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Meet The McIntyres - The Complete Series

Page 90

by Rebecca Barber

  Barely a second later, Selena took control and started barking instructions while waving her oversized bouquet around her head. Who knew flowers could be used as a weapon? Immediately, the overweight, leather pants wearing photographer snapped to attention and began directing people. Shane’s family to the left, Selena’s to the right. I couldn’t stifle the snort.

  “What’s so funny?” Alex asked, as he was wedged in front of me shoulder to shoulder with his brother.

  “Can you picture Carly doing this?”

  Now Alex was the one laughing. “Yeah, I can. I mean, she’s got that whole bossy bitch thing down to a fine art. I have no doubt she’d actually love yanking people around, demanding they put their cocktails down and slap on a smile.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  I loved Carly. She was one of us. The sooner Gage manned up and put a ring on her finger, the better. Lock that shit down. She kept him on his toes and didn’t let his inner introvert takeover. He was constantly stuffed into situations that made him uncomfortable and he was a better man for it.

  A rotund man with salt and pepper, thinning hair was arranged next to Alex, and I saw his whole body visibly stiffen. I didn’t need a name tag to tell me this was the man who fathered him. Not a father, the sperm donor who’s name just happened to be on his birth certificate. Something I think Alex would have removed if he could.

  “All right, everybody. Now let’s just pretend for one minute we’re all one big happy family. I’m going to need you to squish in a little closer so I’m not cutting off someone’s arm on the end…” People shuffled towards the centre. Next to me, Selena’s sex on a stick brother, Carter, moved closer ,and I got a whiff of his cologne. It was exactly like him. Strong, masculine, and more than a little enticing. He, like me, had his shirt sleeves rolled up, and I couldn’t stop looking at the intriguing ink on his arms.

  “That’s perfect,” the photographer’s assistant, a tiny little pixie of a thing chirped happily.

  “Okay, on three…one. Two. Three.”

  The flash nearly blinded me. After it stung my eyes for the fifth time, I couldn’t help but wipe them with the back of my hand. Thinking I was being over sensitive, I looked around and everyone else was doing the same. We waited while Mr. Leather pants checked his screen and fiddled with the lights set up behind him.

  “Okay. That was great. I just need you to get a little tighter…”

  Again, everyone shuffled but barely an inch.

  Seemingly unsatisfied with the arrangement, he set his camera on the garden edge and started yanking people into the position he wanted them. When Alex was turned on an angle, he flashed me a smile which I knew meant trouble. And the best kind of trouble. When his father was tugged into position and his protruding stomach touched Alex’s back, he jumped back like he’d been tasered.

  “What happened?” Shane asked, turning towards his father.

  “I’m sorry, Shane. I can’t do this.”

  “Do what? Have your photo taken?”

  “It’s…it’s…I can’t touch him.”

  “Touch who?”

  Oh. Fuck. Me.

  All hell was about to break loose.

  Stepping out of the line of fire, I wanted to grab Alex’s hand and drag him with me. Instead, I did nothing but watch as the vein in Shane’s head almost ruptured and his cheeks flushed with something. Annoyance definitely. Anger maybe.

  “You mean Alex? Your own son, Alex?”

  “Don’t, Shane. It’s okay. I’ll go…” Alex tried to diffuse the situation, but Shane wasn’t having it. Instead, he grabbed Alex’s shoulder and spun him towards his father, dropping his arm dramatically around his brother’s.

  “I can’t. He’s…he’s…he’s…”

  “He’s what, Dad? What is he? I mean, other than your son.”

  “He likes boys.” His words came out as barely a whisper, but he might as well have been using a microphone. Selena’s mother, Marnie, an adorable lady who I can picture spending all day in the kitchen making all those delicious treats that tasted so good but were so bad for you, grabbed Selena’s son, James, and her husband, and ducked inside. I guess this photo shoot was over.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Dad. He doesn’t like boys.”

  Behind Alex, Selena set down her bouquet and stepped to her husband’s side. I was impressed. Shane has found a woman who was tough enough to stick by him even when things got tough. And they hadn’t had twenty-four hours of marital bliss before the shit started snowballing.

