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Paradox I

Page 17

by Rosemary Laurey

  Need, not want. A slip of the tongue? Outside, the wind cried mournfully and she shivered in response. She looked away as she twisted her fingers in the rough wool of her blankets. “What about?”

  “I miss you.”

  Her heart sank. Haaken still couldn’t tell her what she desperately needed to hear. Missing her wasn’t enough.

  “Is that so?” She untwined her fingers and tightened the blanket around her shoulders in an attempt to control her chills. “Well, you’ve seen me, now was there anything else you needed?”

  “I love you.”

  She stared. “You don’t know what love is, Haaken. Your idea of love is to keep me a prisoner—”

  “That will never happen again.”

  “Darn right it won’t happen again.” She shivered and rubbed her hands over her arms in an effort to warm them. “I won’t return—” Her voice caught.


  “No one will ever have complete power over me again—”

  “I was wrong.” He placed his hand over hers, stopping her frantic rubbing beneath the blanket. “I was wrong to try and lock you up, but I only wanted you safe. The women in my family have all died so young. I only wanted to protect you. I knew you were the one for me the moment I met you and I’m not talking about the mark on your skin.”

  She frowned. “What mark?”

  “On your lower back. The mark of a raven’s foot.”

  “I don’t have a mark—”

  “Have you ever seen your naked back? Travelers don’t usually have the luxury of full length mirrors.”

  Her lower back began to itch and she resisted the urge to rub it. Did she really have a mark on her back as he claimed?

  Haaken rose from the chair and pushed it out of the way. He removed his boots and placed them by the fireplace. “You’re so brave for one with the odds stacked against you. Knowing your owner was selling you into slavery, you still met my gaze and stuck out your chin, daring me to take you away.” He removed his shirt.

  “I wasn’t about to let you know I was afraid,” she spluttered. As his golden chest was revealed, she averted her gaze, but it drifted back of its own accord as longing reared its head. “And he wasn’t my owner, he was my father.” Surprisingly enough the words didn’t bring the sting of shame as she’d long feared they would. Instead, she felt—light.

  “Your father?” Haaken spat.

  “Yes, my father. He sold my sister into slavery as well.” Their gazes met and she saw the rage that burned there. “It doesn’t matter now, Haaken. Nothing he’s done or will do can ever hurt me again.”

  The muscles in his jaw flexed and slowly his shoulders relaxed. She had a feeling that this wasn’t the end of the conversation, but he was willing to let it go for now, for her.

  “I knew you were scared,” he said. “But you were so determined to face me as my equal.” He unlaced the front of his pants.

  “What are you doing?” she squeaked.

  “Warming you.”

  She gasped as he tossed his pants onto the chair and walked toward her, nude. Golden firelight danced along the fine line of his body, accentuating his easy grace and hardened musculature. Her woman’s mound clenched and flooded with moisture. “You can’t be serious.”

  “As serious as a priest.”

  He pulled back the blankets and slid in beside her. As his warm body skimmed along hers, she jumped and scrambled for the edge of the bed. The old frame creaked ominously. “There isn’t room,” she protested.

  “Sure there is. You can sleep on top.”

  She was in no mood for his teasing. She moved to leave the bed when his big hands gripped her hips and pulled her snug against him, spoon-style. His big body touched her from shoulder to toes and the heat radiating from him was heavenly. As he settled her against him, the bed gave another creak.

  “It won’t hold the both of us,” she hissed.

  “T’will. This bed wouldn’t dare dump the Overseer of Wryven and his beautiful lady to the floor.”

  Dani stilled her movements. Did he just call her his lady?

  He kissed her shoulder and a shiver whispered down her spine. “Come back to the keep with me. Be my woman and stand by my side.”

  It was all she could do to not scream yes at the top of her lungs. Holding herself tense, she tried to ignore the subtle stroking of his hand on her hip. “Will you lock me up?”

  “No, but you must have a guard when you leave the castle. I must know you’re safe.” His hand moved, brushing the soft curve of her breast. “I have many enemies and I’ll not leave you vulnerable.”

  She shuddered, not because she was cold. She’d missed him so much and it’d been so long since he’d touched her. “Will you let me make my own decisions even when you think I’ll fail?”

  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, one hand claiming her breast and the other stroking her belly. Against her back, his erection pressed into her. “As long as no one’s life is at stake, yes, I’ll allow you to make your own mistakes.”

  She twisted in his arms, bumping her nose on his chin. “Promise?”

  His solemn, dark eyes locked with hers. “I’ve never been more serious in my life.” He cleared his throat. “I thought I was going to lose you before I could get to you.” His voice was tight.

  She cuddled into his chest, his heartbeat loud and strong in her ear. “I was so scared.”

