Love is Blindness

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Love is Blindness Page 2

by Sean Michael

  “Biting.” Lucien nibbled at his shoulder.

  His skin tingled. “Do you leave marks?”

  “If you like.” Gentle teeth grazed his collarbone.

  “Mmm… Tingles.” He was having so much fun.

  “You want more?” Lucien asked, slowly undoing Kieran’s zipper.

  “Hmm? Yes, please.” Of course Kieran wanted more. He hadn’t invited Lucien here just to snuggle.

  “Excellent. So do I.” Mouth moving to Kieran’s neck, Lucien slid the pants down. His teeth scraped harder now, up and down, making Kieran’s skin supersensitive.

  Kieran shuddered, eyes rolling, throat working hard. His fingers were tangled in Lucien’s hair, caught in the silk of it.

  “Undress me, Kieran.” Lucien stroked his cock.

  “Sorry. You distracted me.” Kieran blushed and grinned a little. “You’re very seductive.” Embarrassed, he started working at Lucien’s clothes. He wasn’t a selfish lover, he wasn’t. He’d just gotten…distracted.

  Lucien’s teeth were on his neck again. “You’re forgiven, Kieran.”

  “Oh, good.” He slid his hands down to work Lucien’s pants open. “I’d hate to screw things up so soon.”

  “You aren’t screwing anything up, Kieran.” Lucien slipped out of his pants.

  Kieran reached out, tracing the dark tattoo in awe. “You’re stunning.”

  Lucien’s belly rippled, the black cat moving on the pale skin. Leaning closer, Kieran licked the shape and breathed in the scent of male and want and need.

  “Yes…” Lucien dropped back onto the futon, one hand on Kieran’s ass, pulling him in, the other sliding around, holding his head still for that wicked mouth at his neck. Stretching, Kieran moaned at the sensation of their skin sliding together. Lucien’s cock was hard, full, hot, pressing against his, moving like fire on his skin.

  “You… You’re a flame.” Kieran curled his hand around Lucien’s ass, holding them tight together.

  “Yes. Are you a moth, Kieran?”

  “I hadn’t thought so.”

  “No? I can feel your heart beating like wings against my lips.”

  “Such a poet.” Shaking, he gasped and gripped Lucien.

  Lucien moved against him, touches burning like flames against skin. The scraping was back, making his skin tingle in the wake of Lucien’s teeth. It made him ache; it made him gasp and twist; it made his cock weep.

  “Yes,” Lucien muttered, teeth biting sharply, nearly breaking the skin.

  “Careful…” Diseases and shit. You had to be careful.

  But oh, God, the man was hot.

  “Don’t worry, Kieran, I know what I’m doing.” Sliding them together, Lucien moved Kieran’s ass and the other hand continued to hold his head. He bit into Kieran’s neck again, hard and sharp, the pain bright.

  “Fuck!” Kieran’s head slammed back against the pillows, hands going to push against Lucien’s shoulders.

  Lucien purred, or maybe growled, the sound vibrating along Kieran’s neck, radiating from the bite. Hot lips stayed glued onto him, Lucien sucking from the bite. Kieran shook his head, pushing harder, heart pounding wildly. As much as he struggled to get away, though, his cock seemed fine just rubbing; he was still hard.

  Fingers wrapping around his prick, Lucien tugged in time with the sucks to Kieran’s neck.

  A low noise pushed from Kieran’s throat and his heels dug into the mattress. “Not being safe…”

  “Let it go,” Lucien whispered, mouth returning to Kieran’s neck again as soon as the words were spoken.

  “Sweet fuck.” Kieran bucked up, hips moving furiously as need slid down his spine.

  “Come for me, Kieran, let me taste your pleasure.”

  Eyes rolling along with his hips, Kieran came hard and his seed sprayed between them. Lucien sucked hard on his neck, more heat splashing between them.

  Lucien licked at the wound on his neck, tongue hot, sliding. It made Kieran shiver, made his cock jerk, and he purposefully didn’t think about what he’d just done. Man, weed had never made him so stupid with a man before.

  Heavy against him, Lucien nuzzled and licked, touch sliding along his skin. “I know you now, Kieran.”

  Kieran frowned, distracted by the touches. “Hmm?”

  “I know you from the inside out.” Lucien’s cock hardened against him, lean hips sliding them together.

