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My Daring Highlander

Page 14

by Vonda Sinclair


  Seona threw off her arisaid and climbed into the high, four-poster bed. She snuggled down and drew the covers over her head, her face still burning. Heavens! What had just happened to her? Isobel had been right—Seona could’ve never imagined such intensity of sensation and carnal pleasure was possible. ’Twas almost like magic when Keegan had touched her. And he hadn’t even made love to her. He had simply used his hands and his mouth. Surely, the full bedding experience would leave her passed out on the floor.

  But to have Fraser catch them… how humiliating. He must think her a harlot. She hoped he would tell no one, else she would be in deep water.

  Seona wished she could talk to Keegan now and ask him about what she’d experienced. She was certain he would be patient in explaining the sensations and teach her how lovemaking worked. He’d already taught her shocking things about her own body. She had not known she was capable of feeling such things. Her physical body had been dormant and asleep until he’d awakened it with a simple touch.

  Feeling calm and satiated for the first time ever, she floated off to sleep, only to be awakened what seemed a moment later by loud knocking on the door. But it couldn’t have been a moment, for bright sunlight beamed through the small window.

  Saints! Had she slept half the day?


  Haldane MacKay and his remaining ten men had spent all night traveling from Kyle of Loch Alsh, where they’d disembarked from a galleon. He’d had a devil of a time securing passage in Ullapool. Linden MacKenzie certainly wasn’t going to allow it. In fact, he’d sent the constable after Haldane and his men. They’d escaped and hidden out for several hours.

  Then, the night before, Haldane had paid a captain employed by a different shipping company a handsome sum for passage. That bag of gold and silver McMurdo had lifted from Dirk’s tent was proving useful. Haldane had hired several men with it, though he hadn’t paid them in full yet. They’d have to complete the job first. But he was well aware he had to watch his back closely or any of the new men might murder him for the pouch of money.

  Haldane doubted McMurdo would kill him, because he knew if Haldane was dead, his chances of securing the burial spot he coveted within Balnakeil Church would be nonexistent. In fact, McMurdo seemed like his own personal bodyguard.

  Haldane grinned as he climbed the bush-covered hill near the edge of Loch Long, McMurdo scrambling up behind him. Once they’d ascended far enough to see over the trees, the top of a gray stone castle came into view over the hilltop. Once they climbed higher, Haldane could see that the castle stood on a tiny island at the point where three lochs met.

  “Is that it?” Haldane asked.

  “Aye. ’Tis Teasairg Castle.” McMurdo breathed hard from the exertion.

  “It appears they have strong defenses,” Haldane muttered, watching the guards stationed on the wall-walk and the battlements.

  “Without doubt. MacKenzie is a powerful chief.”

  So… that’s where Seona and Dirk were. Since Dirk was injured, he was unlikely to show his face for a good long while… if he survived the wound.

  Soon, several of the MacKay men would take Seona and her aunt home, toward the east. Haldane would grab her then and head back to Durness, by ship or birlinn if possible, to make it quick. Once he reached Dunnakeil, he and his men would take the castle. The only task left at that point would be killing Dirk. He was still counting on McMurdo to figure out a way to take care of that problem, if an infection hadn’t already.

  After descending the hill and rejoining the other men, they hid in the bushes and watched the crofter’s cottages along the edge of the loch. Several of them showed no signs of activity this morn. Likely, the inhabitants had taken their sheep to the high pastures on the mountains. Some wouldn’t be back until autumn.

  He and his men slipped to one of the cottages near the edge of the wood, and he forced the door open. He was right. No one inside the fully furnished home. No food either, unfortunately. He and his men would sleep a few hours, then head out later. He didn’t look forward to hiring a boat or ferry to take them across the loch. ’Twas money he’d rather spend for something else, but the loch was named Long for a reason, McMurdo had told him, and going around it was out of the question.

  Haldane wasn’t daft enough to storm Teasairg Castle. They’d merely wait until the party escorting Seona emerged, then follow and find the best opportunity to snatch her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After being startled awake by the loud knocking on her door, Seona rushed across the room, unbarred the door and opened it a crack.