  “He’s gay.” Alex’s mother added meekly, wrapping her fingers around her husband’s hand in a show of solidarity.

  To an outsider, it looked like a family torn in two about to go to war. It was excruciating to see.

  “So fucking what? Alex is gay. His boyfriend, Ryan—yep, he even has a name, is a great guy. If you managed to stop and put your petty bullshit aside, you’d see you’ve got a pretty amazing son.” Shane was my fucking hero. Seriously, I was considering starting a religion just to worship him.

  “He’s gay, Shane. Doesn’t that worry you? I mean, you’re a father now. You don’t want him around James, surely.”

  “That’s it! You don’t get to mention my son. Ever.”

  Holy shit. Selena was like a mother lion. No one, and I mean no one, would be going near her cub anytime soon.

  “You should go,” Shane sighed, defeated, as he turned away from his parents.

  “You can’t mean that?” his mother dared, astonished.

  “Yeah, Patricia, I do. We’re done. Please, just leave.”

  “So, what? You’re kicking us out because he’s gay and brought his country bumpkin boyfriend to your wedding to embarrass you?”

  Now I was livid. Before I’d been sad that this was what Alex had had to put up with, my heart actually hurt for him. I’d quickly moved on from that. Now I just wanted to punch the fat old bastard right in his ignorant mouth.

  I didn’t have to.

  I didn’t get a chance.

  “Get the fuck out! Now!” Selena spat venomously. “You might be too pig-headed and stupid to see just how fucking awesome your son is, and if that’s the case, then I feel sorry for you. You’re the one missing out. Not Alex. As far as I’m concerned, Alex is the perfect brother-in-law and uncle to my son. You pair, on the other hand, you’re no longer welcome in my home or near my family. And sadly for you, my family now includes Alex and Shane. So, fuck off. You lost. Now leave!”

  Okay, I wasn’t opening a temple to worship Shane. Selena had just become my deity. I saw Alex’s shoulders shake even under the weight of Shane’s embrace, and I knew now was my only chance. Sure, we’d started calling each other our boyfriends, and I was at his brother’s wedding officially as his date, but now was my chance to show Alex I was in this. Up until this moment, I never once thought I’d have to prove it, but now the opportunity was here to show him that I could be there for him when he needed me, just like he’d been for me. I couldn’t pass it up.

  Moving out of the darkness, I found myself at his side and reached for his hand. Alex flinched, surprised at first, but when his eyes met mine, I knew he understood what I was doing without words. They didn’t seem necessary in that moment. Actions meant more.

  His father glared at us, his eyes full of disgust as he took in our intertwined hands and me. “I can’t believe this.”

  “You’re throwing us out before the cake’s even been cut?” Shane’s mother objected.

  “Yeah. But Mum, you’re going to miss more than just me cutting a damn cake because of your narrow mindedness. Don’t you get it? You’re not invited to any family events. Birthdays. Christmases. Weekend barbeques. And that’s just the ones I’m hosting. Now please, it’s time for you to go.”

  Shane planted a soft kiss on Selena’s forehead before letting her go and moving between Alex and me. I hated that he cut off my contact with Alex, but I wasn’t about to say anything. Emotions were running high enough right now. No way w
as I being a whiney little bitch and adding fuel to that fire.

  “Okay, boys. Now I need a drink.” He laughed with an arm around each of us as he led us towards the open doors where the DJ was still playing crappy music. Maybe a few drinks would make the music bearable.

  “Shane!” a shriek called behind us.

  Spinning around, Shane dropped his hold on us and both Alex and I gravitated towards each other. Up until now we hadn’t flaunted our relationship. We weren’t hiding it, but we weren’t about to launch into a heavy petting session surrounded by Shane and Selena’s family and friends. It just wasn’t us.

  When Alex’s arm snaked around my waist, I couldn’t stop myself from leaning into him. He felt like home. Hell, he smelt like home. He was my safe place. A soft spot to land when I crashed, and a strong shoulder when I needed it. He was my person. When I looked up into his glassy eyes, it hit me like a freight train. Alex was my person. That one person in the world who just got me. He understood me without judgment and that was more important, more valuable than anything else.

