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Desert Magick: Dream Catcher

Page 17

by Dana Davis

  No, not bad. Revolting! Zoey was beginning to feel stronger but she wasn’t about to let go of her nose. She scowled at Daisy’s laughter.

  “Here.” Tessa pulled a piece of peppermint candy from her pocket, unwrapped it, and pushed it into Zoey’s mouth. “It’ll help with the aftertaste.”

  She sucked eagerly but held her nostrils together as Connie entered with a tray of steaming food and placed it on the trunk next to the cup. She hoped these women didn’t force more tea down her. Well, they hadn’t forced anything, really.

  Tessa shook her head and her dark hair swung about her ears. “You can let go of your nose now, silly girl.”

  Tentatively, Zoey pulled her fingers away, thankful to taste mostly peppermint candy, with only a hint of that nasty tea. Since she was hungry, she ate what was put in front of her. The stew had a slight fish flavor but there was nothing foul about it. For someone who preferred Mexican food to seafood, Zoey though it was pretty damn good.

  “Glad to see you at least like my stew.” Tessa grinned in a way that reminded Zoey of George.

  Connie clicked her tongue. “My dear Tessa, anything would taste wonderful after your lake-weed tea. That is the most awful stuff I ever remember drinking.”

  “Hey, don’t blame me, sister-in-law. Our ancestors are the culprits. It’s their recipe.”

  Daisy smiled and leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees. The witch seemed to be enjoying this a bit too much.

  Zoey sniffed. “That tea is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever had.” She downed another spoonful of stew.

  Connie eyed her as she pulled up another folding chair and sat near Daisy. “Don’t insult Tessa’s tea. That’s rude, Zoey Anne.”

  She gaped at the woman, not knowing just what to say in response.

  Tessa didn’t seem the least bit intimidated as she placed hands on her hips and glared at the other woman. “Constance, I swear, you’re something else. You insult my recipe then go and tell this girl not to do the same.” Humorous eyes focused on Zoey and she winked. “You insult my tea as much as you want. I’ve had it myself and it’s wicked bad.”

  Zoey chuckled and eyed Daisy. The witch offered a smirk and shook her head as she listened to the friendly banter, then scooted her chair over when Bridgette entered like a woman on a mission. The redhead pulled up a third folding chair and sat with a huff.

  Daisy eyed her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Aww, that damn gatekeeper is married. With four kids!”

  Daisy raised a brow at the redhead. “I’m surprised you didn’t pull that out of his head when we came through the gate.”

  “I was trying to be polite.”

  “Of course. ‘Cause you’re always such the Miss Manners type.” That earned her a quick sneer from Bridgette.

  Zoey finished the stew and chewed on some homemade bread while the women chatted about recipes. She listened, thinking she might get a few pointers, but gave up when Connie mentioned something about a double boiler. There was a knock at the door jam.

  “Yes?” Tessa said, all business now.

  A woman stuck her head in. “Is everyone decent? There’s someone of the male persuasion who’d like to come in.”

  “Yes.” Tessa waved at the woman and took up the food tray. “I think I have some chores to do.” Daisy and Bridgette said their goodbyes and followed her out.

  Jason made a beeline for Zoey’s cot and sat on the edge, causing it to creak, as Connie folded a blanket and placed it on a nearby trunk. I won’t need that. It’s freaking warm in here.

  Jason brushed a strand of hair from her face. “How are you?” Last time she saw him, they’d fought, but he didn’t seem too concerned with keeping up the argument just now.

  “Better, thanks.”

  “Yeah. Aunt Tessa’s tea will do that. In fact you’ll want to get out of bed and jog around the room naked just to prove you don’t need it.” He grinned.

  Zoey snickered, partly because she would enjoy watching him jog around the room naked.

  Connie handed Zoey a glass of water. “Keep hydrated. I’ll be back later to check on you.” She tapped Jason on the shoulder and he turned to her. “Make sure she stays in that bed.”

  “I will, Mom.”

  When the closed the door behind Connie, Zoey eyed him. “And just what’re you gonna do if I decide to get up?”

  “Wrestle you,” he said flatly.

  “Oh, really?” She grinned. “Promise? Or are you still mad?”