  “Is something wrong?” Aunt Patience asked, her hand propped against the doorframe, her dark hair coiled into a perfect style.

  Seona’s face heated as she tried to smooth down her disheveled hair. “What do you mean?”

  “Millie said she knocked on your door twice before breakfast but there was no response. When she tried to open your door, it was barred.”

  “I didn’t hear her. I must have been sleeping soundly.”

  Aunt Patience’s dark blue eyes narrowed and inspected her. “I’ll send one of the maids in to help you get dressed. ’Tis almost time for midday meal, and Isobel is all in a tizzy about having the meal outside in the garden. ’Tis silly if you ask me. Did we not eat enough meals outside during our travels here?”

  Seona shrugged. Judging by the sunlight beaming through her window, it appeared to be a nice, warm day. “It could be fun.”

  “I suppose,” she said, sounding like a snob.

  Seona noticed her aunt was without her cane today. “How is your ankle?”

  “A bit better.” She limped away, then called back, “I’ll send the maid for you.”

  An hour later, the MacKays and MacKenzies gathered around three long tables in the stone paved center of the garden. Red and pink roses climbed the gray stone walls surrounding it, filling the air with a wonderful scent. Standing at the edge of the activity, Seona glanced up at the clear blue sky, with only a few wisps of white clouds, and relished the warm sunlight on her face. ’Twas indeed a rare and spectacular day.

  A familiar deep voice reached her. Keegan. She turned her head to find him standing near the castle’s rear exit talking to the other men. The memory of last night flashed into her mind, bringing scorching heat to her face.

  Heavens! She had been shamefully wanton, hadn’t she? The way she’d allowed Keegan to touch her in shockingly intimate places. What would he think of her today? She was not certain now that she could face him. She tore her gaze away, turned her back and pretended to be studying the roses against the wall. Maybe he wouldn’t notice her and she could slip back inside.

  What was wrong with her? She drew in a deep breath, trying to calm her pounding heartbeat. She was no longer a child who could run and hide when she didn’t want to face a stranger or deal with a difficult situation. Of course, Keegan was no stranger. But talking to him and looking into his eyes after what they’d shared in the dark… surely she would melt into a puddle of mortification on the stones beneath her feet.

  “Lady Seona, ’tis a lovely day, aye?” Keegan said behind her.

  She sucked in a surprised breath, praying she wouldn’t pass out or do something equally daft, then turned to face him.

  “Aye, lovely,” she repeated, darting a glance up into his eyes, bright blue, like the sky.

  “But not as lovely as you,” he murmured in a lower tone, a wee grin lifting his lips.

  Her face burned as if she’d stood too long in the sun. “I thank you.” Unable to hold his gaze, she stared at the ground. ’Twas too much, too intense. Her heart thumped so loudly she could hardly hear anything beyond it.

  He turned aside and offered his elbow. By habit, she slid her hand around his arm and he led her to one of the tables, all of which were already crowded. Each bench was only long enough for two people, or three if they were small. But none were completely empty. He seated her beside Aunt Patience, then proceeded to one o
f the other tables to sit with a few of the men.

  Blast. Much as she’d wanted to hide from him minutes ago, now she missed sitting beside him. Of course, with Aunt Patience there, that might not be possible.

  The meal dragged by, but the food was delicious. She was saved from total boredom because Isobel and Dirk sat at the same table. He had better color today and was grinning more. The way he and Isobel interacted with such affection, humor, and care made Seona’s heart yearn for something she might never have. What would it be like to be married to the person who made your heart sing? It seemed pure fantasy.

  After the meal was over, Dirk limped away to talk with the men at another table.

  “Come, Seona,” Isobel said, rising to her feet. “I want to show you something.”

  Seona followed her to a small doorway cut into the stone wall, then up a narrow dark stairway. They emerged outside on a roof or small terrace of some sort. More plants and flowers grew here and a bench sat toward the back.

