Gone Rogue

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Gone Rogue Page 22

by A McKay

  “Down Dragon, this still needs to cook at least another hour.”

  All he heard was a growl, and it wasn’t from either of their stomachs but from Phoenix’s chest, which he paused to look at. He let himself enjoy the memory of their previous night. He no longer had to think it was only a dream, now it had happened. He hoped that she wasn’t going to kill him though when they fought the Sanctum and got what she wanted.

  He was starting to feel more deeply for her, which scared the shit out of him. He looked at her as she was now gazing at the stars. He didn’t know how long he studied her face, her body, and even her wardrobe, while cooking the bird without thinking about it. “Phoenix, what are you thinking?”

  “Nothing,” She turned her head to look at him, and he could only smile back at her when she continued to look at him. He knew that her shoulders now carried the world on it, but she needed to know she wasn’t alone; he was there for her at least for now. He was there for Zach, as long as they saved his ass before he did something foolish.

  “I think the bird is done.” Phoenix sat up on that announcement and they started in on the bird, not caring how hot the meat was. Phoenix probably never had to worry about burning her hands, but unfortunately, Slade was another species.

  She went in first grabbing a leg her hand over the flames that would have surely burned any human flesh, but having tough skin, she just ripped the leg right off the bird. He just stared at her, and then the fire, still trying to figure how he was going to take the bird off the fire.

  “What?” She said with a mouth full of turkey. “This is real good; do I have something on my face?”

  “No,” he got out of his trance and remarked. “It’s just that the turkey has to be hot, and you have a tight grip on it.”

  “Dragon, remember?”

  “I remember,” unfortunately Slade thought thinking that soon she would leave him for another.

  “This is good,” she said with another bite, “but not enough for me to go back into my dragon form.”

  “Not enough food for a dragon,” Slade said still eyeing the bird.

  “Come on lover,” she said as she grabbed a piece of white meat and leg from the bird and handed it to him. “Just remember I am supposed to be served food, not the other way around.”

  “Now, why would I do that?” He grabbed a piece of meat with his teeth ripping it from the bone, juggling the food in his hands trying to not to burn his skin. They ate the rest of the bird, Phoenix out doing him on the eating part, making him wonder where she put it all, but again there was magic in her blood.

  After he ate, he folded his hand across and under his head for support and used it as a pillow again. He closed his eyes and let the crackling of the fire and light flashing through his closed eyelids fill his head. Time left him as he fell asleep.

  * * *

  Something happened, something felt wrong, something went through the ground. His eyes still were closed, but someone was very close to him. His eyes flew open just in time to see a whip come down, missing him as he rolled towards the fire. He stood up as whip came crashing down again, “Phoenix, what are you doing.”

  “You human think can mate with me without consequences!”

  The night was still on the land and the fire was still good light, several new bushes were put on the fire about an hour ago. She stood closer to the fire circling him with her hands mostly claws now. Her teeth showing, and her eyes, the eyes were pure hatred.

  Slade dodged another attack, moving around the fire. “Phoenix snap out of it, Slade snap out of it,” he yelled out loud hoping this was a dream, but he wasn’t waking. A growl is all he got back from her, before she dove over the fire pinning him to the ground. Slade kicked her off him using momentum to help move the beast that now weighed every ounce her dragon form would. He knew he couldn’t hurt her though, something was holding him back.

  He didn’t know if she was trying to fight it or not, but her attacks were very close to connecting with him. If the tips of her whip caught him, he would lose blood for sure if not a limb. Without warning, she leapt into the air, her feet moving connecting with his chest; it felt like multiple cars connected with him as he flew backwards. . The pain shot through him as a boulder broke the fall. He fell to the ground just before the whip hit the stone cracking the massive form in half. Her whip came back, to her, and he knew he was a goner if he didn’t do something.

