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Eden (Night in Eden Book 1)

Page 7

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  "Why would someone want to be Queen?" I asked, frowning as I glanced toward the door.

  "Because she likes the power," The Queen said, "That's what Eden and all of the other kingdoms are about is power. Of course, it has always been like this. That's what the kingdoms were created for."

  Serafina blinked as she took in the Queen's words, "But my grandmother said that we were free before the wars."

  "We were," she said, "But we weren't. We had a right to say and do what we wanted but people would bully those who did not share the same ideas as them. They used being offended as the reason. If someone had an unpopular opinion, the consequences could make it impossible to live. Most people were too afraid to speak their true opinions because they were afraid of the judgement no matter how right they were in their thinking. So their speeches were stifled which made them prisoners by their own society but then, those people who were afraid to speak got tired of the prison. Everyone fought with each other. They began to segregate themselves. So, when the kingdoms were created, they gave the people exactly what they wanted…A world where they shared the same beliefs and if someone disagreed, they would be banished or whipped until they submitted."

  "That's what started this," Serafina said, her heart clenching, "How do we prevent it from happening again?"

  "We go into this knowing that no one is more or less important than another," she whispered, "And even if you don't like what is being said, the freedom to say it should not be stifled. A person should live the way they want to as long as it doesn't physically harm another."

  "Do you think it will work?" Serafina asked, frowning.

  "I don't know," she said, her frown wrinkling her brow, "But we should always strive for it...For freedom...For true freedom."

  Serafina nodded as all of her guilt and sadness over the sheriff's death faded to be replaced by a new determination.

  Chapter Twelve

  The Queen tilted her head as she studied Serafina. She smiled softly before she poured the tea and then, handed Serafina a tea cup before taking her own. She took a drink before setting the cup in the saucer and placing it on the table before them.

  Her eyes moved to Serafina's, "I suppose Riann has talked to you," she said, nodding, "Though I doubt you fully understand what to expect."

  Serafina shook her head, "You're right. I don't," she whispered, "I only know he expects me to help him but I don't understand what I am supposed to do."

  The Queen nodded her head, "That's why I am here," she said, raising her brows, "To help you understand."

  The Queen shifted in her seat, "First, I suppose I should tell you why I am helping," she whispered, "But to do that, I must take you somewhere. It will be a bit dangerous but I think you are up for a bit of danger. Will you walk with me, Serafina?"

  Serafina nodded curious as to why a walk would be dangerous. Queen Adelaide rose and went to a door on the other side of the room and knocked. It was opened and Thane stepped through. Serafina could see past him to another bedroom and she realized it was his. She blinked surprised that he was always so close.

  "Will you give us the pleasure of your company, Thane?" She requested, raising her brows, "It will appear much less suspicious if you do."

  Thane glanced at Serafina. His expression darkened, "I suppose we are going to see your sister," he whispered, raising his brow."

  "We are," she said, tilting her head, "Though Mrs. Sherman will only know we are taking a walk in the gardens with one of the King's loyal army members keeping us from anything that may disrupt Serafina's innocence."

  Serafina's brows drew together. The Queen had a sister? She had never seen her before. Thane stepped forward and gazed into Serafina's face with his blue irises darkening, "Do you understand that if she stops us, you are to say we are only walking outside in the garden?"

  She nodded as she glanced at the door, "I suppose that means I should say the same to everyone else too."

  He nodded, "And what you see, you must keep it a secret," he said, raising his brows.

  She nodded, "I understand.”

  "That means from your family too," He stated, his eyes hardened as he peered down at her. His expression made her sense his mistrust, “For the time being, at least.”

  She narrowed her eyes, "I understand, Thane," She snapped, "I'm not stupid."

  His lips twitched, "I never said you were."

  He moved away from her and walked to the door. He glanced at her once more and opened it. Queen Adelaide took her hand as he moved outside. She rose and followed Thane. As she entered the hallway, she glanced around with wide eyes hoping that Mrs. Sherman would not see them making their way to an unknown place with unknown dangers.


  Mrs. Sherman was still with the King as they made their way out of the castle. Thane only stopped to inform the guard stationed near the garden entrance that they were going for a walk through the gardens before stepping into the sunlight. Serafina gasped as she found a small patio with a wrought iron table and matching chairs. Beyond that was a wall of greenery only interrupted by an archway. Thane moved through the archway and the Queen followed pulling Serafina along.

  A large garden full of roses stretched in front of her. Beyond that was another wall with an identical archway to the previous one. Serafina's eyes widened as they moved through the rows of roses interrupted by statues of naked men or women in various poses as they passed. As they moved further Serafina could see that there were other archways leading toward sections of the garden where other types of plants and flowers were planted. One led to an orchard.

  They moved through the archway in the back to find a small cottage. It was pretty in a way with butterflies flying around it. Ivy reached up it's cobbled walls and flowers were planted along the cobblestone path to the heavy wooden door. The Queen moved past Thane to the door and took a key from the pocket of her blue dress before unlocking it.

  "Mia," she called out moving through the doorway while beckoning Serafina and Thane to follow.

