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Phantom of the Heart

Page 5

by Stein Willard

  “Please, do not do that when we are alone, Lima.”

  On shaky legs she came to her feet and stepped back so that the royal could enter. Watching over the princess's shoulder, she saw her daughter quickly coming to her feet, a sheepish look on her face. Not taking her eyes off the couple, she pushed the door shut, eager to see how they interacted.

  For a long moment they just looked at each other, and then Orla opened her arms and the princess rushed into them. Their arms were wound tightly around each other as they stood there in a loving embrace, Orla's dark cheek resting on the auburn head of the princess.

  “I could not sleep without seeing your face one last time, beloved. I wanted to make sure this night was not a dream,” the princess murmured softly, as she placed a soft kiss on Orla's lips.

  “I am really glad to see you again. I was looking at the flames and all I could see was the way your hair shines under the sun when you are on the training ground with the warriors. It looks like burnished copper.” Orla said softly as she stared into the beautiful silver eyes. “You are so beautiful.”

  Lima was surprised by her daughter’s unexpected eloquence. She was usually too shy to get a compliment past her lips. With a final look at the two of them, she quietly walked to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. Her part was done in this. Now it was up to the two of them to cement their fragile love.


  Noticing Lima's departure, Orla placed her large hands on Sterling's hips and lifted her effortlessly from the ground so that they were eye to eye. Their lips met gently at first, but after a few seconds the kiss deepened until Orla was forced to lean against the table to prevent her legs from giving out.

  “I love the way you kiss me, my precious,” Sterling whispered against Orla's lips. “I swear I will never tire of your kisses.”

  Orla grinned and sucked Sterling's lower lip into her warm mouth, just as Sterling had shown her earlier. It was only when their lungs were protesting from the lack of air that they pulled apart. Orla gently lowered Sterling to her feet and pushed a trembling hand through her hair.

  Heavy-lidded, silver eyes stared up at the agitated woman, and a sly smile formed. Orla's innocence was so refreshing to behold. She doubted the young woman knew what was happening to her body. Sterling reached out her hands and cradled Orla's face between them.

  “You are experiencing desire, my love, so do not fret too much. It will be over again soon.”

  With childlike innocence in her eyes, Orla nodded and closed her eyes.

  “What will happen if it does not go away by itself?”

  Sterling felt her stomach quiver at the soft question and she stood on tiptoe to place a kiss on the soft lips. “Believe me; I know of a number of ways to make it go away,” she murmured and looked pointedly at her lover. She knew exactly when Orla grasped the meaning of what she had just said. A blush came over the younger woman's face and she quickly averted her eyes. Sterling cocked her head. “It is fine, my love, we will not be doing any of that before we are wed. I want everyone to know that you mean more to me than just that.”

  They embraced again, holding onto each other tightly.

  “I have brought you something, dearling,” Sterling whispered as she looked up into the tender blue eyes of Orla. “But first, you will have to close your eyes and let go of me so that I can go get your gift.”

  There was a sudden flash of panic in the blue eyes. “Are you leaving now?”

  “No, love, I brought it with me when I came over here.” She pointed to the cloth sack lying on the floor. “There it is, you see.” She walked over, retrieved the bag and came back to the table. “Could you take a chair and push it closer to the fire? We can sit together and talk for a while.”

  Orla quickly pulled a chair closer and once seated she held out her arms for Sterling. She guided her comfortably into the waiting lap. Orla pushed her nose into Sterling’s hair and inhaled deeply. She just loved the way the Princess smelled, like gently crushed rose pedals.

  “What are you hoping to learn by sniffing me, dearling?” Sterling asked, amused.

  “You smell wonderful. Like gently crushed rose petals.”

  “Thank you, sweeting. I have just the perfect scent for you when we take our first bath together…” Sterling felt Orla stiffen and giggled. “…as a married couple. I will not dare take advantage of you before then.” Orla chuckled nervously and Sterling placed a soft reassuring kiss on her cheek. “Even after our vows are spoken and you are still not comfortable with having me take you to our marital bed, I promise you that I will wait until you tell me otherwise.”

  Orla looked into the serious, silver eyes and sighed softly. “I am not sure what I want sometimes.”

  Sterling sat up straighter, her eyes hooded as she cocked her head to look directly into Orla's stormy eyes.

  “What about me? Are you sure that you want me at least?”

  Orla's mouth fell open at the question, her eyes almost pale in shock.

  “Why…why do you ask me that, Sterling? Why would I not want you? I fell in love with you tonight while we were sitting on the bench outside.” She smiled when she saw the relief on the Princess' face. “Even now…I am falling deeper and deeper in love.”

  Sterling exhaled slowly and rubbed her wet eyes. She was not even aware that she had been crying.

  “Good to know, beloved.” She rummaged in the bag. “It is the best of all the good news I have received today. I am very happy.”

  Orla smiled. “Is it not my duty as your soon-to-be spouse to make and keep you happy, Your Highness?”

  Sterling placed a lingering kiss on Orla's lips. “Yes, my love, I believe we both have a duty to keep each other happy. Now, close your eyes for it is my turn to make you happy.”

