Cafe Au Lait (Cupid's Coffeeshop Book 5)

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Cafe Au Lait (Cupid's Coffeeshop Book 5) Page 3

by Courtney Hunt

  But then he stopped. She rocked her hips, begging wordlessly for him to continue, needing the magic of his tongue and fingers working together. Alex didn’t move. With a frustrated scream, she opened her eyes and he rewarded her with a long, hot swipe of his tongue. She understood then. He wanted her to watch him pleasure her.

  He bent his head to his task, finding just the right touch to make her moan. Slowly, carefully, he built her pleasure, tireless in his attentions. Kennedy blood heated as her body tightened and grew closer. She threaded her fingers through his curls, pressing herself shamelessly against his mouth before he winked at her, sending her flying apart as wave after wave of pleasure crested through her.

  She dropped back onto the chaise lounge, her breathing wrecked and her body still spasming through her intense release. Alex leaned down to whisper, “Stay right here. Be right back.”

  Kennedy was fairly certain she’d never move again so she nodded, enjoying the thrumming pleasure still spiraling through her. A faint metallic noise at the side fence made her turn her head in time to see Alex, wrapped in the striped beach towel, jump the fence and dash toward his house. Before she could move, he was back, a colorful strip of condoms in his hand. She laughed, delighted at his optimism.

  “You must have a busy afternoon planned.” Kennedy said, as he stalked across the grass toward her, looking far sexier than any man dressed only in a fraying beach towel should. He grinned at her, a feral smirk, his eyes still hot as he drank in the sight of her. She cupped her breasts, circling the nipples as she waited for him to ready himself. He stalked toward her but she stood, pushing him down onto the lounge chair and straddling him.

  His palms skimmed her back before he gently tugged the elastic from the bottom of her braid. He shook out her hair, until it curled around her shoulders. “So beautiful.” Alex rasped. Kennedy leaned down to kiss him, taking his mouth as she slowly lowered herself onto him. Alex gasped her name, sliding his hands down to cup her bottom as she rocked against him. After a few awkward thrusts, they found their rhythm, sliding together as she sipped kisses from his lips and nuzzle his neck.

  She leaned back, bracing herself on his knees and he slide even deeper. Kennedy moaned, loving the heat between them, this hungry desire that drove them both. She rode him, hard and fast, as his clever thumbs circled her. She opened her eyes to watch him, loving the needy hunger in his gaze as he watched her. He thrust up, meeting her in a primal dance as old as time and as unique as they were. Just as she clenched around him, he cried her name and slammed deep, quaking inside her, before pulling her down to claim her mouth.

  “So do you remember that kiss yet?” Alex asked, his breathing still ragged as his heart hammered under her ear.

  “You may have to remind me again. And again. And again.” Kennedy smiled and pressed a kiss right above his heart.

  “Insatiable.” Alex wrapped his arms around her and they just held each other for a few moments. He trailed his fingers over her shoulder blades, lazily tracing patterns on her skin.

  They’d gone from rekindling their friendship to sating their desire so quickly. A voice that sounded rather like Joy told Kennedy that she should stop and talk to Alex. Kennedy worried her lip. A man as talented and clever as Alex would surely find a job soon and leave Ashford Falls. Instead of an awkward conversation, Kennedy just wanted to enjoy her time with Alex, for however long it lasted. Slowly, she stood, not sure her knees would support her after the intensity of her release. She held out a hand to Alex. “Want to go for a swim?”

  Chapter Five

  That night, Kennedy walked into Cupid’s Coffeeshop for her weekly girls night out with Claire, Val, and Joy. Claire sat on her new boyfriend, Grayson’s lap, her dark hair contrasting with his platinum blonde as they leaned together, both laughing at a story that Val’s boyfriend, Mac, was telling. Mac sat in the squashy chair; Val perched on the arm, with his big hand resting on her hip. Claire and Val looked so happy, so content, so settled. For an instant, she imagined her sitting there with Alex, part of the group of happy couples.

  She shook her head. Alex would leave Ashford Falls to follow his dream and she would stay, fighting to make the cafe her own. They weren’t meant for more than this moment.