  "Addie, you've come to see me," Serafina heard a voice that was almost identical to the Queen's exclaim.

  "I've brought some people with me," she said pulling Thane forward, "You remember Thane."

  "It's a pleasure to see you again," the voice said from within.

  The Queen gripped Serafina's wrist and pulled her into the little cottage, "This will be the princess...The one that will save us," The Queen said.

  Serafina raised her head to view Queen Adelaide's sister. A gasp escaped her lips as she beheld a woman who was the exact likeness of the Queen.

  "Serafina, I would like to introduce you to my twin sister, Mia," She said, grinning.

  "I-It's a pleasure to meet you," Serafina whispered still stunned by how much they resembled.

  Mia smiled, "It's a pleasure for me to meet anyone," she said and then, swept her hands toward the sofa and chairs in the middle of the room, "Please sit."

  Serafina sat on the sofa next to Thane and the Queen and her sister sat in the chairs. Mia tilted her head as she studied Serafina, "You remind me of someone," she said and then, raised her brow. “Are you familiar with Damari Prophet?"

  "She's my mother," Serafina said, smiling at the mention of her mother, "She's a Malloy now."

  "So, she did marry Kress?" She asked with a nod, "She was always so in love with him."

  "You know my mother and father?" Serafina said frowning. It was odd that her mother had not mentioned her when telling about the queen.

  Mia smiled, "And your grandmother," she said as her face darkened with grief, "I was sorry to hear of her passing."

  "Thank you," Serafina said staring at Mia before shaking her head, "I'm sorry but I'm still shocked. How is it that we've never seen you? No one has told me of you."

  Mia glanced at the Queen and then, nodded, "I think Addie should explain that to you," she said, raising her chin, "After all, she sees more than I do."

  The Queen straightened, "Well, to explain, I'll
need to tell you how I became Queen," she said with a sigh, "When Riann spoke to you, he told you how his mother died."

  Serafina frowned, "Yes...The King used Riann's sensitivity toward his nanny's punishment as a reason to whip his mother to death."

  "Did he tell you why she was really whipped?" She asked, raising a brow.

  Serafina nodded, "Because she was in love with someone else."

  "Yes," She said, raising her chin, "That someone was our brother. He was executed the same day."

  "I'm sorry," Serafina said as her heart trembled. She blinked as she glanced from Mia to Queen Adelaide, "But why did he choose to marry the sister of his first wife's lover."

  "Punishment," Queen Adelaide said, her mouth twisted into a bitter smile, "I am forced to be with the man who killed my brother. I'm forced to bear his name. I have his children who I love dearly but he uses them as punishment against me. I am trapped here and if I do one thing which displeases him, he will kill me and I will be replaced."

  "Replaced?" Serafina asked as a warning trickled up her spine.

  "Yes, replaced," Mia said, her voice melancholy, "With me."

  Serafina's eyes widened as the Queen spoke again, "And no one would know the difference," she said, her voice trembling, "I would be dead and no one in Eden would know."


  Serafina's heart stuttered as she glanced from Mia to the Queen. Thane took her hand in his giving comfort...Always giving her comfort. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

  "So, you want the King dead for your sister and brother?" She asked the queen in a shaky voice, the thought that a person could die and no one would know still causing her to shake.

  "I want him dead for my children and myself too," she replied, frowning as she looked above and her eyes took on a far away expression, "I want him dead for the person I used to be when I lived among the citizens of Eden."

  Serafina frowned as she glanced from Mia to Queen Adelaide, "The citizens...Some of them must remember Mia," She said frowning as she thought of her mother, “She must have had friends before coming here.”

  The Queen's face tightened, "They were told she died," She said raising her chin, "Even your mother who was our friend, thinks she's dead. She gave me her condolences. I felt it would put Damari in danger to tell her the truth."

  "Thank you for protecting my mother," Serafina whispered as her stomach rolled at the thought of her mother in danger, "But it still doesn't seem fair."

  "It's not," Queen Adelaide whispered, "Mia is kept here. She is rarely allowed outside and if she is, I have to be within the castle trapped in a room. For one of us to enjoy freedom, the other must give hers up."

  "It seems no one is truly free within this castle," Serafina whispered, "They all have the king to imprison them and his servants to help."

  "And that needs to change," Mia whispered nodding her head.

  "But what will I do to bring change?" Serafina asked glancing from Queen Adelaide to Mia before turning to Thane.

  "You will be our connection to those outside. We have been royals so long, no one will trust us but you are new," Mia said, "The first thing we need you to do is choose a messenger."

  "Messenger?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

  Thane nodded, "The princess will not be able to leave the castle," Thane said, raising his brows, "Well...Unless she is doing a royal duty. However, her maid will be able to. You have the choice of who that maid is. You will be telling the King that choice tomorrow. This maid will need to be someone who wants change and will do anything to get it. She will have to be brave but she will also have to know who to trust in Eden. She will need to know who is trustworthy and who isn't."

  "Why is that?" She asked frowning.

  "Because she is going to be the one to get the messages to those who will fight," he said, smiling, "She will be the one who will gather our army."

  Serafina's eyes widened as fear struck her, "An army to fight against the King's army?"