  Damn, that was an amazing recovery period.

  Kieran stretched, moaning low. “You’re something else.”

  “One of a kind.” Long fingers explored, sliding over Kieran. One leg lifting to slide up against Lucien’s, Kieran felt his own prick trying to fill. “You’re beautiful. Your skin is smooth and warm, the shape of you calls my fingers.”

  “Flatterer.” The bite at Kieran’s throat throbbed, pulsing in time with his heartbeat.

  “Truth, Kieran. My fingers don’t lie to me.”

  He blushed, unaccountably flushed and pleased. Christ. He was a grown man, a man who’d fucked a dozen lovers in the last year, and here he was, getting seduced.

  Lucien’s nostril flared again. “I love the smell of you when you blush.”

  “I… You can tell?” His breath hitched and he grew hotter.

  “I can. Oh, delicious, Kieran. You tempt me so.”

  “You’re the temptation, so seductive.” Trying to get himself on equal ground, he reached out and started touching.

  That prompted more purrs, Lucien pushing gracefully into his touches. “Such gentle fingers.”

  Beginning to relax, to feel more in control, Kieran smiled.

  “Do you like my snake?” Lucien teased.

  Chuckling, Kieran trailed his fingers around the dark shape inked into Lucien’s upper arm. “Yes. Quite…slinky.”

  “That’s a nice word, Kieran. Slinky. Mmm…” Lucien’s fingers slid over his belly and his muscles jumped, twitching under the soft touch. “Mmm…you like that, Kieran. What else do you like?”

  “I like touching, like fucking in the shower. Like slow morning sex.”

  Lucien groaned. “Should I ask instead what don’t you like?”

  Chuckling, Kieran thought about it. “I don’t like having my balls squeezed and my feet are ticklish, not erogenous.”

  “Stay away from the feet, got it.” Lucien nuzzled his neck, nose stroking where the bite mark was. “Will you let me ‘see’ them at least, once so I know?”

  “Of course. Yes, please.” The bite mark throbbed, aching.

  “Will you let me touch you all over, Kieran? Let me discover what I already know in my blood?”

  He nodded, then caught himself. “Yes. Surely. How would you like me?”

  “Let’s start with your back.”

  Kieran stretched, then turned, offering Lucien his back and ass, cock snuggled into the sheets. Lucien’s fingers were long and warm, sliding up his arm to his head. His hair was pushed out off his shoulders, Lucien’s touch a little firmer as it traced his skull.

  “That feels delicious.” Shivering, he moaned softly.

  “Mmm, touching should.”

  Lucien traced his neck and then the top of his shoulders, followed by his arms all the way down to his hands. Relaxing, Kieran briefly twined their fingers together; letting Lucien see him was incredibly intimate, erotic.

  Kissing the backs of his knuckles, Lucien trailed his fingers back up, before starting the journey down again, along Kieran’s back. Sometimes butterfly-soft, sometimes with far more pressure, Lucien touched him. His spine was traced, revisited again and again, his shoulder blades tested, the small of his back had Lucien’s fingertips dragged across it.

  Kieran’s toes curled at the touches to his lower back, his ass clenching and thighs parting a little as he blushed. Damned hot spot. Moaning, Lucien kept his fingers right there, trying different touches—hard, soft, scraping, pressing, lips kissing him there as well.

  “Lucien…” Hips starting to shift, Kieran slid his cock on the sheets.

bsp; Lucien’s lips curved against his skin, the long fingered hands exploring his ass now, moving with him.

  “I… You’re learning things about me lovers I had for months missed.”

  “When you’re blind, you see things others don’t.”

  “What do you see in me?”

  “You’re a sensual one. Your erogenous zone is your skin, which can be enjoyed like a fine wine, played like a master’s instrument.” Lucien nipped at his ass. “You like to be touched gently, roughly, bitten, licked, fingernails used. Variety makes you hard.”

  “I…” Kieran jerked. “You sound very sure.” He was going to die of advanced seduction. Lucien was such a beautiful, wicked man.

  “I can smell how much you want me, Kieran. I can feel the way you move beneath my touch. I am sure.” Suddenly falling against him, Lucien’s hair slid over his back.

  “Oh…” Kieran closed his eyes, knees drawing up beneath him. It was cool, slick, soft.

  “You see? I’m right.” Lucien’s hair slid along his skin as those fingers continued exploring, cupping his ass before each finger slid along his crease.

