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Satyr's Myst

Page 10

by Marie Harte

  “You’re so good for me,” Rick murmured as he cleaned her. He pushed her hands away when she tried to help. “You’re so good for us.” He kissed her. “Do you think you can handle me taking Trevor?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” He had to be joking.

  “It’s just… I’m a very sexual man, Lilah. And sometimes the things that I want can make others, well, uncomfortable.”

  Stupid Elise. “Look, Rick. I appreciate the warnings. But I’m a big girl. I’ve had sex with two men at once, you know,” she teased. “And I’ve been waiting for you to take Trevor for as long as he has. I think it’ll be really, really hot.”

  Rick’s blond brows rose. “You’re not just saying that.”

  “Hell, no. I don’t know why you’re so hesitant about him, but I think you need to put your doubts aside and go for it. I want to see you guys together. And I know Trevor does. He has a hard-on anytime you walk into the room.”

  “I thought that was because of you.”

  “Well, I do have a great body.” She put her hands on her hips and flirted.

  “And a great mind, heart, and soul.” Rick kissed her with so much tenderness her eyes welled. How a man could be so incredibly sexual and so emotional as well boggled the mind.

  Oh, crap. She was totally falling in love with him. Ordinary Lilah had a major case of the sweets on Rick Hastings.

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  “Now don’t take this the wrong way,” Rick said in a low voice as he shut off the shower and patted her dry with a nearby towel. “But I’m not taking any shit from you about this.”


  He finished drying her and then himself. “I’m keeping you, you and that stubborn jackass over there trying to cool his raging hard-on. You’re mine, Lilah. And you need to start thinking of yourself as mine. Because when I want something, I don’t stop until I get it.”

  He walked toward Trevor, leaving her standing after him, her mouth agape.

  Had he really just said what she thought he’d said? And what did “mine” mean? His for today, tomorrow, next month? Exclusively, or to share with Trevor? To stay on the island with him, or just to visit every now and then as no more than his sexual partner? To --

  “Lilah, today.” Rick grinned at her and held out a hand. “I don’t think Trevor’s going to keep much longer.” Trevor groaned but moved when Rick pushed him toward the open doorway into the house. When she reached Rick’s side, he curled a hand around her waist and added in a low voice, “Remember, we’re keeping Trevor too. So think about that while you’re at it. When I said threesome before, I meant it.”

  Lilah felt as if she walked on air. Ecstatic at the thought of never having to leave Rick or Trevor again, it took a few moments for reality to come crashing down on her. Problems began intruding on her idyllic future.

  One, she was a damned good physical therapist and didn’t see how she could make that happen on this secluded island that catered to sex, not therapy. Two, she’d never told Rick about her connection to Elise. He’d blow his top when he heard Lilah’s last name. Three, Rick was talking about a threesome like it was an everyday occurrence. How the hell would she explain her boyfriends -- plural -- to her parents? Golden Girl Elise hadn’t been able to mention Rick. How the hell would misfit Lilah work her lovers into conversations during the holidays? And would she even be home for holidays? Would Rick want them to live here with him? How permanent was he thinking? More, would Trevor be keen on the idea?

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  She started when Rick sat her down in a chair directly in front of his bed in his bedroom.

  “You’re thinking too hard. Relax.” He kissed her breathless and nuzzled her neck. “I love you, Lilah Tanner. The rest is up to you.”

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  Chapter Seven

  Trevor didn’t know what the hell Rick had said to Lilah, but her open mouth and wide-eyed stare concerned him. He was about to go to her when Rick stopped him.

  “Get on your hands and knees in the middle of that bed, sideways, so Lilah can see what I’m doing to you. And don’t fuck it up.” The harsh command jolted Trevor, and he looked at Rick with new respect. This side of his lover he’d seen briefly before, and he’d missed it. Or should he say, oon-t


  o-be lover? Though he’d touched Rick and had, at most, kissed and licked his flesh, they hadn’t shared much contact between them recently.