  “No. I’m not sure what came over me. Guess I’m frustrated with all this.”

  “Me too.” She didn’t tell him she suspected she was the cause, or rather the Anguisher was the cause. Those childish feelings and frustrations had dissipated for the moment. She placed her water on the trunk and wrapped arms around her knees. “I don’t want to be here any more than you do. This place is almost medieval and I’m not exactly camp-out girl.”

  He nodded and slid behind her, took her in his arms, and rested his head against the wall. “I was worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, really.” She twisted to wrap arms around him and snuggled closer. She’d missed his scent and she breathed him in.

  She hadn’t dwelt too much on the past few days. The attack. The coma. And today, the pains and weakness. She’d tried to push it all from her mind, but it came flooding back and she sobbed like an inconsolable child. Jason pushed a tissue into her hands and sat silently caressing her back as she spent herself.

  Afterward, her eyes felt swollen and gritty, her nose ran, and her face felt hot, but Jason didn’t seem to mind. She lifted her face and he smiled. “You all right?” he said. Worry colored those delicious caramel eyes.

  “Yeah.” She blew her nose. “Thanks.”

  He leaned in and kissed her on the mouth, then smacked his lips together. “You taste like fish and peppermint.” Zoey smiled and sniffed. He pulled her closer. “Sebastian says we’ll summon the Council in the morning. Give you another night’s rest.”

  “This Council stuff gives me the wiggins. I mean I’ve never read anything good about Titans.”

  He shifted his weight and the cot creaked. “This whole thing’s pretty bizarre, even for paranormal shit.”

  Zoey snorted. “Bizarre isn’t exactly the word I’d use. How about fucked up?” Jason smiled and took her into a long kiss. She forgot about her worries and concentrated on him and the warm feelings that began to rise. There was a knock on the door. She let out a frustrated breath and pulled away from Jason, who looked just as annoyed as she felt. “Is there a camera in here?”

  Jason chuckled. “Come in!”

  The door opened and Connie’s face appeared. “Zoey needs to rest.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Don’t argue with me, young lady. You’ll have plenty of time to snuggle after you’re married.”

  A slight pang of anger rose at Connie for bringing up the marriage topic again.

  Jason must have sensed Zoey’s tension because he said, “On that note, I’ll go see what Dad’s up to.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips and scurried past his mother in a hasty retreat.

  “Chicken.” Zoey caught a faint smile on his lips as he hurried out.

  The tall woman focused on her. “Now, you wash up and get to bed.”

  Zoey raised her eyebrows. “It’s still light out, Connie.” She indicated the orange glow through a nearby window.

  “Yes, and we have a big day tomorrow.”

  She smiled at the woman’s maternal treatment. What the hell? If she wants to treat me like a daughter, why not let her? No skin off my nose. In fact, it was kind of nice having a mother figure worry over her again. A twinge of loss bubbled up but she shoved it down and let Connie help her to her feet.

  She dug around her bag for her I Love Lucy pajamas and slippers, and made her way down the hall to the bathroom to take care of business. She hadn’t realized how full her bladder was until she sat on the blue ceramic commode beneath the window. A
t least this place had proper plumbing. She washed her hands and splashed water on her face then changed into her pajamas.

  Connie was waiting in the hallway when she stepped from the bathroom. “Off to bed with you, darling.” The woman led her back to the dorm, forced her gently onto the cot, and covered her with a sheet. “Sleep tight.” Then she was gone.

  Zoey smiled to herself. It really couldn’t hurt to get a few extra zees. The box wasn’t calling to her now and she was tired. She turned onto her side and let the filtered light from the trees outside the windows lull her into a fitful sleep.

  In her dreams, a black figure reached out for her and pain caught in her gut at his touch. She awoke in the middle of the night, sweaty and heart racing. The place was dark, except for a gray glow of the full moon outside the window. Other women, including her cousins, were asleep on cots around her so she crept quietly to the bathroom, cursing silently when the cot squeaked. No one woke, thankfully.

  She hurried to do her business and splash water on her face. An unnerving howl outside prompted her to hustle back to her cot and the safety of her cousins nearby. She lay awake for a while, dreading tomorrow’s summoning, before falling into a fitful sleep full of nightmares.