  “You’re very seductive.” Hips pressing back towards the touch, he spread his thighs.

  “Isn’t that why you brought me here?” Lucien asked, hair trailing over the small of Kieran’s back and down off his buttocks as a wicked tongue teased his hole.

  “I… Lucien!” Never. He’d never. It wasn’t safe and God it felt hot, good.

  Lucien groaned, sending vibrations up through Kieran’s ass and into him. Then the teasing tongue pressed in.

  “Lucien!” Voice ringing out, Kieran shifted forward, his eyes open wide. “You can’t—”

  “Why not?” Words rich and heavy, Lucien’s chuckle was husky and then Kieran was being licked inside again.

  “Sweet fuck. I… Safe sex. I’ve never. Fuck, it’s good.” Head spinning, he felt so stoned, like he was flying.

  “Dangerous but safe, Kieran,” Lucien murmured. “That’s me.” His tongue kept working Kieran’s ass, making him wet, making him shake.

  “I…” Sensation poured over him in a wave and he dropped his head into his hands.

  Tracing the muscles, sliding over his skin as that hot tongue kept him flying, Lucien’s hands slid down his thighs. Kieran spread them, hips rocking, body begging obscenely and he was pleased for a heartbeat that Lucien couldn’t see it.

  Fingers slid down over his calves, a harder touch that dug in until Lucien’s hands landed on his heels. The touches there weren’t firm, but not so gentle that they tickled, Lucien “looking” at all of him, even his toes. And still Lucien tongue-fucked him, the hums making him vibrate.

  Soaring, Kieran was completely focused on Lucien’s touch, Lucien’s tongue.

  Lucien’s touch slid up his legs again, circling at his hips. One slid around his cock, the other fondled his balls—not squeezing, but cupping, feeling. So close, Kieran keened, the sweet touch to his balls driving him mad.

  Lucien’s teeth suddenly scrapped alongside his hole, the sensation sharp and startling, a marked contrast to the soft tongue that impaled him. Lights flashed behind his eyes and he screamed as he came, cock throbbing in Lucien’s hold.

  Tongue sliding from Kieran’s ass, Lucien moved up to lap at the small of his back, making the sensations vibrate within him. Kieran fought to catch his breath and put himself back together.

  “You are beautiful from behind, Kieran. I cannot wait to see your front.” The words whispered along his skin.

  “Thank you.” Panting, Kieran closed his eyes.

  Seeing him from the front was going to kill him.


  Lucien floated on sensation. Nothing aroused his senses, his needs as much as someone new, and it had been far, far too long since that someone had been as sensuous and abandoned as Kieran.

  He realized the marijuana had probably helped Kieran in that abandonment, made it easier for the man to overlook his usually careful ways. Not that there was such a thing as unsafe sex for Lucien, but he thought perhaps, high or not, Kieran was not quite ready to hear about his secrets just yet.

  The man was a bright presence to him. Lucien could feel Kieran’s shape by the heat of him, could smell Kieran’s skin, his seed, his blood pumping within the track of veins beneath lovely, warm skin. Now that he had tasted from Kieran, Lucien would be able to find the man in the densest crowd, the pull of that fine body like a magnet.

  He curled around Kieran’s heat, the soft pillows beneath him not nearly as silky and fine as the skin his fingers were eager to continue exploring.

  Groaning softly, Lucien ignored the way his cock throbbed, the way his need urged him to take the hot, tight hole he’d tasted. Instead, Lucien encouraged Kieran to turn onto his back so he could finish the picture in his mind.

  The scents enflamed him, rich and varied but still somehow complementary, reminding him of a fine wine, the scent just before grapes burst upon the tongue. The curls on Kieran’s legs were soft, tickling Lucien’s palms, one shinbone marred with the tiniest lump.

  “You are beautiful,” Lucien told Kieran softly. He bent to kiss Kieran’s hip, his teeth scraping over the bone. The blood that pumped just beneath the surface called to him, begged for his bite. He held back, though, the taste he’d already taken still warming in his belly, still thrumming through his own veins

  “What do you like best?” he asked, wanting to hear the lovely voice wash over him again. His fingers pushed into the muscles of Kieran’s thighs, stimulating the nerves as he tilted his head to catch Kieran’s answer.