  No matter how hot they were together.

  Her third best friend Joy chat animatedly with Patrick near the bakery case. If only there could be a happy ending there too.

  Not everyone got a happy ending. Hadn’t she learned that much in her 26 years?

  “Looks like you got some sun, Kennedy.” Joe greeted her as she stepped up to the counter. “Do you want an iced coffee to cool down that sunburn?”

  Warmth stole into Kennedy’s cheeks as she remembered exactly how she got that sunburn. Joe’s blue eyes widened and he leaned closer to her, “That looks like an interesting story.”

  “Just too long by the pool.” Kennedy smiled. “Enjoying my day off.”

  She took her iced coffee and a daisy shaped cookie made by Joy and headed over to the sofas. She claimed the empty sofa opposite Grayson and Claire, trying to avoid pressure on her sunburn which was difficult, since she’d gotten crispy all over, including in places the sun didn’t normally see. She shifted uncomfortably and carefully kept from leaning back against the sofa.

  “Let’s leave the ladies to chat, Mac. Grab a beer?” Grayson said when Mac finished his story and Mac nodded. Grayson and Mac headed out, waving to their girlfriends. Alex would get along great with Grayson and Mac. But he wasn’t her significant other. She needed to remember that.

  “So, things going well then? All domestic?” Kennedy asked, her voice sharper than she’d intended.

  “Mac and Grayson get along well.” Val shrugged.

  “How did Mother’s Day go?” Joy asked as she sat down on the sofa, balancing her own drink and jostling Kennedy who bit back a moan.

  “Fine.” Kennedy sipped her drink.

  “So, I see a day off has done nothing to improve your mood.” Claire said. “Still irritated with that Alex poking around in your affairs, are you?”

  Kennedy closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “You okay?” Joy patted her knee.

  “I got sunburned. Today. By the pool.” Kennedy babbled as Joy, Claire, and Val looked at her with concern. “Alex…I…we…”

  “You didn’t!” Claire shrieked. Val’s eyes widened and Joy’s jaw dropped.

  Kennedy buried her face in her hands. “I just had the best sex of my life with Harper’s kid brother.”

  “He’s not a kid anymore, I guess.” Claire laughed. “Congrats.”

  “I can’t sleep with Harper’s little brother. She’ll run me through with a bread knife.”

  “It’s hardly up to Harper who Alex is involved with, since he’s at least 23 now.” Joy cut in, her voice uncharacteristically cool. Joy never warmed to Harper. Over the years, Kennedy grew closer to Joy as Harper’s life path diverged into an early marriage, motherhood, and divorce but Joy and Harper never would enjoy a close friendship. They were just too different.

  “We’re not involved. We’re just…I was sunbathing and he came over to swim and…” Kennedy raised her hands, helpless to explain how things happened so quickly.

  “He’s adorable.” Val said as Claire nodded.

  “And, as I recall, you said he was a fantastic kisser.” Joy put in.

  “When did I say that?”

  “After you made out with him at your going away party.”

  “Joy!” Kennedy managed as Claire and Val laughed.

  “So, this is a long-time coming, is what you’re saying?” Claire asked.

  “You should have seen it when we were in high school. All that last summer together, you could see the attraction between them.” Joy said. “I always wondered when you’d get together.”

  “We’re not together. We just had sex.”

  “Have some more.” Val suggested and Claire nodded agreement.

  “Alex is leaving for New York at t
he end of the summer.”

  “So it’s just a summertime fling.” Claire put in. “Enjoy it. You deserve a little fun.”

  “Oh you two are old married ladies. No help at all.” Kennedy said, as Joy stiffened. Too late, Kennedy recalled that, unlike Val and Claire’s brand new relationships, Joy was actually engaged and had been for years, with no sign of a wedding. Following Joy’s lead, the four friends never spoke of the subject, as it had been easy to avoid when they were all single. Now, though, things were changing rapidly as Val and Claire paired off.

  “Oh yes, I can barely recall what it’s like to be single.” Val rolled her eyes, smoothing over the awkward moment.