  So, I kissed him.

  Right there in front of everyone.

  And I didn’t give a flying fuck.

  “Oh my god!”

  Turning around, I saw the disgust on his parents’ faces and I snapped. I hadn’t planned on saying anything else. Shane and Selena had covered everything that needed to be said and then some. But the abhorrence on their faces forced my hand.

  “I don’t get what your problem is, but get the hell over it. Your son is an amazing guy and I’m the lucky bastard he chooses to spend time with. I get to hold his hand and kiss him good night. That might disgust you. You might not understand it, but you need to keep your narrow-minded opinions to yourself. Now, you’ve been asked to leave, so please just get the fuck out so we can get back inside, cut the cake, and toss the damn bouquet!”

  With that, I planted another kiss on Alex’s surprised lips and led him through the doors and into the chaos. Just before my shiny, black shoes touched the dance floor, I heard Shane bid his parents farewell. It was gut wrenching. It wasn’t just a normal goodbye or see you later. This was heavy. Full of finality. Their family had just broken in half, and I don’t think there was enough duct tape in the world to put it back together.

  Chapter Twenty


  I stood in shock at the bar while I waited for a drink. One I desperately needed. I was stunned. I can’t believe that just happened. And in the middle of Shane’s wedding. Guilt was gnawing at me. I wanted to throw up. Or go home, but I wasn’t about to let Shane down. Not after everything he’d just done for me. I’d have never asked him to cut his parents, our parents, from his life. Not for me. That wouldn’t be fair. Yet he’d done it anyway. Nothing I could ever do or say would be able to repay him for that.

  Then there was Selena.

  I knew she had Shane’s balls tucked away in her handbag, but that was only because she didn’t need them. She had a damn impressive set of her own. She’d stood up to my father, defended me without smudging her mascara. In a couple of minutes, she made me feel like I more family than I had in the last ten years.

  Tears filled my eyes and I knew I was on the verge of losing my shit. Thankfully, that was the moment a tumbler of whiskey was pushed in front of me.

  “Looks like you could use this,” a deep velvety voice said.


  Looking up, I was face to face with Carter, Selena’s hot brother. He was man candy at its most delicious. I’d never cheat on Ryan, cheating wasn’t even a consideration, but damn, Carter was nice to look at.

  “Can you believe all that just went down?” he asked, sipping his own drink.

  Chucking back my own, I swallowed the whole thing, relishing the burn. “Sadly, yeah.”

  “I take it you’ve been through shit like that before then?” I didn’t have to voice my answer. My face must have said enough.

  Nudging my empty glass towards the barmaid, I quickly ordered another two.


  “One’s Ryan’s.”

  “Okay. I thought you might have been on a mission to forget everything that just went down.”

  “It’d take a hell of a lot more than a couple of shots.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. Sorry.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. It is what it is.”

  “Still sucks.”

  “Yeah, it does.”

  Turning around, I rested my elbows on the bar while I scanned the room. The dance floor was being cleared and the music, that painful ‘party-mix’ shit, had been turned off and the room was silent except for the hushed conversations and clinking of glasses.

  “Is this thing on?” a slurred voice asked. “Okay, now after a slight delay, we’re getting things back on track. So, would the happy couple please make your way to the dance floor.”

  Shane appeared on his own in the middle of the dance floor, looking decidedly awkward.

  “Don’t tell me she’s already ditched his ass?” I snorted.

  “Nah. She’s too stubborn for that!”

  “I heard that Carter Jaxson!” Selena appeared at his side, swiped his drink from his hand, and gulped it down before hitching up her dress and stomping out in the most unladylike fashion to where her beaming husband stood waiting.

  When Queen’s “You’re My Best Friend” started playing, I couldn’t help but laugh. It was so typical Shane. Nothing traditional or romantic.

  Carter and I laughed as Shane tried everything he could to avoid stepping on Selena’s toes and tripping on her dress. Ryan appeared at my side. “He really can’t dance, can he?”

  “Not to save his life. I’m just impressed he hasn’t tried to do the sprinkler yet.”

