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Phantom of the Heart

Page 17

by Stein Willard

  Orla shook her head. “Then why did you make me into this?”

  “Come and sit, and I will tell you everything I know.” He saw the distrust and anger warring in her eyes as she looked at him. When, after a few seconds, she still had not moved, he gently coaxed her closer. “It is a great tale, and I am sure you will want to know more about your heritage.”

  It worked. Curiosity seemed to have won the epic battle in her heart, because Orla moved over to the opposite side of the cottage and slid down the wall until she was sitting flat on the floor.

  “That night I took you, your commander told you a little about the Ulvs.” He saw her eyes widen in surprise, and he smiled. “Yes, I was listening too. You actually sensed my presence that night. But let me not divert from the story. Everything she said about the Ulvs was true. Except for the part when she said that at full moon we became man-eating demons who prey on our subjects. That is so far from the truth.”

  There was still a lot of talking to do, and he wished for a drink of water. But if he did not make use of this opportunity to tell Orla about her Ulv side, he doubted he would get another chance. The water would have to wait for now.

  “We were given unique powers and status by the gods to rule and protect their subjects. This power enabled us to shift between human, wolf, and Ulv form. The Ulv is rarely exposed unless the threat is great to ourselves or to mankind. Over the ages, many immortal beings have surfaced, putting the existence of mankind in great peril. As the keepers of the mortal realm, the Ulv have fought and won many epic battles.”

  “The first ever Ulv was Hark who was the first king to the modern human race. He had three sons Berth, Minos, and Elan. All three of the boys inherited their father's Ulv gene. So, when the boys came of age they, by stipulation of the gods, had to find and mate with the purest souls they could find. This would ensure that the gene stayed pure as it was transferred and it would also initiate the gene, allowing them to be able to change into Ulv form.” Gentro was happy to see Orla was listening attentively. “The sons each traveled the world and managed to find the purest souls and married. For generations, boys and girls were blessed with the gene. As the older generations stepped back into quiet hibernation, the younger generations ruled over the mortals.”

  Gentro took a long breath and smiled when he saw a flash of impatience in his daughter's eyes. She was definitely hooked. “All went well for many, many centuries until the birth of two boys, Besk and Tart. Both princes inherited the gene, but when it came to finding mates, it proved a bit difficult. Mankind had begun to evolve, and fewer and fewer humans believed in the gods. People were now easily corrupted by power, greed, and physical urges. Finding a pure soul in this maelstrom of depravity made the search more taxing for the princes. Tart traveled to the cold northern climes and found his mate. Besk, after searching the earth for many years, returned home without a mate.”

  “In the meantime, Tart and his wife produced an heir—me.” He almost laughed at the shocked look on Orla's face. “You, my dear, are part of the oldest royal house in existence. You will not believe how great my joy was when you found your mate and married into a respected royal house.”

  Gentro watched again as a kaleidoscope of emotions washed over Orla's face. Her innocence was endearing and very refreshing. If he was ever to see Lima again, he would want to thank her for this great gift.

  “Just when Besk had given up on finding his mate and made peace with the fact that his Ulv would remain dormant, he met a woman.” Orla's eyebrows shot up, and Gentro found that he simply liked having her as an audience. “The woman was a servant girl working in the royal palace and one who had had her sights on the throne for a long while. To blind the lonely prince's eyes and heart, she solicited the help of a witch. Impatient and scared that her treachery would be discovered, she enticed Besk to her bed. Unfortunately, this act coincided with a predicted lunar occurrence and the woman conceived. With the knowledge that she was carrying an Ulv heir, she dropped her façade and her revolting character surfaced. The reigning king, Helm, your great-grandfather, banned her from the kingdom.”

  “What happened to the baby?” Orla was not even trying to hide her curiosity anymore. Gentro smiled warmly at her.

  “It was a boy and, yes, he too inherited the gene, as the mother had planned when she seduced your uncle on that specific night. But the gene in the boy was tainted. He grew into a cruel, depraved man.”

  Orla pursed her lips. “What happened to him? Where is he now?”

  Gentro was quiet for a moment. “When I heard of Karas, which is one of only a handful of kingdoms that still practice dual religions and still pay homage to the gods, I decided to come here to look for my mate. I found your mother and fell deeply in love with her. By the time your mother conceived, I had decided to wait until after your birth before I asked her to accompany me to meet my family.” He sighed deeply. “That was when I leaned that Ridat had followed me here. I knew he would try to harm, even kill, the both of you. So I followed Rom to war. When Rom was fatally injured I bit him and turned him. We have been together since, watching over you and your mother from afar. Occasionally, we would travel the battlefields of the world and find honest souls on the brink of death. We would offer them the opportunity to live forever. That is how I managed to put together such a well-oiled army.”

  “What happened to Ridat?”

  “Ridat, on the other hand, began slaughtering humans. Unlike the pure gene, his tainted one released his Ulv immediately, not needing to be initiated by the purity of true love. The wolves that attacked the Arnati troops and then later your group, were Ridat's spawn. He sends out his men to attack villages and turn innocent farmers into brutal monsters.”

