Then Came Indecision (Southern Love #2)

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Then Came Indecision (Southern Love #2) Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  Chapter Fifteen

  “It’ll help, but I can’t guarantee it will save your fields.” Don touched the leaves of the plant Blaise then dropped his hand. “I’m sorry there isn’t more I can do for you. If I weren’t out of town, it may have been different. And by the time you return, I suspect your crops will be withered.”

  Blaise sighed. “What are you suggesting?”

  “You can use the treatment and hope it works, but there’s a good chance the quality will be nowhere where it was before. Or you can start over immediately.”

  “That’s costly,” Blaise said.

  “Either way, it’ll cost you a lot. And since there was so much pesticide, you’ll need new soil as well. I’m sorry.”

  “Great,” Blaise said in annoyance.

  “I’m sorry there isn’t more I can do.”

  “Thank you for your time.” He shook his hand then left the building, heading to the airport immediately. Now he had to start over. It was the worse case scenario. He pulled out his phone and called Connor.


  “We are replanting.”

  “It didn’t go well, I take it?”


  “What do you need?”

  “Everything, including fresh soil.”

  “I’ll round up some workers,” he said. “But I suspect most of the ones we had won’t return after the incident.”

  “I don’t blame them,” he said with a sigh. “I’m just glad no one was seriously ill. That could have been bad and gave Cunnings Cotton a bad reputation.”

  “I’ve tried to keep it out of the media. Hopefully, it stays that way.”


  “Did you find out who was responsible, sir?”

  “Connor, just call me Blaise.”

  “Oh, sorry,” he said quickly. “I’m just used to calling your father that.”

  “I know,” he said. “And it’s either my brother or uncle. I can’t think of anyone else.”

  “Have you confronted them?”

  “No,” Blaise said. “But I will.” He hung up then got onto the plane. When he sat in his seat by the window, he thought about Alexandra. His fields required his undivided attention at the moment. He needed to bust his ass if he wanted to make it by the harvest season but he desperately needed to talk to Alexandra and fix their relationship. He missed her like crazy.

  When he finally arrived in Georgia it was two in the morning. He wanted to drive to Alexandra’s but he thought that would be a bad idea. She was grouchy when she didn’t get her sleep. Instead he went home and walked into his office. He had to make sure everything was prepared for the following morning. Unable to stay awake, he fell asleep on his desk.

  The next morning, he went onto the fields with all the workers he could find. With the tractors, they pulled all the dead crops from the soil and made room for the new dirt to be brought in. Time was of the essence so Blaise worked alongside everyone else, not taking a break even when everyone else did.

  He still needed to talk to his uncle and strangle him but he didn’t have time for that either. When the workers finally left in the evening, he showered then grabbed his phone, ready to call Alexandra. Before he could dial, his phone lit up. It was Danielle. He debated answering it for a long time.

  “What?” he snapped.

  “He’s here,” she whispered.

  His heart raced. “Evan?”

  “Yeah,” she snapped. “Get down here. He keeps talking me. I’m scared…”

  “Where are you? At home?”

  “I’m at Rob’s.”

  “Fuck,” he said. “I’m on my way.”



  “He said he heard rumors about you and that other girl. I told him we are still together but he thinks I’m lying.”

  “I’m on my way.” He hung up then got into his truck as fast as he could. He sped through the country roads, making the dust fly through the air. Both hands gripped the wheel as he made it into town. He pulled into the parking lot and did a horrible job staying in the lines.

  When he stormed inside, he didn’t pay attention to anyone around him. He just searched for Danielle, his heart pounding against his ribs. His hands automatically formed fists. It really got under his skin when men beat women. It made him insane. He bumped into a brunette as he moved through the room.


  He ignored her and kept going. When he found Danielle in the corner, Evan blocking her in, he marched over.

  “Get the fuck away from her.” Blaise stepped in front of Danielle, blocking her from view.

  Evan stepped back and glared at him. “And here’s the watchdog to the rescue.”

  “I’ll kill you,” Blaise snapped. “I don’t give a shit if we’re in a public place.”

  Evan smiled. “It’s good thing we’re in a room full of witnesses.”

  “You think I care?”

  “I think your cotton might.”

  Blaise narrowed his eyes.

  “I heard you’re with some new girl.” He stared him down. “Danielle seems to be unencumbered.”

  “Danielle is my girlfriend. And whether she was or not, I would kill you if you touched her. Now back off.”

  Evan stepped closer to Blaise, clearly unafraid. “I think you’re full of shit. And I’ll make that bitch pay for what she did to me. I couldn’t even take back the ring.”

  “Get over it!” Blaise snapped. “You’re acting like a pathetic little girl.”

  “I loved her!”

  “That’s too fucking bad!” Blaise clenched his fists again.

  “Now that you’re out of the picture, I’ll get her. And there won’t be any witnesses, believe me.”

