she needed to sort out where to stay. She had spent days agonising over phoning or texting Zach but in the end she bumped into him, almost literally as she walked Jester in the park one evening.

  “Hi Charlie, how are you?”

  “Good thanks”

  “Any news on the audition”

  “I got the part” she gasped, as he took the opportunity to pull her into an embrace.

  “I knew you would, so when does it all kick off” he let her go and they walked towards the nearest bench as Jester sniffed the grass around the tree.

  “The rehearsals start on April the first. I willhave to go down to London sooner to sort out a place to stay. There's no way I can afford to commute each day”

  “Well maybe we can come to some arrangement, you need another favour and I might need one in return”

  Inside Charlotte quaked at what this deal might entail, she already owed him for the audition weekend.

  “Ok, name your price” she said and waited.

  “I need a plus one to attend a fancy dress masked ball next weekend but it may be at a place you don't want to go and I would also need you to not make a scene. In return you can rent my flat in London at a discounted rate with a few small conditions attached”

  Shock and amazement at his kind offer crossed her face, the luxury of that superb flat for a couple of months for rehearsals and then the London shows. If reception was good they would then embark on a tour of the rest of the country.

  “So where is this party?” She asked.

  “At Felicity's house, Dan
invited me as apparently they are renting it out and moving to the States”

  “Well that's brilliant, I can go and snoop around as I still think she had something to do with Mitchell's accident”

  “I guess you're interested in the deal then?”

  “Yes, so long as I can afford your rent then yes I can bite my tongue....although it will be tough for me I have a quick temper when pushed”

  “Well with the costume I have in mind she won't even recognise you” he grinned, then filled her in.

  With the setting sun the temperature dropped and Charlotte stood up.

  “Ok, I'll come round to the club Saturday afternoon and we can check the costume out and go from there as I don't think it will be wise for James to see me with you” she said.

  “As you wish” he said, standing up. She was about to turn and shout to Jester when he grabbed her arm and enfolded her into his arms once more.

  “You're so innocent and trusting and that is a heady combination for a guy like me”

  Then before she had time to protest his lips pressed down onto hers and she felt her heart quicken.

  Just as quickly he withdrew and turned in the opposite direction.

  “See you Saturday”

  “Yes” she replied, looking around for Jester in the dusk. Then she hurried home as now James was back and on early shifts he had promised to cook them tea before they went on Skype with her Mum. It felt strange knowing she was in essence on the other side of the world from her. Walking inside the warmth hit her and a delicious smell of roast chicken. She peeped into the kitchen and saw Pam at the stove.

  “Hey Charlotte, how was the park”

  “Cold, but that smells delicious”

  “It will be ready in an hour, James is in his office and Peter is lighting the fire in the lounge”

  “I'd better shower and get my course work done” Charlie said. She was cramming to finish her course before the end of March now that she had been offered this job. It had been the only condition her Mum had demanded when Charlotte had explained what her part would entail.

  James was in a quandary after the file had arrived to his email and he had opened it on his return from New Zealand. At first the information had shocked and scared him, in that the first documents seemed to be a list of Stephanie's movements from around the time that she had got married to Mark. Then there were rota lists from Hereford Hospital with various shifts highlighted. Another file was just a rota list for the Health Spa with just one of two shifts highlighted. The problem he had was that Simon's computer friend did not want any of this sending to the police as he could then be traced for having a personal file. Perhaps he could somehow speak to Rob off the record but he doubted that any of his theories would be taken seriously.

  Shutting it down he felt his head pounding and knew that he had been staring at the screen for far toolong. Hopefully he would get the chance to speak to Stephanie alone later after Charlotte had. He looked forward to their daily chats, it made the distance less of a problem but the nights in their big bed were the worst. He missed the way she curled into his body, refusing to sleep unless he had his arms wrapped around her. He had sent over a suitcase of some clothes and shoes she had asked for, but the rest stayed in the wardrobe.

  “Food's ready” His Mum shouted, and once more he was grateful that his parents were not dealing with the same issues as Stephanie's were. He heard Charlotte bounding down the stairs and the clicking of paws on the wooden floor as Jester followed. He opened the door and saw his Dad just stepping into the kitchen ahead of him. Charlotte noticed the worried crease in James' forehead but assumed it was just him missing her Mum.

  Charlotte was the first in the office to log in and see her Mum. They chatted for almost an hour before James popped his head around the doorway and she took the hint and let him take over. She had assured her that she had found a flat in London and would keep in touch as the rehearsals and then performances started. She could tell from the wistful look on her face that she had really wanted to be there for the opening night.

  When Charlotte had left James stared into the screen and reached out a hand as if to touch her face.

