Gone Rogue

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Gone Rogue Page 21

by A McKay

“No, the losses today were too great, my brother is in danger.” Slade took pity on himself, blaming him for the mess.

  “Stop making excuses. Always you humans blame yourself for deaths, and lives unpleasantness. Can’t you see it is the pattern of life? It is the magic the world created for us to roll around in.”

  “But…” He was read plain as day from Phoenix and he knew it. Her finger came up and quieted his pain back down.

  “No more excuses, we are trapped in this cave till the storm blows over. Now I want to kiss you.” She started to whisper in a seductive manner. “I want you to return my kiss and prove to me that you’re a man.”

  With that, she swept her lips gently over his. He felt the kiss, but didn’t respond back. She continued the kiss with more pleasure, something finally gave in him, and he pulled back. He felt alive, he felt the sorrow leave, and he saw the most beautiful woman that he wanted to make his.

  He swept his lips onto hers. Slade’s mouth devouring hers, tongues starting to taste each other, the salvia heating between them, and he knew he would feel her fire. He could feel the flames starting to come through her throat, he could feel her tongue and mouth get warmer, her taste becoming different, her tongue relaxing below his and soon flames shot into his mouth. It didn’t burn they just intensified the kiss. Something was calling out to him from deep within, telling him to take her as his and only his.

  He usually loved foreplay but this time he needed her to let him sink deep within her. He didn’t know when or how it happened, but her dress was off, her naked body was against his. Her breast firm, her stomach flat and her skin warm. He pulled his slacks off to follow her, his shaft throbbing for the pleasure it wanted.

  She was on her hands and knees, her butt facing him as she rolled off of him. She turned her head to look at him as he studied her beauty. “Take me guardian, take me as a mate.” Slade didn’t hear anything after she wanted him, he wanted to sink deep within her and she wanted him too.

  He knew exactly what she needed and he put his shaft right inside her sliding in without hesitation. She moaned as it started to go in, and went deeper. Heat surrounded his hard rod, making it even harder if that was possible. He thrusted in making his balls slap as he was as deep as he could go, she started to buck a little and he soon joined the movements as they slowed to a steady motion together. His hand held her stomach, keeping his rod buried deep as he pumped.

  She returned the actions, as he kept pumping at her, back and forth, she cried out for more sounding more human making him go faster competing against the lightning and thunder. He felt her let loose as fire swept around his rod and he went harder, feeling his pressure build. Sweat danced from his body to hers. His slick rod heavy with need, she moaned and she went down to her belly, as he thrust more and more. The different angle causing change in the pleasure and he held his muscles tight not wanting to let go yet. He didn’t care anymore about anything, as he watched his rod hammer inside her.

  Slade continued pumping harder each thrust tempting for him to explode. His head thrashed backwards, and his life being let go deep inside her. She cried out, one last time as he thrusted his final strength into her. She let go again as the hot fire like cum erupted around his shaft again inside her. Slade fell to her side and laid there as she turned to her side with her head on his chest.

  He was at this time the most happy and sedated man ever known. He felt like the guardian that he was meant to be. He felt like the hole was filled within him. The fire that laid dormant deep inside him exploded out to join the dragons, a dragon that he was proud to call a mate.

  * * *

  He opened his eyes knowing they fell asleep together, his body urging him to do what he just did again. Her hand had stopped playing with the hair on his as she laid there her eyes staring now at his. Her breast pointing to the ceiling of the cave begging to be sucked again by a guardian, a duty he was proud to have. He smiled at her, the fire cracking in the background the heat from her body and the fire making it warm enough that he had sweat on random parts of his body.

  “Guardian that was my first time with a human”

  “Mine too, with a dragon that is.”

  “You have mated with me, and I now vow my strength to you,” she said with such seriousness that Slade didn’t know how to respond. He then figured a way, his rod becoming stiff again. She quickly looked down at the rod that vibrated at her leg while it rose.

