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The Enforcer's Destined Mate

Page 17

by T. Cobbin

  “Did you know he could do that?” David asked his sister with a shaky voice. His hands were held up in a surrender motion to the tiger.

  Shawn’s feline roared, hating the sound of the male’s voice. If Shawn could have laughed out loud, he would have, but instead he happily sat back in their shared mind and mentally laughed.

  “Shawn?” Belle’s wonderful voice filled his mind. “My tiger says her mate is free. Are you okay?”

  “He’s free all right. The three of them are cowering at the moment. I’m not sure for how long though. I can’t see the guns that went flying.”

  All of a sudden the battered front door to the abandoned property went flying to the floor with a resounding bang. A white and black striped, huge, growling tiger came bounding into the room. A large snow leopard and cougar prowled in after her.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Belle quipped.

  Her feline vaulted over the fallen table and chairs straight to him. Both of the cats’ heads butted gently with each other in affection. A lot of rubbing against each other came after, both of them eager to spread their scent on their mate. Shawn’s cat wanted to fuck his mate there and then. He acted as if he hadn’t seen her in ages.

  “Hey you two, business now, fuck later,” Harris warned them.

  Shawn’s feline snorted, but paid attention. Belle’s cat turned to the cowering threesome and growled deep and low. The pungent smell of urine drifted their way.

  “What are we going to do with them?” Shawn asked.

  The snow leopard suddenly shifted, leaving a naked Harris standing in its place. Rosie’s mouth opened in shock, but then she smiled, apparently liking what she saw. Shifters were never really concerned about being nude, it was kinda normal to them. Belle followed suit, shifting into her human form, Shawn after. The cougar, however, stayed in his cat form. Harris picked up a fallen chair and sat on it. Belle again followed suit.

  “What the fuck are you?” David asked, quivering in fear.

  The cougar stepped forward and yowled.

  David’s eyes popped open more in fear. “Oh God, is he going to eat me?”

  Harris laughed. “No, you would probably make him sick.”

  Shawn moved behind Belle and placed a hand on her naked shoulder. He looked over at Rosie, making it known Belle was his now.

  “You freak,” she screamed and dived off the floor toward him.

  Belle was up on her feet and in front of Shawn in a flash. Rosie immediately lifted her hands to place them around Belle’s neck, but Belle knocked them out of the way and then pushed at the screaming woman’s shoulders, a deep, low growl coming from Belle’s throat. Rosie landed on the floor with a bump and a groan. She tried getting back up, but Belle’s bare foot stomped on her stomach.

  “You will never touch him again, bitch. He is mine now.”

  “He’s just sloppy seconds,” Rosie sneered.

  Belle turned to look at Shawn, a huge smile on her face. “Sloppy? Only when his cum is dripping from my pussy. Seconds? No, always my first and forever.”

  He couldn’t help but take a step over to her and slide his hands into her hair and kiss her.

  “I missed you, my tiger,” she said.

  “As I did you, my tigress.” He pulled his hands from her hair and slid them around her waist.

  “Nooo,” Rosie screeched again. “I made him.”

  Belle pressed on her stomach again, shutting the woman up. She lay still and whimpered.

  “What are you going to do to us? What are you?” moaned Paul. “Our brothers know where we are and will come looking for us.”

  “We are your worst nightmare.” Harris leaned forward in his chair. “However, we don’t intend to kill you, although in a few years you’ll wish we had.” Harris stood and grinned. “That doesn’t mean we’re letting you go.”

  Shawn’s cat let out a disappointed yowl in his head. He wondered himself what they were going to do with them. If they weren’t letting them go free, and they’d seen their cats, what did Harris have planned for them? He was about to ask when he heard two cars drive up and park. He tensed until he scented his own kind. Larry, Henry, and another enforcer, Mark, stepped into the house carrying clothes.

  “Ready when you are, Alpha. No one around but us,” Mark said and stepped back outside.

