Love is Blindness

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Love is Blindness Page 3

by Sean Michael

  “Mmm. Let me grab a condom and some lube.” Kieran stretched, half-rolling from beneath him.

  Lucien tried hard not to growl. The condom was not necessary—he would not receive or give any diseases. He could not. The lube however, would be useful, so he didn’t argue, merely touched and caressed whatever skin he could reach.

  Kieran wriggled from under him, steps padding across the room. A drawer opened and then the footsteps came closer again.

  Lucien lay back on the pillows, feeling the heat of his lover coming closer, hearing the blood singing in Kieran’s veins, the scent of the man filling his nostrils. “Will you get yourself ready for me, Kieran?”

  “I can do that.” The tube of lube popped as it opened and was followed by the wet sploot of the slick squirting out. Lucien could smell the faint, clean scent of it.

  Undulating, he could feel the different fabrics of the pillows on his back and he reached out. “Come closer so I can feel.” He didn’t want to miss a moment.

  Kieran knelt down beside Lucien, heart pounding audibly, the heat pouring off his skin. Lucien slid one hand down the lean back, stopping a moment to feel how Kieran’s hips rocked. His own hips rolled, finding the same rhythm, anticipating their coupling. Licking his lips, Lucien moaned softly as the smells rolled to him on the redolent air.

  Then he let his hand drop over Kieran’s ass, feeling the firm, round globe he’d explored before, and moving to where the man’s own fingers breached his body. Lucien added one finger to Kieran’s two, the moan he heard in response sweet and addictive.

  “You are beautiful,” he told Kieran. Beauty went far deeper than what could be seen, though he knew from having touched Kieran’s skin the man was beautiful in the conventional sense as well. “I cannot wait too long, Kieran. I need you.” His cock thrummed with it, his mouth almost watering.

  “Here’s the glove.” A small square package was pushed into his hand, Kieran settling, waiting for him.

  Lucien turned it again and again between his fingers. He hated these. Hated the scent of them, the feeling of them tight around his prick, and every loss of sensation was mourned. “This isn’t necessary, you know. I will not make you sick.”

  “How do you know I won’t make you sick, though? You don’t know me.”

  “You won’t.” He shook his head and wriggled his finger inside Kieran’s body. So tight and hot, the scent of the two of them together, of sex and heat and need rose on the air and filled his head.

  How could he explain without having Kieran either laugh or call him a freak?

  Dropping the little package, Lucien slid his hand over Kieran’s shoulder, to Kieran’s neck, and found the little bitemark he’d left earlier. He poked and pushed, knowing it would still be tender. “I have already tasted your blood, Kieran. Having you tight around me will do me no more harm than that did.”

  Leaning in, he worked his finger further inside the tight heat of Kieran’s body now, his nose buried in Kieran’s neck as he breathed in the delicious scent of the man. “Please. Do not take away from me the sensation of your body wrapped tight and hot around my cock.”

  “I…” Kieran arched, hips rolling against Lucien, pure need heady on the air.

  “You want it, too, I can tell.” He licked at the place he’d bitten, the blood so close to the surface, calling to him. He wanted to be buried inside Kieran the next time he tasted the sweet elixir.

  Lying back, he let his finger slide from Kieran’s body so he could draw Kieran to him. “Impale yourself upon me. Give us both what we so desire.” He put his will behind the suggestion, encouraging Kieran to give himself over fully. It was what they both wanted.

  “I. Oh, yes.”

  The tight heat surrounded him, squeezing and grasping him in a desperate grip. The pleasure was immediate, intense, and Lucien cried out, feeling it not just on his cock, but in his balls, and all through his body.

  Reaching out, he found Kieran’s thighs. He squeezed them, and then moved his hands upward, slowly touching the lovely body. Smooth and heated, Lucien could read pleasure in every line of Kieran’s form. His own need was telegraphed to the man, driving them both before it.

  “Move. Please, move.” His hips pushed, trying to bury his prick even deeper inside the tight heat.

  The lean muscles bunched up, then Kieran groaned and began bobbing. Kieran’s body gripped Lucien’s shaft, the tight ring of muscles sliding up and down along his cock.

