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The Dave Brewster Series

Page 15

by Karl Morgan

  The meeting went on for hour after hour with little or no good news. When dinner time arrived, Dave excused himself, hugged Bill and left the room. He could still hear arguments and tempers flaring as the door closed behind him. As he proceeded down the hallway, he heard a tone on his earpiece and pressed the contact. “Brother Dave,” boomed the voice of Fa-a-Di, “I heard you were back in the vicinity. How are you, my dear friend?”

  “Brother Fa-a-Di, it is good to hear your voice too,” he replied. “I’ve wanted to ask you when we can fly together again. I don’t know how much time we have left.”

  “Time is a pretty scarce resource right now, Brother,” the general agreed. “That was indeed a great day for me as well. Your wife Darlene tells me you want to try Saturn this time. Is that true?”

  “That is correct, Brother,” Dave said.

  “Tomorrow is a perfect day for me, Dave,” Fa-a-Di laughed. “I am actually on my colony ship over Saturn right now. I will send the coordinates for our platform 1510 to your helmsman. It is a beautiful planet as well, but without the Dar-Fa, it is not quite so exciting. Will my brother Charlie be joining us? My brother-in-law De-o-Nu is arriving with the Kong-Fa within the hour. I’m sure he would love to join us.”

  “I’ll ask, and I am certain he will agree,” Dave replied. “Charlie talks to me about that adventure every time we speak, which is very often. I’m reading Io time at 1845 hours. Shall we meet at 0930 Io time tomorrow?”

  “Perfect!” Fa-a-Di laughed. “Dave, before I disconnect, I did call for a reason. Can I tell you some good news?”

  “Brother, I really need some good news now. Please continue,” Dave answered.

  “You know the Gallicean fleet will arrive in a few days. As I mentioned, De-o-Nu will arrive in an hour. He is not alone. There are a lot of Galliceans who are thoroughly loyal to me. They do not like what is happening on Gallia. We have talked about the High Council forcing me to retire. There are many odd things happening on Gallia these days. De-o-Nu is bringing his ship and fourteen other cruisers. Those captains are absolutely loyal to me and will not allow the war to happen. De-o-Nu is the only member of any of those crews who is from Gallia, so I am confident that they have not been contaminated by whatever is happening on our home planet.”

  Dave had stopped walking and was leaning against the wall of the ship, stunned by the words from his friend. “That is very good news indeed, friend,” he stammered.

  “It gets better Dave,” the general continued. “Commodore Ka-a-Fa is leading the ten ships from Gallia which are supposed to destroy the Neptunians. I told him several of his crews are more loyal to me than to him or the Chiefs of Staff. I told Ka-a-Fa that six ships would join me. I know five for certain will. In my heart, I believe the sixth captain to join our side will be Ka-a-Fa himself. He has been fighting on the Predaxian frontier for many years. He knows what real war is all about. When he sees the situation with his own eyes, he will join us, I am sure of that.”

  “And if he doesn’t, General?” Dave asked.

  “Then our ships will destroy him and his ship,” Fa-a-Di said. “Enough of this talk of war, brother. Have a good evening, and we will fly together tomorrow on Saturn. Rest well my friend. Saturn out.” The line went dead.

  Dave continued down the hallway. He had been headed for the dining hall, but was too overwrought by the events of the day and the call from the general. He changed course to return to his room. He pushed the door open and saw Darlene waiting for him with two glasses of red wine in her hands. He took her into his arms, kissed her and squeezed her tight, almost spilling the drinks.

  An hour later, Dave and Darlene went to the dining hall for dinner. They sat across from each other, enjoying each other’s companion far more than the food. While Dave had been dealing with the situation on New Dawn, Darlene had been working frantically to convince the Greater Gallia High Council to allow more time to be able to communicate with the Neptunians. The meetings continued for days with no headway. The Chiefs of Staff were asked to join the meetings after several days, and the negotiations become even more difficult. Field Marshall Je-e-Bo argued vehemently about the threat from the Neptunians. He told the group that he feared the Neptunians more than the Predaxian Alliance that continually harassed the outer Gallicean worlds. After five more days of argument, Mencius ended the negotiations before relations among the Galliceans, Kalideans and humans were put in jeopardy.

