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In Finn's Heart

Page 9

by Roxie Rivera

  When he reached the park, Finn drove around the entire perimeter and slowly crept through the parking lot to get a feel for the place. He chose a space that was easily reached and close to the exit, just in case. The number of children tended by their mothers and caregivers made him nervous. Would Hector put innocent kids at risk for a meeting?

  Hoping the enforcer wasn't that reckless, he crossed the parking lot and scanned the playground. He spotted Hector sitting at a bench under one of the big shade trees. He had a plastic cup of lemonade in one hand and his phone in the other. Taking the spot next to him, Finn leaned back and stretched out his legs. He glanced at Hector and caught the briefest glimpse of the photos he had been surreptitiously taking with his phone. A flash of red hair caught his eye before the device was quickly pocketed.

  Pretending not to have seen it, Finn looked over the playground with a bored expression. In truth, he was searching for the redhead Hector had been photographing. "So you wanted to see me?"

  "My boss would like an answer about the job we proposed."

  "You didn't propose anything." Finn zeroed in on a redhead pushing a toddler in one of the baby swings. Interesting.

  "We need you to use your skillset to solve a problem in much the same way you solved that unfortunate poltergeist problem of ours."

  Finn's lips thinned with a line of irritation. "I'm not a killer for hire."

  "No, but you're a man facing a long trial and twenty-five to life if found guilty."

  Finn doubted that very much. No jury in the state of Texas would convict him for killing a known cartel assassin to save his brother. Then again, it wasn't the prospect of a jury trial and the ensuing publicity that concerned him the most. It was the prospect of what the cartel or Nikolai would do if he said no.

  Sighing, Finn kept his gaze focused on the young woman pushing the squealing, laughing baby. She looked younger than Hadley, maybe even closer to Coby's age. Despite the mother's bright red hair, the baby had wild dark curls. An idea started to form in Finn's mind, but he didn’t tip his hand just yet.

  "If I say no?"

  "You won't." Hector finished off his lemonade and chucked the cup into the nearest trashcan. He sank the shot with minimal effort. Despite the circumstances, Finn was impressed. "I'll be in touch shortly, Finn. You'll want to keep your schedule open. Don't worry about materials. We'll provide you with everything you'll need to finish the job."

  Standing up, Hector took a handful of steps before turning around to face him. "I hope Hadley is going to be all right."

  Narrowing his eyes, Finn questioned the cartel man. "What is the deal there?"

  "Did she say anything about me?"

  "She mentioned you in passing. Said it was complicated."

  "It is."

  Finn took a moment to look at Hector Salas, to really look at him. His brown skin was a shade darker than Hadley's but there were similarities in Hector's face and that of her older brother Carlos. Thinking of Hadley's father, he wondered if the old man had gotten some girl in trouble thirty years ago. "Are you her brother?"

  "Cousin," Hector corrected. "We're cousins. My mother and her father were brother and sister."


  "My mother was killed by my father's enemies."

  Finn suspected Hector meant one of the many drug wars that occurred south of the border had claimed her.

  "Hadley is safe," Hector assured him. "She's family. I protect my family."

  Finn's gaze traveled to the redhead and the child. He began to form an even clearer picture of the dynamic at play here.

  "You'll do this job, and you'll go home. We'll never speak of it again. If I see you in public, we act like strangers. It's easy, Finn. You'll do what you need to do to protect your family."

  Though it made his gut twist to even think of killing someone for the cartel or to betray the cartel by running right to Nikolai, Finn didn't argue with Hector. He truly would do whatever was necessary to protect his family. There was no price too high to keep the people he loved safe.

  He prayed Hadley would forgive him for what he was about to do if she ever found out.

  Chapter Eight

  When Finn knocked on the door of Hadley's penthouse later that evening, he was greeted by Coby. She had a leather satchel dangling over one shoulder and was hopping into a pair of lime green and orange sneakers. "Hey, Finn! Come on in."