  He watched, puzzled, as Orla left the cottage. She was back in a few minutes, with a pail of water and a hastily roasted rabbit carcass. Gentro's stomach growled at the sight of the food. He had not eaten since midday yesterday. When Orla handed him the rabbit, he shook his head.

  “What about you?”

  “I had breakfast.”

  Gentro held her eyes for a moment. “Thank you.” He took the meat from her and tore into it. His eyes almost rolled back in their sockets when he tasted the slight smokiness of the blood. She had prepared it just the way he liked it and he told her so. She blushed and looked away.

  “I like it that way too. My mother squirmed at the bloody mess it left on my plate.”

  Gentro stopped eating and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He sat back slightly and studied her for a while. He only looked away when Orla began to squirm under his gaze.

  “May I ask you something, Orla?”

  The pale eyes were wide when she turned to look at him. “You seem to know everything about me already. I doubt I have anything more to tell you.”

  “Believe me, I know of you, but I think there is still a lot I can learn about you.” He smiled warmly, but Orla looked away. “May I ask you now?”

  Orla shrugged. “Yes.”

  “When did you begin to feel the change in you?”

  Orla was quiet for a while, her blue eyes fixed on him. “I think right after my wedding night.”

  Gentro nodded and resumed his eating.

  “Why do you ask?”

  Gentro finished swallowing the mouthful. “Because I am amazed by how fast you have evolved. Many of us had to wait a while longer before our Ulvs manifested themselves.” He took a small bite and chewed slowly as he watched her. “That first night, when you left the palace dungeon, I saw claw marks in the room and the furniture was completely destroyed. Your Ulv revealed itself quickly.”

  Orla dipped her hand into the water pail and took a sip of the water. Gentro could see through her nonchalant attitude to the concern she was trying to hide. When she spoke again, he knew he was right.

  “What does that mean?”

  He shook his head quickly. “I do not know, but I also do not think that it is something bad.”

  Orla grimaced. “No
t something bad, you say. I personally do not think that turning into a wolf is normal at all.” She took another sip. “Is…Am I a danger to humans?”

  “No. Your gene is pure and thus you have an ingrained responsibility to protect humans.” He saw her look away. “You will not be a danger to her at all. As a matter of fact, you can still have a fulfilling life with her.”


  Orla did not know how she felt at that very moment. All she knew was that confusion, anger, and fear were warring for supremacy inside her. She had stayed in wolf form for the past three weeks since her escape to avoid all these warring emotions. She preferred that state, because the wolf's senses were so overwhelming they almost drowned out her human thoughts and emotions.

  That changed two nights ago.

  While out running, which she did quite often, she had picked up a familiar scent. Her first instinct had been to run away, thinking it was Gentro's men trying to capture her again. Curiosity pushed her through the woods to a place where the smell was stronger. As she came closer, she saw a figure sitting at a fire. She stood there rooted to the spot, as she pushed aside her wolf senses to sift her human memories for this familiar-looking person. She was still trying to place the person, when the redhead turned and she caught sight of the face. She stumbled back in shock, her eyes hungrily moving over Sterling's face. It had been more than nine months since she had last seen her wife. Orla stared, imprinting the face on her mind. For a moment, she was tempted to rush over to her. The urge to kiss and hold her was so strong. When realization struck, it was like a physical blow to her system.

  She was a monster now. A beast that did not deserve to be around her beloved wife. Sterling was sure to go for her weapons were she to try and approach her. The thought of her wife looking at her with horror in her eyes was too much to bear. Even if Sterling's presence here meant that she had come looking for her, Orla Peron was dead to the world.

  Orla was abruptly startled by the appearance of a man. Her hackles rose immediately. The newcomer carried the scent of an Ulv. Thinking that Sterling could be in trouble, she readied herself to defend her mate. The man must have sensed her presence, for he turned his head and stared straight at her. It was Rom. She could see the surprise in his eyes as he looked at her. Because nothing about his demeanor broadcasted violence, Orla backed down. Rom knew who Sterling was and if he was a friend as he had said, Sterling was safe with him.

  That night, she had sat there in the dark, watching as Rom prepared food for them. It was only when the smell of the roasting meat became too much for her to resist that Orla ran off to go in search of her own supper. She returned a while later to keep silent vigil over her wife.

  The next day, she returned to the rundown cottage she had annexed. She crawled into the darkest corner of the cottage where she slept the day away. She did not shed her wolf form, scared of the dreams she was sure would pounce on her now that she had seen Sterling again.

  As soon as the sky began to darken she stole to the palace. She was in human form and dressed in a stolen cape so she would blend in well. Strolling through the small village which was surrounded by impenetrable rocks, she kept a careful eye on the guards and the wolves patrolling the palace on both the inside and the outside.

  Her relief was great when she saw Gentro leave the palace unguarded. He was the reason she was here. She was sure that nothing happened in his territory without his knowledge. Orla was surprised to find him making his way to the dungeons where she had been held. She had waited outside till he walked past her, obviously lost in thought, and knocked him unconscious.

