Book Read Free

Pack Investigator

Page 1

by Crissy Smith

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  Pack Investigator

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-887-2

  ©Copyright Crissy Smith 2015

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright November 2015

  Edited by Sarah Smeaton

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2015 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 2.

  Were Chronicles


  Crissy Smith

  Book fourteen in the Were Chronicles series

  It’s not only the houses burning in Clear Creek. Lily Harper is setting Garrett Sullivan’s heart on fire.

  Garrett Sullivan, a firefighter for the city of Clear Creek, has his hands full when he rescues a young boy from a burning house. The kid, Nick, is a shifter and in need of help, so Garrett takes it upon himself to make sure the boy is safe. From the first look at the boy’s social worker, Garrett knows his life will never be the same again. Her enticing eyes and bright mind call to everything inside him.

  With Garrett a key member of the investigation team looking into a spate of fires in the neighborhood, he’s put right into the action. When the boy’s father is kidnapped, the intensity escalates.

  Lily Harper loves her job as a social worker in Clear Creek. When she’s assigned the case of Nick, his big, wounded eyes tug at her heart. The strong firefighter who stands by his side tugs at something else. Garrett is everything she has been searching for in a partner. But with a difficult investigation involving kidnapping, arson and mystery, Lily worries that she’ll lose Garrett before he can actually be hers.

  It will take the entire city, their friends and family to solve the latest threat to the shifters and their human lovers.


  For family, those of blood, and those by choice.

  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Scooby Doo: Warner Bros. Television

  BMW: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

  Candyland: Hasbro, Inc.

  Chapter One

  The rumble of the fire-truck engine that surrounded Garrett Sullivan was so familiar to him that in his exhausted yet hyper state Garrett felt at peace. There had been no injuries from the fire that the crew was returning from. He’d never worked with such a flawless team.

  They pulled into the bay of the central fire station in Clear Creek and he grinned. He wanted a nice hot shower and it wasn’t his turn to clean up the gear or to replace supplies in the trucks. He could head straight to the locker room.

  After he jumped down from the truck, he strolled through the open garage, taking in the differences between his current station and his old one. Garrett was glad he’d made the move three months ago. Even better, his two best friends, Tom and Steve, had transferred with him, although their reasons had been quite different from his.

  He nodded as he passed a couple of the guys before he pushed open the swinging door and entered the locker room. Even the rundown facilities there didn’t bother him. Garrett had wanted a fresh start, to leave the city of his birth for the first time, forge ahead in his career and hopefully find love.

  Garrett pulled his sweat-soaked T-shirt over his head and dropped it onto the old tiled floor. He glanced up as Tom walked in. Garrett lifted his chin to his best friend. Tom looked better than he had in months. Tom and Steve had wanted to connect with the local wolf shifter Pack and Garrett had been able to help them achieve that goal. In Kermit they’d been lone wolves as there hadn’t been enough shifters to form an effective Pack there. They’d tried but with no Alpha or Beta, all the shifters had fought for dominance. Garrett was human, but luckily he had an in with one of the local shifters in Clear Creek. His sister’s shifter boyfriend, Cooper, had been happy to help get Tom and Steve connected with the local Pack.

  “I’ve never seen a fire spread so quickly,” Tom stated as he walked in.

  “I heard the captain talking to the fire investigator. Lieutenant Haas told the cap that this was the third suspicious fire like this in the city in the past two weeks. The other fires were in the northern part of the city. He’s certain they have an arsonist,” Garrett said.

  As soon as he’d seen the investigator and his captain with their heads close together, Garrett had known something was up. He’d crept closer even though he’d known he shouldn’t have been eavesdropping. It wasn’t like his captain wouldn’t tell him the truth if Garrett asked. He just wanted to hear it from the investigator’s mouth.

  If he’d remained in Kermit, he’d probably have his certification to move into the investigating part of fighting fires. He knew that he’d made enemies by associating with the shifters and he was sure no opening would have been offered to him had he stayed. So instead of finishing he’d transferred as a firefighter. But even in Kermit, he’d heard how Lieutenant Haas was the best investigator in the state. Garrett hadn’t officially met the man but he’d kept an eye out for him.

  When he’d spotted him speaking with the captain, Garrett hadn’t been able to resist. He might not have been part of the community for long but he was already invested in every soul that lived in Clear Creek. “They haven’t found a connection yet but they are sure it’s the work of the same person,” Garrett finished telling Tom.

  “That’s weird,” Tom replied. “But I’ve heard good things about Lieutenant Haas and his team. I’m sure if anyone can find the person responsible it is them. I’ll be glad not to have to fight a fire like that again, though.”

