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Then Came Indecision (Southern Love #2)

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “Me too,” he said.

  “Let’s go to bed.”


  She nodded.

  He smiled then followed her to the bedroom.

  When they were inside, Alexandra grabbed one of his t-shirts and walked into the bathroom. After she put it on, she realized what she did. His clothes were always her pajamas. She quickly fell back to her old ways. When she came out, he was lying in bed in his boxers. She came beside him and wrapped her arm around his waist.

  “Is this a regular thing now?” he whispered.


  “Sleeping together?”

  “I—I don’t know.”

  He rested his hand on her stomach. “I like it when you wear my shirts. It’s the sexiest thing in the world.”

  “That I look like a boy?” She smiled.

  “You definitely don’t look like a boy,” he said with a laugh. He pulled up her shirt and placed a light kiss on her stomach.

  A moan escaped her lips, out of her control.

  When Paul pulled away, he stared at her before he moved on top of her.

  Alexandra felt her heart race when she felt his body press against hers. His hard cock was against her stomach, long and defined. This time he wasn’t embarrassed about it. He placed his face closer to hers, staring at her lips.

  Her hands moved to his chest, feeling the layers of muscle underneath.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he whispered.

  Alexandra felt her palms sweat. She didn’t react, waiting for it to happen.

  When she didn’t object, he pressed his mouth over hers.

  Her hands glided through his hair, feeling the soft strands. His hand moved down her side, feeling the fabric of her underwear. Then he pressed against her, his cock touching the apex of her thighs. She felt the moisture accumulate down below.

  His kiss was soft but aggressive at the same time. The love and sexual desire leaked from his pores, falling into her. She could feel his emotions through his kiss. His tongue played with hers, dancing.

  Alexandra wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her. Paul started to rub against her, kissing her at the same time. She cupped his face and gave into the moment, her desire fueling her moves.

  Paul grabbed her underwear and pulled them off. Alexandra kept kissing him but felt the adrenaline course through her veins. When they were off, Paul lowered his boxers, his large cock springing forth. She bit her lip when she looked at it. The sex between them was always amazing, and she hadn’t had an orgasm in several months.

  Paul rubbed his shaft between her lips, feeling the moisture.

  Alexandra couldn’t hide her desire for him. It was right between her legs. Paul knew what she wanted.

  Before he moved inside, she thought of Blaise. His face formed in her mind. The look he gave her when they made love broke her heart. Tears burned deep in his eyes like the emotion was too much. When he moved into her it felt so real, that he really loved her with his whole heart. The memory of their time together was still too painful and raw.

  “Stop,” she whispered.

  Paul moved his cock away from her entrance.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

  He pressed his face close to hers. “Baby, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to pressure you.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to…”

  “I know.”

  “I just…”


  She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

  “Baby, I’m okay with that. I know you’ll forget about him the longer we’re together. Give yourself to me and move on. As soon as you do, he’ll be a distant memory.”

  “I—I just can’t.”

  He nodded. “That’s okay.” He leaned down and kissed her stomach. “It’s okay.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Paul moved back on top of her. “Baby, don’t apologize to me.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll wait as long as you want.”

  “How can you be so calm?”

  “We’re in this situation because of my stupidity. I always keep that in mind. And you’ll be mine soon. There’s no need to rush you.”


  “There is one thing I want.”


  “I want to hear you tell me you love me.”

  She cupped his face. “You know I love you, Paul.”

  He kissed her nose. “I love you too, baby.” He cuddled next to her and spooned her from behind.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Why did you want to meet me?” Danielle asked.

  Blaise sat across from her in the booth. They hadn’t been seen in public together for a while so they needed to make an appearance. But he wanted to discuss something else. “I need you to talk to Alexandra.”

  “About what?” she hissed.

  “I already told her everything.”

  She glared at him.

  “I don’t care if that pisses you off,” he snapped. “She deserved my honestly. And it seems like Evan is suspicious anyway. But that isn’t the point. She didn’t believe me, especially when she saw me kiss you.”

  “And what does that have to do with me?”

  “You’re the only person in the world who can vouch for me. I need you to tell her anything, and be extremely convincing.”

  “Is this a joke?” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

  “No, it’s not a fucking joke. I need you to explain the entire situation. Apparently, my word isn’t good enough.”

  “So, you want me to fix your problems with your new girlfriend so you can live happily ever after? No thanks.”

  His eyes widened. “Don’t be a bitch, Danielle.”

  “That’s a good way to convince me.”

  He gripped his hair in frustration. “Don’t be like this. You’re my only option.”

  “Well, that’s some hard luck.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Everyone in the restaurant turned toward them.

  Blaise kept his mouth shut so he wouldn’t scream again. After a minute, he spoke. “I’ll never take you back, Danielle. So this attempt of yours is totally pointless. You may as well let me be happy.”