  Dave and Darlene were about to leave the hall when Dave heard Jake’s voice in his head. “Dave, it’s Jake, can you hear me?” he thought.

  “Did you hear that Dave?” asked Darlene. “Is that the Jake you told me about?”

  “Jake,” Dave thought, “Darlene can hear you too. Are you on No-Makla?”

  Jake moved slightly so that they could see him sitting in the middle of their table, lightly touching them both. Darlene moved back suddenly, shocked by the creature’s presence.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Dave told her. “Jake is harmless enough. Let him touch you so we can communicate.” She moved her hand to be in contact with the almost invisible spider.

  “Okay, Dave, I’m came here like I promised,” Jake began. “I have lots of other news too. We had a team of maklans on one of the Gallicean cruisers in the fleet headed this way. They have spent weeks trying to understand them with little success. You remember it took me a hundred years to understand Horace.”

  “Yes, I remember Jake,” Dave whispered. “Can you start working with our team now?”

  “Yes, but our team has another plan, Dave. Even with our greatest minds working on this, in a few days we can never hope to learn what it took me a hundred years to learn. What we thought would help is if several maklans from that group studying the Galliceans could link with an actual Gallicean. A few more would link with you. I would link with you too. You would repeat everything the Gallicean says. The Gallicean would repeat everything you say. We maklans can link to each other without touching and share what we learn. We think if we had you two, with maybe fifty or a hundred maklans in the area, we could learn very fast. What do you think?” Jake asked.

  “Do you think two humans and two Galliceans would make it ever better?” Dave asked.

  “That would be a hundred times better Dave! Do you think you could do that?” Jake replied.

  “It’s already arranged Jake,” Dave smiled. “Meet me in my quarters at 0800 hours local time.”

  Chapter 29

  Dave, Darlene and Charlie were all sitting in Dave’s quarters at 0800 hours the following morning. As usual, Charlie was responsible for bringing the coffee and pastries. Dave and Charlie were reminiscing about their flight on Jupiter when Dave heard Jake in his mind. “They’re here,” Dave said.

  Twenty or more maklans appeared in the room and sat on the ceiling. Jake landed on the coffee table, extended a tendril into Dave’s coffee and tasted it. “That’s certainly not whisky, Dave. Ugh, it’s terrible,” Jake thought to them. Everyone laughed. “Michanamades here is my best friend and led the mission on the Gallicean ship,” Jake thought as one of the creatures glowed pink for a second. “As you suggested, a group of a hundred maklans are currently on the platform over Saturn. Another twenty are on the colony ship above that planet. They have found the general’s quarters and are hidden in there with him. What do we do now Dave?”

  Dave reached forward and pushed a contact on his table top, saying, “Lia, please get General Fa-a-Di on the Gallicean colony ship and send his signal down here.”

  “Aye-aye, Admiral,” she said.

  A moment later the smiling beak of Fa-a-Di appeared on the screen. “Dave, I hope you are not calling to cancel. De-o-Nu and I are looking forward to this trip today,” he said.

  “Not a chance, Brother,” Dave replied. “I do have a bit of a change in plans though. First, can you have De-o-Nu come to your quarters with you?”

  “He’s already on his way, Dave,” he answered. “He was so excited he decided to jump here from th
e Kong-Fa and shuttle with me to the platform.” The general’s door opened and the familiar figure of Governor De-o-Nu appeared on the screen as well.” “Brother, Dave was just asking about you? He wants to adjust our plans.”

  “Brother, you had better not cancel on me!” De-o-Nu shouted, “I’ve been anticipating this adventure since my brother-in-law told me last evening.”

  “We will be flying together soon, Brother,” Dave answered. “But first I want you to meet my dear friend, Jake the maklan.” Jake adjusted himself and glowed light blue so the others could see him.