  He didn’t know where he dug it from, but he rose to his feet as the whip was being swung at him, and it seemed be moving in slow motion. His lip bled and the taste seemed to push his adrenaline to the max. The whip moved again and he ran. He moved with the speed of the whip this time, reaching out and letting the whip circle his wrist. He grabbed with his other hand, and her eyes grew large in surprise. Her flames came shooting out, but they seemed to be made of nothing but hot air. His clothes singed, and smoked, but his body took in the heat. He yanked at the whip, which put out the flames and pulled her too him.

  She spun around, and in a natural state of mined, from years of training, her arms were behind her back with the whip tying them together. She tried to fight it, but the whip was even too strong for the dragon. He spun her around, and she screamed, not just a warrior scream but also a growl escaped and he could feel the heat building within her throat. He needed to extinguish it the only way he knew how.

  His mouth swept down, taking the flames inside his mouth. He felt some of it hit his nose the rest went down his throat like smoke from a cigar. It did not burn him, it just caused a massive erection, and he knew that the only thing he could do was use everything in his power to put an end to this. Her flames kept coming and his kiss got deeper his tongue now joining the flames firing through them as they tried to suck the life from the each other. The blood from his lips was mixing with her flames, and soon he bit hard on her lips in revenge causing them to bleed as well.

  He put his leg behind her and he went with her as he tripped her to the ground, they hit the ground hard but he didn’t care, and her flames didn’t lighten up. He pulled back from her, and used the edge of one of the whiptails to slice her dress off. He knew for sure it was a dream now because she was wearing the sexiest lingerie he could have imagined. A black laced bra with panties that matched. He left them alone only pulling the thong to the side with her sex open he stuck one finger in circling it and pumping it back and forth. The flames grew hotter, and every time she moaned, the flames increased by degrees. He left her hands tied behind her back and she arched her sex to him. He whipped his pants off still keeping lip contact, her pussy nice and wet he stuck it straight in. A moan escaped from him and a squeal escaped her mouth interrupting the flames for just a moment. Then the flames were back swirling inside their mouths. He thrusted hard each time putting great pressure between them with each pump. He kept pumping, her hands behind her back elevated it higher up with him invading her deepest parts. He didn’t have a sense of time, but his shaft started to pulse harder, he gave one more thrust and pumped feeling the explosion from himself and hers as they climaxed together. He pulled his head back from her mouth, as the fire died her eyes opened. They weren’t colored anymore, he rolled to her side, and he could feel his energy drained. The sun was just starting to rise, and he stared at her eyes and both of their eyes closed together.

  He opened his eyes in the real world, and he saw Phoenix still sleeping. A smile grew on her face as if she just dreamed of the same. He couldn’t help but scoot over to her; the movement had her open her eyes. He started to kiss her, the fire keeping them warm as he experienced the dream once again in reality. She accepted him, and didn’t fight the need they both shared.

  He wasn’t going to fight it no more; the dream told him that his subconscious wanted her as much as he was trying to fight it. He wasn’t going to leave her, even if she was going to mate with other dragons; he wasn’t going to leave her. They were meant for each other somehow and he now could accept it.

  As he accepted it t
he kissing deepened even more, and his body ached for her in ways that even the gods dreamt for.


  The sun was beating on Slade’s face by the time his mind started to come into focus, as he finished getting dressed. Her white dress not working with the wind for it blew constantly up revealing her ass for Slade to stare at, and anybody else that wanted to take a peak. The field was empty so far, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t get busy.

  “Slade, give me a kukri would you?” Slade walked over to her, making sure she wasn’t about to use it against him, the dream still bothering him a little. He handed the kukri over hilt first, wondering what she was going to do. She snagged it from his hand with a quickness that made him second-guess his safety. She stripped her cloth revealing her skin that had Slade wondering if he should strip his off again also.

  With quick movements and fire from her hands, she attacked the sheet. The sheet started to change in shape, Slade just watching her muscles contract and relax making him think if he should take her one more time. He was putting his life on the line anyway. Before he could move to action, she was standing and walking to him naked. She watched him carefully and she slid his kukri back in his belt, brushing her hand across his penis making it salute her back.

