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Love is Blindness

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  Then, with an ease that was uncanny, Lucien moved in, mouth covering his, taking his lower lip between sharp teeth.

  “Mmm.” Eyes rolling at the sting, he groaned.

  The biting turned to sucking and then Lucien sat back again, bringing Kieran’s come-covered fingers up to the lovely thin lips. The dark eyes seemed to look right at him as Lucien’s tongue slid over his skin, licking each finger clean.

  “You’re going to make me come, right here.” Lucien made Kieran feel almost young, untried.

  “Turnabout would only be fair,” Lucien murmured just before he tugged a finger in deep, sucking on it, tongue curling around Kieran’s fingertip.

  “Lucien…” Hips bucking up, Kiernan’s groan was almost too loud.

  His finger was released, the next one taken in, given the same treatment, only this time Lucien hummed, the vibrations moving over his finger. Kieran’s eyes dropped closed, his head rolling as the pleasure poured over him.

  “Yes.” Lucien let Kieran’s finger go and took the next one in. Hand sliding along his thigh, Lucien stroked him.

  “Do you want to come to my place?” Please say yes. Please.


  Lucien took a last kiss and stood, fingers subtly moving to zip his pants back up and then button up the long coat. Anyone seeing him would never guess what had just happened, but Kieran could see it, could see the two faint spots of color on Lucien’s cheeks and the way his long, thin nose flared.

  Kieran took Lucien’s hand, the weight on his elbow increasingly familiar, warm. Right.

  “You’re very good at that,” Lucien told him, walking confidently at his side.

  “Thank you. You make it quite easy.” Much easier than walking with his cock hard as diamonds.

  Lucien’s head tilted slightly as they left the bar. “The moon is full tonight. New beginnings.”

  “What a romantic thought…” He led Lucien toward the apartment, the street well-lit and shining.

  “It isn’t only a thought, is it, Kieran? I would like to think we have a beginning here between us, do we not?”

  “I think we do.” A beginning. Kieran wasn’t one to keep a lover about, but Lucien… Well, a beginning was a beginning, regardless of whether it lasted.

  “Then we should seal it with a kiss.” Stopping, Lucien tugged him to a halt, and spun Kieran up against his chest. Their lips met, the kiss sharp and hard. It was enough to steal Kieran’s breath away, the hands on his hips holding firmly enough to bruise as Lucien’s nails dug in.

  Spots danced behind his eyes before Lucien’s lips left his. “You are the most delicious man I’ve had in a long, long time, Kieran.”

  “Thank you. Home. Bed.” Oh, yeah. That was… literate and coherent.

  “Yes. Delicious and knows what he wants. I like that.” Lucien’s hand slid around his arm again, moving them forward, almost as if Lucien was leading him. Kieran had a feeling it would be easy to forget Lucien was blind.

  They made it inside, into the apartment together, both laughing at themselves as they stumbled over the threshold. Then Lucien’s mouth was on his again, their laughter filling the kiss.

  “I trust you haven’t moved anything,” Lucien said. A moment later they tumbled to the floor, landing in the middle of a pile of pillows.

  “I like it as it is.” Pushing into Lucien’s strength, Kieran rubbed his prick against Lucien’s hip.

  “As do I. There’s something very primal about rolling around on the floor.” Those sharp teeth tugged at his lower lip.

  “Bohemian.” Kieran arched, his cock screaming for attention, for a touch.

  “I have been called worse, but I like hedonist best.” Lucien worked the buttons of his shirt open so slowly Kieran thought he would die before he was bared.

  “I…I was talking about the apartment.” His skin tingled, every inch awake and aware.

  Throwing his head back, Lucien laughed. “As you can see, my ego is in very good shape.”

  Lucien’s fingertips slid beneath Kieran’s open shirt to find his nipples. The nails dragged across them not forgetting the extra one, the zing and tingle enough to make Kieran arch and shift. Lucien’s mouth found them next, teeth worrying them, tongue soothing them. First one and then the second and then the third. Each sensation made the next one bigger, better.

  Stretching out, Kieran reached his arms up over his head to give Lucien room to explore him. The intense touches he remembered from last time were back, Lucien’s fingertips mapping every inch of him.

  “Lucien…” He couldn’t stop moving, shifting, and sliding under those fingers. “I need.”