  Harris took two pairs of jogging pants from Henry, handing one of them to Shawn. Terry, who was the cougar shifter, remained in his animal form. Belle was handed a white shirt.

  Shawn was more than a little confused now. What were they intending to do with Rosie and her brothers? He looked at Harris. His Alpha smirked back.

  Chapter 26

  “We did a little digging and found out it’s not only Rosie who likes to abuse her partner. Her brothers are guilty of it too. Each of them has a wife or girlfriend in bad ways. So we decided to make the family disappear. That way no one will ever again be hurt by any of them.” Harris turned toward the three siblings who were currently having their hands and feet handcuffed together. “About now, another team of my enforcers are picking up your three brothers. You are all going to be placed in wooden crates and shipped off to a friend of ours way up north. There is a small clan of wolves up there who live further from humanity than any other shifters I know of. They live in harsh conditions and love it. Strange but true. You will be joining them.”

  “You can’t do this. My wife will go straight to the police if I don’t come home.”

  Harris snorted and lifted David to his feet. “When you don’t return home for seven years you will be declared dead. At that time, your wife will receive a substantial amount of money you left her in a will.”

  “That’s bull. It’s her fucking loss too. I don’t have any money and definitely no fucking will. I wouldn’t leave her any fucking thing, even if I did have money.”

  “You do now. Or should I say there will be.”

  Each of the siblings were lifted off the floor and made to jump outside. Two vans were parked outside, and when the doors were opened Shawn could see three wooden crates, each one just big enough for one person to fit inside.

  “No. No, you can’t do this,” Rosie screeched at Shawn. “You fucking wanker, I’ll get you for this. I gave you everything, you tosser.”

  Larry, who was the one holding the screeching woman, pulled a syringe out of his jacket pocket. Removing the cap with his teeth, he pushed the needle in Rosie’s arm. A couple of minutes later, she dozed off, and she was shoved into a crate, as were her brothers.

  “They are really heading for slave labor?” Shawn asked his Alpha.

  “Yes. They will work hard for the rest of their lives. They won’t harm anyone ever again.”

  Shawn winced a bit, and Harris must have spotted it.

  “It’s either this, Shawn, or we kill them. They’ve seen who we are,” he said, climbing into one of the vans alongside Belle and Shawn.

  “But what if they get free?”

  “They won’t,” Harris growled. “Believe me, they won’t.”

  “What if they are seen or something if a human visits the clan?” Shawn asked.

  Harris snorted. “Where they’re going, the clan only receive deliveries twice a year. They won’t be seen by a human ever again.”

  “Thank you,” Shawn said with his heart in his mouth. No matter what Rosie and her family had done, he didn’t want them to die. Maybe this was a better thing to happen to them. “From the bottom of my heart, I could not thank you enough.”

  “You don’t have to, son, just look after your mate and we will be fine.”

  Shawn looked toward Belle. “There will never be a day that passes that I won’t love her.” He pulled his mate onto his lap as the van pulled away from the house and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. He had been so worried he would never see her again.

  “I’m here, my tiger.”

  “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  “Me either.”

  * * * *

  “I love
you, my tigress.”

  Shawn’s words circled around in Belle’s mind. The words had been a whisper in her mind. When she couldn’t contact him after that, she’d asked her cat to get in contact with her mate. For some bizarre reason, fate had deemed it necessary that their cats be able to talk to each other. Maybe this was just that reason.

  After she’d informed the Alpha of Shawn’s situation, plans had quickly been made and put into action. The community had a huge warehouse on the outskirts of the village, it was there six wooden crates were picked up and loaded into two vans.

  Although Belle agreed with Harris’s plan, her cat had strongly disagreed with it. She wanted to bite their heads off, especially the evil female who had hurt her mate. The time it had taken them to get to where Shawn had been taken was horrible. She’d imagined finding all kinds of things when she got there. Thoughts of losing her mate so soon after her parents hurt her heart. But hearing his voice, then her cat telling her that her mate was free had her breathing a sigh of relief. It was even better seeing her mate once the front door was down.