  “My turn to show you the true strength of a dragon”

  “You already did,” her hand slid down his body touching his abs then his balls, and finely stroking his rod.

  He closed his eyes in the pure ecstasy that she rushed through him. Her mouth came down his nipples, fire sprinkled around it from mouth. Her mouth cooled it the same time, making him thrust into her hand.

  “Guardian, tell me you want me. Tell me how much you need me.” She growled the last part.

  “O dear god,” he said as she licked at his body, singing and cooling at the same. “I need you,” he said back to her.

  “Beg for me to go further.”

  His eyes still closed his thrusting in her hand continued. “Please,” Slade said never wanting something so bad before.

  She sprawled on top of her prey. “Do you feel my need for you?” She let his rod hung to above her clit, teasing her by barely touching it.”

  Slade tried to thrust into her, but her body held him at bay. “Beg guardian, beg for the queen.” Her mouth vibrated on Slade’s lips. He grabbed her lip with his mouth, her hands holding his down, himself being held captive by the queen making his body tense to penetrate.

  “O god, I love you, fuck me, fuck now,” He cried out to her. With that, Phoenix dropped her weight on him, letting his rod slide in. She started uncontrollable shaking as she rode him. She lifted off of his body sitting there grinding, rocking on him. His hands teased her body rubbing up her stomach massaging her breast.

  Never another man could satisfy her now like the guardian she rode now. She kept grinding, feeling his thrust, soon she felt the explosion in her own body, from his body. She screamed, his name, “Slade that was,” she couldn’t finish the thought as her explosion took her to a new sensation as she stopped and fell more than gently got off of him.

  She laid next to her lover, his eyes and intense as hers. Sweat covered their bodied, along with each other’s liquids that encouraged her to try that again. Never knowing how her human body took it before, she liked it no she loved it. Her body quivered with delight, she didn’t care that she ever changed back to her true form if she could feel this way every moment.

  Several times through the night they stared at each other naked, took each other like animals. They had done it so many times, that even Phoenix felt worn out. It was a sensation that built on it each time, making it more amazing than the first.

  Finally, morning came, sometime between love and sleep Phoenix caught something for dinner. She stood there naked roasting the critter. “Did you get that naked?” Slade couldn’t believe how raw her powers made him feel. He wanted to watch her hunt naked; he wanted to make love to her before and after the hunt. If the hunt was boring, he would do it during the hunt also.

  “My dragon form doesn’t require clothes.” She stared at his stomach, which had him looking down.

  “These patches look like gun shots.” Her face turned from pleasure to care, and worry. Slade was taken aback by the look, besides Zach, he never had anyone care about his injuries, his defeats.

  Slade closed his eyes and opened them slowly seeing the images flashing again in his mind. He relived flashbacks before and knew one was coming again. Dropping from the helicopter into the water, swimming to the banks, then a hand touched his, and he snapped out of it. “We haven’t shared this story with anyone.” Slade said to her, not knowing why, but for some reason he needed to more than ever, he needed to let her know about their history.

  ”Zach is a trained sniper, and I was his spotter. We both could shoot, an
d our shots were as close to perfection as you could get.”

  His eyes closed as the images came faster and faster. “The air crisp and the forest thick, Zach walking next to me as we hiked through the forest, both of us young, both of us thinking we were the top shit. Zach somehow got some Cubans and we lit them while going through this forest. We talked quietly so no one knew they were the target, or at least weren’t supposed to.” He opened his eyes and took a swig of some water that Phoenix handed to him when he stopped. He needed to let it all out; he needed someone else to know his past, his bond with Zach.