  “Yes. Yes, you do, don’t you? I can smell it on you, even with your trousers covering you.” The long fingers slid down to rub over his cloth-covered bulge.

  “You…you’re one orgasm ahead of me.”

  “And would you like me to rectify that, Kieran?” Mouth opening over his groin, Lucien breathed on him through his pants.

  Kieran’s breath caught in his chest, so he nodded, realizing belatedly that Lucien couldn’t see him. “Please.”

  Lucien hummed and Kieran swore he could feel it in his cock. It seemed to take forever before Lucien’s careful fingers undid his belt, his button, his zipper. His prick throbbed, leaping out into Lucien’s grasp.

  Nose sliding along Kieran, Lucien moaned. “I could lose myself in the way you smell.”

  “Anything.” Just push him over the edge.

  “You shouldn’t make promises of anything when you’re so desperate, Kieran.” Lucien’s thin lips slid along his prick, teasing.

  “No?” Kieran could feel the drops leaking from him, sliding down his shaft and painting his skin.

  “No.” Lucien’s tongue licked the pre-come from him. “I would hate to see you lose your soul just to come.”

  Then, without warning, Lucien’s mouth dropped over him, pulling him in deep. Kieran shot without further ado, bucking up and pumping his seed deep into Lucien’s throat. Swallowing him down, Lucien licked him clean.

  “Now we are even, yes?”

  “Mmm hmm.” Even. Yes. Good. Damn.

  Leaving kisses along his skin, some gentle, others stinging, Lucien moved slowly up his body. Lingering at his neck, Lucien licked and bit at the skin near his pulse point. “You tempt me so, Kieran.”

  “That’s good, right? Temptation?” He floated, lips open as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Yes, but giving into temptation is even better.” Lucien’s tongue slid from the base of his neck to his ear. “I want to tempt you, Kieran. And I want you to give in.” The words were whispered, husky.

  “Tempt me to what, beautiful man?” A series of soft shudders rocked him, the mixture of afterglow and a slowly rising passion was addictive.

  “To spending eternity with me, of course.” Lucien’s teeth worried the skin of his neck, threatening.

  “Eternity…” That wasn’t something Kieran could even begin to understand, especially with that wonderful mouth on his skin.

  “Yes. A chance to try everything at least once.” One tooth grazed his skin.

  “Wouldn’t that be amazing?”

  “It would. It takes someone very unique to make me want such a thing.” This time Lucien’s tooth nicked his skin, the pain sharp and sudden, and then soothed away by the soft heat of Lucien’s tongue.

  Kieran gasped loudly, the sound followed by his moan. Lucien was so amazingly sensual.

  “I would have you taste me as thoroughly as I have tasted you, Kieran. You have no idea what it is to truly know the flavor of someone.”

  “I…” He wasn’t one to be unsafe. He just wasn’t. He never had been. Until Lucien.

  Lucien looked down at him. Well, he supposed Lucien wasn’t actually looking at him, but it certainly felt like it, those dark eyes on his, their faces close. “There is a way for us to try everything once, for us to know each other in a way you have never dreamed of. But you must be willing to give up the life you
know to follow me.” Lucien’s fingers slid across his lips. “Do not answer, yet, Kieran. Think about it as I make your body sing as no one else ever has.” Then Lucien’s lips were on his, the kiss deep, sure.

  Kieran had obviously missed something, somewhere. Good thing his mouth was too busy to ask questions, because he’d hate for Lucien to think he hadn’t been paying attention.

  Lucien’s fingers pinched his nipples, tugging on his skin as the kiss continued, grew deeper and harder, leaving him breathless. Kieran went with it, moaning as his pleasure slowly grew and spread, filling him head to toe. His pants were pushed down, Lucien growling as his shoes proved to be an obstacle. Breaking their kiss, Lucien moved down his body to tug his shoes and then his pants off.

  “When you are fully naked I can see you by the heat of your body.”

  “Honestly? Do you like what you see?” He didn’t know why he asked; he wasn’t the type to lack in ego.

  “Oh, yes, Kieran. The picture I have of you, made up from how you feel and smell and sound, is quite lovely. Intriguing even. You are very beautiful.”

  He knew he wasn’t bad to look at. He’d had students and teachers, parents and random people express it to him, so why did Lucien’s words make him blush?