  Now there she was curled up with her mate on the way home. She buried her nose into his neck and licked over her mark.

  “If you keep doing that, my tigress, our Alpha and your fellow enforcer will see you placed on all fours while I fuck you.”

  Belle’s cheeks filled with heat, and she pulled her head back from his neck. “You wouldn’t,” she dared.

  He smiled as he wiggled his eyebrows, and she knew he would.

  “You’re a bad man.”

  “Does that turn you on?” he asked, his voice lowering.

  “Wait ’til you get home. I don’t really wish to see my beta being bent over and fucked. Especially in my car,” Harris warned from the front.

  Belle blushed again, and Shawn grinned from ear to ear. Her Alpha was one hell of a cock blocker.

  “Have you heard anything from Chris about his boy?” Shawn asked.

  “Aye, not long ago actually,” Harris said, looking in the rearview mirror. “Jake came through the operation really well. He will have to wear a cast for a few days. Chris said the doctor was fucking amazing. He managed to mend his boy’s arm without having to add any implants. Implants would have made the boy’s shifting days hard, if not impossible.”

  That was a shifter’s nightmare. If any kind of foreign body had to be inserted for some reason, it could get in the way for the changing of bones and muscles.

  “Excellent.” Shawn grinned. “When will he be coming home?”

  Harris laughed. “Tomorrow if Jake has his way. He’s already moaning about being there.”

  The rest of the trip was extremely hard. Belle’s tiger kept sending her naughty images. When they reached the edge of the village, Belle asked Harris to stop the car, and she couldn’t get out quick enough. Shawn hastily followed her, and they had both stripped and shifted before Harris even pulled away. Both tigers ran, each of them eager to re-kindle with each other. Belle’s cat loved the chase, but she liked being caught more.

  * * * *

  It was a good hour later before the cats were relaxed and sated enough for Belle and Shawn to claim their human forms. Shawn pulled her into the house and up the stairs to the shower. His hands never left some part of her body. They touched the small of her back when she walked, they held her shoulders as he kissed her before entering the shower. They roamed over her naked, damp skin as the water rained down on them both.

  “I thought I would never see you again,” he confessed.

  “When you whispered you loved me, I was so scared. Nothing can happen to you, Shawn, our kit is going to need his or her father.”

  “You heard me telling you I loved you?”

  “Yeah, it came through as a whisper.”

  “The darkness was pulling me under, and my last thought was I needed to tell you I loved you.”

  Standing on her tiptoes, Belle reached up to kiss him. Shawn’s hands drifted down and under her buttocks. With a quick raise he lifted her into his arms. His mouth was over hers in a flash. His tongue met hers and they slid over each other. Their moans sang out together.

  Her hands drifted up and into his wet hair, the strands slipping through her fingers. All thoughts of never seeing him again drifted away. She relaxed, knowing he was safe and sound in her arms. Their light kisses grew heavier, and Shawn nudged his cock against her clit. She groaned.

  One of his hands kneaded one of her breasts, and he ran a finger over its peaked nipple. Then two fingers rolled the bud. Nerve endings filled with small shocks that ran down her body to her clit. Shawn bucked his hips again, and her tiny bundle of nerves ran along his rigid shaft.

  “Oh!” she cried.

  She needed more. He seemed to sense that and his hand moved down in between them and one of his nimble fingers ran a circle around her nub then pressed on it. It was her turn to buck her hips. She climbed his body, wrapping her legs around his waist. Her arms banded around his neck, holding on fiercely.

  “Don’t ever leave me again,” she begged.

  “Never.” He licked over his mate mark, causing another shock to travel through her body, straight to that tiny bundle of nerves between her legs. Two of his fingers entered her and withdrew. “So wet and willing and ready for me,” he huskily whispered into her ear.