  “’Tis amazingly beautiful up here.” Seona took in the view toward the west, over Loch Alsh, with jagged mountains and islands in the distance. Spectacular. Turning, she glanced southeast over Loch Duich. The surface of the water was so still and glassy it mirrored the blue sky and the vivid green mountains.

  “Aye,” Isobel said. “My mother loved gazing out over the lochs so much my father had this terrace built for her. Down in the garden, ’tis impossible to see over the high defensive walls. Then, she planted a few wildflowers up here. I would often find my mother and father up here on nice summer days.”

  Bittersweet tears burned Seona’s eyes for she knew Isobel’s parents had both passed a few years ago, but they’d shared a great love. ’Twas what had inspired Isobel to find her own true love. Seona’s parents had been the opposite. Her father had cared naught for her mother. She, in turn, had lived a miserable life, having been forced to marry Chief Murray at a young age. At all costs, Seona did not want to share her mother’s fate. But how could she prevent it?

  “Did you and Keegan talk in the kitchen last night?” Isobel whispered, sending Seona an impish grin.

  Seona hated the way her cheeks burned. How could she stop blushing whenever Keegan was mentioned? “Aye, we talked for a few minutes.”

  “Well, I hope he was a gentleman.”

  “Indeed. When is he not?” Seona was unsure if his actions had been gentlemanly or not, but he hadn’t taken her virtue. Was that what Isobel had meant? However, the things he had done with his wandering hands, and his wicked mouth, had not been proper behavior at all. But she had reveled in it.

  “Speak of the devil,” Isobel murmured with a grin.

  “What?” Seona turned to find Keegan emerging from the small doorway leading from the stairwell.

  “I have to go see what trouble Dirk is getting into.” Isobel strode toward the doorway as Keegan approached Seona, one hand behind his back. Was he hiding something?

  “What are you about?” she asked, eying him suspiciously.

  He grinned and brought his hand from behind his back. In it, he held a small bundle of bluebells.

  She drew in a sharp breath and glanced up into his eyes, his expression filled with happiness.

  “These bluebells match your eyes so perfectly, I had to bring them to you.” He held the flowers out to her.

  “I thank you,” she said just above a whisper and accepted them. The two dozen or so stems were bound together by a strip of plaid material. Had he ripped this from his own clothing? She pressed her nose into the bluebells and sniffed, catching a faint sweet fragrance. “Where did you find these?”

  “By the loch shore.” He nodded toward the south.

  No one had ever given her flowers before. Emotion grabbed at her throat but she pushed it back. She refused to let Keegan see any tears from her in such a public place. “You are too kind.”

  “I think not. You deserve far more, Lady Seona.” He lowered his voice. “I wish I could give you the world.”

  “I don’t want the world. This is all I want.” Glancing up into his eyes, she sniffed the flowers again. Him. He was what she wanted.

  His gaze penetrated her for a long moment, then abruptly he glanced around them, toward the castle and the garden below.

  Would he have kissed her if they’d had more privacy?

  He motioned toward the bench. “Would you like to sit?”


  He dropped down beside her on the stone slab and turned to her. “I hope you’re not angry with me because of last night,” he said, just above a whisper.

  “Nay. Why would I be?” It had been the best experience of her life so far.

  “Well… I took liberties, shall we say.” His brow furrowed. “I probably shouldn’t have touched you the way I did, but—”

  “Surely, you ken ’twas what I wished as well,” she whispered.

  He observed her, his eyes darkening, then he blew out a sharp breath—in relief or growing desire, she was not certain.

  “But I worry now that you think me a wanton or a harlot,” she confessed, her face feeling scalded again.

  He frowned. “Nay. Never, m’lady.”

  “Master Keegan?” the male voice came from the doorway that led to the terrace. A second later Hugh MacMillan appeared.

  “Aye, what is it?” Keegan asked.

  The guard’s face appeared flushed. He stared at his feet for a moment. “Lady Patience sent me.”

  Keegan’s annoyed gaze darted to Seona, then back to MacMillan. “And what is her message?”

  “She wishes to see Lady Seona.”