  “Remarkable,” stammered Fa-a-Di. “A real Neptunian. Greetings little friend. Can Jake speak to us Dave?”

  “Not yet, but that is why we are here now,” he answered. “You probably heard from your scientists on Io that it took Jake a hundred years on New Dawn to understand humans. We don’t have that much time. This is our only hope to avoid the war over Neptune. I need you two to trust me with your lives.”

  “Dave,” De-o-Nu began, “to avoid this war, I will offer my life and those of my cruisers now circling Jupiter. My brother-in-law knows that is why we are all here. But what can we do?”

  “Fly with Charlie and me over Saturn,” Dave smiled.

  “That hardly requires trust from us, Brother,” Fa-a-Di said, “You will be the ones in harnesses connected to us.”

  “Do not react to what I am going to say, Brothers,” Dave continued. “There are twenty maklans in the room with you now.” The Galliceans looked around frantically. “Relax, they will do no harm. They are our friends.”

  “How will these creatures help us, Dave, if we cannot speak with them?” Fa-a-Di asked.

  “That is why we are together now,” Dave said. “After Charlie and I don our pressure suits, ten maklans will attach themselves to each of us. Ten maklans will attach to each of you as well. Don’t worry, they will only be touching you, nothing more. Maklans have the ability to jump without a portal. Once we are ready, the maklans will jump with us to the platform. Be certain to wear your harnesses before we jump as there will be no need for a shuttle. On the platform, we can get into the harnesses and start our flight. We can go anywhere and do anything you want. The important point is you need to repeat everything we say to you, and we will do the same. The maklans will communicate with each other, using Jake as a leader. Since Jake understands humans, he will be able to help translate Gallicean words for them. Are you willing to try it, my brothers?”

  Fa-a-Di said, “Without learning these things, there will be war, we can be certain of that. Even with this knowledge, there may still be war. Still, the only chance for peace is to do this. While we save the galaxy, we can fly together over Saturn. How can I say no to that?”

  On Jake’s thought, the twenty maklans in Fa-a-Di’s room moved and glowed blue. After a moment of shock, both Galliceans laughed out loud. “Dave,” Fa-a-Di said. “Signal us when you and Charlie are ready. Either we die or we live, together! Saturn out!”

  Dave and Charlie scrambled into their pressure suits. Darlene checked the fittings and the readings on the suits and confirmed they were ready to go. She signaled Fa-a-Di they were ready. The maklans floated down from the ceiling and landed on Dave and Charlie. Dave heard Jake telling him to relax. The maklans glowed bright white and disappeared, leaving Darlene alone in the room.

  The great expanse of Saturn stretched in every direction below them. The rings painted a path across the sky overhead. Dave could see the colony ship as a large dot, hundreds of miles above them. “You okay Charlie?” Dave asked.

  “That’s the only way to fly, buddy,” he responded. They could see dozens of blue lights flying around the platform. Dave thought of his dream, knowing now that Neptune was the blue planet. A brilliant flash shone behind them and they turned to see Fa-a-Di and De-o-Nu appear from thin air on the platform.

  “My God,” the general shouted, “that was the most amazing experience of my life!” He unfolded his wings, happy to be out of the confines of his ship again. “Brother De-o-Nu, what did you think?”

  “That is much better than a portal,” he said. “Half of the time I get sick after a portal jump. Incredible!”

  The maklans on Dave’s suit lifted him off the platform and dropped him into the harness on Fa-a-Di. Jake personally checked all the locks and fittings. Then they did the same for Charlie. Jake thought, “You two are secure.”

  Dave said, “Thanks Jake. Brothers, we can’t forget to repeat everything we hear from one another, or else the whole day will be wasted.”

  Fa-a-Di dutifully repeated Dave’s words and added his own, “No day can be wasted when you explore a new planet with your brothers!” He dove off the platform into the atmosphere, soaring in the Saturnian sky. Charlie and De-o-Nu were right behind them. The group of maklans circled them and appeared to enjoy the flight themselves. After several minutes of flight, Fa-a-Di had a signal in his earpiece.