  "Not all of them...Just those loyal to the king," Thane said, "There are some of the King's Army who will join us."

  "So, you are asking me to find a woman who will put herself in danger to free Eden?" She asked as her mind shuffled through everyone she knew.

  "Yes," he said, raising his brow, "Do you have someone in mind?"

  Serafina's mind rested on one person. A smile slid across her face as she gazed into Thane's eyes, "I do."

  Thane nodded, "Do you think she will accept the job?" He asked.

  Serafina laughed, "It will be her pleasure."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Serafina fell into the dream as soon as her head hit the pillow. The gallows stood before her but they were no longer in front of the courthouse. Instead, they were on a hill beneath a large oak tree. Someone was tied to the pillar. Their arms stretched wide. King Alastair stood behind them with a whip and a maniacal grin on his face.

  She moved closer. A beam of light shined down from between the gray clouds illuminating the face of the one held in the gallows. Serafina gasped as she beheld Thane's face already twisted in pain. His back was shredded and bleeding.

  "Stop!" She cried as the King readied himself to deliver the next blow. The buzz of electricity reached her from the wires at the end of the whip.

  The King turned to her and grinned, "But if I stop, someone will have to take his place."

  "I'll do it!" She cried with tears falling down her cheeks, "I'll take his place."

  "Are you sure?" He asked as he stepped forward and then swept his hand out. Serafina gazed down the other side of the hill. Body upon body was piled. The King had killed every man, woman and child in Eden including her family and the queen. Only Thane, Mia and herself were left.

  "I'm sure," she said with tears falling down her cheeks, "I'll take his place as long as you let Thane and Mia live."

  The King unstrapped Thane and moved aside, "Now, stand here," he said indicating the center of the gallows. She moved where he indicated. He gripped her wrist and tied it before doing the same to the other. He moved back and grinned before unfurling his whip.

  "There are much worse things than death, Serafina," he said as he swung the first blow. She cried out as she was shaken awake.


  She opened her eyes finding Thane staring down at her wearing only his pajama bottoms. His face was darkened in worry.

  "It was just a dream," she gasped as he released her. His gaze swept over her face.

  "What was it about?" he asked sitting on the edge of the bed. His face was tense as he stared down at her.

  A tremble shook through her as she sat up against her pillows, "The King had killed everyone in Eden but me, you and Mia. You were strapped to the gallows. He was going to whip you but I begged to take your place. You woke me up as he swung the whip."

  His eyes widened and he tilted his head. His voice shook as he spoke, "You took my place?"

  "Of course, I did," she said frowning, “You did it for me.”

  "Don't ever do that," he whispered, shaking his head. His shoulders drooped forward.

  "Why?" She asked, blinking.

  "Because I don't matter," he said, pressing his lips together before continuing, "You do."

  "You do matter," she said as her chest tightened, "You matter to me."

  He stared at her as if he had misheard her, "I matter to you?" He asked as if it was something hard to believe.

  "Of course, you do," she replied tilting her head, "You always have."

  He blinked and before she could say anything else, he pressed his lips to hers. There was a desperation to his kiss…his passion and she couldn’t help but to return it. He pressed her against the mattress as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer but he sighed as he pulled back.

  “We can’t do this,” he whispered against her lips, “Though I really, really want to.”

  “I know,” she said as her heart ached. She was about to marry another man.
No matter the reason, it was wrong…It was dangerous. He sat up though his eyes remained hooded.

  "Thank you," he whispered as he gazed at her.

  She frowned as she tilted her head, "For what?" She asked confused.

  His lips twitched as he stood, "For caring about me," he said, taking a shaky breath, "No one has in a while."

  She frowned as she remembered his parents. They had only seen him and his siblings as a means to get more food but someone had once cared for him, "Not since your grandmother?"

  He nodded his head, “Maybe my sister does but I’m not allowed to see her.”

  She frowned at his heartache, “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he said and leaned down. He swept a strand of hair behind her ear and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  "If the dream ever happens, don’t put yourself at risk," he whispered, "You are the most precious person in this world to me, Princess."

  He rose and moved to the door separating their rooms, "I'm not a princess yet," she said, her heart thudding in her chest.

  "No," he said, "But you will be...You will be the best kind."

  Then, he was gone leaving her with her lips still burning from his kiss.


  Morning light poured into her room as Mrs. Sherman moved around the room opening curtains. Serafina opened her eyes in time to see Mrs. Sherman glance at her and roll her eyes.

  "You should get up, My Dear," she slurred with a frown, "A princess shouldn't sleep all day."

  Serafina raised her brow as Mrs. Sherman continued around the room. She rose and made her way to the bathroom. She took a long shower, staying beneath the comforting spray longer than necessary trying to avoid Mrs. Sherman. When she exited the shower, she put on the white bathrobe and moved out of the bathroom. Gretchen and Alberta stood awkwardly in the room as Mrs. Sherman turned to her. Her annoyance was clear on her face.

  "You took your time," she snapped.

  Serafina raised her brow. She opened her mouth to defend herself but there was a knock at the door and Queen Adelaide entered.


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