  “Julie promised it was never boring here in Clear Creek,” Garrett said. He unsnapped the watch from his wrist and set it inside his locker.

  “She’s right there,” Tom agreed.

  Tom started to undress so Garrett went back to preparing for his own shower. He still had another five hours left of his shift and he hoped there wasn’t another call. His portion of the city ran from the creek to the outskirts to the center of town. Mostly they handled small fires due to residents burning trash, out-of-control kitchen flames or traffic situations where they needed to get people out of their smashed vehicles w
ith heavy equipment. Tonight had been the first fully engulfed home he’d fought as part of Clear Creek Fire Department.

  Adrenaline still coursed through his body and he needed to work some of it out before he could get to sleep. He could have gone straight to the gym like some of the other guys but he didn’t want to be around everyone. He wasn’t going to get laid while on shift so he needed to figure out how to relax. First he was going to start with a hot shower, then settle on the couch with the latest thriller he’d picked up at the local bookstore. Once he finished his shift tonight he had the next two days off and planned to find someone to spend the time with him in his bed. He just needed to make it a few more hours. He dropped his pants then picked up his fallen garments. He dumped the rest of his stuff in his locker before he picked up his shower bag. He passed by the entrance to the showers, snatching a towel off the shelf as he strolled to the last cubicle.

  The Clear Creek station showers were made up of single stalls so at least he had some privacy. He hung his towel on the hook outside the curtain and his bag on the inside before he yanked the curtain closed. He turned on the hot water knob, knowing that the water would start out warm and heat from there. He’d learned early on that there was no cold water available. Some mix-up with plumbing, but he’d rather have hot than cold anyway.

  Standing under the stream, he grabbed the soap from his bag and lathered his hands. His cock was hard from the excitement of the night, a result of too much adrenaline and testosterone. He gripped his erection at the base and slid his hand down and back up. He pumped himself several times, tension in his entire body. The feel of his own hand was a poor substitute for being buried inside a warm, tight pussy, but he had to make do. He increased his speed, knowing that he wouldn’t have much time for privacy. Tom would be entering the showers at any minute and Garrett didn’t want to be overheard when he came. He tugged harder, tightening his grip until he was thrusting his hips along. He shoved his free fist into his mouth to muffle his shout as he climaxed.

  Spent, he rested his back against the stall and took deep breaths. Once he’d recovered somewhat he quickly finished washing up. He heard the water turn on in one of the stalls down the lane before Tom started to hum. Garrett grinned as he shut off his own water. He grabbed the towel from the hook and dried himself then wrapped it around his waist. He stepped out of the stall and jolted when the alarm started to go off again.

  “Shit!” Tom yelled.

  Garrett rushed to his locker and pulled on a clean uniform. His fingers flew in the familiar rhythm of closing the buttons of his uniform shirt as his mind cleared to the task ahead. He didn’t think about what he was doing until he was in full gear and sitting in the back of the engine rig. Steve was on his right and Tom on his left.

  Once they arrived on scene they all jumped out and began to work. The captain shouted orders but they weren’t necessary. The crew knew their jobs and they performed well. He and Tom had the task of clearing of the structure. Tom led the way, as he normally did, using his shifter abilities as much as the smoke allowed. It didn’t matter whether the firefighter was human or shifter, smoke made it difficult to see. Garrett stayed at his back so he could keep an eye on his partner while Tom concentrated on sniffing out any occupants who might still be inside.

  Tom stopped walking before he lifted his fist. Garrett gripped his shoulder to show he was with Tom every step of the way. After a few seconds, he pointed to the right. Garrett slapped his hand down twice and moved to the first door. The front of the house wasn’t engulfed in flames yet, so once Garrett was sure he wasn’t opening the door to where the fire existed, he pushed it open. There wasn’t too much smoke in here and with his mask he could see pretty clearly. He paused in the center of the room and slowly scanned the surroundings. He heard it then. A soft whimper in the direction of the closet. Garrett rushed forward and threw open the door. A small bundle was at the bottom. Garrett crouched down and gently peeled away the blue blanket. He peered down at the trembling child with a tear-streaked face. He held out his arms and the boy jumped into them. He stood then turned and strolled out of the room, intent on getting the boy to safety.

  Tom was braced in front of the entry, waving him forward. The fire was spreading fast so he huddled his upper body around the precious package in his arms and ran. He headed straight out of the front entrance into the fresh air.

