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Her Baby Daddy

Page 13

by Emma Roberts

  The boy in my arms stared curiously up at me, blinking bright blue eyes as he took in the world around him. We had decided on names months ago, but it was still a bit of a shock to identify the vaguely squirmy bundle in my arms. “Oh… oh, welcome to the world, Evan,” I murmured, pressing a kiss to his forehead. His skin wrinkled, but I could do little but laugh and nuzzle affectionately into the soft skin of my newborn son. He seemed to tire of that rather quickly, so I obligingly drew away to simply consider the child I had never known I would want. His eyes were so much like my own; it was like looking into a tiny mirror of sorts. If there had ever been any doubt about paternity, it was absolved in that very moment.

  A bit overwhelmed with the events that had passed in what seemed a blur, I settled back in the recliner and cradled Evan comfortingly in my arms. He still seemed a bit awestruck by his surroundings, though I couldn’t blame him terribly. I don’t imagine living inside another person’s body for nine months could be all that exciting. His eyes fell upon me once more, and a warmth that I hadn’t even known I was capable of washed over me. I brushed a hand through his short, dark sprigs of hair, whispering so as not to wake his exhausted mother.

  “I love you, Evan. I love you so much. I never thought I would be a father… I never thought I’d want to be a father, for that matter. But I’ve never been so sure of something in my life. You’re my little boy, and I’m going to take care of you for as long as I live,” I murmured, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. He was nonplussed by my declaration, and granted, I hadn’t expected much else. It would have been far stranger for him to be drastically affected by my vow.

  A cough from the hospital bed drew my attention back to Kimberly, and I was nearly blinded by the radiance of her smile. Her eyes gleamed with unshed tears, and I swiftly rose to my feet, shuffling closer to place our son on her chest. I knew it was important for mother and child to have those moments of closeness, not that I would have kept our son away from her in any case. She had done all of the work, after all. It was only fair that she get up close and personal with the miracle that we had brought into this world.

  “Does that go for me as well?” she asked softly, glancing up at me with a tired expression. I hesitated, not immediately sure what she was referring to. After a moment, however, I could only laugh as I leaned in to capture her lips in a brief kiss.

  “Of course, Kim. You two are my life now. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world,” I assured her, though she didn’t look entirely convinced. Before I could ask what troubled her, she spoke.

  “What… what did you want to discuss before my water broke? Before we hurried here?” she asked gingerly, as if she were afraid of the answer. I couldn’t help feeling a bit taken aback before it hit me like a freight train. She’d thought I was going to leave her. After all that we’d been through, as deeply as I had fallen for her, she’d honestly thought I was going to up and leave. The thought made me queasy, and I couldn’t even begin to fathom how it must have made her feel. Had she spent this whole time worrying about how she would take care of our child?

  “Oh, Kimmy, my sweet. I’m so sorry,” I began, frowning when she began to sniffle.

  “I understand, David. I didn’t expect… I mean, I don’t expect you to…” she trailed off, closing her eyes and brushing a hand through our son’s hair.

  “Stay. You didn’t expect me to stay. I told you, Kim. You two are my life now. I never knew how beautiful life could be before I met you. I never thought that I’d wanted for anything, but now… here with you, I know that I was missing so much. Now that I’ve had a taste of joy… of love… you won’t be getting rid of me so easily,” I assured her, smiling gently as she blinked her eyes open to gaze up at me. Her head was tilted adorably in confusion, and I resisted the desire to laugh at the display.

  “Then… if you weren’t going to leave, then what were you going to say?” she asked, sounding more than vaguely bewildered by the turn of events. I chuckled, rocking back on my heels as I considered the two of them — the two most important people in my life, my entire reason for living from this point onward. Was it really so unbelievable for her? Did she truly think she was unworthy of love, or more specifically, unworthy of my love? If there was one thing I was certain of in that moment, it was that I would willingly spend every day of the rest of my life showing her how wonderful she was. She would never again have to wonder if she was loved— there would be no question. I could picture my future at no one else’s side, could think of no one I would rather be with and no place that I would rather be.

  “Well, I didn’t expect our little champ here to show me up so completely, but I can’t say I blame him for crashing the party,” I murmured, rummaging in my pocket for a moment. Kimberly watched in a state of dazed confusion, and I was almost positive I could have told her anything in that moment and she wouldn’t have remembered it five minutes later. Nonetheless, I couldn’t make her wait any longer. I couldn’t wait any longer. Dropping to one knee as my fingers brushed the velvet box in my pocket, I withdrew the ring box and smiled at the wide-eyed visage of my lover.

  “You… oh my God, David, you can’t be serious,” she whispered, gathering our son in her arms and sitting a bit more upright. I chuckled, knowing that tact was rightfully her absolute last concern at the moment. Popping open the ring box, my heart hammered out of my chest. For the first time, I felt tendrils of doubt. Had I entirely misread her feelings for me? Was this moving too fast? Either way, there was no turning back at this point. Pushing forward, I took her gently by the hand, careful not to jostle our newborn child. Her hand trembled in my own as her skin erupted in goosebumps that I was sure my own flesh was mirroring.

  “I, uh, I’m completely serious, actually. I know I’ve not been the best at showing it, or even saying it… but I love you, Kimberly. A part of me has loved you ever since the first night we met, and I know this is probably moving rather quickly, but considering you’re holding my son in your arms…” I trailed off, laughing a bit awkwardly. She continued to stare at me in disbelief, and it took all I had not to close the box and brush off the entire encounter. I had never been one to doubt myself, and I had certainly never been one to give up on what I wanted. Regardless of what her answer would be, I knew I would never be able to sleep peacefully again until I voiced the question that loomed over both of our heads. “I will say it a thousand times over if that’s what it takes for you to believe me. I love you, and there is no one I would rather be with in this entire universe. Would you make me the happiest man in the world, not just by being the mother of my child, but… Kimberly, will you marry me?” I implored, taking the ring from the box and praying she would allow me to place it on her finger. After a moment, she laughed, a beautiful and melodic sound that would have soothed the most savage of beasts.

  “You idiot,” she murmured, her gentle tone betraying the harshness of her words. “You wonderful, wonderful idiot. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  Slipping the ring on her finger, I knew that from that moment forward, things would never be the same. David Strowman, rich playboy, was no more.

  Yet somehow, I was okay with that.


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  Also if you really liked this book you can read the Prequel by clicking HERE.

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