  “My answer is still no.”

  He clenched his fists. “Danielle, she’s the one. I want to marry her. I want to have babies with her. I want to grow old with her. You’re really going to do everything you can to stop that from happening? That’s how sick you are?”

  She averted her gaze.

  “What do you want?” he snapped. “I’ll do anything to change your mind. Do you want money? I’ll give you money.”

  She looked at him. “There is something I want.”

  “Name it,” he said quickly.

  “I want you to sleep with me.”

  “What?” He shook his head. “Wait. What?”

  “I want you to sleep with me,” she repeated.


  She shrugged. “It’s what I want. I know if we’re together again, you’ll come back to me.”

  “That isn’t going to happen, Danielle.”

  “Take it or leave it.”

  He sighed. “What guarantee do I have that you’ll uphold your end of the bargain?”

  “If I say I’ll do something, I’ll do it.”

  He rested his face in his palms and thought for a moment. He and Alexandra were broken up, so if he did sleep with Danielle he wouldn’t be doing anything wrong. He could hide if from her so they could get back together. He could take the secret to his grave. But the idea of being with anyone else besides Alexandra made him sick, especially Danielle. He wouldn’t be able to look at Alexandra the same and not feel completely worthless. The guilt would be too much. They may not be together at the moment, but he was as committed to her as he had always been. “No.”


  “It’s never going to happen.”

  “Then I’m going not going to tell her.”
  Blaise felt his anger rise. “I’ve done a lot for you, Danielle. I’ve been protecting you and taking care of you for a long time. That protection is about to expire if you keep this up.”

  “I’ll call your bluff,” she said simply.

  He shook his head. “I can’t believe you won’t help me after everything I’ve done for you.”

  Danielle said nothing.

  “I’m done with you,” he said simply. “Don’t call me for anything. I won’t answer. Even if Evan is beating you to death, I won’t come to you. You’re on your own.”

  “You wouldn’t do that…”

  “I just did.” He rose from the table.


  He looked at her.

  “Blaise, please don’t do this.”

  “I’ll protect you if you tell her the truth. That’s my bargain.”


  “If you want my services, they aren’t free. Tell Alexandra everything and I’ll be there night and day.”

  Danielle closed her mouth.

  “Seriously? You would rather risk your life than see me with someone else?”

  Her eyes brimmed with tears. “Love does crazy things to people.”

  “Love? Fuck you, Danielle. I’ll see you at your funeral.”

  She gasped at the comment.

  He left the restaurant then walked to his truck. The man inside him felt guilty for abandoning a helpless woman, but her refusal to help him crossed a line. If she wouldn’t help him, why should he help her? Alexandra was the one thing he wanted. He’d give up his company, his house, everything just to sleep with her every night. But that was becoming less possible by the minute.

  He drove to his uncle’s house then marched to the front door. He rang the bell many times, impatient to get this conversation over with. His aunt answered the door.

  “Blaise?” Her eyes were wide with surprise. “It’s late.”

  “Where’s John?”

  “Oh. He’s watching TV.”

  Blaise walked inside without being invited. He moved into the living room and stood in front of the TV, staring his uncle down.

  “What a nice surprise,” he said sarcastically.

  “I should kill you for what you did.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He looked down at his shoes then back up.

  Blaise knew he was lying, but he didn’t need that terrible performance to confirm it. “Save me the bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m your damn nephew!”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Blaise wanted to scream. “I know you poisoned my fields. You really thought I wouldn’t figure it out?”

  Theresa stood in the doorway, looking nervous.

  “You keep talking but I have no idea what you’re saying.”

  Blaise grabbed him by the collar then yanked him harshly.

  John’s eyes widened. “Don’t touch your uncle like that, you piece of shit.”

  Blaise punched him in the nose.

  Theresa covered her mouth and gasped.

  “If you step on my property ever again, I’ll fucking shoot your brains out. You understand me?”

  “I’ll call the cops,” Theresa said.

  Blaise ignored her. “Do you understand me?”

  His uncle spat in his face. “Get out of my house.”

  “Gladly.” He punched him again until he fell back onto the couch. “Have a good night.” He marched back to the door then slammed it closed. He heard his aunt crying on the other side as he walked back to his truck. He had another stop before he went home.

  Cole had a small house in the country. It was hidden from the road so it was hard to find unless you knew where to look. Blaise pulled into the dirt driveway then reached his door. When he tried the handle it was unlocked. He stepped inside.


  He came down the hallway. “Don’t you knock?”

  Blaise shoved him against the wall. “You helped Uncle John poison my crops.”

  “No, I didn’t!”

  “Yes you did, asshole.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Cole tried to push him off but Blaise held him in place.

  “I’m your fucking brother!”