  At first Trevor had been relieved. He’d had his hands full keeping alert for the criminal bent on harming Rick. And the distraction Rick presented wore at him daily. Desire made it difficult to do his job, but Trevor kept an eye on the security feeds and the grounds around the place, and he maintained a daily contact with Tyrone. So at least Trevor could rest on one front. He wasn’t a complete wash-out when it came to doing his job. Hell, after the mess Ethan had landed him in by sending him here, he figured his brother owed him a raise. And yet…without Ethan and Elise’s interference, Trevor would be that much further from self-discovery, a journey he’d very much needed to find his future -- with Rick and Lilah. He’d

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  taken a huge step by participating in sex near another naked man. They’d shared the same woman. Yet the focus had remained on Lilah.

  And Trevor could finally acknowledge to himself that wasn’t enough. When Rick had admitted to loving and losing Elise, Trevor knew it was time he owned up to the truth too.

  Much as he wanted to pretend otherwise, he needed Rick’s help to show him who he really was. Trevor liked women. And he liked men. Sexually.

  Saying it to himself only grew easier the more time he spent with the two people who seemed to accept all of him. Lord knew Lilah had listened with more than her ears, but with her soft heart as well, while they’d teased and shared their lives with each other the past two weeks. She seemed to understand how difficult his leaving the force had been. Rick had simply sat in silence, absorbing but not committing himself to an opinion either way. And that silence had made it difficult for Trevor to ask Rick for what he wanted. But no more.

  “I said, get on the damn bed.” Rick’s voice lowered, and an almost animal intensity glowed in his bright blue eyes.

  Trevor found himself moving quickly to obey the command in that voice. A glance at Lilah showed her as intrigued by Rick’s ferocity as Trevor. He liked this part of Rick…a lot.

  His cock stiffened and seeped with cum. He’d wanted so badly to fuck Lilah earlier. As much as he wanted to shove his dick in Rick’s hard and now unsmiling mouth.

  Groaning, Trevor bowed his head and stared at the soft cotton sheets beneath him. He was going to do it. No more talking about it. No more dancing around the fact that he wanted to be fucked by a man. Trevor was about to engage in sex with Rick Hastings, full-out. And this was more than simple experimentation. Rick was not just any man, but the one Trevor couldn’t stop himself from falling for. Yep, he’d landed in a big pile of L-O-V-E.

  At the thought, he groaned and exhaled in exultant relief. Well, hell. He’d finally admitted it. Trevor glanced at Lilah, the other person to whom he’d lost his heart. The fantasies he’d lived with his entire life, of intimacies with a woman and a man, coalesced into

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  a desire for a future promising the same. But it was so much more than the physical -- not that the physical could be ignored. Hell, Trevor had never before come so hard so much in such a short span of time. Sex with Lilah had ruined him for any other woman. He could no longer look at her and see anything but beauty and grace with a winsome smile.

  And Rick obviously added to the experience. The occasional passing touch, the scent of him on Lilah, and on Trevor, at times, increased Trevor’s ardor during love play until he was spewing uncontrollably. For a large man, Trevor possessed his fair share of dominance. But for all that Rick lacked his considerable bulk, Rick was by no means small or weak. And the aggression he now displayed, to Trevor,
was a huge turn-on.

  A hand slapped his ass, hard, and he sucked in a breath. Rick joined him on the bed, kneeling behind him, and slowly withdrew the plug that had been driving Trevor insane all day.

  “The next time I give you an order, you do it without having to be told twice.” Rick slapped him again, but this time rubbed his ass when he was done.

  Heat built, and Trevor wanted to lean into Rick’s touch.

  “Spread your knees.”

  Trevor breathed deeply and did so, not surprised when Rick found his sac and began fondling him.

  “What do you think, Lilah? Does he want more?” Rick asked in a velvety voice.

  A glimpse at her showed Lilah cupping her breasts, her eyes half closed as she watched them.

  “Oh, yeah. He wants it. Harder, Rick.” She winked at Trevor and lowered one hand from her breast, down her sexy belly, to her pussy. Dipping a finger inside, she began fingering herself, and the sight only added to Trevor’s need.