  Chapter 21

  At Dawning

  The group stood outside among the desert flora. The morning was already hot, but the air gave off a fresh scent and Daisy breathed it in like a junkie taking her next hit.

  She stepped next to Zoey and said, “Everything okay with the box?” The girl had been unusually quiet this morning and Daisy couldn’t help worrying over her.

  Zoey nodded. “It’ll be fine ‘til we get back. The Anguisher’s distracted.” She turned her attention on Jason.

  Fine, Zoey, but how long will his distraction last? And what’s taken his attention? I’m afraid to find out. Her calm now gone, Daisy took in another deep breath. This time, it didn’t seem to work.

  Before she could dwell on her uneasiness, Tessa gave the signal to follow. She and Noah walked behind Zoey and Jason as the ranger couple led the group along a dirt trail. In a matter of seconds, Zoey tripped on something and fell right on her ass. Daisy started for the girl but Jason helped her up.

  “You okay?” Jason said.


  “Watch where you’re going, darling,” Connie called from behind Daisy. “This trail isn’t as smooth as it looks.”

  “I kinda figured that out.” Jason gave Zoey a quick kiss and flashed a smile but it looked forced.

  Daisy glanced behind at the rest of the group, who had stopped when Zoey fell. Bridgette looked a bit anxious. You okay, Bridge? The woman nodded, her telepathic senses open just now. Oddly enough, that comforted Daisy and she didn’t feel so alone. She didn’t know the rest of the group that well but they all seemed a bit on edge. She put her hand in Noah’s as they began walking again.

  He leaned toward her. “Any idea what a Titan eats?” He made a low growl in her ear. “Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of a tasty witch.”

  That got a smile from her and a snort from Bridgette, and Daisy silently thanked her husband for lifting her mood. She stepped carefully, watching the ground in front of her for rocks, cholla and other debris. No sense me ending up on my ass too. The saguaro cacti made long shadows in the sunrise, their curved arms upping the eerie factor. Despite the heat, she saw Zoey shiver. Poor girl. Pandora’s curse dumped on her, and now this. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. She thanked the universe that she had been born a witch and not a Dream Catcher.

  It wasn’t long before they stopped in a clearing. Three large—no, make that huge, at least five stories tall and eight feet around—saguaros, with more arms than Daisy had ever seen on any specimen, formed a triangle. She didn’t dare guess their ages. Old didn’t seem quite right. Ancient maybe. But how long could saguaros live? 200 years? That wasn’t exactly ancient. Yet, something about these led her to believe they were much older. In the center of these great desert sentries sat a small circle of rocks blackened from years of fires.

  This is it? No conference room? No coffee and yummy bakery items? She smirked. No wonder the cabin seemed like a luxury to Tessa and Sebastian, if they worked out here in the elements most of the day.

  Zoey glance back and gave a questioning look as if to mirror Daisy’s thoughts. Tessa waved to them and they gathered in a circle around the blackened rocks. Nine women and nine men, all looking a bit worried. Well, that won’t help things. She gave Zoey a reassuring wink and the girl smiled.

  Tessa circled her arms a couple of times. “Air.” She then sprinkled clear liquid from a bottle onto the ground. “Water.”

  Sebastian took up a handful of dirt and let it sift through his fingers. “Earth.” He placed a burning lantern in the center of the stones. “Fire.” He glanced at Daisy and the rest. “Not a good idea to build actual fires out here. What with all the trees and the drought. This’ll have to do.”

  Tessa dug into her pack for a stack of papers. “All right everyone. Here are the words. Take one and pass them around.”

  They couldn’t practice the ritual without bringing the Titans out of hibernation prematurely, so no one had seen it until now, except for Tessa. It wasn’t a traditional spell if it could be copied and shared like this. Must be some form of ancient rite. Daisy studied her paper that contained a very short passage. She turned the paper over but found no other writing. This will raise the Titans? The font looked like it came from an old typewriter, and she fought the urge to shake her head. Obviously, not everyone shared her enthusiasm for technology. Inherent witches felt right at home on computers and the internet, as well as with centuries-old books and dusty libraries.

  Zoey, who stood on her right now, leaned close. “Wonder when they pass out the quills.”