  “We are together,” Danielle said, grabbing his hand.

  Blaise didn’t pull away even though his skin screamed in agony from touching her.


  Danielle moved next to Blaise, pressing her breasts against his stomach and her lips near his chin.

  Blaise wanted to vomit. “Leave me and my girlfriend alone. If you don’t, I’ll come in the middle of night and slit your throat with a knife.”

  “I’ll call your bluff, Cunnings. Maybe I’ll hurt someone you really care about, like that cute little new girl.”

  Blaise wanted to break a bottle and stab the shards through his jugular vein. The threat against Alexandra made him want to explode. But he had to keep his cool. If Evan knew he was madly in love with her, it would only give him a reason t hurt her. “The only woman in my heart is Danielle.” He had to force the words out. He grabbed her face and kissed her. He held the embrace for a moment, trying not to gag, then pulled away. “You touch her, you’ll regret it.”

  Evan eyed them. “You can’t watch her forever.”

  Blaise pushed him back. “I’m sick of this. Let’s go outside.”

  Evan raised his hands in the air. “Someone call the cops.”

  “You fucking pussy!” Blaise said.

  Evan looked at Danielle one more time before he left the bar.

  Blaise sighed in relief when he was gone.

  Danielle came into his arms and started crying. He held her to his chest, rubbing her back. Even though he had no respect for her, he hated seeing how scared she was. She didn’t deserve to be treated that way. It was unfair that she had to live in fear all the time. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said through her tears. “I don’t know what I would be without you.”

  “It’s alright,” he said gently. He rubbed her back and held her in his arms. The crowd started to disperse now that the confrontation was over. He pulled away and looked at her. “Call me if he bothers you again. I may have to kill him though.”

  “I would love that,” she said as she wiped he tears away.

  He sighed. “Do you want me to take you home? I have somewhere I need to be.”

  She nodded then grabbed his hand.
/>   Since she was so shaken up, he didn’t pull away. “Let’s go.”

  When he turned toward the door, he saw Alexandra standing there, tears streaming down her face. Lisa and Hannah were standing beside her, looking vicious. Lisa’s eyes were bright with raging flames. Hannah looked like she would push him down an elevator shaft. But Alexandra had the most painful look. She turned from the bar and ran.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alexandra had never been in so much pain in her life. But she also felt incredibly stupid. How could she ever think that Blaise might be telling the truth? She was filled with self-loathing. When it came to important decisions, she always chose the wrong one. Blaise was the biggest mistake of all. She had horrible judgment of people. Perhaps that was why her patient had died.

  She wiped her tears away as she ran to her truck. With shaky hands, she put the keys in the lock and turned it.


  His voice made her hasten.


  She opened the door but he slammed it closed.

  “It’s not what you think!”

  Alexandra took a deep breath and stilled the tears coming down her face. “Blaise, get away from me.”

  “No, let me explain.”

  Alexandra was tired of hearing people’s excuses for their actions. Gabe claimed he was sorry for what he did, but he was just sorry that he’d been unsuccessful and gotten his ass beat. Blaise was the same way. “NO! Fuck you, Blaise. Get the hell away from me. I don’t care what excuse you have. I don’t care what you have to say. I mean it.”

  “Danielle isn’t my girlfriend. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you everything. Just listen.”

  She gripped her scalp. “I’ve never been this upset in my life.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t want to listen to you.” Her voice was high and hysterical, her emotion and desperation escaping her lips. She hated how she was acting. “Please leave me alone. You and I both belong elsewhere.” She opened the door but he slammed it closed again.

  “No, you will listen to me.” He grabbed her arms and pinned her to the door.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  He moved his hands to the door. “Alexandra—”

  She moved under his arm and escaped to the sidewalk. “Your lies may work on your other girls but they don’t work on me. Just drop it.” She ran down the sidewalk but he chased after her.

  “I’m not letting you get away.”

  She sprinted into the crowd and ran for her life. She wasn’t sure where she was going but she had to get away from him. People glanced at her with worried expressions as she passed. When she thought she would get away, Blaise cut her off. He dragged her between two buildings and pinned her to the wall.

  “Let me go!”

  He held her firmly. “I’ll release you when you calm down.”

  She squirmed under his grasp.

  “I have all day.”

  When she tried to knee him, he pushed his body against her.

  The sensation was too similar. The night of the party came back to her mind. Gabe pinned her to the truck, holding her back. She was unable to get away. The trauma clouded her mind and she started to sob uncontrollably. Gabe’s hands grabbed her, ripping away her clothes. Her heart almost exploded from the adrenaline.

  Blaise’s eyes widened and he released her.

  Alexandra fell to the ground and hugged her knees, becoming as small as possible. She concentrated on her breathing, trying to return to calm. It was just a panic attack she could control if she tried hard enough. She buried her face in her arms and cried to herself.