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  Rick leaned over Trevor, putting his cock in direct alignment with Trevor’s ass.

  Nervous, yet incredibly turned on, Trevor couldn’t help pushing back, angling the tip of Rick’s shaft into his anus.

  “Isn’t she pretty?” Rick whispered into his ear and bit on his lobe. He thrust his tongue in Trevor’s ear and pushed his cockhead deeper into Trevor’s ass. The slight intrusion didn’t hurt, thanks to Lilah using that plug on him all week, but Rick felt larger than the toys she’d used. Yet Trevor welcomed the discomfort, not surprised when he hardened painfully. Rick slapped the side of his ass with the flat of his hand, and it stung. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

  Shit, I’m really doing this, and I want it so badly. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Where? In your ass, or in your mouth?”

  Trevor trembled -- desire, anticipation, and nervousness flooding him at once. He’d never before felt both confused and aroused to the point he couldn’t speak.

  Rick, however, seemed to sense his dilemma. He leaned back and stroked Trevor softly.

  “It’s okay, Trevor. I know what you need. Just relax and take it.” Rick backed away, severing their contact, and Trevor immediately groaned his protest.

  “We do it my way, remember?” Rick sounded amused. To Trevor’s surprise, however, Rick wasn’t done. Oh, no, he was merely getting started. Instead of the cock he’d anticipated, the warm, moist plug tunneling through his ass clearly said this was going to take a while.

  Rick deliberately made sure Lilah could see everything he did to Trevor. Though the action didn’t involve her direct participation, Rick wanted her to watch. No, not wanted. He needed her to watch. And so did Trevor. Everything they did would be together. Pain and pleasure, fetish and kink, love and affection: all of it would be experienced by the three of them as one.

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  At present, however, Rick focused on Trevor. The larger man’s breathing sped up as Rick pushed the slim dildo all the way into Trevor’s ass. Watching the toy disappear until his fingers touched the rim of Trevor’s asshole was incredibly erotic, and Rick’s erection smacked firmly against his belly as he shifted closer to Trevor.

  “How does that feel?” he asked and ran his hand over Trevor’s ass to cup his balls.

  Trevor rocked into his touch, his moans deepening.

  “Lilah didn’t touch so deeply before, I’ll bet.”

  “No,” Trevor rasped and pushed back.

  Understanding what Trevor wanted, Rick pulled the dildo out before sliding it back in.

  Slowly, ever so slowly. And as he did so, he squeezed Trevor’s hardening sac with a firm but gentle hand.

  “Fuck, Rick. I’m so close.”

  Rick frowned. He wanted this first time to be perfect. And that meant Trevor didn’t come until Rick had planted himself firmly inside him.

  Pulling out the toy, Rick tossed it on the end of the bed, pleased to see Lilah’s gaze resting on it. “Soon, love, we’ll work it in you.”

  She flushed and bit her lip, and Rick clearly recalled how good she’d felt sucking him off with those full, thick lips. Which reminded him…

  He scooted around Trevor and knelt before him. As expected, Trevor’s gaze rested on Rick’s cock, his attention completely focused.

  “Look at what you do to me, Trevor.” Rick laced his fingers through Trevor’s smooth hair. The color was a dark brown, like the fertile soil in the Northwest. Rich and lustrous, the color magnified the vitality in Trevor’s beautiful eyes. “Take me inside your mouth,”

  Rick murmured, holding his shaft to Trevor’s lips.

  Trevor licked his bottom lip and opened wide. Rick watched as he slid his dick between Trevor’s lips, one slow inch at a time.

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  Lilah groaned. “That is so damned sexy.”

  Rick gave her a sensual smile as he stroked Trevor’s cheek. He felt Trevor’s tongue working him, and he pumped his hips, thrusting in small, tight bursts, when what he really wanted to do was fuck Trevor’s mouth hard and explode down his throat.

  “That’s good, love,” Rick said thickly and pulled out, watching as his shaft glistened with his lover’s saliva. He pushed back in, torturing himself. Thank God he’d previously spent in Lilah, or he could have done Trevor some serious damage with his violent need, now under control.