  "You heading out?" He held out his hand to steady her when she started to tilt toward the entryway table. "Careful."

  She shot him a thankful smile. "Yeah, I'm meeting some friends to mix some tracks." Her gaze dropped to the paper bag in his other hand. "Italian?"

  Finn nodded. "She said she wanted pasta."

  "You're new to this so I'll let you in on a secret. When Hadley asks for pasta, that's code for comfort. It means she's afraid or feeling insecure."

  He filed away that tidbit. "Thanks for the heads-up."

  "Be extra sweet with her tonight, okay? She's had a rough day." Coby lifted her satchel strap over her head. "And don't be weird about the monitor she's wearing."


  Coby nodded. "She'll explain it to you. Just don't a make a big deal about it."

  "I wouldn’t. I won't," he promised. Gesturing to his leg, he said, "Like I've got any room to talk?"

  Coby glanced at his leg as if she had forgotten. "Oh. Right." Glancing at the neon orange watch strapped to her wrist, she said, "I've got to run. She's in the studio."

  He stepped aside as Coby headed out the door. "Be safe tonight."

  "I always am. Lock up?"

  "Yeah." He shut and locked the door behind Coby and sought out Hadley. When he reached the studio, he found her listening to music and standing in front of her drawing table. Dressed in tiny pink shorts and a white tank, she had a capped red marker behind one ear and traced the page in front of her with the pointed tip of a black one. He waited until she had lifted the marker to speak. "Hadley?"

  She turned toward the doorway and smiled at him. "Finn!"

  Now that she was facing him, he could see the green electrode stickers dotting her chest and abdomen. The wires were all gathered to the left side of her hip and were attached to a cell phone sized device clipped onto the waistband of her shorts. Lifting his gaze to her face, he read her taut expression and felt awful for her. It couldn't be easy to walk around like a science experiment.

  "That's new," he said casually and crossed the studio. He placed their dinner on a worktable and leaned down to kiss her. Careful with his hand, he settled it against the small of her back before dipping down to claim her lush pout. He made sure she understood that he had missed her today by kissing her until she was fisting the front of his shirt and making whimpering noises. His cock started to throb to life, but he ignored the primitive impulse for now. Later…

  Biting her lip and gazing up at him so adoringly, she smiled. "I guess the monitor doesn't freak you out."

  He shook his head. "No."

  "I have to wear it for twenty-four hours. It allows the cardiac team to see exactly how my heart is beating."

  "Are there any restrictions while you're using it?"

  Her eyes flashed with something akin to mischief. "No. Why?"

  He shrugged nonchalantly. "Just wondering."

  Walking her fingers up his arm, she sidled closer and brushed her lips the sensitive curve of his throat. "Are you wondering about me naked, Finn?"

  He shivered as her soft tongue flicked at his skin. "Might be."

  She ran her hands over his chest. "All you have to do is ask."

  He chuckled quietly and kissed her again. His hand rode the curve of her back and landed on her tight little ass. He palmed her plump flesh. "And if I asked you to strip and crawl up onto that table so I have my dessert first?"

  Heat flushed her cheeks the prettiest shade of tawny pink. She gulped and licked her lips. "I would have definitely have to hit the event record button on this monitor."

  He laughed. "Oh, I
see. So when we're…?"

  She nodded. "That's the deal."

  "Hmm," he said, feigning uncertainty while he peppered kisses up and down her neck. "I'm not sure how I feel about being graded by strangers."

  "You'd better show them your best work."

  "Is that a dare?"

  She bit her lip. "I have a feeling I've just gotten myself into trouble."

  "Something tells me that's a position you find yourself in quite often."

  They both laughed. After a few more yearning kisses, Finn insisted they eat diner while it was still hot. They moved to the dining room and had a nice meal together. She talked to him about her appointment with Dr. Rae and what her future surgery would probably entail. She spoke with such resignation. It saddened him greatly.