  “Down boy, we will have time after we open the portal.”

  “I wasn’t, I was,” He was sure she saw through his lie. “God I am worse than my brother aren’t I.”

  She folded the fabric over each other making it look more robe like and used a strip she cut as a sash to tie it together. The sheet now was more dress like and suitable for walking. “Okay, let’s go, I think we are close.” She sniffed the air again.

  20The terrain changed soon from boarders and grass to a hill that overlooked a castle that looked very familiar. The castle looked identical to the one on the island. He saw a trail that had heavier traffic on it, that led to the castle.

  “It looks,” Slade stopped as Phoenix finished his sentence

  “Identical, it should be, its the other side.” Phoenix now started to walk towards the path, to where there had to be guards. Guards that they would have to fight without a plan, it was he and she against hundreds.

  “What is the chance of us getting through this alive?” Slade asked

  “Much better if we had our family by us.” She sighed looking ahead, smoke coming from her nose, and her eyes intense on the entrance.

  “Well it’s a good day to die,” Slade said knowing there was no backing out now.

  “You said it mate.” Phoenix said

  They were getting closer to the castle when Slade noticed a river wound around the entire castle. One bridge entered the castle the pathway all rutted up as if it was recently traveled by horses and buggies. The bridge itself was nothing special; it seemed to be made of trees that were split right down the middle making the surface of the bridge smooth. The bridge appeared to be permanent, even though it was roped and staked to each side. They were smart with the bridge with being made of wood, which would float with the different heights of the river.

  They walked side by side down the pathway towards the entrance of hell, when they hit the bridge. Two soldiers stood in front of the bridge with two on the sides and stared at the two. “Halt, you are not from this Kingdom.”

  Slade was ready to grab his weapon when Phoenix touched his hand to stop him when she went forward. Slade had a cloak covering him, that’s when he noticed she had her crown in her hair. “We are here to buy goods.” Phoenix said in a sweet voice, Slade hoping they didn’t look under her cloak where she wore a small crown. They were both giants so maybe they couldn’t see that high.

  Slade watched every guard and that’s when he noticed one look up to her head. They were caught, plain and simple, they didn’t check each other like Zach, and he would have done. Slade was ready though, “My name is Slade, your queen wants us caught, but my queen wants you dead.”

  “Yo, you, you,” the guard stuttered, “Give up or else we will be force to kill you.”

  “Never met an agent that stuttered before,” Slade grabbed the guard that was still stuttering and shocked and threw him into the river. With the open room, he grabbed the oversize machete from his back and split the stomach of the second guard. His insides spilled over the bridge with a rancid smell. Another guard tried to run only to be caught by Phoenix’s whip and with just a whelp, he joined the river.

  The bridge started to vibrate as they looked up to see that the fourth guard was a stone guard. He had two blades and charged at them. Slade looked at Phoenix who just had the same look she had always. The guard slowed so he could yell at the two.

  “You violent, you offend queen, you die now.”

  “Brother Stop,” which surprised Slade that he listened. Slade removed an article of clothe to show the brand he got from the agency. “Those men were spies; I was sent to kill them.” For the first time Slade, thought he saw Phoenix’s expression change. Phoenix started to rotate the group by walking sideways so that they stood sideways on the bridge the stone guard mimicking them to be straight in front of them. Slade thought maybe that the guard was going to let them go through for his lie sounded reasonable.

  “Me, no dumb,” he said before he charged without warning like a rhino.

  “Not even close guardian.” Phoenix said as that man picked up speed. He was just a few feet away when; both Slade and Phoenix dove to the side. The soldier wasn’t able to stop and just plainly ran off the bridge into the water.

  Both stood up and looked at the river before they walked inside the gate. “Where is everyone?” Slade asked as they went inside.