  Someone tried to take the child from his arms but the boy cried out and clung to Garrett harder. Garrett shook his head to warn the others off. He’d take the boy to the ambulance.

  Steve appeared in front of him and pointed toward the street. Garrett saw the flashing lights of the police and emergency vehicles lined up. His gear was heavy, his helmet had started to fog up, but he was not going to let go of the kid until he saw the EMTs. Steve led the way and he followed through the busy firefighters and police personal.

  From the open back of the ambulance, a figure jumped down and jogged toward him. He grinned—he could entrust the terrified child to his sister. Julie reached for him and the paleness on her face revealed her fear for the boy.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  He nodded before he lifted his arms to hand the boy over.

  “No!” the kid screamed as he tightened his arms around Garrett’s neck.

  “It’s okay,” Julie told the frightened child. “This is my brother. He’ll take you over to my rig for us.”

  The boy stopped yelling and settled down. Garrett shook his head but staggered forward. He was getting tired and he really needed to get his helmet off. Julie’s partner, Shawn, smiled at him when they reached the rig. Julie jumped up into the back and reached once again for the boy. Garrett nodded toward the gurney, telling her he’d set the child there. He climbed up before he carefully set the boy down on the bed. He ripped off his mask and took a deep breath of fresh air. The oxygen tank had helped him when he was in the house, but there was nothing like that first fresh breath. He looked at the boy, who was watching him with wide eyes. Garrett sat next to him.

  “Hi, little man. My name’s Garrett,” he introduced himself. “What’s yours?”

  “Nick Bolton,” the small child answered.

  “It’s good to meet you, Nick,” Garrett said. “This is my sister, Julie. She needs to check you out to make sure you’re okay.”

  The boy nodded before he started to cough. Julie moved forward, placing an oxygen mask around his nose and mouth. She spoke quietly to Nick as she worked. Garrett glanced over his shoulder and saw that his unit appeared to have the fire under control and it was almost out. He sighed in relief. Shawn passed him a bottle of water before he was subjected to a quick but thorough examination of his own. He wasn’t surprised. His sister and her partner took just as good care of the firefighters as they did any victims.

  He spotted Tom jogging toward him and stood. Nick shot his hand out and grabbed his wrist faster than Garrett would have thought possible for such a young child.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he assured the kid. “I’ll be right here but I need to talk to my friend.”

  Nick eyed him for several seconds before he nodded and released Garrett. Tom was there as Garrett hopped down out of the rig. They stepped a few feet away, where they wouldn’t be overheard but Nick would still be able to see him.

  “No one else in the house,” Tom informed him.

  “Someone left that kid alone?” Garrett asked, pissed off that anyone could be so irresponsible. There was no way a child that age could stay by himself in a house.

  “It looks like some kind of altercation took place in the master bedroom. The fire was started in the kitchen. The cap called in Lieutenant Haas. He’s going to want to talk to the boy,” Tom said.

  Garrett glanced back over at Nick. He was following Julie’s instructions but Nick’s gaze never left Garrett. “I’ll talk to him,” Garrett offered.

  “One more thing.” Tom gripped his shoulder.

  Garrett didn’t like Tom’s serious tone.
He braced himself for bad news.

  “The boy’s a shifter. Steve smelled it on him right away.”

  “Okay,” Garrett said slowly, confused. Tom should know that Garrett had no problem with shifters. He’d been friends with Tom and Steve a while now and his sister was living with a shifter.

  “He’s scared, traumatized, and his dad’s missing. You have to keep him calm. At his age he hasn’t shifted yet, but these events could cause him to lose control. If he shifts this early he won’t know how to change back to human form.”

  Garrett sucked in a sharp breath. He was still learning about shifters and hadn’t considered how the ability would affect a child.

  “He seems to have taken to you already. You know shifters get emotionally involved easily, especially when they’re young. He’s going to need you to help him control his urges. His wolf will want to protect the boy and take over. You can’t let that happen.”

  “Okay.” Garrett wasn’t sure how he would accomplish the task, but he would make sure Nick remained calm and in human form.

  “The cap ordered you to stay with the boy. Child services will meet you at the hospital. That’s where I assume you’re headed?”

  Garrett knew his sister’s routine and could tell she was preparing Nick for transport. “Yes.”

  “I’ll check up on you in a little bit. One of us will bring you some clothes,” Tom said.

  He was grateful to have such good friends. He stripped off his outer gear until he only remained in a T-shirt and his utility pants. Tom bundled up Garrett’s uniform before he strolled away. Garrett was hot and sweaty but he needed to check on Nick more than cool down.


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