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Two Serve And Protect_A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 6

by Valerie O'Day

  Lisa noticed, as she sipped on some warm tea Harlow had given her instead of alcohol to drink, that it did not take long for Leonardo to come bursting through the door, his concern written all over his face. He came straight to Lisa and pulled her into his arms. Lisa relaxed even more, feeling his sweetness and care in his embrace. That was the best part about the younger, darker partner: his sweet and sensitive nature. She was so lucky to have the perfect combination of men right here in front of her. She could never take that for granted.

  It seemed that Leonardo had been told the bare minimum to get him there, so they all sat down and listened to her recount the story again. Lisa made sure she was detailed and calm this time, giving them all the information they might need to be able to help her out. Even just their presence, so close to her, was comforting.

  “Don't you worry about it. We will take care of this. We will look into it at the precinct and be with you whenever we can to keep you safe. We will send a patrol closer to your house more often, especially at night, so you can feel secure, okay?” Leonardo told her, setting her mind at ease as the two men helped her sprawl across the couch. Her shoulders landed on Harlow's chest as he massaged there, and her feet were given to Leonardo, all the tension being rubbed out of them. They were spoiling her, and her mind was soon put to rest from the crazy events of the day.

  Lisa relaxed into the men as they continued their deep massages over her body, her clothes somehow sliding off as they continued. Lisa closed her eyes and sighed, letting herself go. She had not necessarily planned for this today, but why not? Sex with two hot men had to be the greatest stress relief ever invented.

  Her pants slid off to reveal her panties, and she watched as Leonardo’s eyes glazed over at the site of her thong and the already wet flesh underneath. Harlow’s bare body was now up against her back, and she found his hard member with her arm and began massaging it, prompting a groan from his lips that just encouraged her more.

  Lisa closed her eyes and let her legs relax as Leonardo’s finger began to dance around the lace of the thong, teasing her and saturating her even more. Her panties would be so creamy by the time they came off.

  Leonardo bent down, his head finding her inner thighs as he began to nibble and suck at them, causing her to pump her hips forward. Lisa wanted them so badly, she wanted to be touched and to feel that pleasure of a climax only these two men could bring her.

  Lisa could tell as Leonardo sucked hard he would be leaving marks, and the idea made her bite her bottom lip sensually at the thought. Harlow’s hand slid down her chest to her breasts as she picked up the speed at which she was rubbing him, feeling him grow and his tip get wet with her movements.

  Harlow’s breathing picked up, and Lisa gasped as Leonardo moved her barely-there panties and kissed down her groin, getting small tastes of her sweet fragrance all the way down and back up.

  Harlow began pinching at her nipples, tweaking them so that she was at the peak of stimulation as Lisa felt he must be close. He growled and grunted like an animal, so primal in his need as he began to release on her arm and back, spreading a warmth that just seemed to relax her further.

  Lisa tilted her head back, begging for his lips as they landed on her in a passionate kiss at the same time her legs were spread wide, and two fingers dipped inside her waiting center, making her arch her back in pleasure.

  He began to bang her with his fingers, hitting her most pleasurable and sensitive spots, and Harlow played with her breasts all the while as they milked her to her finish.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lisa laughed quietly to herself as she walked into the PTA meeting, the first one of the new year. They were supposed to be discussing all possible field trips for the semester, as well as letting the parents know about class sign-up and all of that for the next year. It was sure to be a boring one.

  Lisa used to love PTA meetings, especially right after the divorce. She got to be around other adults and be distracted by academics and other things her kids were up to and needed. But now, the prospect seemed much more boring compared to what was happening behind closed doors with the two hot officers she still had yet to thank her mother for. Unfortunately, doing that would mean admitting that she was seeing both of them in at least some way. Lisa worried that would scandalize her mother, even if she was quite forward-thinking for her generation.

  Lisa tried to hold back the smug smile as she was walking into a room full of parents now gawking at her. You would think she looked like a hooker or someone's side-floozy by the way some of the jaws hit the floor. It was the first time she was in front of all of them, no longer looking like a frumpy divorcee who was crying in her cheerios the minute her sons left for school every morning. Instead, she had on form-fitting red leggings and a scarf to match; a white sweater and a pair of low-heel boots finished off the look. She knew she felt years younger. She probably looked it too.

  She continued her strut, pretending she was on a runway or something, and went to the front to find her seat. The man from the dance was a few seats away, sitting next to another woman, and even he turned his head. The heat of a blush hit Lisa's cheeks at his reaction, though he still held no true attraction for her.

  Luckily, the view was blocked by two of the other mothers in the PTA. One of them had a daughter and a son and the other one just a son, a spoiled only-child that Sean was acquaintances with. What was worse, or more comical, anyway, was that his mother, Katherine, talked like she was still in high school right along with him.

  As if to prove it, her mouth formed the silent letters “O-M-G.” "Wow, Lisa, you look like a new woman. Not that you weren’t beautiful before, but we could tell the toll that divorce took on you. Not that I haven't been through that," Katherine rambled in her Jersey accent. "But, like, you're going to be the talk of the town. You have GOT to tell us what has prompted this change," Katherine told her, waiting for that bit of juicy gossip.

