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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

Page 39

by Kasey Millstead

  “I don’t think it’s a guy. I think it’s the girl I grew up with and left behind to fucking race. If it is, I need to go find her.”

  “Look, I don’t get it. But if you think you need to go find her, I’m sure she’ll be at the kick off party in an hour. I’ll help you search her out then.” Brant peeked at the clock on the microwave to confirm it was only an hour until the party started.

  “Nah, I’m gonna go look for her setup. See if I can catch her before the party. I’ll catch up with you then.”

  Brant shook his head and sat down, resuming his previous position of napping.

  Cole took off down the rows of busses and RVs. They all had their number and race team painted either on the rig or on a posted sign. He felt lost and a bit out of control. His mind was running through a thousand different scenarios. None of them left him with high hopes for a happy reunion. He was fucked. Why was he even looking for her? She probably didn’t remember him. Since he changed his name, she wouldn’t recognize his name, and his outer appearance had changed quite a bit as well. This was stupid. He needed to look from afar, confirm it was even her without approaching her, and then focus on his racing.

  “Hey Cole, ready for tomorrow?” Jason Putnam called from the stairs of his rig.

  Maybe if he started asking around, Cole could find her faster. “Of course, you?”

  “Yeah, tough lineup. Did you check it out?” Thinking better of himself, Jason shook his head before saying, “Never mind. That was stupid. I know you did.” He chuckled before coming down the few steps to shake Cole’s hand.

  “Actually, that’s why I’m out here. You ever heard of this rookie Rylan Goff?”

  Jason’s brow furrowed in thought. “Not until today. I met her a little while ago. She was walking around with her crew boss introducing herself. Sweet as sin and hot as fuck.”

  “So it is a girl…” Cole’s brow raised in acknowledgment that it was more than likely her.

  “Uh, yeah. I guess Rylan could be a dudes name. I’ve never heard it before.”

  “Which way was she heading?”

  Confusion clouded Jason’s features as he pointed the way Cole was headed. “That way. Everything okay, Cole?”

  “Oh, yeah. Just checking out all the new competitors. I’ll see ya later.” Cole continued on, barely hearing Jason’s reply.

  “Yeah, okay. See ya.”

  Getting confirmation that Rylan was a chick set Cole off in a renewed determination. He pounded down the stretch of pavement between rigs while keeping an eye out for her.

  Cole neared the end of the competitor’s temporary living quarters when he saw a small figure with long waves flowing down her back. The black layers flowed down to bright green tips. It was unique and most likely not her. Just because she didn’t color her hair when she was young doesn’t mean she wouldn’t now, Cole reminded himself. As he got closer, he could see through the people surrounding her. He saw that she had tiny shorts and a loose fitting tank, showing off her long, dark, and very toned legs. He knew those legs, the way they felt under his hands and wrapped around his waist. Shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts, he approached the group. He had no clue what to say.

  “Cole! Glad you could make it man!” Aidan Ferguson clapped him on the shoulder. “Ready to get this party started?”

  Ah, shit! He had forgotten Aidan invited him down for a little pre-kickoff party. He could play it off. He had to. “Yeah, man. You got a beer around here?”

  Before Aidan could point out the cooler full of beer, Kat sauntered up to him with a new bottle in her hands. “Here you go, Sugar.”

  He took the beer from Kat, not taking the time to thank her. Kat was a racing groupie. She claimed only to want to help, him but he caught her a few times helping other riders. Her way of helping was to suck and fuck every guy with the potential to win big. She was after the lifestyle, not love. Cole wasn’t after love either; he had hooked up with her and then left her to find some other sucker to give her the lifestyle she wanted.

  When he didn’t respond, Kat stuck out her bottom lip in a large, pitiful pout and flashed her fake lashes his way. “What’s wrong, baby? Are you nervous?” She leaned up and whispered in his ear, “I can help calm you down. I know how nervous you are before a big race, and it’s been a while since I’ve tasted you.” She trailed her tongue along the outer ridge of his ear and down his neck, softly sucking as she went.