  Lucien moaned when he did, too, fingers moving over his chest, up his throat to his cheeks. “Such heat. Your blood calls to me, Kieran. I find I must taste you again. It is a need, burning in my belly.”

  “Taste me…” Christ, he felt stoned, nerves buzzing and brain sort of…disconnected.

  “Thank you, I believe I will.” Lucien’s mouth slid over his hip, lips closing around the bone, teeth threatening. The passion was incredible, the anticipation thick in the air.

  Lucien slid his fingers over Kieran’s balls, stroking them, encouraging him to spread his legs and shift, push up toward Lucien’s lips. Lucien’s teeth slid along his skin, and then nipped him, hard enough to break the skin just where his hip met his thigh. At the same time, one of those long fingers pushed into him.

  “Oh…” Kieran reached up, fingers wrapping around the legs of one of his few chairs, just to hold on.

  Lucien lapped at the cut he’d made, and then another bite came to the same spot on Kieran’s other hip, but harder this time, and a second finger slid into him. Lucien sucked strongly at this bite, and Kieran imagined he could feel his blood pouring between Lucien’s lips.

  Clenching his ass, Kiernan squeezed Lucien’s fingers and gasped at the sensations rocketing through him. He could feel Lucien’s moan around his skin, in his blood almost, it seemed. As soon as his ass relaxed, Lucien’s fingers pushed deeper, sliding across his prostate.

  “Fuck!” He bucked, eyes flying wide open as he bit out a groan.

  “That’s coming, my sweet Kieran.” Lucien grinned up at him, lips blood-red until Lucien’s pink tongue slid across them and suddenly they were not quite as red.

  Kieran frowned, blinked, and tried to focus. Surely he didn’t…

  No. Surely not.

  Before he could think too hard about it, Lucien’s lips slid along his cock and down to his balls. First one, and then the other were drawn into Lucien’s mouth, the long fingers pushing insistently against his prostate, nudging it over and over.

  Fuck it.

  Kieran could worry later.

  Another finger joined the two already inside him; Lucien moaned around Kieran’s ball, vibrating it before threatening it with one of those sharp, sharp teeth.

  “Oh. Careful.” Kieran stilled, shivering on the pillows.

  Lucien’s mouth slid away from his sac, a soft chuckle sounding. “I won’t unman you, Kieran, I promise. I am far, far too fond of you as you are.”

  “Good.” He was suddenly glad that Lucien couldn’t see his shaky smile.

  Those teeth sank into his inner thigh, though, Lucien biting him hard.

  “Lucien!” He jerked, scrambling and trying to pull himself away.

  “Sh. Sh.” Lucien’s fingers pegged his gland again, the other hand sliding over his prick, as that tongue moved to soothe the bite. It throbbed with his heartbeat.

  “I…I…You sca—surprised me.” The sharp hurt faded into something pleasurable, something sweet.

  “Should I warn you next time?” Lucien asked, licking and sucking the flesh he’d bitten.

  “Next time? You like biting.” Kieran’s thighs shook, his cock throbbing.

  “I like tasting, Kieran. Tasting you.”

  The fingers inside him slipped away, leaving him empty. He couldn’t help the groan, the need to be filled, to have Lucien within him strong and all-encompassing.

  Lucien slid up along his skin, the long body maddeningly still clothed. He reached for Lucien’s buttons, working them open, wanting skin. Lucien moaned, not helping in the least, especially when he began to pluck at Kieran’s nipples, the third as well as the usual two.

  “You’re a distraction…” Leaning forward, Kieran nipped at Lucien’s collarbone.

  Lucien shuddered. “Do that again.”

  Kieran bit again, teeth scraping on the fine skin, fingers stroking the ink on Lucien’s belly.

  “Yes!” Lucien humped against him, fine trousers rubbing against his skin.

  He had to touch again, to feel Lucien’s need. Kieran reached for his fly. Lucien helped this time, pushing the pants down as soon as they were undone, his long, hard cock sliding against Kieran’s skin and leaving a wet trail.

  “What do you want, Lucien? How do you want me?”

  “I want to take you, Kieran. I want to make you come and fill you with myself.”

  “Yes…” Fingers sliding pure liquid heat over the tip of Lucien’s dark, swollen cock, Kieran spread his own legs.

