Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology
Page 53
“Alright, take the money and let the girl go,” I pleaded, buying some time, deciding if it was worth it. Without Shirley’s money, I’d have to acquire another fifty grand anyway. That wasn’t much worse than starting over. Emery’s money had just fallen into my lap. The clock was ticking. My deal would expire in a couple of months. My chance to set things straight was vanishing as Luci reached the door. Damn it, this was as close as I’d ever been. This time I actually begged, “Shirley, you know what that money means to me.”
“Scar, you’re good at breaking things, you don’t fix ‘em.” She jeered, “Besides, who says Halley won’t be happy being Serpiente’s young bride.”
“I’m going to rip that smile off your face soon as you let me go. Take the money, boys, I won’t come after you, just let me have a moment with The Banshee, alone.”
Luci opened the door. “No can do, our old friend here owes our president a lot of money. Fifty grand is just a drop in the bucket.”
Little Ricky added, “Yeah man, drugs don’t grow on trees.”
Shirley continued, “Like I was saying before you started groveling, I don’t want to kill you. You walk after they take Emery back to Manul.”
“Amun’s boss?” What the hell? Shirley knew Emery’s name all this time. What the fuck was going on?
“There’s a price on her head, one hundred thousand dollars.”
My head spun, and I stared a hole in Emery, Little Ricky’s hands still over her mouth.
“You didn’t know?” Shirley snickered. “All this time I thought you stole her from Amun, and she was your back up plan.”
“Emery?” as soon as I said her name, Little Ricky flopped to the floor. She’d put my blade in his kidneys. I turned, dunked just as Shirley fired. Kicking my feet out, I caught the back of her calf, knocking her feet out from under her. She fell to the ground, face first. Both guns slid across the floor away from me. Her head landed on the hard wood floor beside my knee but she wasn’t out. She bared her teeth, trying to get up. Emery snatched a pistol up and shot without warning. I covered my head and when I peeked out Shirley held her bloody shoulder in one hand as she crawled toward Emery. Her weapon trained on Shirley, Emery looked at me as she fired again. Before I could say don’t shoot, the bullet hit Shirley in the head, killing her instantly. Shocked, I bent down and closed her eyes.
“Come on,” Emery turned out the light and was out the door. I followed her automatically, still processing what had happened.
I realized Luci hadn’t ever come back just as his fist hit my jaw. Caught off guard, I rolled on the ground. Luci kicked my side before his body came down and trapped me. He elbowed my face, trying to secure my hands. The jarring pain brought me back to my senses and I managed to slip out of his massive paws. A real fight now, I put up my fists, letting him stand before I took a hit.
Thinking of Shirley, the blood, my mother dead on the cold tile floor of the truck stop, Halley, I punched right in his big open mouth, his teeth scraping my knuckles. Luci fell on his ass, and I heard Emery scream, “Come on.” He was as unarmed as I was and there’d be time to get to my bike, but, suddenly, it wasn’t enough to have the big guy on the ground.
The blood turned her black hair red as the puddle grew around her.
I kicked him in the neck. Jumped, hammering my knee into Luci’s chest and struck him again. His hands grabbed me, and I saw Serpiente’s scarred face as he picked me up as if I were a sack of potatoes.
Luci head butted me, and I rolled off him. I couldn’t see straight but felt his big fist sting my cheek.
The old man threw me on the table and pulled open my shirt. “Who the fuck do you think you’re dealing with kid? I’ll gut you like a pig.”
“Go to hell.”
“Son, I am Satan. Welcome to hell.” The blade stabbed as I fought against the pain. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to picture my parent’s faces one last time but all I could see was my mom’s pitch-black hair dripping red. All I could hear was her blood-curdling scream before silence fell and the life seeped from her eyes. “We’ll keep the girl.” Halley… my little sister’s name echoed through me, chilling me to the bone before all went black.
Somehow, I was back on top, straddling Luci’s chest. My fist pounded again and again until Luci no longer had a nose.
“He’s dead,” Emery screamed, crying as I reared my fist back again. The bloody stump on the ground used to be a head, but you’d never know.
“Fuck Scar, there’s teeth in your hair.” Emery reached out for my mangled hand. “We’ve got to get out of here.”
For a girl who wanted to die, she was awfully good at staying alive. Looking into her eyes, I didn’t know what to believe anymore. Emery had a connection to the Armenian Mafia. If that wasn’t bad enough, she’d killed my friend without asking. There was only one thing to do. I seized her from behind, cupping my hand over her nose and mouth until she passed out from lack of oxygen. I checked her pulse and threw her over my shoulder. Heading to my bike, I brightened; I had a hundred grand to buy my sister back from the Sons of Satan. Emery wanted to die anyway and in seven sunsets, she’d get her wish.
Now Available for pre-order Seven Sunsets, Asphalt Gods MC (#2)
“They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but that’s bullshit. What doesn’t kill you leaves a scar. More than the eyesore down my torso, I was a scar, the jagged, fucked up remains of a tragedy.”
Scar’s Nomad status gives him a chance to fulfill his one wish, but his lonely mission is interrupted when a possible one-night stand goes horribly wrong.
Emery wants to die. Good thing she just ran into a killer.
“They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but what if I can’t live with myself anymore?”
Finding the blonde face down in a puddle of her own blood jeopardizes everything. Saving her and keeping her quiet could get Scar killed, but when Emery wakes up, her shocking proposal for him to kill her starts the ride of his life.
Money alone won’t be enough for Scar to take the job, but he could use an accomplice with nothing to lose, one who won’t be around to tell tales.
Agreeing to a week on the back of his motorcycle, keeping his bitch seat warm for the woman Scar’s hell bent on saving from a rival gang, Emery sets out on her last adventure. But saying goodbye is harder than they could ever imagine after seven sunsets.
A Note From the Author
Thanks for reading Scar! My chapter titles are all songs and can be found on Scar’s playlist on Spotify. Scar
I hope you enjoyed it and understand that suicide is not something I take lightly. Having dealt with depression, I’d never want my readers to think my character’s opinions are my own. Thanks for understanding that my fiction isn’t politically correct because real people aren’t. If you ever think that suicide is your only option, please reach out to
Also, don’t become a killer or call women cunts… you all know all this right?
I thought so.
One last thing. I’ve only read one MC book in my life and I’ve only watched three episodes of SOA. My story is based on research, bikers I’ve known in real life and my own imagination. Real outlaw bikers, please don’t take offense if I got something all wrong. I’m an outlaw writer – I do what I want. xx Morgan Jane Mitchell
About the Author
Morgan Jane Mitchell is an American author who spent years blogging politics and health trends before she rediscovered her love of writing fiction. Trading politicians for bloodsuckers of another kind, she's now the author of bestselling post-apocalyptic fantasy novel, Sanguis City. Her action packed series of vampires, witches, demons and zombies is paranormal romance, dystopia, urban fantasy and erotica in one bite. When Morgan Jane is not creating the city of blood or conjuring up other supernatural tales, she's dreaming up erotic and dark romances. Keep up to date http://www.themorganjane.
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