  “Not tonight.” Cole stomped away trying to get closer to Rylan, who had moved further into the crowd. He searched the gathering of people until he spotted the bright green tips of her hair swaying as she walked further away from him. He needed to make his way to her. He didn’t care about anyone else there.

  He didn’t get two feet before someone else tried to stop him, offering him a shot. Cole turned to see who had beckoned him and saw a cute redhead that he knew he should know the name of, offering him a shot of something between her tits. Usually he’d be all over that, but not tonight. Tonight he shrugged her off and sped off in the way of Rylan.

  Two hours later, the racers, team owners, crew members, and sponsors were gathered in a huge white tent set up with table and chairs. A buffet of food ran along one side of the tent while a stage was set up on the opposite side. Rylan had slipped away again earlier, before he could catch her and say hi. He looked around for a good thirty minutes before giving up and making his way back to his bus to get Brant.

  They had listened to welcome speeches and stood when their names were called. He noticed Rylan sat a few tables over and didn’t even peek his way when they called his name. Now it was time for dinner. They were releasing everyone by table; he waited for Rylan’s table to be called before he headed to the restroom.

  “I’m gonna go take a leak. If by chance we get released…” He trailed off as he watched Rylan walk past his table once again not even glancing.

  “Yeah dude, go.” He heard Brant confirm as he walked away.

  As he moved toward Rylan, he started having doubts. What the hell was wrong with him? He didn’t chicken out when it came to talking to women. He was confident in his pick up lines and scoring a hook up with any chick. Some even said he was cocky; he could admit to that, and he often had. However, he wasn’t using pick up lines or wanting a hook up. Not with her, not with his Rylan. He wasn’t sure what he wanted, but a quick fuck wasn’t it.

  Taking a deep breath, he stepped up to her with his hand outstretched. “You must be Rylan.”

  He saw the confusion cloud her bright green eyes before they cleared and shined with fury. “Wow Cole, you are as smart as they say. What tipped you off?”

  Huh, he didn’t remember her having such a smart mouth on her. Two could play at this game, though. “Obviously, honey, it was the sizable rack on your chest.” He shrugged, turning to walk away, and threw over his shoulder, “Or that sweet ass.”

  He heard some chuckles and a very feminine grunt before her raspy voice carried over to him, “He’s as egotistical as every female in every race town says.”

  “Yeah, and you’re fresh meat. Suck it up honey because I’m sure he’ll be back,” someone countered. He was almost certain it was the blonde standing beside her.

  She thinks I’m arrogant after that short exchange; she really won’t like the person I’ve become.

  Cole’s feathers were ruffled, and he was pissed. He knew he didn’t leave a respectable reputation in his trail, and he never cared about what the female population was saying about him. As long as they weren’t saying I sucked ass in bed.

  Reaching his bus, he climbed the stairs, throwing the door open before climbing in. He rammed his fingers through his hair before letting out a frustrated sigh. Cole grabbed a beer from the fridge, twisting off the cap he gulped down several cold mouthfuls before setting it on the table and sliding into the booth.

  Dominick entered the bus, gently shutting the door behind him. “What was that all about, Cole?”


Don’t give me that bullshit! You know exactly what I’m talking about—you confronting Rylan and then being your typical self and smarting off before storming out of there.”

  “All I planned to do was introduce myself to the new rookie. She made some smart ass comment.”

  “You’ve never introduced yourself to a rookie before. Usually I have to force you. What gives?” Dominick was pacing the small area between the captain’s chair and the door to the bedroom.

  “Look, I thought I knew her. I was wrong.” Cole brought the bottle back to his lips. I need to get a groupie. Setting the beer back down, Cole stood. “I need to go let off some steam before I turn in. Tomorrow’s a long day.”

  “Yeah, do what you gotta do. But get your head in the race.”

  “It’s already there.” With that, Cole left the bus. He couldn’t stomach thinking about Kat. There was no way he was drunk enough to put up with her. Maybe Heather was around. She was always up for a good time, but she was a lot less free with it than Kat.

  Cole didn’t have to look too hard. Heather and her friend, the red head that he couldn’t remember the name of, were walking his way with Brant.