  What was it like to grow up knowing that there were always going to be limits? Hadley clearly fought like hell to break those limits. She had done amazing things in her short life, but was she fueled by a desire to accomplish as much as possible, just in case? He couldn’t imagine living like that. Even when fighting in the sandbox, he hadn't feared death. He had been so fucking arrogant and confident in his skills that he had simply assumed he would survive. And he had—against all odds.

  But it wasn't that simple for Hadley. She had beaten the odds, time and time again. Even so, it would never end. She would have her heart fixed—and then what? Would she make it ten years? Fifteen? What would it be like to always have an expiration date hanging over her head?

  As they finished dinner and cleaned up the mess, he decided that for one night, at the very least, he was going to make her forget. Standing side by side in the bathroom, they brushed their teeth and exchanged flirtatious glances. When they were done dabbing at their mouths, he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He was tempted to toss her down on that king size bed caveman style, but he didn't want to dislodge the electrodes attached to her skin.

  Realizing he was going to need help getting her undressed, he set her down next to the bed. She seemed to understand what he was thinking. "If you'll help me lift my shirt, I'll hold down the wires.

  "Okay." He pulled the front of the shirt as far away from her skin as possible and lifted it carefully. He tossed it behind him and gazed at her naked breasts. They were big enough to fill his hands and sensitive too if the shuddery sigh she gave at his thumb brushing a peak was any indication. The urge to suckle her sweet tits was high, but he was concerned about the electrodes there. Maybe if he was really careful…


  Yep. Really careful.

  Smiling against her breast, he sucked her nipple into his mouth, pulling on the puckered peak with hard tugs. She clutched at his shoulders and pressed against him. He paid attention to her other breast by pinching and rolling her nipple between his fingertips. He was gentle at first and increased the pressure by following her cues. His mouth danced back and forth between her breasts until she was panting.

  The scent of her arousal drifted toward his nose. So she liked that, did she? He had a couple of things in mine he hoped she would like even more.

  "Get on the bed," he ordered softly. When she was on her back, he rid himself of his prosthesis for the night, letting it fall carelessly next to the bed. He crawled over her and nuzzled her neck. He had to keep his chest off of hers because of the wires and stickers.

  "Um, we need to be careful with this." Hadley unclipped the monitoring device before things got too headed. She made sure the wires had slack in them as she pushed the device out of the way and across the mattress. "Nothing too crazy tonight."

  "Not tonight," he promised. Sliding down beside her, he hooked one of his legs over hers and dragged her thighs apart. While he devoured her mouth and stabbed his tongue against hers, he caressed her upper thighs and lower belly. He wanted to run his hands over her chest but that would have to wait.

  When he cupped her pussy, he could feel the blazing heat radiating off of her. He explored her with his fingers. She was already soaking wet. He kept his attention on her clit for the moment. She seemed tense and nervous so he hoped an orgasm would relax her. He ran his finger over the swollen nub hidden away there, his finger moving in a U shape along the hood that protected her pleasure button.

  When her thighs widened even more and she started to stab her tongue against his, he concentrated his fingertips on her clit, moving in faster, tighter circles now. She rocked her hips and panted against his mouth. With a squeak of surprise, she came quietly. Her little orgasm was the first of many he planned to give her so he didn't push it.

  Moving down the bed, he slid onto his belly between her thighs. He hadn't eaten pussy in quite a while. It wasn't something he ever indulged in with those one-night stands, and he hadn't dated anyone seriously enough to get this intimate in ages. His mouth watered as he gazed upon her pink, glistening folds. He used his fingers to separate her lips and lazily ran his tongue through her slit.

  Hadley made a whimpering sound that made his balls fucking ache. Wanting to see if she tasted as good as she looked, he dipped his tongue into her cunt. She reminded him of the sea, and he couldn't get enough. Settled in for the long haul, he lavished her virgin pussy with attention. He was gentle at first, just exploring her and finding out what she liked. When he figured that out, his flicks grew more intense and focused.