  A shudder moved through Lucien’s pale body as he settled between Kieran’s legs, fingers moving along the insides of his thighs, right up to his hole. Both of Lucien’s thumbs penetrated him, spread him, the tip of Lucien’s cock coming between them.

  Then Lucien’s thumbs disappeared, leaving only the amazing heat of Lucien’s prick at Kieran’s entrance.

  “Please.” He’d begged this man more than he’d begged anyone. Ever.

  “Yes.” Lucien’s cock, hot and hard, spread him wide.

  The sightless eyes were wide, Lucien moaning low. There. That was what Kieran needed. Just like that. Lucien’s hips pushed up tight and hard against his ass, and then Lucien started moving, in and out, spearing him over and over.

  So smooth, so hot, so… “We didn’t use a rubber!” Oh. Oh, fuck. Right there. Right. Fucking. There.

  “We don’t need one.” Lucien’s cock hit Kieran’s gland again, and then again, making sparks appear behind his eyes.

  “We sho—” Pleasure flooded him and his head slammed back, his balls drawing up tight.

  “We should make love.” Faster, harder, Lucien wasn’t teasing anymore, but giving Kieran everything he wanted.

  “Yes. Yes, we should. We are. Lucien.” The man scrambled his brains.


  Lucien bent, bringing their lips together, the kiss eager and hard, like the thrusts that rocked Kieran’s body. Opening, Kieran slid his tongue into Lucien’s mouth and fucked Lucien’s lips. One of Lucien’s hands slid between them, finding and tugging on Kieran’s extra nipple. He groaned and squeezed, holding Lucien inside him.

  “Need,” Lucien groaned, pinching his nipple hard, teeth biting at his lips, at his tongue. “Want.”

  “Right here. Right. Here.” Kieran was going to shake apart.

  “Yes. Yes, Kieran.” Each word was accompanied by a thrust, a pinch, a bite, each more forceful than the last. Then Lucien cried out, head thrown back, eyes staring blindly as incredible heat filled Kieran and burned inside him.

  His own orgasm hit him only a few seconds later, drawn from him by that long cock and the scent of them on the air.

  Lucien stayed buried deep, mouth sliding over Kieran’s face and dropping hot, soft kisses. “Such heat and passion
. I cannot remember the last time I met your equal, Kieran.”

  “Mmm. That’s a good thing.” A very good thing.

  “It is.” Lucien’s voice was still low and husky from passion, his body lowering to rest against Kieran. “Very good.” The words echoed Kieran’s thoughts.

  Eyes closing, he caressed Lucien’s spine. God, yes. Worth listening to bad poetry for.


  They’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms, made love just before dawn, and then fallen into an exhausted slumber once more. Now Lucien felt the tug of night falling, pulling him awake.

  It was time to wake, to hunt, to feed, to find a lover to share it with. Of course he didn’t need to hunt; he had a lover with him already.

  Lucien stretched, body sliding against Kieran’s.

  He wanted… he wanted Kieran to join him. He wanted the sexy, lovely man to make love to him, to take him and feed from him, to take as well as to give. The question, of course, remained—was Kieran ready to learn the truth? And what would his reaction be when he did?

  Lucien knew he could take enough blood that Kieran had no choice but to feed in return and seal his fate. Or Lucien could push Kieran into it with his will. But that… well, he preferred seduction to force.

  Humming lightly, Lucien trailed his fingers over Kieran’s arm to the lovely line of his neck. There were Lucien’s bite marks, almost sparking against his fingertips. Kieran moaned and stretched, jaw lifting as the man slowly floated up from sleep.

  Bending close, Lucien used his tongue to lap at the lovely neck, tickling over his mark. To make Kieran his… yes.

  “Mmm. Warm.” Kieran arched, body rubbing up against him, skin so warm and smooth and soft.

  “You could wake like this every night.” Lucien breathed in deeply, the scent of Kieran and sex and blood strong.

  “I’m not supposed to be just waking up this late, lover.” Kieran stretched, toes curling against Lucien’s feet.

  “But if you come with me, this could be your life. Sleeping the day away, waking at dusk. Making love to me.” He wanted to feel Kieran’s prick inside him, filling him with heat even as they feed from each other.


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