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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Page 19

by Unknown

  I kept the cheque for a while, too angry to bank it. I phoned Sasha constantly and waited for her at the Spa but Felicity had already dealt with her, she had been dismissed. I tried to find her but it seemed she had disappeared. I took the money to the bank and invested in the first of my two nightclubs, asking Daniel to become a co-partner. He refused saying it was only a matter of time before he would be moving in with Felicity. At the same time I started to drink and shag anything that moved to try and forget that night of horror. Under her beck and call I attended further parties until they stopped when her husband was found dead in the pool one morning.

  The police snooped round for a short while but dismissed it as a tragic accident. Daniel then moved in and I somehow managed to make a success of my life. I thought it was the only way to ultimately feel better. Felicity wanted a stake in the second club when she heard I was opening another but I refused her offers and cut ties with her as much as was possible when my best mate was her plaything!

  Apart from the night of the party and the funeral the last time I saw her was at Love Shack Radio's launch party. I came close to breaking point that night, especially when I discovered that she had played some part in your Mum's relationship. She is evil, pure unadulterated evil and that is why I want to help you even more now. But you're pregnant we need to be careful; she has spies if she finds out then who knows what she will do next.

  Chapter 27

  Zach struggled from Charlie's grip and padded down the hallway to the kitchen. Still in shock Charlie followed him and under the glare of the kitchen spot lights she choked on the sight of his lovely skin, scarred with her initials.

  “Fucking bitch, she's really going to pay” Charlie growled, she stepped behind him and ran her fingers over the raised scar on the top of his left buttock. He flinched but let her.

  “It’s another scar to add to her list!”

  Zach turned to see the fury burning white hot in Charlie's green eyes. It matched the anger and disgust in his.

  Zach was about to pull some glasses down from the cupboard when she stepped into the space separating them.

  “Let’s go back to bed” she pleaded “I hate even thinking about her, let alone mentioning her name”

  Her lips brushed his shoulder blade and then his neck, where his pulse was pounding to a furious beat. Her simple, soft touches soothed him. He turned and filled two glasses with ice and water. They walked back to the bedroom. Zach turned the bedside lamp on and they sat in silence.

  “So who else has scars?”

  Charlotte was startled by his question but it seemed they were allies in their hatred.

  “If you turn the light off and hold me I'll tell you”

  Zach finished his glass of water, wishing it was laced with something stronger. Charlie took a couple of sips from hers and placed it aside. Then back in the darkness they slipped beneath the downy covers, Zach spooned around her lithe frame, resting a hand on her stomach and thinking about the new life that nestled inside. Charlie wrapped her arm over his and took a deep breath.

  For the next hour she recounted the story of her Mum and James, still finding it difficult to recall the moment of her attempted suicide due to Felicity's cruelty. Sniffing into the pillow Charlotte felt the soft caress of his fingers over her small bump. She knew that she would have to tell them at the start of rehearsals tomorrow. She hoped that what the doctors had said was true and that if she kept fit and healthy the dancing would not hurt the baby.

  “I think we'd better go to sleep now” he breathed “You have rehearsals in the morning”

  “Yes, night Zach and thank you”

  “For what”

  “Understanding, listening not being angry and crazy about this mess”

  She waited for a reply but all she heard was the regular touch of his breath on her neck, he was asleep. Closing her eyes the dreams came but this time it was images of a baby that filled them. Secretly she was both terrified and elated that she was pregnant. The next morning Zach found her in the kitchen, mixing eggs to scramble as bread browned in the toaster.


  “No just juice for me, I'd better stay healthy now” she grinned, glancing down briefly.

  With her bag packed and enough fruit and a sandwich for lunch she slipped into the passenger seat.

  “You don't have to stay, honest I'm fine” Charlie said, as they reached the studios.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I'm a big girl now”

  Zach leaned over and kissed her on the lips, allowing their tongues to slid against each other’s.

  “You have my number and I've left Lexie's on the side as she doesn't live far away. I'll be back on Sunday....I feel some investigation is required”

  He watched her saunter through the door before backing out of the car park. There was only one thing on his mind now, finding out if Matthew was actually Mitchell and how this could ruin Felicity's perfect life in vengeance for the past, his, Charlotte's and her Mum. That woman had it coming. The music played as he raced home. He found the image of the stranger that he had talked to the night Charlie had performed at the club. Something was telling him that he had a part to play.

  Charlotte nervously entered the building and smiled shyly at the other dancers milling around. She got changed and then waited for the training to begin. After two hours she slumped down in the break and realised how much her hours with Mitchell had prepared her for the work. After lunch she met the other dancer, Lynn who would be learning the same role. Then they were introduced tothe two male dancers, Ben and Lucas who had got the role of Johnny Castle. Lynn was paired with Ben while she got Lucas.