  “It’s faded into the mist of time.” Claire nodded and Joy laughed. In Kennedy’s honest opinion, both Claire and Val would be engaged before the year was out but she laughed anyway, eager to smooth Joy’s ruffled feathers.

  “So did you get sunburned everywhere?” Claire asked, her eyebrows rose, causing the girls to break into fits of giggles.

  “Not quite everywhere.” Kennedy said, leaning back and then leaping forward when her sunburned shoulders brushed the cushion. “But close enough.”

  Chapter Six

  Just over two weeks after their amazing poolside afternoon, Alex finished his report for Larry about the cafe—along with a plan for Kennedy to finally buy Larry out. He tucked the printouts into a folder and headed next door to wait for Kennedy to come home.

  They’d fallen into a comfortable pattern of being together. He practically lived at Kennedy’s now, returning to his parent’s house only to grab clean clothes or to work. Though he’d enjoyed several college romances, this level of homey intimacy was new to him. But being with Kennedy felt right in a way that nothing else ever had. With their long history, they fit together like puzzle pieces slotting into place.

  He sat in the front porch swing, waiting for her to get home from work, watching sunset gild the neighborhood. Tall, leafy oak trees lined Plumeria drive. Across the street, a child’s red tricycle sat in the yard. He liked it here, in Ashford Falls. It would always be home. Part of him yearned to stay and build a life here, instead of setting out to conquer New York. Would Kennedy want him to?

  She swung her compact car into the driveway and got out. She’d left before dawn and arrived back over twelve hours later—a born workaholic, just like him. But he wished she owned the place she was so devoted to and maybe he could help her make that happen. She trudged up the steps, exhaustion in the line of her body. Well, they hadn’t been getting much sleep lately.

  “Hey.” Alex said, softly and she waved. He stood, pulling her close and she rested her head on his shoulder, snuggling into a welcome home hug. They embraced for several long minutes, syncing their breathing and their heartbeats, just being together relaxing them.

  “Come on. Let me make dinner for you.” Alex rubbed his hands down her back.

  “Can you cook?” Kennedy’s voice was muffled against his shoulder, sleep rough and tired.

  “A bit.”

  Alex took her hand and tugged her into the house. He led her upstairs and into the bathroom. He ran a bath, pouring in sweet orange blossom scented bubbles and undressing her like a child. Once she was settled in the tub, he dashed downstairs. He scrambled eggs, toasted bread, and made her a cup of herbal tea. He brought it back up to her and leaned against the sink as she ate, resting in the sweet scented bubbles.

  “I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me.”

  “I know it’s not up to your amazing skills but it’s the only thing I can make other than spaghetti.”

  “It’s perfect, Alex. Thank you. Sorry I’m not such a fun date.” After passing her dishes over to him, Kennedy rested her head along the curved lip of the tub, her sleepy eyes at half-mast.

  “You’re always a fun date.” Alex pulled her out of the tub before she could fall asleep. He toweled her off and found a t-shirt he knew she liked to sleep in. He tucked her into bed, covering her with a quilt done in shades of blue, and kissing her cheek. He turned to clean up the dishes and head home. She grabbed his hand and he turned back. She blinked at him, sleepy-eyed with exhaustion, and whispered, “Stay.”

  He toed off his shoes and crawled into the bed, spooning her. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back against him, nestling her into the crook of his body. They fit so perfectly together, matched in temperament as well as sexually compatible. He pressed a quick kiss to the back of her neck and drifted off to sleep.

  As the gray fingers of dawn pressed at the sky, Alex unwound his arm from a still sleeping Kennedy and shifted the covers off him. As he swung one leg out of the bed, she rolled over, her hair a copper colored ribbon over the pillows. She snuggled against him, warm and beckoning. He peeled her arm off and slid another inch out of the bed. Her eyes opened, her gaze unfocused as she surfaced from dreams.

  “Where are you off to so early?” Kennedy slid her hand up his chest and wrapped around the back of his neck, tugging him toward her. He went willingly as she pressed a soft kiss against his mouth but then he broke the kiss, unwrapping her arm from his neck and standing.