  “Hey, Bud. I brought you back a friend.” Brant tipped his head in Heather’s direction as he slipped his arm around the friend and pulled her close to his side as she giggled.

  “Hey, Cole.” Heather smiled his way, her eyes raking over his body.

  Before he could reply, his sight fell on her chest and under the silky tank, her nipples hardened as she took him in. Swallowing, Cole imagined what he could be doing to those pert nipples and perfect handful size tits. He tore his gaze from her chest and met her eyes. “Hey, gorgeous, Dom’s inside. Why don’t we get outta here and away from the track for a bit?”

  “Oh hell yeah!” Brant exclaimed.

  Both women nodded their agreement. “There’s a cool little pub not far from here,” Heather pointed out.

  Cole didn’t go out without his ball cap and he knew Brant usually wore his. They were without because Dom said it was rude to wear them to the dinners. He had to agree it was. “Sounds cool. Hang on while I grab us some ball caps.”

  Cole disappeared inside. Dom sat in the captain chair, staring at the door. “I heard you’re going out. Do not be fucking late getting back.” He stared at Cole before rubbing his hands down his face in a desperate manner. “Never mind. More importantly, don’t get too fucked up. Tomorrow is important. The most important─”

  Cole threw up a hand, stopping Dom. “Enough! I know how important tomorrow is. If you want my head in the race, then I need to go tonight and clear the fuck out of it. Understand?”

  Dom released a large sigh full of worry. He dramatically threw his head back and closed his eyes, “Yeah. Go.”

  “Don’t wait up.” Cole grabbed his and Brant’s hats and headed out.

  “Get a lecture from dad?” Brant asked, sliding his cap on his head and pulling it low.

  “Of course. Let’s go.” He threw his arm around Heather’s neck, pulling her toward him, pressing his lips against her in a promise of what’s to come. He pulled back, smirking down at the petite brunette. She had been one of his regular hookups since the beginning. Heather was the only groupie that he never saw trying to hook up with another racer. If she did, she was discreet about it.

  The group entered the bar and the girls squeezed into the booth on opposite sides followed by the guys. A smoking hot waitress walked up wearing nothing more than a checkered flag bikini. Cole sat up, greeting her with a lopsided grin. “Well, hello there.”

  “Hi, my name’s Eve, and I’ll be your server. Can I get y’all drinks and maybe an appetizer to start?” Eve’s eyes never left Cole’s as she addressed the group.

  “I’ll have a Bud draft,” Cole responded as he took in her body again.

  Brant wasn’t doing much better; his gaze was fixated on her chest as he said, “Same, and an order of fried mushrooms and mozzarella sticks.”

  “Great, I’ll get that started for you.” Eve started to walk off when Heather spoke up.

  “Excuse me, my friend and I will have two shots of your top shelf tequila and margaritas, on the rocks.” Heather turned back away from the waitress and went back to chatting with her friend.

  Cole shrugged as Eve huffed before storming off.

  “I’d offer for us to leave so you can enjoy her, but I want my margarita first. After that you can do whatever you want.” Heather didn’t look his way just stared down at the napkin she was currently shredding.

  The waitress returned with drinks and Brant’s appetizers and walked away without another word. The next time someone came to check on them, it was a different server. “Sorry, Eve had to step out. Can I get y’all another round? How about a pitcher of beer and one of margaritas?”

  Heather spoke up, this time with a sugary sweet voice. “That would be great, hon. Can you bring two more top shelf tequila shots as well?”

  “Sure thing, I’ll be back in just a minute.”

  After finishing off the shots and pitchers, Cole went up to the register to settle the tab before they left. Cole walked a little ahead of the group and made a call. Hanging up, he turned back to the group and said, “Detour, I got us some rooms. The hotel’s a block over.”

  Brant’s face was comical; his expression said, “Dude, seriously?”

  Heather and Hannah (he finally heard her name at the pub) giggled and said, “Sounds great!”