  It felt strange to feel Lucas' arms around her body as they began with one of the seminal scenes, how on earth was she not going to laugh at the feel of his hand slipping down her side as they learned the Merengue. When the choreographer finished with them it was already six in the evening. Losing her nerve Charlotte decided against saying anything about her pregnancy. She felt fine, well except from the usual aching muscles that accompanied dancing.

  The bus journey was alright and the card let her into the flats and a quick smile to David on reception.

  “Miss Eden, I have something for you from Mr King”

  He reached beneath the counter and pulled out a small bouquet of Daisy's. She took them and smiled.

  “Thanks” she murmured, stepping into the lift and then the flat. She found a vase for the flowers and then after a shower and some much needed food she settled on the sofa. First a phone call to her Mum, who sounded tired and Charlie longed to tell her the news, then James and finally Zach.

  Her head was buzzing with the update from James about giving the files to Rob on the force. Apparently they were looking into a private investigator called Keith Madison who was on the books at the Health Spa as the accountant. His name had cropped up during their brief investigation into the death of Anthony Carmichael-Astaire and his initials matched those on some of the rota entries on the computer files.

  Zach answered on her first ring

  “Charlie, is everything alright?”

  “Yes, just wanted to give you a call, the flat feels a bit lonely...oh and you kind of forgot to tell me your conditions”

  She imagined him grinning as she uttered the last word.

  “Only one condition to the flat use, no men allowed”

  She laughed

  “I guess that doesn't apply to you though”

  She listened to his deep laughter and it made the fine hair on her arms stand to attention.

  “So I have some news you might want to hear” Charlie continued “James said the police are looking at a private investigator called Keith Madison”

  “Mmmh, thanks for that I will have a dig around as I think I need to find out who the strange nightclub owner was looking for dancers the night the video clip of you and Shelley leaked out. Perhaps they are connected”

  “So how was your first day as a professio
nal performer?”

  “Tough, I am literally aching all over and I've started to learn the lines. Remembering steps is easy in comparison with the script”

  “Stay focused and I'll see you on Sunday”

  “Thanks Zach”

  With the phone call over Charlie finished her tea and ran a bath to sink into and sooth her muscles. Within a few minutes of hitting the pillows she was asleep, dreaming about Mitchell.

  Back in his flat Zach typed in the name Keith Madison and found his website. There were no photographs but perhaps a suitable email might get him a meeting. Zach created a false email name and then sent off a message.

  “Hi Keith, I was wondering if you could help me with a missing person enquiry”

  Within an hour a reply appeared saying that if some photographs could be gathered and any information on last known location then he would be willing to meet and take the case. Zach smiled and arranged the meeting for the following afternoon, it would be interesting to meet this person possibly connected to Felicity through the death of her husband.

  The next morning Zach cradled his cappuccino in the cafe and glanced anxiously around. He had deliberately worn a cap and dark glasses to try and disguise his appearance. He didn't want to spook him if this guy should turn out to be someone he knew, possibly a participant at some of Felicity's parties. After a short wait a guy in a long raincoat and trilby hat sauntered in, took a look around the tables and ordered his coffee. He made straight for Zach's table and sat down.

  “Mr Brown?” Keith enquired.

  “Mr Madison” he held out his hand. Zach tried to control the shiver of shock that ran through him. It was the supposed nightclub owner.

  Removing his hat and glasses he watched the surprise in Keith's eyes.

  “Don't move, I think we need to talk” Zach commanded, seeing the urge to flee in his posture.

  “Mr King, what a surprise”


  “I need to explain I was working for someone when I was at your club”

  “Felicity Carmichael-Astaire I presume”

  The shock in Keith's eyes widened further.

  “I'm not at liberty to divulge my client’s identity” he stammered, but this admission just clarified it for Zach.

  Keith took a swallow of his coffee and regained his composure.

  “So how can I help you?”

  “Well, let's just say I am willing to forget about the footage you sold from my club in exchange for information”

  “Depends on the information and whether you can afford it?”

  “Oh rest assured that if you don't tell me what I need to know I might leak your name to people you don't need on your back”

  Zach clicked his finger at the passing waitress and waited for a refill. He enjoyed watching Keith sweat.

  “I know that Felicity is your client but it's her sudden departure to the States that interests me”

  “Simple, she wants a fresh start and to extend the reach of her Health Spa's”

  “Fair enough, but I happened to be at the airport saying goodbye to my mate Daniel and there was another young man with her”


  “Who is he?”

  “Her son”

  “Mitchell” Zach exclaimed “that's her son's name?”

  Keith swallowing coffee nearly spat it out at the name. He gulped it down but Zach was adept at reading the signs. He had touched a nerve.

  “Mitchell Cooke is missing presumed dead, this was Matthew Carmichael-Astaire, her son with Anthony”

  “Mmmh strange I've never seen or heard of him before. Daniel is a close friend and I'm sure our paths would have crossed at one of Felicity's parties”

  “ mean THE parties” Keith looked around to make sure no one was near enough to be listening. Zach nodded.