  His arms tightened, but he didn’t say anything.

  “He didn’t hurt me—” He grunted in disagreement and she pressed her fingers against his lips. “He scared me a-a-and tore my clothes—” She shuddered and he kissed her fingers.

  “It’s over.” His voice was rough.

  Her nod was jerky. “And you saved me.” She gave a short laugh. “My jaJin came to the rescue.”

  Haaken gave a startled chuckle and hugged her tighter. “I’ll put those jaJin’s to shame—” He cupped her hips and she flinched when he touched the spot where her hip had caught the table. “Are you hurt?”

  “I hit the table—”

  He sat up and tugged off the blankets. A rush of modesty had her grabbing them for cover, but he pushed her facedown into the bed and ran his hands along her back. She sucked in a noisy breath when he stroked her hip and his touch immediately gentled.

  She felt the brush of his lips over her skin and her hands fisted in the pillows as he set about a leisurely exploration of the back of her body. His long fingers kneaded tight muscles as he continued his slow journey. Strong hands stroked the backs of her thighs and, when he found a sensitive area, he stopped and pressed his lips against her skin, acknowledging her hurt before moving on. She giggled when he reached the sensitive back of her knees. He teased her flesh with the brush of his soft hair before massaging her calves and moving to her feet.

  By the time he’d finished with her back, she was warm and limp. She made no protest as he turned her in the narrow bed. There was barely any room for her to move with Haaken filling more than his share of the space, but they managed. Then he stretched over her and nestled himself between her thighs, his cock pressing insistently against her entrance.

  He kissed her chin, avoiding her split lip before working his way down her body. Caressing her collarbone, he paused for a nibble here, a gentle nip there. His big hand cupped her breast, his brow furrowing when he saw the faint marks on her pale skin.

  Dani said nothing as she laced her fingers through his hair, gently guiding him to her breast. He licked her erect nipple before taking it into his mouth and suckling gently. She made a restless sound and her grip on his head tightened as he laved attention on one breast before moving to the other.

  She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensations he aroused. His hands, deft on her body, stroked and seduced, each movement slow and measured. She shifted, restless beneath him. She wanted him inside her, now. She hooked her leg over his hip and the blunt head of his cock moved into her.

  Haaken grunted in surprise and
made to move away, but she wrapped her other leg around him, forcing him deeper. “Stay. Please.”

  He hesitated and she saw his desire mixed with something else. Concern? Love? She didn’t know what but wanted to explore it. She arched her hips and he rocked against her, lengthening each motion, and keeping his movements languid, sensual. Each breath that escaped her became a sigh as their fingers twined.

  She was in no hurry and she sensed he wasn’t either. Buried deep inside her, flesh against flesh, they explored each other’s hearts and minds to become one.

  The room was warm and Haaken was drowsy. Asleep, Dani was soft and warm against his side and he stroked the baby-soft skin of her back.

  He couldn’t begin to tell her of the fear he’d felt when he’d heard her scream. He’d just discovered Mik, unconscious with a large bump on the side of his head, when she’d cried out. Haaken had rushed into her house to find Knot’s filthy hands on his woman. That act alone had sealed the man’s fate and he was heartily glad Knot had died by his sword.

  Now, he had her back in his arms and all was as it should be. For the most part at least. All too soon, he’d have to leave her and transform to his animal form for as long as the sun hung in the sky.

  He gazed at her sleeping face. Could she knowingly want to spend her life with a half-man/half-beast? Could he tell her he was doomed to animal form forever within the next six months? Was it fair to her to take her heart knowing he could never be the man she needed him to be? Could he ever tell her the truth of the curse?

  You must tell her…

  But not now, he didn’t have to tell her now. Haaken drew the blankets around them and closed his eyes. He still had a few hours before he had to leave.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Brilliant light roused him from the depths of sleep. Haaken groaned as he rolled over, raising his hand to deflect the intrusion. Where was he? He blinked several times, then lowered his arm.

  Above, brilliantsunshine poured through the windows cut into the ceiling. Silent, he gaped at the sight of rich yellow rays shafting into the room and warming the air. When was the last time he’d seen sunlight as a man, not a bird?

  He started to sit, then realized there was a weight anchoring him to the bed. He looked down to see Dani, still sound asleep.

  The sunlight gave her skin a golden glow and he smiled at the faint line of freckles across the bridge of her nose. He’d never known she had freckles. He’d never seen them before. He tugged away the blankets from her nude body, inspecting her from head to toe in the unrelenting light.

  “What are you doing?” she mumbled.

  “Looking. Just looking.”

  She gave a sleepy laugh. “You looked enough last night.”

  But he couldn’t prevent the stupidly happy smile on his face. “I don’t think I’ll ever tire of looking at you.”