  Rick let Trevor feel the foreign taste of a man’s cock. He even let Trevor move up on his knees to better caress his thighs and balls. And the feel of those large, callused hands felt better than good. The differences between Trevor’s rough touch and Lilah’s soft one aroused Rick to no end.

  “Enough,” he rasped, his tone guttural as he pulled out of Trevor’s mouth. “Now I’m going to fuck you.” Rick leaned back and grabbed a tube of lubricant. “Put it on me.”

  Trevor rose fully upright, and Rick handed the tube to him. He watched the play of muscles over Trevor’s upper body as the large man took the cream and smoothed it over Rick’s cock. Rick sucked in a breath as Trevor gave him an incredible handjob.

  “I want to watch you come,” Trevor growled, his eyes black with lust. “I want to fuck you too, Rick. To shoot inside you. Your mouth, your ass. I want to see my cum on your skin.” Trevor groaned and tightened his hand on Rick’s cock. “God, I want to feel you inside me more than anything. I’m so fucking hard right now.”

  Rick smiled, warmth unfurling at the utter need rocking Trevor’s world. “I’m going to ease you soon enough.” Rick deliberately trailed his hand over Trevor’s abdomen toward his groin. Closing his hand around Trevor’s shaft, he measured the impressive thickness and whistled. “And I’m going to enjoy taking you inside me.” Rick glanced over his shoulder.

  “Maybe you can fuck me while I’m eating Lilah’s pussy later.”

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  Lilah, to Rick’s delight, looked very near climax. Her hand was busy between her legs, her breasts were swollen, her nipples thick and pink. And her luscious mouth was parted as she panted in time with their lusty breaths.

  “Now, Rick.” Trevor turned away from Lilah’s sexy frame, sounding desperate. “Fuck me now.”

  Rick moved behind Trevor and pushed him back to his hands and knees. Surprised to find himself shaking with anticipation, Rick guided his slick shaft between Trevor’s buttocks.

  The small hole closed around him as he pushed, and he slowed as he met Trevor’s resistance.

  “Push against me with your muscles,” he rasped, clenching Trevor’s tight ass, his fingers locked on Trevor’s hips. “It’ll hurt before it feels good.”

  Trevor panted as Rick pushed forward. And then the pressure seemed to ease and Rick smoothly moved forward. Trevor groaned, with both pain and pleasure, Rick thought, until Rick stopped, unable to push further. His balls rested against Trevor’s, and the erotic notion made his breath hitch.

  “All right?” he asked in a husky voice.

“No. Yes,” Trevor moaned. “I need more, but you’re big, and it burns. God, this feels good.”

  Rick chuckled, and after a moment, pulled out slowly. He didn’t completely withdraw, but pushed back in instead. A few more times with a deliberate, gradual pacing until Trevor met him thrust for thrust. And then the dam broke. Rick fucked Trevor harder and harder, grunting when he heard Lilah cry out her climax.

  Trevor groaned as he took the pounding, his body shaking as he, too, sought fulfillment.

  Close to coming, Rick forced himself to slow down and reached around Trevor’s waist.

  He found what he sought and closed his hand around Trevor’s weeping cock.

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  “God, yes,” Trevor hissed and thrust hard through Rick’s fingers. The action pulled Rick along with him, and together they rode toward the bliss just over the edge of desire.

  Trevor’s hoarse shout accompanied the burst of cream spilling from his cock. And the feel of that hot, wet cum sent Rick over as well. He reluctantly released Trevor and brought his hand to his lips, needing to taste his lover’s passion.

  “You taste so good,” he breathed and continued to pound into Trevor, unable to stop.

  In just a few thrusts he came, his orgasm bursting over him like a rainbow of feeling.

  The climax took him into a place where scent, sound, and touch ruled, and Rick knew he’d never forget this special time. Soft hands stroked his ass and back, and he realized Lilah had joined them.

  “You two could make a fortune in film,” she quipped as she stared at them. Her eyes were glassy, and Rick realized she’d been crying.

  “Lilah?” He sounded gruff, his voice still thick with arousal.


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