  This time, she came with a loud moan, her back arching off the bed and his name falling from her lips. Her nails scratched at his scalp. He smiled against her pussy and continued suckling and nibbling at her until she came down from that second euphoric high.

  She was wetter now, and her slick cum made it easy for one finger to enter her. Her tight passage squeezed his long finger, and his cock throbbed with jealousy. The thought of being buried in this slippery heat made him so hard he actually hurt. Soon, he promised his cock. Patience.

  His tongue fluttered around her clit while his finger slipped in and out of her with ease. Always mindful of her, he made sure to glance at her face and listen to her breaths, in case there was trouble. With the utmost care, he added a second finger, stretching her a bit and giving her time to adjust. He felt her walls clenching his fingers and attacked her clit with a little more intensity.

  Panting, she cried out again and again, her moans growing louder and higher. He followed her cues and pushed her into another orgasm. She burst with ecstasy and a high-pitched cry. A flood of her nectar drenched his chin, and he grinned like a victor. Swelling with manly pride, he went wild between her thighs, forcing her to come and come until she begged him to stop.

  He kissed her clit and her inner thighs but he wasn't done yet. He removed the fingers soaked by her slick cream and pressed one against the pucker hidden between her cheeks. Hadley gasped, but she didn't try to move away. He glanced at her face. A beet red blush darkened her face as he penetrated her virgin ass. He sensed that she was simultaneously curious and outraged by his scandalous act so he gave her ample time to tell him to stop.

  When she didn't, he slipped his thumb back into her pussy. She thrust her hips toward him, rolling them like a belly dancer, and whimpered wantonly. Smiling, he dropped his mouth to her clit again. She went crazy as he fingered her ass and pussy and licked that pink pearl of hers. As he gave her pleasure, Finn secretly planned all the ways he would eventually claim her. If things continued so hot and heavy between them, she wouldn't be a virgin for long.

  He heard elastic popping and realized she had yanked the sheets off the bed. Laughing against her pussy, he decided to give her what she needed. He fluttered his tongue around her clit in the way that made her scream the hardest and thrust his fingers into her body again and again until she shattered. His name echoed in the penthouse over and over until she sagged against the bed, completely and utterly spent.

  "Finn," she whispered hoarsely and rubbed the back of his head as he rested his cheek on her thigh. "That was… I can't even… God!"

  He smiled and kissed her thigh. "The more we try it, the bette
r we'll get."

  "I don't know if I can survive better. This was better than I ever imagined. I didn't even know that it could be this good."

  Glad that he had demolished whatever other experiences she had had with past boyfriends, Finn crawled back up to her side. She traced his lips with her fingertip and kissed him so tenderly. "Thank you."

  "No need for a thank you. I enjoyed that as much as you did."

  She eyed him curiously. "Really?"

  "Making you come while my tongue was buried inside you? That was the highlight of the last five years of my life." He scratched his stubbled jaw. "Hell, maybe the whole thing."

  Her small hand bravely grasped his dick. "So I guess that means you don't want me to take care of this?"

  He caught her teasing little smirk. Covering his hand with hers, he murmured, "I didn't say that." Glancing at the wires, he shook his head. "As much as I'd love to bury my cock in that sweet, pouty mouth of yours, I think it's better if we don't tonight."

  She didn't disagree with him. "Tell me what you want."

  "Straddle my thighs," he instructed, leaning back against the pillows behind him for the best view. "Just be careful there." He pointed to the scarred end of his stump. "It can be pretty sensitive. It's not a good feeling when it gets jostled."

  "Okay." She cautiously moved into the position he had ordered. He watched her face as she did, searching for any signs of secret revulsion. More than once he had come across women who were sickened by the sight of his mangled leg. Hadley didn't seem to pay it any mind at all. To her, it was just a part of him.

  "Get your fingers wet," he urged, his breaths coming faster now. She blushed again but her embarrassment didn’t stop her from reaching between her thighs. Fingers slick, she wrapped them around the top of his shaft and slowly stroked him. He was already on edge from feeling her come under his mouth.


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