  “General, we don’t read you or the Governor on board,” said the voice. “Are you okay?”

  “You can read us both near platform 1510. We are busy and do not wish to be interrupted. Fa-a-Di out!” he finished.

  Chapter 30

  The Gallicean fleet was due to arrive at any time. Dave and Charlie sat nervously in the main meeting hall in the Io Star Port. They could see Fa-a-Di and De-o-Nu pacing impatiently on the other side of the glass separator. They were all there to meet with the team working on enabling communication between Galliceans and the maklans. The flyover of Saturn had been a tremendous help to get the work restarted. A number of maklans had joined the effort and worked with both sides to expand the vocabulary that had been learned that day. A tone sounded in Dave’s earpiece followed by Lia’s voice saying, “Admiral, we have the Gallicean star cruisers on our long range scanners. They should enter orbit over Neptune within three hours.”

  Dave responded, “Lia, please advise Fleet Admiral Arrin as well as the High Council. I recommend we move our fleet to Neptune as soon as possible.”

  The doors to the conference hall opened and the team entered. They seemed very happy on both sides of the glass as they made their ways to seats. The maklans fluttered about the room and settled onto the main table. Bill Brewster began, “Dear friends, it is our pleasure to report that the code for our translator devices has now been updated to include five thousand maklan words.” The room erupted in applause. When it quieted, Bill continued, “Now, I would like to introduce Jacomofledes Benomafolays, our friend and colleague from No-Makla.”

  Dave could hear Jake saying “Greetings to all of you” through his earpiece. Jake continued, “This is a great day for No-Makla. Our society has been peacefully traveling the galaxy for more than a billion Earth years, and today the circle of our friends has grown to include the humans, Galliceans and Kalideans. It is our great hope that the breakthrough from this team will insure our peoples can live together in peace. As you know, the Gallicean fleet is about to enter orbit around our home planet. Dr. No-o-Ka of Jupiter has already sent the updated code into the Gallicean information cloud, and we expect the translators on those ships to be updated by the time they arrive. We are counting on our dear friend, General Fa-a-Di to make certain that happens. He has much more influence in those matters than we do.”

  Fa-a-Di laughed heartily, saying, “You have my word friends. If they resist, De-o-Nu and I will personally deliver new translators and stick them in every captain’s ears.” He rose and began pacing, “We have to be realistic though. There is a real possibility that some of the ships will attack even with this wonderful news. There is blackness on the soul of Greater Gallia. Sometimes political expedience takes the place of common sense, and frivolous adventures can lead to the loss of life.”

  “Brother,” De-o-Nu interrupted, “I have already sent my fleet to meet them at Neptune. They will arrive any time now, well ahead of Ka-a-Fa’s ships.”

  “Thank you for that, Brother,” Fa-a-Di continued, “I recommend the Earth and Kalidean ships do
the same thing. We must make it clear to Ka-a-Fa there is no chance that he can succeed. When the taste of death is in his mouth, he will make the right choice. I am certain of that!”

  Dave said, “Brothers, I have already given those orders. Our fleet will arrive over Neptune in the next hour. Charlie and I will be jumping to the Reliant after this meeting to join Cadiz.”

  “We will be on the Kong-Fa,” the general said. “I know my brother-in-law always needs my help.”

  De-o-Nu laughed, “Dear brother, the hero of Nok-lak-a is always welcome on my bridge. And I’m not saying that because you outrank me, or because you are High Commissioner, or because I’m married to your sister.” The room erupted in laughter.

  Dave noticed the maklans had begun to glow red, and said, “Jake, what’s wrong?”

  “Dave, we can now sense the incoming Gallicean fleet. Michamanades Nolobitamore, who led the team that investigated the Dar-Fa told us they sensed some creatures similar to us on at least one of those ships. There are a few hundred maklans at the star port and we have enough of a common conscience that we can feel them now. There are Beings on three different ships that are not Galliceans,” Jake reported.


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