  The blue eyes fluttered closed and, tempted, Sterling stole another kiss before reaching into the bag. She looked down at the item in her hand and placed a soft kiss on the top before she held it to her lover's lips.

  “Open your mouth, my love. Yes…a little wider. Good. Here it comes. Bite down.”

  She watched as Orla followed her instructions and then she sat back and waited patiently for the reaction. She did not have to wait long. The blue eyes snapped open and looked at her with childlike wonder.

  “Cake!” A few crumbs escaped her lips and Sterling smiled tenderly when Orla began to hunt them down not wanting to waste any of the delicious treat.

  “Leave them. I brought you more than enough and even some for your mother.” She saw a piece of raspberry stuck on Orla's upper lip and, using her tongue, wiped the piece from her lover's lips. She almost burst out in laughter at the confused and utterly indecisive look in the beautiful blue eyes. She caressed Orla's bulging cheeks with her hand and shook her head. “It is fine, my dear. For now I will let the cakes enjoy your complete attention, but only until you have eaten your last one. Then I would like you to thank me properly.”

  The blue eyes melted as they looked into hers and a short nod followed. Almost immediately, the large hand delved into the bag. Sterling watched tenderly as her betrothed rushed through the cakes. She pushed her hand through the short, dark hair and smiled. She would make sure that Orla would not want for anything ever again.

  Chapter 6

  The roads leading to Kemble were swarming with wagons, horses, and people as everyone made their way with determined purpose to the large castle overlooking the picturesque city in the largest kingdom in the realm. Music and merriment could be heard for miles, welcoming the weary travelers. Three weeks ago, ten messengers were sent to each and every corner of the realm to invite every noble to the wedding ceremony of the year. With only two more days until the big day, everyone was rushing toward the city to see for themselves the joining of the future queen of Karas and the legendary blacksmith.

  For the subjects of this great kingdom, having one of their own taken up into the higher echelons of their great land was more than enough reason to invite themselves to the festivi
ties. But to make the wedding of the year the best there was ever going to be, they worked hard at sweeping the city's streets, cleaning out the royal stables, and placing flower sellers on every corner of the city to spread the aroma throughout.

  At the castle, it was even busier. Servant girls and pages were rushing up and down the long gleaming hallways of the castle. Rooms were double-checked, fresh linen was distributed to the eighty guestrooms, and piles of wood were carried to the rooms to stock the fireplaces, all in anticipation of the wedding guests. No one dared take a break as there was still so much to be done. As servants and chambermaids entered and exited the rooms, one bedroom, in actual fact, a whole wing of the castle was left undisturbed.

  Cut off from the world and the wedding feast rush, a soft moan broke the silence followed by a teasing giggle. A warning was issued last night at dinner that the queen and her mate would be indisposed for the whole of the day, something to do with them discussing the finer details of the wedding pact. But had one of the maids the courage to peek through the keyhole, she would have found the Supreme Royal Couple using a more primitive way of communicating.

  Naked and lying spread-eagled on the king-sized bed, cushioned with numerous fur blankets, was the regal Queen Mesmeria, her hands caught in the slightly graying, dark locks of her partner, as the latter was hungrily feasting on her musky, dewy center. In between the hungry grunts from her mate, the queen was lustfully encouraging her dark mate to do some of the most unthinkable deeds to her.

  “I want you to…inside.” She pulled hard on the dark tresses and, with a soft moan, Cybralle lifted her head from between her mate's legs. Her silver eyes were almost transparent with lust as she looked up into her wife's eyes.

  “If you dare to interrupt me again, sweeting, I will make sure that you never forget my reprisal.”

  Mesmeria reached down, dipped her fingers between her swollen folds and offered it to her mate. She watched with hungry fascination as the large woman licked her hand clean.

  “I want to feel you inside me, my love.”

  The silver eyes narrowed. “I am not finished yet. Are you trying to test my patience, dearling?”

  With a small pout, she swung her right leg over Cybralle's head and, with lightning speed, jumped off the bed. Standing on the other side of the bed, she watched with wry amusement as her mate stared at her in mute shock.

  Mesmeria's eyes widened, as her mate lifted her large frame from the bed, muscles pulling taut and bulging as she stretched out her towering six-foot-three-inch frame. With a feral look in her eyes, she slowly began to stalk her, making the hair on Mesmeria's nape stand up straight. For all her size and strength, Cybralle was unbelievably gentle, maybe too energetic sometimes, but never cruel. Mesmeria looked around for an escape route, but the only way out was to jump over the bed and run through to their private lounge. She was not the young girl Cybralle used to chase around naked anymore. At forty-three summers, she was but two summers younger than Cybralle, but the warrior stayed in perfect shape with her daily sword training. She would be intercepted before she had even reached the bed. She took a small step back and, not able to look into the intense, glittering silver eyes anymore; she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.

  She jumped when she felt a soft breath on her cheek and opening her eyes she met Cybralle’s piercing gaze. Without a word, Cybralle swung her up in powerful arms and walked over to the small bench before the vanity mirror. The dainty little bench creaked under their mutual weight. With painstaking patience, Cybralle took each of her feet and placed them on the vanity chest, her legs spread widely apart so that she could see herself reflected in the large mirror. A soft whimper of anticipation escaped Mesmeria’s lips and she jumped slightly when Cybralle blew soft air into her ear.