  “So we found where Intel told us to be positioned. I looked through my scope and Zach got positioned. ‘Two clicks East, One click north.’ He repeated the coordinates to me and waited for our target to get clear. He got close, the shot fired, a loud thunder of the gun echoed through the valley, and then the man fell instantly. ‘That’s why they call me chopsticks,’ Zach told me. I looked at the victim who now laid with a bullet between his eyes. ‘Showoff,’ I joked with him. We stopped talking fast as something felt off. ‘Let’s boogie, bro,’ I told Zach as we grabbed our equipment and ran. Something felt uneasy to us but our extraction point was clear. I went first, Zach followed when I got in. Out of nowhere, Soldiers came from all directions. The gunners on the helicopter were firing, but a soldier shot and got Zach in the leg, and Zach dropped. I jumped out I knew the crew was yelling for me to come back, but I couldn’t leave Zach. I reached him, and helped him to the helicopter. I felt bullets from every direction hitting me, but I figured the vest would stop most of them, and the crew grabbed him. The vest pinched my skin as bullet bounced off of me. They reached for me and hoisted me in too. They gave me a head set, and then gave Zach one also. Zach put his hand out too me. ‘Thanks bro.’ I grabbed his hand and did a weak gesture of our bond to each other.

  ‘Zach, you were only shot in the leg,’ the medic said on the chopper checking his leg and bandaging it. I held my stomach; something was stinging on my chest. I was starting to feel weak, the adrenaline was fading from my body, and I knew I was in serious trouble. I saw Zach’s face, and his face changed when he looked at my chest. He pushed the medic off him and almost jumped on me it seemed, and yelled, “Rob hold on,” That was the last thing I remembered before everything went dark.” Slade felt a kiss on the scars, and when he opened his eyes, she was on him again not in a sexual way. It a way that no one ever shown him, a care so deep that he felt safe. “You are alive now and we will find him.” She said reassuring him about his brother life.

  They sat there in the silence both of them embracing the other, the pain that Slade felt eased away by Phoenix. “Why did you not stay at the kingdom instead of coming with us, I figured a queen would stay back.”

  “I lived on the other side for centuries, there was no other way really. The forest by the lake is where I grew with my brother. My brother would always come telling stories about returning to his true home. I will not go into details of how we left our parent’s cave. He craved adventure, and me being his only sister, he was torn between protecting me and searching for the island.”

  She continued on but the thing that kept buzzing in his head was “Stop Slade, stop before it is too late, She is a dragon, you are man.”

  “The short story is that is how I came to the island with him. The land was bare, and so we hiked and found the ancient kingdom that had crumbled.” Her face seemed to grow heavy, “We thought it would be funny to act like I was queen and so I sat in the throne one day, and he bowed down to me, that’s when a stone guard appeared and the guard bowed down right away as well.”

  Slade looked at her hard, for he knew what she was going to say next.

  “We didn’t know why but, figured it would be fun to have a servant. So we continued. Days became weeks, and then a year had passed. The guard told them of the prophecy, and they believed she was the true queen. You would be surprise how fast news goes around among us. Well two decades later, I am here and you are there.” She looked at Slade waiting for him to say something.

  “Are you saying you’re not that queen?”

  She stared at him, he was waiting for her to attack him on saying that, but it never came. Her eyes heated in anger, but she didn’t scream, she didn’t attack, she took a deep breath. Then she spoke probably the hardest word of her life, “Yes, I am a fake queen, but if I get the gates opened to the other side well that will change then.” Slade had to give her credit, she wasn’t the real deal, but she was still trying to serve her people the best that she could. That was why she wanted to come; she needed to make herself worthy, like he needed to kill the Sanctum.

  Slade was about to push the conversation further but something in her eyes told him not to push it any more. He lay down next to the fire, not knowing if Phoenix would go to sleep again or not. The sun just started to rise. “I think you are the one,” he said before the activities of the night stole his energy and his eyes closed.


  He woke up, the sky was blue, the birds were chirping, and Phoenix was missing. Slade got up quicker than he should have, hitting his head on the rock above him as he made his way out of the cave. He went by a tree and watered it with what the morning brought every man. After getting his clothes, back on he could see Phoenix sitting on the ledge looking over the valley below. Taking his time checking the plain cave to make sure he didn’t forget anything; he walked down to where she was sitting. A great thinker would even been proud of the concentration she gave to the valley below them.