  “Best? In which way?” Those lean thighs parted, Kieran spreading easily for him. “Sexually, I like anything that feels good.”

  Lucien smiled against Kieran’s inner thigh. He’d felt the man buck against him when he’d bitten down. Anything that felt good and some things that stung. Testing that theory again, he nipped just enough to break the skin, and a single drop spilled out. He snaked his tongue out and gathered it up, the true flavor of Kieran exploding in him. It made everything sharper, each sense almost overwhelmed.

  Arching, Kieran dug his heels into the futon mattress and pumped his hips. Lucien heard the slap of Kieran’s cock against the flat belly, heard the low moan. Lucien rubbed his cheek along the soft, soft skin of Kieran’s inner thigh. Such a quick recovery—it only worked that way when there was more to the mating than sex, when this was not just food, but something deeper, something necessary. And so rare.

  Lucien nuzzled Kieran’s balls, fingers exploring his sweet belly, teasing the tip of Kieran’s cock before dancing up to find the man’s nipples. His fingers were distracted by a bump along Kieran’s ribcage, the bit of flesh filling slightly as he touched it.

  “Third nipple.” Kieran’s words sounded husky, a touch self-conscious. “It’s a great conversation starter.”

  How fascinating. Lucien teased his fingers across it and circled it, as he found one of Kieran’s other nipples to compare the shape and size, the textures. “It is not conversation that it makes me want to start.”

  About half the size of Kieran’s “normal” nipples, but hardening for his touch, the skin about it tightening up, it was a delicious anomaly. “No? What do you like, Lucien? Does it turn you on?”

  “It does. I have never known anyone with such a uniqueness.”

  Abandoning the soft skin and strong, musky scents between Kieran’s legs in favor of playing with the extra nipple, of tasting it under his tongue, he moved up to it. “Is it sensitive? Does it feel good if I do this?” He bit the hard little bit of flesh between his teeth, then between his lips, and then he licked it, tongue flicking across the small piece of flesh.

  “It does. It can be tender, but I mostly forget about it.” Lucien licked again, then scraped his teeth over the tiny bump, and Kieran groaned. “It’ll remember you tomorrow.”

  “I hope it won’t be the only thing.” Continuing to tongue the little bud, he moved his fingers up to stroke ov
er Kieran’s face, to really feel each contour and know the shape by heart.

  “I sincerely doubt anyone could forget you.” Kieran was strong and quick, given to bouts of self-loathing and sorrow. Lucien could feel it in the lean face, in the lines and planes he found there.

  “Maybe you won’t be given the opportunity,” Lucien suggested, tongue sliding up along the lovely body to find Kieran’s mouth. He lost himself in it, in the heat and the flavor, in the soft licks as their tongues moved together.

  He’d been searching long for a true companion, someone whose nature was as hedonistic as his own, who would not see his blindness as a weakness that must be eradicated. Snarling, he banished the memory of Vanier, the beauty made to live eternally at his side, only to be struck down when Vanier had decided that a blind vampire needed to be put out of his misery, even if said vampire was his lover, his sire. Lucien’s kiss grew hard, his teeth scraping across Kieran’s lower lip.

  “Easy. Easy!” Kieran touched his face and slid warm fingers through his hair. “Are you here with me now? I know I didn’t make you that pissed off.”

  Growling a little, Lucien shook his head before turning his face to place a soft kiss in Kieran’s palm. “I apologize, Kieran. A stray memory that has no place here between us.”

  “Ah. Some exes deserve boiling in oil.”

  Now that was a deliciously pleasant thought… Indeed. “But they have no place in the thoughts of someone with such a feast as yourself in front of them.” Bending, he brought their mouths together, the heat of Kieran’s body allowing him to judge exactly where the man’s lips were as surely as if he could see them.

  He could feel Kieran’s heartbeat beneath the thin flesh, and the scent of the man’s skin and the sweetness of his blood teased Lucien terribly. Their kisses went deep, Kieran open and eager beneath him, slowly touching him, tracing his skin, his tattoos, him. He lost himself in the sensations, in the smells and tastes and touches and sounds they made together. Nothing else mattered but here and now and this warm, giving man.

  Rubbing his prick against Kieran’s hip, Lucien moaned into the swollen lips. “I want you, Kieran. I want to take you.” To be buried inside Kieran as he fed off the sweet, lovely blood…


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