  Lucien settled one hand in the middle of Kieran’s chest where he could feel the solid, wondrous beat of the man’s heart. The other he moved to Kieran’s face, exploring it, learning how its shape changed with pleasure. Kieran licked and sucked at his fingers, mouth ravenous against him.

  Delighted, Lucien moaned. He could appreciate a man who was oral. It was not often he found someone as ravenous as he himself was. He tugged Kieran down, hips rolling to keep them together as their lips met in a hard, hungry kiss.

  Jerking, Kieran cried out as Lucien’s cock pressed deep. “Again!”

  “And again and again.” Each of Lucien’s words were accompanied by a thrust, and then their mouths fused again, one of his teeth pressing into Kieran’s lower lip, sweet drops of blood welling from the cut and into his mouth.

  He lapped at the spot, and then pushed his tongue into Kieran’s mouth, imitating the movements of his hips. Riding him as if he were a prize mount, Kieran turned frantic and wild above him, and pushed deep groans into his lips.

  The need to feed properly rose in Lucien, the little drops of blood from Kieran’s lips only enough to tease, to increase his hunger. Their lips parted, Kieran’s groans freed and loud as he slid his mouth over the strong jaw, and down along Kieran’s neck.

  “H…hungry. Your lips are…” Kieran’s chin lifted, the fine-grained skin soft under Lucien’s lips.

  “You have no idea.” Licking and nibbling, he kept his touches soft and slow, at odds with his hips, which continued to drive his need deep into Kieran’s body.

  His lips passed over the bite mark again and he groaned. Yes, he needed this. Growling, he bit again, Kieran’s lifeblood flowing into him. Kieran went still, a shocked cry sounding as his fingers wrapped tightly around Lucien’s shoulders.

  His own hips didn’t stop; they couldn’t now that the feeding and the fucking were linked. Running his tongue across the deep bites, Lucien soothed where he’d bitten, even as he drew more of the blood into himself. His fingers bit into Kieran’s hips, bruising in their intensity as he brought Kieran’s body in to meet his every thrust.

  Lucien felt it when Kieran’s shock faded, when instinct overtook uncertainty and the man moved again. Yes. Yes, that was it. Kieran had such lovely instincts, such beautiful hunger.

  Flipping them suddenly, Lucien put Kieran beneath him as he drove into the delicious body over and over again and his hand wrapped around Kieran’s cock.

  Heat sprayed over his fingers as Kieran’s ass clenched, holding him tight as a fist. That tightness, and the way Kieran’s blood changed its flavor with the orgasm, spurred Lucien to his own. Cry filling the room, he pumped into Kieran’s ass.

  The man went limp beneath him, heavy and boneless, heart pounding furiously. It would take Kieran a moment or two to recover from both coming and losing blood. It was an irony that Lucien’s own energy and vigor increased as his lover’s decreased.

  He placed kisses over Kieran’s face, humming softly. “Such a lovely man.”

  Face turning toward the kisses, Kieran made sweet, happy noises. Lucien brought their mouths together, Kieran’s lips pliable and sweet beneath his own. There would be questions, Kieran was too curious, too smart not to have questions, but for these moments Kieran was as his own. Lucien savored the time, as he savored the taste of sated pleasure in Kieran’s mouth.

  “Stay for a while?” Kieran sounded almost surprised to have asked.

  “I would love to sleep with you in my arms, Kieran, and to wake again to find myself with you.” He cried ou
t as his prick slid from Kieran’s body, the lack of heat and silken tightness around him a loss.

  “Such a poet.” Kieran stayed close, cheek nuzzling his shoulder, the bare stubble just rasping.

  A ripple of delight moved through him. Kieran offered one sensation after another to him. It truly was lovely. “You bring it out in me.”

  “It’s my job, encouraging poets.”

  That made him laugh, delighted once again by this man he held. “And do you encourage them all in this manner?”

  “Only the good ones.”

  “I have found those to be few and far in between.” One could wait decades for a good poet, or a good lover, to come by. Of course, he had all the time in the world.

  Lucien licked at the corner of Kieran’s mouth, and then at his lips. Kieran was so sensual, and curious—he would make an excellent companion through time. Lucien had to laugh at himself. It had been a long time since he had been so taken with a man.

  “You look happy.” Kieran’s eyelashes tickled his skin as the man blinked.