  Lisa debated whether or not to just tell them she was seeing someone and leave out the most scandalous details, but then she thought she wanted to drag it out a little longer and keep people guessing. It was more fun that way, and why not have fun as a single woman? She was in her early 30s. Life should have these little fun moments still.

  “What do you mean? Really, this is the me before the breakdown of my marriage to Thomas. I was just bringing her back from the dead, so to speak,” Lisa said coyly, knowing she was having them chomping at the bit. Even her sons had been noticing something was going on, always questioning. Jack, in particular, was too smart for his own good. He would not leave it alone that she must be dating someone, even though he had never seen her around any man or had any other kind of proof. She doubted it was something she could hide forever.

  “So, you are saying you aren’t dating again?” Alyssa asked plainly, the one with two kids at the school. She was more down to earth and straightforward; Lisa's type of friend.

  “Maybe I am, but I don't think I am quite ready to share the details with the world yet. It's just too good and fun to ruin it.” Lisa winked, and it looked like Katherine might faint from just that tidbit.

  The meeting was about to start, and the two women took their seats by her, Alyssa patting Lisa on the back.

  "I am happy for you. It's good to see you like this."

  That night, when she got home and found the boys playing their new games, they stopped and came to see her. Lisa knew they had something on their minds, and she was almost certain what it was. She was going to have to tell them something.

  “Mom, all of our friends keep hearing things from their parents about you, and we just want to know the truth. We love the way you have been with us, more cheerful and taking care of yourself, having more fun...but I think we are old enough to know what is going on.” Lisa looked down at Jack and nodded thoughtfully, proud of him for articulating how he felt.

  “I think you are right, buddy,” she told him, walking them both to the couch and sitting down with them. “Now, I am
not going to tell you everything. I am an adult, and some things are just private, but I don't think I can or should hide what is going on forever. I want us to be open and honest, which also means any feelings you have, you can come to me with. Even though I don't love your father anymore, I know that the two of you do, which you should. I have decided to start dating again. Now, it is nothing serious. You should not expect me to suddenly come home with a new man in your lives, not yet. It could happen one day, but we will handle that fairly and slowly. For now, I am just seeing what it feels like to be out there again. Okay?” Lisa asked, letting a breath out and hoping they didn't blow up over that.

  “Good for you, Mom,” Sean said, making them all laugh. “I think it's okay, but it would be hard to have a new dad around here so soon.”

  Lisa nodded. “I understand that. I will keep that in mind.”

  Lisa let her sons go back to what they were doing and went into the kitchen, looking at her to-do list for the day. Everything could be checked off except for one thing: scheduling a doctor’s appointment. It had been over a year since her last check-up, and she continued to procrastinate about it. Lisa was always putting her boys first, and this was one of the consequences. Though she felt good, she knew it was important. So, she picked up the phone and dialed, knowing the office was open for another few minutes to take her call.

  “Hello, this is Dr. Wells’ office, how may I help you?” the customer service rep asked, most likely one of the assistants at the front desk. Her voice was still pleasantly cheery, though it was the end of the workday for her.

  “Yes, my name is Lisa Henderson, and I need to schedule my annual appointment. It can be any weekday, as long as it is before three in the afternoon,” Lisa told the woman.

  Lisa could hear the typing and clicking of the computer on the other end as the receptionist searched for a day and time. “We can do Monday at one o’clock. You’ll be the first appointment after lunch. Is that alright?” she asked in that same upbeat tone.

  “That is perfect, thank you.”

  “Okay, we’ve got you scheduled!”

  Lisa brewed herself a cup of chamomile tea and decided to relax and go watch the boys play. They were growing up so fast, and how long would it really be before they were bombarded with part-time jobs and college applications? She was going to enjoy that time while she still had it, even while enjoying her singledom.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lisa sat in the office, reading a magazine as she waited to be called back into her doctor's office for her appointment. She was glad that there were two sides of the office; one for sick patients and one for those just having check-ups. There were a couple of people in the back corner, coughing like they might have the flu. She made a mental note to also ask about getting her flu shot, since that seemed to be bad this season.

  “Lisa Henderson,” the nurse called, and Lisa put the magazine down and picked up her purse, following the nurse back into the hall where all the offices were. The walls were decorated with flower wallpaper and made her think of spring as she followed the nurse's directions to check her weight, height, temperature, and oxygen levels. All of it was so fast, and she noticed she had dropped a couple of pounds since dating her two favorite officers. She was feeling really good about this appointment.

  The nurse then led Lisa to the restroom, where she had to give a urine sample, just part of the routine for her annual physical. It had become second nature and something she gave no thoughts to as she was sat down in the small office for more routine procedures, like the checking of her blood pressure and her ears, nose, and throat.

  The nurse was efficient and quiet, easily getting all the notes on Lisa down in under fifteen minutes, before passing her onto the doctor, Dr. Wells, who has just walked in with a smile on his face, accented by a brown mustache he almost never shaved, at least not in the six years she had been seeing him.