  “Steph, how are you?”

  “Good thanks, every day is a struggle it takes Mum all morning to actually understand who I am and even then she sometimes doesn't but at least Dad is getting some rest”

  “That's good”

  “Yes, I'm trying to sort out a proper care package with the local hospital so maybe I won't need to stay as long”

  “Take as long as you need, even though I miss you loads”

  This time Steph reached a finger towards her screen and he mirrored it with his, wishing they were touching.

  In the end James decided not to say anything to Stephanie about the file, she had enough to worry about and maybe he could do his own investigating in the meantime. After an hour James said goodbye with the promise of speaking again tomorrow. Wrapping the covers around him he had left the curtains open and he looked out upon the stars in the sky trying to switch his mind off the computer file. What had Felicity been plotting? Why had he never really known his ex-wife and what she was capable of?

  In her room Charlotte stared at the picture of Mitchell that she had moved to the bedside cabinet and squeezed her eyes shut against the tears that still seemed to fall daily. Turning to look back into his green eyes she felt the guilt eating her up inside. Accepting the offer of the flat and whatever conditions Zach put on it was both a blessing and a curse. She didn't love him but the way he moved her body was something else, like a craving that she couldn't fathom.

  “I'm going to dance for you” she whispered to the photo “I will never forget what we had together”

  With the song “She's like the wind” echoing in her head she turned the light out and thought about the party. How was she going to keep from attacking Felicity? But what anopportunity to see if there was anything she was hiding there.

  Chapter 22

  The plans for the masked ball were proceeding at a frantic pace as was the removal and storage of all the important furniture. The documents were all in place and Felicity was rather pleased with Mitchell's seeming acceptance of everything. He looked even more handsome with his blond hair but his weight loss was a little too much and she hoped that in America he would regain some of his fine physique. Daniel had been surprised at Zach's text accepting the invitation but at least they could part as friends.

  By Saturday Zach had sorted out a black bobbed wig and some coloured contact lenses for Charlotte. He had bought a pin striped suit, trilby style hat and some amazing black and white spats. A gangster and his moll, what a perfect disguise considering what they were planning to do! Simple black masks completed the look but he had found one trimmed with silver sequins which would look great on Charlotte.

  Hearing the doorbell he made his way to the back door and found her waiting there.

  “Hey Zach” she said, a slight hint of nerves in her voice.

  “Lottie, come on in”

  She squeezed past him in the small corridor and wound her way into the deserted club.

  “You know the way upstairs, do you want a drink?” Zach asked.

  “Just an orange juice, if I'm going to keep my temper under control I need to be sober where that bitch is concerned”

  Zach chuckled and snuck behind the bar to get their drinks.

  Upstairs Charlie dumped her bag and looked around for somewhere to hang the dress carrier. She couldn't wait to wear it again as she sat down on the sofa.

  “Nervous” Zach asked, passing her the glass.


  “Me too” he raised his glass of Jack and downed it in one.

  “So, I'll go and get dressed then”

  “Yes, just shout if you need a hand with anything”

  Charlotte saw the naughty glimmer in his eyes as she picked up her dress and he gave her a carrier bag.

  “Your wig and contact lenses”

  She nodded and smiled as she left him on the sofa. While she was in the bathroom Zach poured another drink and then got changed into his outfit. In the full length mirror he admired the fine cut of the suit, he could almost imagine he was in the 1920's. He didn't notice Charlotte appear behind him, until he felt her hand on his arm.

  “Brilliant outfit” she admired, sliding her hand down the expensive material of his lapel. His hand caught hers and he swung her round to stand in front of him. The black wig changed her complexion completely and coupled with her now striking blue eyes framed by thick dark lashes. Her red lipstick was the stuff of fantasies as all he wanted to do was pin her against the wall and remove it.

  “Zach this is great, I hardly recognise myself” she said, breaking from his grasp and doing a short burst of the Charleston in front of him. He stood transfixed at the sight, before turning and reaching for the masks.

  “Come here and close your eyes” he commanded. Standing in front of him she obeyed as she felt him slip something over her wig and place it over her eyes. It was the mask. Before he turned her round once more he placed a whisper of a kiss on her lips. Then his hands on her shoulders turned her and he leant in.

  “Open your eyes Charlotte”

  Zach slipped his own mask on and watched her gazing into the mirror, her fingers lightly touching the sequins that surrounded the mask that hid half her face and only served to highlight her bright blue eyes.

  “Now I need that drink” she said.

  “My pleasure, we need to decide what your name is for the evening”

  “How about Casey” she suggested “I think I can remember that”

  “Casey it is, I'd better get used to it” he said, handing her a peach snaps on the rocks.


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