  “You must know Felicity's penchant for young, fit men”

  Keith nodded, he had never been a guest at them, but he had dealt with a few pay outs and he remembered a distraught, young woman.

  “Touché” Keith said “I'll tell you what I can, no charge”

  Zach sat back, pleased with progress.

  “I need to know where they are in the States, Daniel has not been in touch yet and as I have a business trip planned I thought it would be nice to surprise them all”

  “I believe they currently have a couple of suites in the Astoria while they house hunt”

  “Thank you”

  “So the missing person was just a ruse to get me here?” Keith sighed, relief in his tone.

  “Just needed to test your credentials mate, there is a real missing person job that I would appreciate your help with”

  “Well, I'm up for that as to be honest since Felicity left town I've been a bit short of work”

  Reaching into his jacket pocket Zach pulled out the only remaining photograph he had of Sasha along with details of her date of birth and last known address. If Charlotte had taught him anything it was that true love was worth searching for. He slid it all across the table, making sure he didn't see the photograph again. Keith picked it up and surprise flickered in his eyes. It was the distraught young woman from the party. Did Zach know anything else? Had he guessed that Matthew was Mitchell? What was his connection to this woman. He wanted to ask but when he looked up Zach was already in his coat, hand outstretched to shake.

  “If you need anything or have any information for me then just give me a call at the club, you have the number”

  “Of course”

  “And Mr Madison, I'd appreciate you not ruining my surprise by telling Felicity of my trip or this meeting”

  Keith watched him saunter out of the door and let out a huge sigh of relief. Then the panic engulfed him, he knew that Felicity had requested that Sasha never resurfaced but on the other hand an address for her current location and maybe a photograph would suffice. Keith would make him wait and pay for it!

  Back in the club Zach booked a couple of plane tickets and then sent Charlotte a text “Let me know when you're free to talk”

  Chapter 28

  Charlotte picked up her phone after another gruelling day of rehearsals. She was slowly starting to trust Lucas but he was nowhere near as good as Mitchell. Sliding into the hot bath water she replied “Now is a good time”

  Feeling the heat hit her tight calves the phone rang.

  “Hi Charlotte, how are you”

  “Aching” she moaned “so what's the news”

  “I met Keith Madison today, he knows more than he's letting on but I now know where they are in the States”


  “I have two tickets for flights to New York, leaving Friday night”

  “Why two?”

  “Because I'm taking you with me, I need you to be certain that this Matthew is Mitchell. Without photographic proof I can't tackle Felicity and win”


  “Flights booked for nine in the evening on Friday and we'll be back on Sunday evening. You'll have to wear the wig”

  “So will they know we are coming?”

  “Nope, not unless Keith tips them off, but he knows I have stuff on him that I will use”

  “Ok” she moved in the water.

  “Where are you?” Zach asked.

  “In the bath” she murmured.

  “Now that's a nice image” he felt a stirring to be there with her.

  The rest of the week flew by and when Zach appeared in the flat at just before seven Charlie was ready and waiting. Zach was pleased to see the colour back in her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes.

  “Come on, the taxi is waiting” he held out his hand for her small suitcase.

  “Good, you've packed light we can get this and mine on as hand luggage”

  Sitting on the plane Charlie gazed out of the window from the business class seat. The stars sparkled and memories of her last trip to see Mitchell flooded her mind. She moved her hand slowly over her still flat stomach and rested it there. Zach
noticed but said nothing, he still hadn't thought about what he would do if it was his. His mind was fixed on destruction.

  Touching down in JFK airport Zach gave Charlie a nudge to wake her up. He guessed the rehearsals were taking their toll. She stared at him through bleary sleep kissed eyes.

  “Are we there?”

  “Yes, just need to hail a cab and we'll be at the hotel in no time”

  “Good, cos I could sleep for England”

  With Charlotte's hand in his and their bags in the other Zach guided them into the nearest cab.

  “Waldorf Astoria please”

  He checked them into a suite and led her inside the vast room. She spun 360 degrees to take in the space divided into a lounge area, doors led to the bathroom and then double doors into the bedroom.

  “It’s all yours” Zach motioned, placing her bag in the room “I'll be fine on the sofa”

  He crossed to the small bar and poured a drink, offering Charlie a fresh orange juice.

  “This bed is huge, we can share”

  “We'll see” he murmured, slouching on the sofa and looking at home.

  “I'm going to crash for a bit”

  Zach nodded and watched her enter the bedroom. When he knew she was asleep he scribbled a note and went down to the bar. Daniel was waiting for him.

  “Mate, great to see a friendly face” Daniel remarked, sliding a drink across to Zach.

  “Yeah, bit of a flying visit and mad that I'm in the same hotel as you”

  “Cheers” they toasted and swallowed the shorts.


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