  How had her aunt seen them? Seona’s stomach ached and frustration near overwhelmed her. Why could she not have any time alone with Keegan without someone cutting it short?

  “Where is she?” Seona asked.

  “I took her upstairs. She was tired.”

  Seona stood. “I thank you again for the lovely flowers, Keegan.”

  “You’re most welcome.” He stood, took her hand and kissed it. “I’m going deer stalking with the MacKenzies. I will see you at supper.”

  “Very well. Have a care,” she said, wishing she could spend the afternoon with him instead.

  The bundle of flowers in one hand, Seona descended the stairs and went in search of her aunt. If she had seen Keegan within three yards of her, Seona would likely get another scolding.

  Taking her time, she climbed the stairs within the castle, then proceeded to her own bedchamber. She placed the lovely little bouquet of bluebells in a pottery vase of water on the windowsill. Her eyes misted because Keegan had been so thoughtful and romantic in picking them for her. He was a treasure. She remembered the first time he’d told her that her eyes were the color of bluebells, during the gale when they’d taken shelter against the rocks. She took a moment to savor how charming and sweet he was.

  She truly believed he cared for her.

  Unable to delay the inevitable any longer, she strode down the corridor and knocked at her aunt’s bedchamber door.

  “Enter,” she called, though the word was more like a command.

  Seona slowly opened the door, went in and closed it behind her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired.” Still fully dressed except for her shoes, Aunt Patience reclined in bed, her swollen ankle elevated on two pillows.

  Seona could not miss her aunt’s ominous glare or her lowered brows. Had Fraser told someone he’d discovered her and Keegan last night? Had gossip spread? She braced herself for the worst. “You wished to see me?”

  “Indeed. I will tell it to you straight, lassie. Your father will beat you if you are carrying Keegan MacKay’s bastard.”

  A slap could not have surprised Seona more. She gasped. “What? I am not!”

  “You’d best hope not. I saw the two of you all cozy and romantic on that terrace.” She motioned toward her window.

  Saints! Seona had not realized the window looked out over the terrace and gardens. Nor had she known her aun
t was up here, spying. She’d left her at a table in the garden. MacMillan must have carried her up here while Seona was talking to Isobel and enjoying the views.

  “I saw the flowers he brought you,” Patience said, her lip lifting as if in disgust.

  How dare she think what Seona and Keegan shared was disgusting? To Seona, ’twas the most beautiful and deeply meaningful thing on earth. Mayhap her aunt was jealous because MacMillan hadn’t brought her flowers.

  “If he hasn’t seduced you yet, I’m sure ’tis not for lack of trying. I told you he was a rogue.”

  “He has not seduced me.” ’Twas the truth, and Seona had no problem saying it. “Nor is he a rogue.” She had not seen Keegan so much as look at another woman during the months she had known him. That realization riveted her. Every time she had seen him, his attention had been on her or on his duties. Could he be that devoted to her? Her eyes burned.

  “He is not good enough for you,” her aunt said. “What kind of life would you have?”

  A happy one. Moisture welled in her eyes.

  “The only home he could provide would be a small cottage,” Patience muttered.

  That wouldn’t be so bad, if Seona could be with Keegan. And if she could bring her sister with her.

  Seona blinked hard, fighting back the tears. “A fine castle isn’t always the most important thing.”

  “Indeed?” Her aunt’s gaze grew sharper. “Do you not need warm shelter, food and drink? Do you not need the safety of a castle and walls in the event of an attack?”

  “Of course.” Seona had not considered where they might live if she married Keegan. Dunnakeil was a huge castle. ’Haps Dirk and Isobel would not mind if they lived there, too. After all, Keegan and Dirk were close family, and Keegan was tanist.

  “There is no way in hades your father will allow you to marry him, so don’t even imagine it.”

  “I’m well aware.” Seona ground her teeth and stared at the ceiling, for none of this was news to her. Besides, her aunt didn’t need to know Seona was imagining what it would be like to marry Keegan. But he had not made it known whether he wished to marry her. Mayhap he thought it just as impossible as she did.


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