  “Hush, sweeting, you will enjoy this. Trust me.”

  She threw her head back until it rested on Cybralle's broad shoulder, her green eyes tightly shut. She was in for a great adventure, because not once had Cybralle promised her a tremendous moment that she did not deliver.


  The shed was blazingly hot, but even with sweat running down her back, Sterling would not want to be anywhere else. Standing before her, in a long apron and with sweat running down her body, lifting the heavy hammer over and over, was the most beautiful woman in the whole kingdom.

  The dark head lifted and their eyes met. They shared an intimate smile before the sweat-slicked, dark head lowered. For the past two candle marks, she had tried to make out what the blacksmith was working on. Her query received only a vague answer followed by a mysterious smile. At the sight of the smile, she was at a loss for words and could only stare at the transformation it brought to the already beautiful face of her wife-to-be. The hammering suddenly stopped. She watched as Orla moved over to a container filled with water. A sharp hissing sound followed and the dark woman turned back to her.

  “You should not see this before it is done. Please, turn around while I put it away.”

  More than happy to soon have all of her betrothed's attention, Sterling quickly turned away. After a few moments had passed, she felt strong arms circling her waist. She turned and caught Orla's lips in a hungry kiss. She would keep her promise to wait until Orla was ready to come to their marital bed, but she could not hide the desire she felt for her. She broke the kiss and stared into Orla’s eyes, unaware of the yearning look in her own eyes.

  “It will not be too long anymore.”

  Confused, she shook her head. “What do you mean?”

  A sudden, shy look crossed Orla's face and she quickly looked away. Sterling carefully lifted Orla's face again.

  “Are you talking about our wedding night, my love?”

  Orla nodded just as her tongue peeked out between her lips, making her look like a very naughty, shy girl.

  “I love you, dearling. I love you so much, and I desire you just as much, but it does not mean that I cannot wait until you are ready.”

  “But as your wife it is within your rights to demand it from me.”

  Sterling chuckled softly. “It could be done, but not when you are completely in love with your wife, like I am.” She took the large hand in hers. “Come, it is almost time for the noon meal. I asked the cook to send something down for us.”

  “Let me first get rid of the grime, Sterling.”

  She watched as Orla walked over to a corner. With her back turned, Orla loosened the apron and placed it on a hook and then reached for her short-sleeved shirt. Her throat suddenly dry, Sterling looked around to see if anyone was around. Using only one hand, Orla pulled the shirt over her head, treating Sterling to a mouthwatering sight of a smooth, muscled back. Orla bent to pour water from a pitcher into a small basin and her large hands scooped the water to rinse her face and the rest of her upper body. Watching with an unblinking stare, Sterling's body was ablaze with desire. Her hungry gaze traveled down the half-naked frame of her betrothed, and she felt the dampness between her legs increase the longer she looked at Orla. She did not know how or when she had moved, but her hand was on the broad back, stroking the taut, smooth skin. There was a slight stiffening of muscles under her hand, but then it was gone.


  At the soft sound of her name, she quickly withdrew her hand. She was scaring Orla. She was moving too fast.

  “Forgive me, dearling. It was not my intention to scare you,” she said, through a very dry throat, as she watched Orla shrug into her shirt. Sterling had averted her eyes and only looked up again when Orla turned around.

  “You did not scare me. It was…it was very nice…I mean…the feel of your hand on my naked skin. It was very pleasant.” Orla was blushing furiously and her eyes were dark as they flitted between Sterling's face and the floor.

  Sterling just shook her head at the delightful woman and took her hand. “It was very nice for me too. Now come and let us eat before I have to be back at the training field.”

  They ate lunch in companion
able silence. Sterling was seated in Orla's lap; a habit she knew would be difficult to break one day, if she had to, that is. She loved the easy intimacy. She just loved being around this woman. She loved her clean, earthy scent and the shy smile that came over her face when she sneaked quick looks her way. She loved the way she kissed. Now that she knew how nice they were she could not imagine her life without any of Orla's kisses. She looked up from her sandwich. A deep warm glow started in the pit of her stomach when she found Orla’s eyes already resting at her. She leaned closer and pressed her lips against Orla's. They looked deep into each other's eyes and shared an intimate smile.

  After their meal, one of the grooms came over to collect the basket and return it to the kitchen. Orla gave her a lingering kiss before pushing her out of the shed and in the direction of the training field. Sterling made sure to stay more on the side lines. With her brain still reeling from the kiss, she was in great danger of literally losing her head if she partook in the sparring exercises. She called her generals to her and, after a brief meeting, she returned to the castle and made straight for the wing which housed her parents' suite of rooms.

  She knocked softly on the door. No answer. The second time around she knocked harder and was relieved when she heard a soft noise on the other side of the room. The door was opened by Cybralle, still dressed in her chamber robe. They looked at each other with identical raised eyebrows.

  “Your mother and I thought that the only chance for us to be able to spend time together was before the wedding. Does that answer your question as to why I am still dressed in my chamber robe?”


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