  Blaise’s eyes burned with tears while he watched her. “Alexandra, I didn’t mean to scare you. You know I would never hurt you.” He touched her arm but she pulled it away.

  “Please go away.”

  “Please listen to me.”

  “All you do is keep hurting me. I can’t take it anymore, Blaise.”

  “I haven’t been hurting you. Let me explain and you’ll see.”


  He took a deep breath. “When Danielle slept with me she had a boyfriend. He wasn’t too happy when he found out. Instead of coming after me, he came after her. He beat her so bad she was in the hospital for three days. I kindly returned the favor, bringing him to an inch of his life. His need for revenge hasn’t sated. He’s still after Danielle, but I’m the only person who scares him. I have to pretend to be with Danielle so he’ll leave her alone. That’s why she was living with me. She just moved out a week ago. I told her I would still protect her but I can’t sacrifice my life and happiness for it. You’re everything to me, Alexandra. That’s the truth, in its entirety. The only reason why I didn’t tell you is because we had to keep up the charade, which wouldn’t work if everyone in town knew. I haven’t done anything with her since you and I got together. I swear on my parents’ graves.”

  She continued to breath heavily, her face buried.

  “Please say something,” he whispered. “I’ve told you everything. Don’t you see I’ve been loyal to you this entire time.”

  “You kissed her.”

  “It was an act.” The tears burned under his eyes. “It didn’t mean anything.”

  She leaned against the wall, tears still streaming down her face. Her breathing had slowed, and a dark calm settled over her. Everything between them was a lie. Even now, she couldn’t tell what was real and what wasn’t. She thought Blaise was hers but he never was. The heartbreak finally came to a halt. She refused to accept any more pain. “Blaise, we’re done. Please don’t call me, don’t come to my house, and don’t bother me ever again.”

  The tears spilled form his eyes. “Alexandra, please believe me. I’m not lying!”

  “I can’t believe anything that comes from that mouth anymore.”

  He gripped his scalp. “It’s the truth.”

  “Knock it off.”

  “I’ll prove it to you.”

  “There is no proof,” she said quietly. “Everyone says you’re together.”

  “Danielle, she’ll tell you.”

  “Why do I doubt that?” She looked away.

  “She will if I ask her to.”


  He took a deep breath.

  “We’re done. I won’t change my mind.”

  More tears fell down. “No…don’t do this. I’m not giving up.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  “Then please let me go.”

  “No! I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the victim in all this.”

  She closed her eyes. “Please let me move on. This was all a stupid mistake. You’re obviously a player, and a good one.”

  “That isn’t true,” he snapped.

  She rose to her feet. “Chase me if you want, but it will be pointless. But don’t bother my family or my friends. I mean it, Blaise. Go back to your life with Danielle. I’m moving on with mine.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest.

  She pulled away. “Look at me.”

  He looked into her eyes, the tears still falling. He was breathing deeply, ragged.

  With a steady voice and lifeless eyes, she said, “I’m done.” She stepped away and moved out of the alley, not looking behind her. She heard Blaise give into the sobs and fall to the ground. She didn’t turn around as she walked to her car, feeling numb and empty. When she got to her truck, she sat inside, her heart beating dangerously slow. She didn’t know where to go, who to run to.

  Alexandra drove back to the house but she didn’t walk inside. Instead, she went into the loft and sat in the dark. It was a place she made many memories with Blaise. She thought about each one before she decided to forget them, never allow herself to think about him. She was surprised no more tears fell. She was more surprised that Blaise hadn’t come after her.


  She stilled at his voice. “I’m up here.”

  He climbed up the ladder
then looked at her. “What’s wrong?” he said immediately.

  She took a deep breath. “Blaise…”

  He came beside her. “What happened?”

  “I saw him with his girlfriend…kissing her…holding her. He lied to me the entire time. I can’t believe I ever thought he might be telling the truth.”

  Paul grabbed her hand. “I’m sorry.”

  Alexandra stared at her feet.

  “I really am. I knew I was right, but seeing you in pain doesn’t give me any joy.”

  “I know…”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her close. “It’ll be okay, baby.”

  “I’m done with him.”

  He kissed her forehead then rested his face close to hers. “Please don’t let this destroy the part of you that I love so much.”

  “My ignorance?” she scoffed.

  “No,” he whispered. “That innate part of you that hopes for the good in everyone.”

  “What the hell do I know? You cheated on me, Blaise was cheating on me the entire time, I fucking killed someone.”

  “Whoa…you did not kill someone. Saying it over and over doesn’t make it true. And I didn’t cheat on you, not really. I never had a relationship with this girl or feelings, not like Blaise at least. Don’t lose that belief in people. I may have made a mistake, but there’s no doubt that I’m madly in love with you and would never do something like that again, no matter how bad you treat me.”

  Alexandra stared across the warehouse but didn’t really see anything, just shadows and corners.


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