  She actually heard herself whimper at the loss of his digits. The emptiness didn’t last long. He lined up his cock, and she gasped as he entered her quick and fast. Her back hit the tiles behind her.

  “This will be hard and fast,” Shawn warned. “I missed you, my tigress.”

  He began thrusting just as he’d said he would—hard and fast. His sex was so thick she could feel every single ridge as they moved against the walls of her pussy. Her breasts were tightly pressed against his chest.

  Her orgasm built quickly, and it wasn’t long before he plunged into her and froze, his roar echoing around the bathroom and his cock jerking its seed into her womb. She burned from the inside out, and lights flashed behind her eyes. Her heart thundered, and her breath froze in her lungs. She kissed her mate with more passion that she’d ever possessed.

  Pulling back, she started into Shawn’s blue eyes and saw the love that her parents had. She had what she’d always wanted. It all came back and hit her; for a brief time she thought she’d lost him. Tears began blinding her.

  “I was so close to losing you. Never again. Promise me,” she pleaded. Her chest felt so tight with fear. She blamed it on her hormones, because normally she wasn’t one to cry. But thinking that she’d almost lost him forever....well, she had a right to cry, didn’t she?

  “Sweetheart, you and I will sit in our tiger forms and watch the sun set and rise over the village for years to come.”

  He kissed the end of her nose and reached behind her to turn the water off. He then wrapped her in a huge, fluffy towel and carried her to their bed.

  “I’m going to make love to you now. Just a small reminder of what we have to look forward to for the next hundred or so years. I’m so glad I found you. You helped me heal, you gave me a kit, a family, and a life worth living for.”

  Tears again flooded her eyes. Who would have believed fate could hand her such a generous, kind-hearted, handsome man? She was going to make sure no one ever hurt him again. She would give him his happily ever after.

  About T. Cobbin

  Trish Cobbin started to write books as an escape, but she took a break when she became a full-time mother to three children. Once her children were grown and flew the coop, expanding their own families and giving her three wonderful grandchildren, she was left with some spare time and decided to put pen to paper again. She lives in the UK with her faithful dogs Jellybean and Puddin', and her youngest son, and a door that is never closed to family.

  T. Cobbin’s

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  More Beachwalk Press Titles by T. Cobbin

agon’s Heart: Troy’s Trouble

  Dragon’s Heart: Dennenth’s Darling

  Dragon’s Heart: Pete’s Precious

  Whisper Pride Pack

  The Tranquil Hunters Pride

  The Alpha’s Chick

  Running From Eden

  Free From Eden

  The Alpha’s Chick

  Danger follows an injured woman with no memory of her past, but one man is determined to keep her safe. She’s in for a surprise when she discovers her protector is really a leopard shifter.

  Harris, a snow leopard shifter, is Alpha to a clowder of feline shifters living in a small, remote English village. One morning, while he’s out for his regular prowl, he hears a weak call for help. He finds a woman trapped in a crevice in the earth. She’s injured and close to freezing. They’re miles from any road, so how did she end up there?

  He takes the woman to his house and nurses her back to health. When she regains consciousness she can’t remember anything, not even her name. All she can recall is waking up in a damp, dark hole in the ground, freezing her butt off, and being…guarded by a leopard? She must have hallucinated that.

  Falling in love while trying to remember a life that you’ve forgotten can be a painful path. As her memories slowly start to return it quickly becomes apparent that she’s on the run. When men show up in the village searching for her, she knows her past has caught up with her.

  Harris is determined to protect the beautiful woman from whatever danger is following her, but what will happen when she discovers the man she’s falling for is a shifter?

  Content Warning: contains strong language, some violence, and lots of hot, steamy sex scenes

  Whisper Pride Pack

  What happens when the Alpha of a wolf shifter pack discovers that his mate is human and she has no idea shifters even exist?


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