  Lucien ran a finger along Kieran’s spine. “I do believe I am, Kieran.” His other hand came up, fingers tracing over features already familiar from the evening’s lovemaking, from looking so often with his fingertips. “And are you?”

  “Yes. Most definitely.” Kieran spoke the truth, the deep lines beside the man’s eyes faded beneath his fingers.

  “Then it was a good night for both of us.”

  It was a night well spent, and now the heaviness of impending dawn pulled him toward sleep, despite his recent feeding.

  “Are there curtains on your windows, Kieran?”

  “Hmm? Yes. Yes, I’m not an early morning fan.”

  Not an early morning fan… how wonderful. “The more I learn of you, Kieran, the more I realize how well suited we are to one another.” He allowed himself a nibble of the swollen lips. “Mornings give me hives.”

  “We can’t have that, Lucien. I’ll keep the blinds closed.”

  Pleased beyond measure, Lucien murmured softly. “Thank you, Kieran, you have my eternal gratitude.”

  “Mmm. Eternity is an extremely long time.”

  He was very well versed in how long eternity was. Or at least a small portion of it as he knew that the many years he’d lived were but a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. “It is indeed.”

  He dared wonder if Kieran might not be willing to share it with him

  Chapter Two

  Kieran went into the club, nodding at the bartender as he headed for the sofa in the corner. Three days ago Lucien had turned him inside out, and he was just getting back to normal. He’d had muscles protesting that he was fairly sure he’d never used before. Still, those protesting muscles had kept him in a state of warm arousal during the day as he taught, and later as he wandered through campus.

  Sitting and ordering a whiskey neat when the little waitress came by, Kieran let his gaze wander through the crowd. Not looking for Lucien, of course. Just.


  He was on his second whiskey when he felt… Lucien. It was the only way to describe it—all of a sudden the air felt rich, heavy, and when he looked toward the door, there was Lucien, on the arm of one of the same girls he’d come in with the last time.

  The regal face turned in Kieran’s direction, as if Lucien was looking right at him, though Kieran knew it was impossible.

  Not fighting his smile, Kieran spent a moment watching Lucien.

  The long legs moved confidently and one elegant hand waved in his direction, Lucien smiling, laughing at something the girl said. The long, black coat he wore made Lucien seem taller, set him apart from the crowd.

  Kieran waved for the waitress, ordering a cognac for Lucien before pushing the chair across from him out so the man could sit.

  The girl with Lucien giggled as they approached. “It looks like your entertainment for the evening is ready for you, Luce.”

  “Behave, Nadia, or I’ll find someone else to accompany me next time.” Lucien’s voice was as deep and seductive as Kieran remembered.

  Looking Kieran up and down, Nadia giggled again. “I have a hunch you already have someone in mind.” She leaned up and kissed Lucien on the side of the mouth, leaving dark red lipstick behind, and put one long-fingered hand on the back of the chair Kieran had pushed out.

  “Have fun.” She gave Kieran a little wave, patted Lucien on the ass, and wandered off toward the bar.

  Lucien chuckled. “She is a brat.”

  “She seems very fond, my friend. I ordered you a cognac.” Taking up a napkin, Kieran wiped the lipstick from Lucien’s cheek after the man sat.

  Lucien grabbed his hand, bringing it to the thin lips, and kissing his knuckles. “Thank you, Kieran.” Letting go of him, Lucien sat back, a small smile playing about his lips. “She is almost family. Like a…favorite daughter.”

  “Yes, if you were older or she was younger.”

  His laugh was sexy, sliding along Kieran’s spine and lodging itself in his balls. “I imagine I’m a little older than you think.”

  “If you’re as old as I am, I want the name of your plastic surgeon.”

  “Flatterer,” Lucien accused.

  It hadn’t been meant as flattery, though, Lucien was tall and pale, his face unlined, with dark, thin lips. The unseeing eyes were dark, a blue not quite black Kiernan knew from their previous encounter, but in this light they definitely looked black.

  “Not so. You’re beautiful. Here comes your cognac. Are you hungry?” They didn’t offer much in the way of food here, but what appetizers they had were passable. The cheesecake was still the best thing on the menu.

  Lucien held out his hand, the move seeming so imperious. The waitress must have known, though, as she simply placed the glass in his palm. Lucien held out a bill for her, told her to keep the change. It was a huge tip.