  Cole’s eyes widened. “I didn’t do it.”

  “I’m officially done with you. You’re out.”


  “You’re out of the business.”

  Cole shoved him. “What? You can’t do that.”

  “My name is the only one on the business license. I can do whatever the hell I want. I only let you stay on because of Mom and Dad, but after you tried to completely ruin the company, I don’t feel obligated to help you.”

  “Wait,” he said quickly. “Let me explain.”

  “So you did lie?” Blaise hated liars. Nothing got further under his skin.

  “Hear me out,” Cole said. “Uncle John said we needed to manipulate you into taking that deal. So he and I changed the pesticide amount. But he told me it would only damage some of your crops, not all of them. Since you’d have less cotton, we thought you would sell to South Korea and get locked into a contract, which would provide plentiful business. I swear I had no idea it would be so damaging.”

  Blaise glared at him. “I can’t believe you would backstab me like that.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I really am.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He sighed. “I would never ruin the company on purpose. Why would I? It’s my income and it belonged to Mom and Dad.”

  “You still conspired against me with Uncle John. What kind of brother does that?”

  Cole ran his fingers through his hair. “Like I said, I didn’t know this would happen.”

  “You’re dead to me,” he said simply. “Family fights, family argues, but family never betrays each other, not like this. You may be my blood, but you aren’t my brother. Don’t come near me again.”

  Cole looked like he’d been shot. “Blaise, I’m sorry. Keep the money. I don’t care. But please don’t cut me out of your life. I’m your brother.”

  “I’m done with you.” He turned back to the door.

  “Blaise! I said I was sorry.”

  “Fuck you, asshole!

  “Give me another chance.”

  Blaise walked outside and headed to this truck.

  Cole came after him. “Blaise—”

  He turned around and punched him in the face as hard as he could. Cole fell to the ground, clutching his nose. “Don’t come near me again.” He got into his truck then pulled out of the driveway, his brother still lying on the ground.

  Chapter Twenty

  Alexandra was asleep when her phone rang on the nightstand. She fumbled for it then opened her eyes, seeing Blaise’s name on the screen. She had no idea what he wanted at this hour. She glanced at Paul and saw he was still asleep.

  “Hello?” she whispered.

  He was quiet for a long time. “I need to see you.”

  The despair in his voice was paramount. “What’s wrong?”

  “I just need to talk. Can I come to you?”

  “Uh…” She glanced at Paul. “I’ll come to your place.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want you driving around in the middle of the night.”

  “There’s no one on the road. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

  Alexandra hung up then slipped out of bed. She was careful not to wake Paul. He turned on his side but didn’t open his eyes. After she changed and left the house, she drove down the deserted streets to his property. The stars were bright in the sky. The only other light was from the dashboard.

  When she pulled into the driveway, he was standing on his porch. Kane was sitting beside him, his tongue hanging out.

  She approached him and saw the sadness on his face. “What is it?”

  He sighed then sat on the step. “Cole.”

  Alexandra sat beside him. “What happene

  “I confronted him about the poisoning. He lied and said he had nothing to do with it. But when I threatened to take his income away, he fessed up. Cole said he didn’t mean to destroy all the crops. He was just trying to hurt some of them so I’d take that deal in South Korea.” He shook his head. “He fucking betrayed me.”

  She rested her hands in her lap. The pain in his voice and the despair on his face broke her heart. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I told him I never wanted to see him again.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Did you not hear what I said?” he snapped. “He went behind my back and tried to purposely poison my crops. How can I ever trust him again? What kind of brother does that? He cares more about money than my trust.”

  “Well, maybe Uncle John talked him into it.”

  “Don’t take his side,” he snapped.

  She looked at him. “Blaise, why did you call me?”

  He stared at his hands. “I needed to talk to you.”

  “And I’m the voice of reason when yours is lost. This is your brother we are talking about. And you only have one.”

  “What would you do?”

  Alexandra played with her hands. “Abby would never do that.”


  “She’s my sister.”

  “And what if she did?”

  She shrugged. “I would know it wasn’t intentional. She would have good reason.”

  “Well, Cole doesn’t.”

  She grabbed his hand. “Did he seem sincere?”

  “He said I didn’t have to pay him anymore, but he doesn’t want to lose me.”

  “That sounds pretty contrite.”

  “Or just one final attempt,” he said bitterly.

  “Did you talk to your uncle?”

  “I gave him a nice beating. If he comes on my property, I’ll shoot him.”

  She ran her fingers down his palm, feeling the grooves and lines of his skin. “You don’t deserve this, Blaise.”

  “I know…” He sighed. “I wish my dad was here.”

  “You’re doing a great job without him.”

  He shook his head. “I let this happen. I should have taken better caution.”

  “No one should ever have to be suspicious of their own family.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said quietly.


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