  “Why is it that I can see that happening?”

  “Because it probably will. Cheers!”

  The three of us toasted the happy couple until Carter caught the eye of one of the slutty bridesmaids who was batting her eyelashes and thrusting out her non-existent boobs in his direction. I think her name was Maggie, or Margaret, or something like that. She’d tried hitting on me earlier and was quite pissed when I told her she wasn’t my type. It took more than a little convincing and pointing out Ryan sitting in the corner before she got the hint. Persistent one she was. Persistent and horny, I’d bet. “Sorry, guys, but I see someone I need to talk to,” he said with a wink.

  “Talk to. Yeah, right.”

  “Well, Ryan.” I turned to him. Today had been a rollercoaster of epic fucking proportions. Right when everything had gone to hell and I could have been the reason my brother’s wedding went completely to shit, it had turned out better than I ever could’ve dreamed. I might have lost the two people in the world who were supposed to love me, but instead I gained a whole new family who accepted me exactly as I am without reservation. Something that made my fucking heart soar. “Can I have this dance?”

  “You sure?”

  I’d never been more sure of anything. I wanted to wrap my arms around my boyfriend and dance to the cheesy love songs until the bar ran dry and the night was over, then I was taking him until we were both too exhausted to move. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I sat on the back step, staring into the bottom of my empty beer bottle like the lonely, old man I was. It wasn’t that late, but already I was wondering how much longer I had to stay up before I could climb into bed and crash. Today had been a bloody long one.

  I’d been up before the sun. Again. Sleep was avoiding me these days, and it was starting to take its toll. After fixing the damn tractor, which included dropping a wrench on my toe, I’d checked the cattle, and cleaned out the trough in the back paddock. I was on the back of the four-wheeler headed home, when I passed the paddock where the bastard of an old bull was. From almost forty metres I could see the gash on his back flank. When I tried to approach the cranky ass, he’d stomped his hooves and snorted. The gash didn�
�t look good. Giving up, I dug my phone out of my pocket and called Gage. He could deal with it. That’s what he got paid to do, anyway.

  That was hours ago now. Gage had stitched him up, but we were still none the wiser how he’d done it. I guess it didn’t really matter, as long as he didn’t do it again.

  After a quick shower, I’d gone outside and cleaned the barbeque. Today was Princess Holly’s eighteenth birthday. You’d think someone known as Princess Holly would want a party filled with fancy finger foods, sandwiches with the crusts cut off, and sickeningly sweet cocktails. Not our girl.

  She’d requested a barbeque with steak, salad, and a chocolate cake. That was it. And the guest list was just as simple. Family only. Well, family and Jack, who was basically a barnacle attached to her these days. At least he was a good guy.

  When he’d asked me about giving her a week away in Queensland for just the two of them, I’d almost spit my beer across the yard. Then I remembered it was Jack who was asking me, not just some horny, pimple-faced teenager. Jack was the one person in the world I trusted to take care of Holly as well as I could. Well, me and my brothers. Beau, Gage, and Ryan would lay down their lives for her, but we were kinda expected to. Jack, well, he’d chosen to.

  Peeling the label off my bottle, I remember asking him why he was asking my permission. I wasn’t her father. I was just her brother. Dad had died a couple of months back and it had rocked us all. Jack told me that he had to ask one of us, and since I was the one she lived with, I was the obvious choice. I’d agreed almost immediately, but that didn’t stop me running it past the others. They could play the bad guy if they didn’t want her to go.

  Now dinner was done, the candles had been blown out, and wishes made. Beau had taken his extremely talented wife, the one who’d made the cake which had me wanting to crawl into a sugar coma, and their adorable daughter Robin home. Gage and Carly were still sitting at the table arguing over her upcoming trip to Vegas. She was off to photograph some wedding, and now they were debating if Gage should go. Carly said yes so, I had no doubt Gage would be digging out his passport in the very near future. Ryan and his boyfriend Alex had slipped away towards the apartment at the back of the shed. They thought they were discreet, but we’d all watched them duck through the back gate, the sound of their laughter trailing them. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what they were up to. And after everything they’d been through, I was happy for them. I really was.


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