  She smiled and motioned to the blackened stones. “After we’ve learned smoke signals.”

  Zoey snickered and adjusted her shorts, a nervous habit Daisy had observed in the past.

  Tessa raised her hands for quiet. “All right everyone. We’ve been over this but it’s important. Once you start reading, don’t stop. We need the power of nine plus nine to contact the Titans, and it’s been a long time since anyone woke them. Now, backs to the fire.”

  They adjusted their circle until they stood facing outward toward the towering saguaro trio. Zoey was now on Daisy’s left and Noah on her right, with Bridgette the other side of Noah. Here we go. Tessa gave the order and they began the chant:

  “Oh, Great Council, whose knowledge pierces the denizens of these woods of Gaia, be thou favorable to the request we hereby ask. Appear before us in ancient form and guide us with thy wisdom.”

  Daisy seemed to hear the words in her mind as well as her ears. They repeated the chant until it had been said three times. The air began to grow static, as though she had done a major spell casting. She glanced at Noah and Bridgette and both nodded. So, it wasn’t her imagination. Golden auras emanated from several of the others, Zoey included, and wrapped around the circle of bodies. The girl had admitted seeing auras, but by the look on her face, Zoey seemed just as amazed as Daisy felt. It was a bit unnerving and beautiful at the same time. Within seconds, something sucked the breath from her and she fought down panic, afraid she might pass out, but the sensation left as quickly as it came.

  She glanced at Noah, who had a wary look on his face. The ground rippled beneath Daisy’s feet like a tiny wave, a most disturbing sensation, and she had the sudden urge to run away from this place. Titans? Shit, Daisy. This is nuts. Even for a witch.

  She tried to wrench herself from the circle but some invisible force held her in place. She could breathe just fine and tried to speak but nothing came out. Some sort of trussing. Crap. The helplessness she’d felt against the skinwalker rushed into her thoughts and panic threatened her senses. Calm down, Daisy. You kicked his butt, remember? Yeah, with an ancient Kachina’s help, and I almost got us all killed. But you didn’t die and the Kachina made
you a stronger witch than you were before. You can do this. Just breathe.

  The internal dialogue helped and she breathed in and out slowly. After a few seconds, she stood quivering, more with frustration than fear now, and prepared to run like hell once she got command of her legs, which had stiffened like a guy part at an x-rated film. But what happened next came without warning.

  The multiple arms on the saguaro within her sight shifted as though a monsoon wind blew through the area, though not a breath of wind touched Daisy. They moved again. Shit, shit, shit! As she watched the saguaro, her vision faded, outlined with black, like gazing through a tunnel. I’m going to pass out. Just great. No, come on, Daisy. You confronted a skinwalker who wanted to eat you for breakfast. You can certainly handle talking to a couple of Titans. Well, three, to be exact, if the legends were at all accurate.

  She didn’t lose consciousness. Instead, her eyes stayed focused on the giant cactus nearest her and she swallowed hard as the thing blurred like an unfocused camera lens and a face appeared on the massive trunk. A female face with human features.

  Great. Now what? I’ve seen some strange shit in my life, but nothing like this. Ever! Since she wasn’t a telepath herself, she didn’t know whether Bridgette could hear her thoughts through whatever bound them. And she was certain everyone stood as frozen and helpless as she, since no one had moved or spoken.

  Despite its youthful appearance, the face that formed on the saguaro seemed old, ancient. When it blinked, Daisy’s heart hammered at her ribs and she silently cursed. Adrenaline all but deafened her. If her legs hadn’t locked, keeping her in place, she would’ve been on the ground by now. Zoey must be terrified. Just as she thought about trying to move her head to look at her younger cousin, whatever spell had kept it in place loosened, and her panic receded to a tolerable level. Now she could at least think without wanting to scream in frustration. Zoey turned her gaze to Daisy, frightened eyes pleading.

  That look gave Daisy the courage to try casting but it was no use. She still couldn’t speak. Damnit. I can’t even utter a spell to free us. Instead, she gave a reassuring look to Zoey and hoped the girl didn’t see the fear in her eyes. Her cousin seemed to calm a bit, took in a visible breath, and turned her gaze away.


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