  “Lisa! It’s so good to see you. How have you been? I noticed you are a little late on this appointment,” he said conversationally as the nurse passed over her chart for him to look at.

  “Yes, well, I am sure you know how life with children gets. You get so wrapped up in them and don't worry about yourself. But I am here now and feeling great,” she responded, hoping to be in and out of there quickly. There was no need to be nervous, she was sure, but something about being in doctors’ offices always made her a little on edge, just wanting to get out of there and relax, knowing she was healthy as a horse.

  “I noticed. Everything I am looking at here looks perfect. Your blood pressure, your weight, and just everything. You are taking care of yourself very well, even with those two boys to worry about. I love when patients make thing easy on me,” he stated, looking over all the notes the nurse made of her vitals. Lisa was happy to hear she was all good. 32 was not so bad after all, not as old as it had felt only a couple of months earlier.

  “That is good to hear as always,” she replied.

  “There is one thing, though, that you may or may not already be aware of. We tested the urine sample that you left at the beginning for the appointment and got some interesting results back.” Lisa did not like the way Dr. Wells was using the word interesting. What in the world could be interesting about her urine? Maybe she just had a UTI or something; some antibiotics would fix it up, no big deal.

  “Oh, did I have an infection or something? I didn't notice, but I can go pick up some cranberry juice at the supermarket,” Lisa told Dr. Wells. He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, and it was beginning to seem as if an infection was not it at all.

  “Sorry if I was being cryptic, Lisa, but it seems that you have tested positive for elevated progesterone.” Lisa let that sink in, thinking about what that would mean. She gulped in her dry throat, not wanting to say the words out loud. “It looks like you’re pregnant with your third child, Mrs. Henderson. I wouldn't worry too much, though, about your age. You are very healthy, so healthy it is almost like a 25-year-old having a baby. I will prescribe some prenatals and get you a referral to a great OB. Did you want to know how far along you are?”

  Dr. Wells' voice was faint, almost like a television with low volume in the background. Lisa could not get past the news — the news that she was pregnant. She wanted to demand a retest, but she knew that those tests in the office like this were pretty much foolproof, and it wasn’t like she hadn’t been having sex. She was careful, they were all careful, but she supposed a condom wasn’t everything. But what was she going to do? Not only did she have no idea which man was the father or any way to tell by the age of the fetus, but she also had two teenage boys to worry about. What would they think of having a little brother or sister this late in the game?

  Lisa took slow, deep breaths, knowing she needed to give Dr. Wells some kind of intelligent response.

  “I am so sorry, this just comes as a little shock, Doctor,” she admitted, explaining the awkward silence. “I am only trying to wrap my head around this, but yes, I think it would be a good idea to get a sense of how far along I am, if we can,” she told him. Dr. Wells smiled and nodded, going out of the room, most likely to get the ultrasound machine. Luckily, it was a well-equipped office, so they could do most imaging on site without sending her elsewhere and making her wait. She needed to take it one step at a time.

  Find out how old the baby was, get prepared physically to have another baby, think about how to handle the boys and the house, and then she could worry about the two men that were involved.

  It wasn't too long before the doctor came back in, along with a nurse, in order to do the ultrasound. She was made to lay back as the lights were dimmed for the best viewing ability, and they pulled out that awful, cold, blue jelly she remembered from when she had her sons. That goo would require a good scrubbing even after it was no longer visible. It had a habit of leaving a sticky residue behind that just made her feel gross.

  Lisa watched the screen next to her in anticipation as the ultrasound wand was rolled around on her
skin, searching for the tiny speck of life and a heartbeat. That is what she heard first, the distinct sound of a heartbeat that was faster than her own. An involuntary tear ran down her cheek, remembering what it was like to have the miracle of life inside of her. Even if the situation was stressful and less than ideal, Lisa knew with every ounce that she would love this child just as much as her other two.

  “From all the measurements,” Dr. Wells began, and it pulled Lisa out of her thoughts. She wiped at the tear on her face and looked at him, her head turning away from the screen. “It looks like you are around five or six weeks right now, so that explains why you might not have noticed any symptoms yet. You can expect in the next couple of weeks you’ll probably get a bit of morning sickness and other things like that. Unless there is an issue, you don’t have to come back until 20 weeks when we find out the gender!” he exclaimed.

  Good, that gave her plenty of time to figure things out, even with the guys. She didn't know what they would think about it all, though. Did either of them even wants kids? Not that it mattered, because she was keeping the baby, but it would be nice not to be alone in all of it, especially since as a homemaker, she would have to go find a part time job to support herself somehow. Babies were expensive. She knew that. Diapers alone were ridiculous.

  Dr. Wells left her to get cleaned up and sent the nurse in with all of the paperwork she needed for prescriptions and her next appointment. There was even a small booklet, reminders about how to care for herself during the nine months she was with child.

  Lisa took it all and put it in her purse, walking almost in slow motion out the door. It was still bright and sunny outside. It had taken less than an hour for the whole thing, but Lisa felt almost as if years had passed while she was in there. She was looking at a new world as she got into her car; one in which she was pregnant and unwed, facing two possible fathers of the child inside of her, and neither may be happy about it.


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