  Lucien waited until she’d gone to reply to Kieran’s question. “I’m hungry for you, Kieran.”

  “Now, man cannot live on literature professors alone.” His voice would probably give his sudden arousal away, but Kieran figured he could live with that.

  “Are you sure about that?” Lucien asked, leaning toward him, making the words seem more intimate. He saw Lucien’s nostrils flare, the man licking his lips before settling back in his chair again and taking a mouthful of his cognac.

  “Fairly sure.” Kieran shivered, watching Lucien’s throat work.

  “I think perhaps I’d like to put that to the test, Kieran.”

  He wasn’t sure what that meant, but his cock approved. “I am at your disposal, Lucien.”

  “I like how that sounds.” Lucien’s tone had become deeper, the thread of arousal clear. “What is your pleasure tonight?”

  “I don’t have any classes until Monday morning.” Kieran finished his whiskey, his cheeks heating as he heard how needy he sounded.

  “So we can take our time. I like how that sounds.” Lucien swirled his glass, the amber liquid sliding along the sides, clinging to the glass. “Tell me, is it dark in here, Kieran?”

  “Hmm? Yes. The house lights are low, the spots are on the stage. There’s a little folk band setting up.”

  Sliding out of his chair and onto the sofa with Kieran, Lucien’s voice dropped low. “And we’re in a corner, yes? Almost private?”

  “Yes.” Kieran slid the sofa back, closer to the wall. “Almost.”

  “And are you really at my disposal, Kieran? If I have a need, will you assuage it for me?” Lucien’s legs fell open, his need clearly outlined as it pushed at his slacks.

  Kieran’s eyes flew wide open as he moved a hand up along Lucien’s thigh. Legs spreading further, one of Lucien’s hands slid across the top of his own, the touch soft, not quite tickling.

  “I’d rather we didn’t get arrested. Will jacking off work for you?” Lucien wouldn’t make a great lookout.

  Long fingers slid up to cup his face, and Lucien’s lips brushed briefly across his. “Whatever you
want, Kieran.”

  He couldn’t help his smile, couldn’t resist kissing those fingers. “I want you.”

  “Ah, but you have me—I’m yours for the taking.”

  Working Lucien’s pants open, Kiernan slid his fingertips inside to touch and tease and feel.

  The low groan Lucien gave vibrated along his spine. “Kieran. Yes.” Lucien’s cock pushed against his palm, demanding his attention.

  Kieran shifted over, hiding that sweet prick with the flap of his jacket as his fingers started to shift and slide. Lucien’s arm went across his back, fingers firm as they wrapped around his far shoulder.

  “That touch has haunted my thoughts for days.”

  “Has it? I’ve been feeling you inside me. Aching.”

  “It’s a sign,” Lucien told him softly.

  “Mmm hmm. Does it say ‘Lucien’s a hottie’?”

  Lucian’s cock was wet-tipped and hot, slick and so hard—Kieran was captivated.

  Lucien’s laughter sounded surprised, husky, and aroused, too. “Maybe it does at that, Kieran.”

  He couldn’t fight his grin. He really had no desire to do so. Lucien warmed him through. “It would be the truth.”

  Lucien reached out his free hand and found Kieran’s cheek, stroking gently. “You’ll make my head swell. Oops…” Lucien’s hips pushed the hard heat along Kieran’s palm again. “You already have.”

  Kieran turned his head, dipping his chin to suck Lucien’s thumb in time with the motion of his hand.

  “Kieran….” The low sound of his name was drawn out, making his cock jump. It was almost enough to make him forget where they were.

  “Mmm hmm.” Kieran started moving faster, needing this done, needing Lucien’s pleasure so that they could leave.

  Lucien’s fingers gripped his shoulder tight, the low gasp telling him it wouldn’t be long. He bit down gently on the thumb in his mouth and scraped his thumbnail along the wet tip of Lucien’s cock.

  “Kieran!” Lucien hissed Kieran’s name in the space between them, heat spraying up over his fingers.

  The smell hit him, strong and sexy. He shuddered, panting as his own balls drew up tight, threatening to empty just from this. Lucien’s thumb, wet from his mouth, slid across his lower lip, tugging it out into a pout.


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