  Gentro moved over to the bucket and began to scoop water into his mouth. Orla took the chance to watch him closely. There was no doubt in her mind that he was her father. They looked very much alike. They had the same hair, eye color, and almost the same build. She remembered him in wolf form. Even then, she resembled him. She thought back to their earlier conversation. She, Orla Peron, was a descendant from the oldest and longest-living monarchy in existence. She was so fascinated by Gentro's story that it had not really sunken in that she was no longer the lowly blacksmith she once thought herself to be.

  Gentro leaned back against the wall of the cottage and looked around. When his eyes caught hers, she raised a dark eyebrow.

  “Why do you not come to live with me in the palace? It must be more comfortable there than here.”

  “I like it here. I like the solitude.”

  “I am worried about you. If Ridat were to find out about you, he would come for you.” Gentro said softly, and Orla could actually read the fear in the man's eyes. “I have already given up so much to keep you safe. I would hate for it be in vain, Orla.”

  “You need not be concerned about my safety. I can take care of myself.”

  Gentro swallowed hard. “I know, but it is a father's prerogative to worry, daughter.”

  Orla looked away. Daughter. She was not sure if she was ready to accept Gentro as her father yet. He was, in fact, still a stranger to her, albeit one who looked like her. She knew now that he had not deserted them, and she believed him. She did not see why he would want to lie to her about it. Now that she knew that he was alive, she wondered what that would mean for her mother.

  Gentro was once again nibbling on the rabbit carcass. She had been so angry at him before that she had not really cared one bit about him. Now, she felt embarrassed that she had acted that way toward him. Having heard the story, she knew why he brought Sterling here. As an Ulv your partner plays a vital role in keeping you grounded and keeping the dark allure of the power away. She still had misgivings about her and Sterling's future.

  “What about my mother?”

  If she had not been looking at him so closely, she would have missed the flash of pain in the pale eyes. Gentro blinked and the look was gone. He rubbed over his chin. “I would like to be with her again, but I do not want to put her in danger. As long…” He lowered his gaze. “It would kill me if something were to happen to her.”

  Orla sensed the pain coming from him, and she slowly came to her feet to sit next to him. Gentro's eyes turned dark as he look at her and Orla saw a small smile break over his face at her proximity. That was all he had wanted, it seemed. Orla placed her hand on his arm, and Gentro quickly dropped the meat to rest his on hers. They both gasped when a strong current rushed through them. The link had been made. They would be bonded for life. Momentarily distracted from their topic, they sat there in silence, absorbing the other's nearness. Orla softly cleared her throat.

  “Between the two of us, we will make sure that she is safe.”

  “That might work, but would she want me back? I will be fine as long as I know she is alive.”

  Orla realized then that Gentro was scared of confronting her mother. She suddenly wondered if he had found someone else. The idea was painful, considering her mother was still mourning him. She lifted her hand off his arm and saw him looking at her fearfully.

  “Have you taken another mate?” She had not meant for it to come out quite so harsh, but it did. Gentro flinched as he looked at her.

  “No, I would never. Anyway, it would not be possible; wolves mate for life. Even if I had wanted to, I could not.”

  Orla cocked her head at that. “Are you telling me that you have not been with anyone for almost twenty years?”

  Gentro nodded. “I only ever wanted your mother, Orla.”

  Orla smiled broadly and took his hand in hers. “She also refused to take another. I think we will have to do something about that.”

  “Like what?”

  Orla came to feet. “We need to hunt Ridat down.” She held a hand out to Gentro and helped him to his feet. He swayed a little, and she held him until he had steadied himself.

  “What did you use to knock me out?”

  Orla blushed. “I am sorry about that, but it was the only way to get you here.”

  “Next time try asking me instead,” Gentro said with a smile. Orla returned the smile. She
might still have some leftover feelings about her situation and the role Gentro played in it, but was finding that she rather liked the man. Even if he gave her an abnormal gene, she was willing to work through that with time. She was simply glad to know that she was not the only one with this strange gift.

  Gentro followed her out the door, and she saw him squint in the bright sunlight. She had not realized that they had been talking for so long. She looked up at the position of the sun. It was already past the midday hour. She looked at Gentro and found him looking at her.

  “There is something else I need to tell you.”

  Orla could not help a feeling of foreboding at Gentro's grave tone. “What is it?”

  “We can capture Ridat, but we cannot kill him.” Gentro took her hand in hers. “We are of the same blood, and it is prohibited for us to take the life of anyone from the bloodline.”

  “What should we do then?”

  “We need an ancient from our bloodline to destroy him.”

  “And who would that be? Are they even still alive?”

  Gentro smiled at her and squeezed her hand. “King Hark is still very much alive, but he is quite old now and rarely leaves the kingdom. We could try and get hold of Minos. We are direct descendants of him. You look a little pale. Are you okay?”

  “I…I will be,” Orla said with a weak smile. She was completely stunned by the news. If King Hark was still alive after all these years, it meant she too might one day grow that old. She found Gentro's concerned gaze on her. “I rarely take on human form during the day.”

  “I know. That is why I have shared so much with you,” Gentro gently rubbed her hand. “But you will be fine. Now, come to the palace with me. We will have to send a messenger to Minos.”


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