Death Beckons (Mortis Vampire Series, #1)
Page 25
Released by the guards, Luc seemed even more dazed than I’d felt during the fight with my imposter. He shook his head in denial even as he dragged his steps towards me. The sword made metallic ringing noises each time the tip touched the marbled floor. Fighting against the compulsion, he closed the distance between us until he was standing only a yard away. Just like in my dream, his sword rested with the tip on the floor. His eyes implored me to run. I wanted to but my feet were welded to the floor.
“I gave you an order, Lucentio!” the Comtesse thundered. Luc flinched and lifted his sword.
I’d known since I’d first read the prophet’s journal that this was how I would die but I hadn’t expected it to be so soon. I hadn’t had time to prepare for the idea that my short life as a vampire was about to end. But I still have work to do, I thought in dismay. How could the prophecy have been so wrong? I’d barely even started thinning down the vampire population. There were still so many of them left to kill.
“I am sorry, Natalie,” Luc said in a voice low enough that only I could hear him. “But no one can disobey an order that their maker has given them.” With that, my doom was sealed. He swung the sword up then it flashed in a deadly arc and sliced through my neck.
Again just like in my dream, my head flew through the air. It bounced a few times, rolled and came to rest at an angle where I could see my body. In slow motion, my headless corpse fell to its knees and stayed slumped over. At an order from the Comtesse, her guards ran forward and began hacking at my fallen body. I felt every painful blow even though I should have been senseless by now. Luc was on his knees with his hands over his face so he wouldn’t have to witness my final demise. I wished I didn’t have to witness it either but was powerless to close my eyes against the massacre. My body was hewn into multiple pieces then kicked into an unruly heap by the guards.
As my sight finally began to fade, I saw something that would have made perfect sense if I’d been alive enough to think about it. The Comtesse stood beside my dismembered body, nudging my unmoving torso with a golden shoe. Her shadow suddenly hunkered down, examining my hacked up body parts. As if sensing my scrutiny, the silhouette turned to view my severed head. I couldn’t see its expression but I knew it was smirking at me.
“Did you really think you were any match for us?” it whispered in my mind. “You have failed, Mortis and now we are free to return.”
It all became clear then. I belatedly realized exactly what was going on with the shadows. I knew their goal and how close they were to success. With my death, no one would be able to stop them. Just as Alexander’s book had prophesized, our ancient and long dead father’s plan was coming to fruition.
I’d seen a sentient shadow possess its owner but I knew that was just the beginning. When the demi-god’s plan was fully realized, vampires would no longer be in control of themselves. Their shadows would be in charge and something told me their ultimate goal would be to take over the world.
Struggling futilely against my destiny, I was helpless to deny death as it beckoned me home into darkness.
Note from the Author:
If you are like me, your time is valuable and I am very glad you enjoyed this novel enough to read it through to the end. As you no doubt know, reviews are an excellent tool to help new readers find my work and decide if the book is for them. I would very much appreciate it if you would take a few moments to leave a review.
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Also by J.C. Diem in the Mortis Series:
Death Embraces
Death Deceives
Death Devours
Death Betrays
Death Banishes
Death Returns
Death Conquers
Death Reigns