  “Even when I’m old and gray?”

  “Even then.”

  She giggled, and he marveled at the strands of white and gold in her pale hair. “You do say the nicest things.” She yawned. “We should get up. We have a lot to do today.”

  “Are we moving you?” He nuzzled the pearly flesh of her shoulder.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Do we have time for a little side activity before getting to work?” He teased her breast into awareness, her nipple hardening against his lips.

  “Mmm…” Her fingers tangled in his hair.

  “Your jaJin has something for you.” He gave her a noisy kiss on the inside her breast.

  “How big is it?” She reached for him, her fingers encircling and stroking just the way he liked. “Not quite huge, but you’re getting there.”

  “It’s monumental.” He pulled her hand away from his straining cock and placed it over his heart.

  She gave him a watery smile as her eyes filled with tears. He kissed her, his touch gentle, keeping her hurt lip in mind. Her mouth trembled beneath his mouth.

  “Now I have something for you,” she whispered.

  “You do?”

  She nodded and slid out from under him. Haaken rolled onto his back and laced his hands beneath his head. In the warmlight, his woman stood by the bed, a secretive little smile on her face. A rush of anticipation moved through him and his cock responded.

  “I think it’s time to make myself your jaJin.” She slithered onto the bed and positioned herself between his legs. Her expression was subservient, but he didn’t miss the glint in her eyes. “What do you require of me, master?”

  His cock leapt to attention and Haaken chuckled. “I think you know your answer, my beautiful jaJin. I want you to fuck me with your mouth.”

  Her smile was wicked as she went down on him. Her mouth was hot and wet, and Haaken closed his eyes and gave up to her ministrations, his heart full.

  About the Author

  To learn more about J.C. Wilder, please visit Send an email to J.C. at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as J.C.!


  Adriana by Rosemary Laurey

  A lifelong vow of revenge, magic and a love that transcends both.

  Adriana has dedicated herself to the destruction of the invading Astrians who murdered her family and destroyed her village. But when she meets an honorable Astrian, she is torn between her lust for revenge and the unexpected love for her avowed enemy.

  Warning, this title contains explicit sex

  Nova by J.C. Wilder

  In the sequel to Heart of a Raven (Paradox I), Nova is on the verge of seeing her life's ambition come true when she wins a Merman in a card game. Now she's on the run with her unwanted companion, and with her future in the balance, she finds that the pursuit of her goals could cost this man his life.

  Warning, this title contains explicit sex.


  The Shattered Stone by Rosemary Laurey

  Tragedy, violence and treachery and a chance encounter that leads to love and the resolution of an ancient dispute.

  After her parents die of the Gray Plague, Alys flees the only home she’s ever known. She sets off to find her mother’s kin in the far Western Lands. On the way she meets the Monarch’s envoy, Ranald ven Strad. The chance meeting leads to danger and an astounding discovery.

  Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex

  After the Rain by J.C. Wilder

  Li leaves her village after her family's betrayal and seeks to create a new life for herself. She accepts a job at Graystone House as the keeper of the Evil Ones—hundreds of stone gargoyles that fill a chamber from top to bottom and rumored to be the victims of the infamous Lady of Maragorn.

  Li only knows that the job fills her with dread, especially when she has to deal with one statue in particular, that of Nikolaz of Riverhaven.

  Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex

  Paradox I

  Fly With a Dragon

  Rosemary Laurey

  Heart of the Raven

  J. C. Wilder


  Fly With A Dragon by Rosemary Laurey

  A virgin sacrifice, a not-so ravening dragon and a happy ever after.

  Selected as the virgin sacrifice to the ravening dragon, Myfanwy awaits as Arragh, the fiery Dragon of Calder Bala, approaches across the sacred grove.

  But Arragh comes not to destroy. Instead he carries Myfanwy off to his domain in the far mountains, and a fate far, far better than death.

  Warning, this title contains: unusual and pretty much impossible explicit sex.

  Heart of the Raven by J.C. Wilder

  Sold into slavery to an Overseer of the Realm, Dani is determined to win her freedom and make sure her heart is possessed by no man.

  For Haaken, time is running out. A family curse already condemns him to the form of the Raven and when he can find the one woman meant for him, only then will he be free.

  Too bad for both of them that this woman is determined to belong to no one…

  Warning, this title contains: HOT, explicit sex.

  eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  2932 Ross Clark Circle, #384

  Dothan, AL 36301

  Paradox I

  Fly with a Dragon © 2002 by Rosemary Laurey

  Heart of the Raven © 2002 by J. C. Wilder

  Cover by Scott Carpenter

  ISBN: 1-59998-223-4

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: September 2006

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









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