  “Let’s go,” He said, almost regretting it as Phoenix jumped almost slashing him to death with her whip.

  “Where should we go, my brother knew where to go, I just followed.” She had tears in her eyes.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, but,” she cut him off will a hand wave.

  “I cannot smell them anywhere near. There is no trail that led from the village.”

  “You did burn the village down”

  “I don’t have another clue to where they would have gone.”

  “Gargan said that our blood would open the gate, would Zach’s blood be strong enough alone.” Phoenix shook her head, “Then they need me, they probably have a camp set up by the gate.”

  “Well, probably to bait us to them, if it is your agency they know what we want.”

  “Or,” Slade noticed his finger now going up like Zach’s would when he had an idea. “She thinks he is going to be able to open it.” Then the next part hit me, “She will be pissed when his blood is not strong enough.”

  Slade almost ran into her when she spun around, “I can smell fires. Like camp fires, let go.”

  They hiked for hours before they cleared enough distance from the hill that it finally felt like they were off of it. “Phoenix why don’t we fly there,” she had the wings, and she knew where it was so it made sense to just change into her form and go Slade thought.

  “One, because if they see us, the surprise will be taken away and they probably have Zach as hostage,” She didn’t continue her thoughts.

  “Usually when you say one, there is something more.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know where the smell is directly coming from; I think this is a good direction though don’t you?” She asked walking now an angle away from the path they were on. Slade sighed, but went with her, not feeling like it was a day to argue, and he thought that at first it was a joke.

  “Yeah you’re funny,” he looked at her face, and didn’t even see a smirk form. Either he would never play poker against her or “You really don’t know the direction we need to go.”

  “This way feels right.” Is all she said leaving him even more worried than he had been this entire time.

  * * *

  He walked over to the massive stone and took the belt with his kukris off figuring they walked enough for the day. While taking several things off, he wondered what they would start on fire, he just saw brush and some bushes, not any trees near. He watched as Phoenix walked to a bush
the size of the Jeep. She stepped close to the base of the bush and with one great heave; the entire bush was ripped out of the ground. She tossed the bush at him, making him have second thoughts about their encounters the night before. That soon left his mind when he saw berries in the bush, his stomach rumbling with excitement.

  She walked to another bush, he grabbed a Kukri to chop at the bush when a turkey came bolting out from behind the bush, Phoenix leapt back, her hands half changed. Slade almost couldn’t throw his kukri, but it went fair enough to catch the stomach of the turkey, making it drop a couple of yards from where it was hit. He laughed at Phoenix who was staring at it, trying to avoid eye contact with him for she knew he wouldn’t let it go for the greatest of days. She threw another bush and another, until a good mound was formed that would stay lit for the night.

  Slade walked back to the bushes that were by each other and started to pick berries off them. He was sure they weren’t the poison ones, but they would find out with the digestion of the delightful little mix color of red and purple berries.

  “Can you clean that turkey?” Slade asked Phoenix who was throwing another bush over to the pit, “I think that will be enough for the night.”

  “Yeah, probably,” She then walked over to the turkey, where his kukri was still in the bird.

  The turkey cleaned, he slowly rotated it over the fire, and used the berries to smother the turkey with it every other rotation. The sweet smell of the berries mixing with the turkey made his mouth water. “Slade, catch,” She threw the now cleaned kukri back to him making it spin in the air, and he caught it by the hilt. The sun was setting perfect over the horizon, the color of the sky changing as it would in the regular world, going from the hot pink to orange as if someone took a highlighter to the sky.

  “Now that is beautiful,” Slade said looking at the horizon, enjoying the last bit of the sun before the moon came out to light the ground.

  “Yes I agree I can’t wait much longer.” He looked at Phoenix who was staring at the turkey, the sauce bubbling on the skin.


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