  Cole checked in and received the key cards before joining the others to catch the elevator. As they walked into the waiting lift, Heather did that eye-rake thing that made her nipples harden. He stalked toward her, not lifting his sight from her pert nipples. He wanted a taste, and he knew she wasn’t shy. As Cole approached her, his hands slipped up her sides, lifting her tank with them, and she gasped as her breast came into view. Guiding her back, he dropped his head and sucked one of her pink buds into his mouth. As he caressed it with his tongue and stroked her other tit with his hand, she let out a low moan. He had forgotten how responsive she was. Heather’s hands ran through his hair, pulling his head tighter against her.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Cole could see Brant had Hannah pushed up against the wall, hands above her head, and his head buried in her neck. The night was about to get interesting.

  The elevator dinged their arrival. Cole adjusted Heather’s top as the doors slid open. Cole handed Brant his room key as they reached the joining rooms. “Head into your room and unlock the joining door; I’ll do the same. Grab some mini liquor bottles out of the fridge for the girls. Whatever’s in there.”

  Cole opened his door and motioned for Heather to go first. Hannah followed Brant into his room. The couples converged in Cole’s room with plenty of miniature bottles of alcohol. Cole turned the music on, playing one of his favorite playlists. The first song to start randomly was “Casual Sex” by My Darkest Days. Chuckling to himself, Cole figured he couldn’t have picked a better song.

  “Dude, this song is fucking perfect!” Brant laughed as he grabbed Hannah around the waist, taking her mouth with his. Pulling back, he smirked at her. “You ready for some casual sex, baby?”

  Hannah laughed, smacking his chest. “Not so fast, Romeo.”

  Heather giggled and spoke up from her spot on the arm of the couch. “Let’s take a few shots?”

  Cole glowered at her as he slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. “Go ahead, I don’t want any shots.” He thumbed the button through its hole on his jeans, before shoving them off his hips and stepping out of them. Their little preshow in elevator had him hard as a rock, and it showed.

  Heather and Hannah grabbed four mini bottles of liquor, while Brant removed his clothing. Brant was not about to be out done by Cole. Heather whispered something into Hannah’s ear as they opened their first bottles of Malibu Rum. With mischievous smiles, they clicked the bottles together, saying “cheers” before downing the sweet liquid. Sitting next to each other
on the couch before opening the second bottle, Hannah leaned into Heather this time before repeating the process.

  Cole was done. He enjoyed watching them, but he would rather be in Heather right now. He stalked toward her, keeping the smile from his face and his brow lowered just enough to give him a malicious look. As his bare thigh brushed against her, he leaned into her, pressing a not so innocent kiss just below her ear. He whispered, “I’m really done with this charade. We all know what we came here for.” He kissed her ear, sucking his way down her neck. His free hand trailed up and down her thigh, leaving goose bumps in its wake.

  Heather shivered. Clearing her throat, she stopped his hand. “Do you care if I look at your playlist?”

  He slumped back against the couch, confused. “Go for it.” His tone suggested he was clearly unamused. He had no idea why she needed to change the song. He was worked up and more than ready to get on with the show.

  Across the coffee table from him, Hannah was twisting and grinding into Brant’s lap, which Cole watched with envy. He hadn’t even realized Hannah had moved from her spot next to her friend. Heather had jumped up as soon as he told her she could look at his phone and grabbed it off the table before walking a little ways away. His head swiveled from side to side, his attention torn between what she was doing and what the other couple was doing. He was not beyond watching them.

  Before Cole could start rubbing one out, Heather grabbed her friend and pulled her toward the bedroom. As soon as his lap was empty, Brant called out, “What the fuck, Heather?”

  “Hang on. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”

  Now Cole was curious. Before his mind could start processing any possibilities, which all ended with the four of them on the floor in some orgy, Heather and Hannah came back into the room.

  “Brant, I need you to sit on the opposite end of the couch.” Heather explained.

  Brant’s eyebrows pulled together and his lips curved in confusion. But he got to his feet and made his way to the couch. Heather handed something to Hannah before they both approached the men. Heather spoke softly to both of them. “Close your eyes and tip your heads back, rest them on the back of the couch. Leave your hands by your sides and knees spread.” The men did as she said. Cole felt the couch dip before he felt something slightly rough, maybe a towel, cover his face from the nose up. “You can remove the blindfolds and open your eyes when the music starts.”


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