  “Come on back to bed.” Kennedy stretched her arms out to him, a willing, enticing invitation. Alex wanted nothing more than to tumble back into bed with her and slake this unquenchable lust. But he shook his head.

  “I can’t. I’ve got an interview.”

  “You didn’t tell me that.” Her eyes flew wide and she sat up, her nipples clearly outlined against the thin gray t-shirt she wore. His fingers twitched to stroke her lush curves and, using willpower he didn’t know he possessed, he stepped back, searching for his shoes.

  “You fell asleep before I could last night.” He stuffed his feet into his boat shoes and grabbed the glossy folder that he’d brought with him the afternoon before and handed it to her.

  “What’s this?”

  “My report for Larry. I finished it yesterday. Read it and we’ll talk this afternoon, okay?”

  She bit her bottom lip and took the folder. He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I gotta go or I’ll be late.”

  “Go.” She waved him out of the room, calling, “Good luck!”

  As he stepped into the hall, he nearly blurted out his feelings for her. But, no, best to wait until he got the results of this interview and then maybe they could talk about their future. If Kennedy even wanted a future with him.

  Because he was fast starting to want forever with her.

  Chapter Seven

  After Alex left, Kennedy couldn’t go back to sleep. She skimmed through his report to Larry, which was more than fair, and then his plan for how she could purchase the business from Larry. His plan made sense. With a smile, she climbed from the bed, eager to get to work at what, with a little bit of creative financing and ingenuity, would be her restaurant soon. She headed into the kitchen early, reviewed meal plans and menus for the week before checking her food orders. With time to spare before she needed to cook for the day, she whipped up a batch of her favorite sunshine muffins and started on the chocolate chip oatmeal cookies that she remembered Alex gobbling up as a teenager.

  Even if he didn’t get this job, Alex would eventually find work in his field. She wanted him to be as happy and fulfilled in his job as she was in hers, even if that meant they couldn’t be together. The mixing bowl blurred and she blinked back the tears gathering in her eyes. She wouldn’t cry. There would be time for that later, after Alex followed his dreams to New York and left her behind.

  “I got the job.” Alex’s deep voice made her jump as he put his hands on her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Are those the oatmeal cookies with the chocolate covered raisins you used to make?”

  “Yep. And congrats.” Kennedy said, carefully keeping her face averted and her voice even as she measured out the cookies onto a baking sheet. She shifted away from Alex and popped the cookies into a waiting oven before heading over to the sink to wash dishes. She kept her voice deliberate
ly, carefully, cheerful as she asked, “When do you start?”

  “Next week.”

  So soon? Kennedy blinked harder, fighting the tears pooling in her eyes as Alex wrapped his arms around her again.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me about the job?” Alex teased, biting her earlobe. “It’s a fantastic starting position. In my field. Great salary and benefits.”

  “That’s awesome, Alex. I’m happy for you.” Kennedy struggled to push the words past the lump in her throat. “So have you started apartment hunting?”

  “I thought I might live with this chef I know. She’s really hot and she makes these great cookies.”

  “Long commute to Wall Street from here.”

  “The job is in Georgetown.” Alex said. “I’ll ride the commuter train.”

  Kennedy stilled. “What happened to conquering Wall Street? Isn’t that your grand plan?”

  “It was.” Alex agreed, still pressing kisses to her neck and sending tendrils of sparkling awareness and desire through her. “Before.”

  “Before what?”


  Kennedy shut her eyes. She’d been afraid he’d say something like that. She couldn’t let Alex give up on his dreams, just to stay with her. “Alex, there is no us.”

  “News to me.” Alex tugged on her shoulder and she slowly turned to face him. He tilted up her chin and met her gaze. “What if I want to stay?”

  “You want to stay here, in sleepy little Ashford Falls? Why?”

  “Are you going to make me say it?”

  “Say what?”

  “I’m in love with you.”

  Kennedy shook her head, pushing Alex gently away. “No way. We’re just having fun. And you shouldn’t be basing your decision on a few weeks of fun…”


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