  Phoenix stared into the city, “Only one thing would gather the entire town.” She looked back at the gate and then looked straight down the path further into the city. She then took off running, Slade only keeping up with her.

  “What?” Slade finally got out as they stopped in front of the crowd. Slade looked over the crowed, hundreds of men in front of him laid a platform with a hanging rope. He didn’t know if it was the adrenaline rushing to his muscle and his brain becoming focused but he had to do one thing before he died. He turned to Phoenix and with all of his might; he gave her the best kiss he could ever give. Lips collided and she bent backwards and her leg came up in the intense urge. “I love you.” Slade said turning to the crowd. “I’m coming Zach,” he bellowed over the crowd that split instantly to the many soldiers surrounding the place. He pulled the machete back out and charged forward, the soldiers charging also.

  Without looking, he knew Phoenix would fight with him as he charged forward. Each villager seemed to turn into a guard, he knew it was trap, but didn’t care. He wasn’t going to fight backwards but forward.

  The first one to meet Slade was met with his machete cutting though his body like butter, Slade’s massive size, and swing being used fully. The blade being swung up taking the bodies and coming down taking another guard cutting through his armor and weapons; soldiers started to fly one way to another, Slade seeing everything before they could connect. He ducked several swings the soldiers hitting each other as he came up elbowing them from his sides. He spun, and swinging the blade over his head and coming down on the attempts of the guards. Several guards pinned his blade to the ground and he swung his arm connecting with them and sending them to the ground his fist connecting to their jaws. Not even the stone guards stood a chance to his swing, his machete might have been being banged to dullness, but it still cut through anything that got in his way when he reached the platform.

  Zach stared at him, the rope already around his neck, as Slade slammed his blade into a guard that made the blade stand erect he grabbed his Kukri and threw it, connecting to the man underneath his arm that cause the blade to dig in further when he tried to pull the level, until he dropped to the side.

  He ducked two swords, the guards losing their balance to be grabbed by the throat and being lifted to the air and slammed into the ground, Slade’s handed going into their
necks feeling the blood soak his hands. Slade grabbed another kukri and threw it at the rope slicing it which dropped Zach like a sack of potatoes. A blade came overhead from a guard where Slade grabbed the man’s arms and head-butted him making Slade able to grab the sword. The man fell to the ground where Slade stepped on his neck crushing it as he threw the sword up high and it landing erect in the platform.

  Slade grabbed his machete and attacked more guards. The guards fighting against the three of them, men screaming, the crowd in chaos, now Slade seeing that some of the people in the crowd were actually just citizens being killed by the poor training of the agents, by the Sanctum. Soon Slade reached Zach who was killing guards that ventured closed enough to the platform; his body moving in pain, as he was weakened by two days of torture; Slade fighting to defend his blood brother. When Slade reached Zach, it looked as if both men have bathed in blood.

  “Nice to see you bro,” Zach said slicing of a soldier’s neck that got to close to him. As three guards attacked at once, one tripped ducking his machete’s dangerous swing that took his comrades heads only to be kicked so hard that it broke his neck.

  “Sorry, I got distracted, would have been here sooner,” he searched now the crowd for Phoenix, but all he saw were bodies engulfed in flames and men screaming in torture which was proof enough that she was kicking ass.

  “Did you find the weapon?” Zach asked seeing the flames exploding.

  “Yes, she was with us the entire time.”

  “She?” he said starting make his way off the platform behind Slade.

  Suddenly the guards stopped their attack and backed away, new guards came forward with bows and surrounded Zach and Slade drawing their arrows back. “Crap,” Zach said he looked for a weakness, a weakness Slade already scanned for, that he couldn’t see.

  “Fuck,” Slade said, just then a beautiful golden dragon soared above the crowd. He felt a drain of his body as if she was using his energy as she blew fire on the soldiers that now shot at the dragon. “Phoenix,” he screamed as he charged the idiots that shot at his love. Slade cut and hit every guard he could Zach helping him.


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