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Delphi Collected Works of Grant Allen

Page 523

by Grant Allen

  “I remember, darling,” Clarence answered, leaning over towards her tenderly; “I remember well, and in my own way, so far as a man can (for we men haven’t the moral earnestness of you women, I’m afraid, Olive), I try to act up to it. But, dearest, I think your fears are greater than they need be: you must recollect that humanity requires for its higher development tenderness, and truth, and love, and all the softer qualities, as well as strength and manliness; and if you are a trifle less strong than most of our sisters here, you seem to me at least (and I really believe to the hierarch and to the elder brothers too) to make up for it, and more than make up for it, in your sweet and lovable inner nature. The men of the future mustn’t all be cast in one unvarying stereotyped mould; we must have a little of all good types combined, in order to make a perfect phalanstery.”

  Olive sighed again. “I don’t know,” she said pensively. “I don’t feel sure. I hope I am doing right. In my aspirations every evening I have desired light on this matter, and have earnestly hoped that I was not being misled by my own feelings; for, oh, Clarence, I do love you so dearly, so truly, so absorbingly, that I half fear my love may be taking me unwittingly astray. I try to curb it; I try to think of it all as the hierarch tells us we ought to; but in my own heart I sometimes almost fear that I may be lapsing into the idolatrous love of the old days, when people married and were given in marriage, and thought only of the gratification of their own personal emotions and affections, and nothing of the ultimate good of humanity. Oh, Clarence, don’t hate me and despise me for it; don’t turn upon me and scold me: but I love you, I love you, I love you; oh, I’m afraid I love you almost idolatrously!”

  Clarence lifted her small white hand slowly to his lips, with that natural air of chivalrous respect which came so easily to the young men of the phalanstery, and kissed it twice over fervidly with quiet reverence. “Let us go into the music-room, Olive dearest,” he said as he rose; “you are too sad to-night. You shall play me that sweet piece of Marian’s that you love so much; and that will quiet you, darling, from thinking too earnestly about this serious matter.”


  Next day, when Clarence had finished his daily spell of work in the fruit-garden (he was third under-gardener to the community), he went up to his own study, and wrote out a little notice in due form to be posted at dinner-time on the refectory door: “Clarence and Olive ask leave of the phalanstery to enter with one another into free contract of holy matrimony.” His pen trembled a little in his hand as he framed that familiar set form of words (strange that he had read it so often with so little emotion, and wrote it now with so much: we men are so selfish!); but he fixed it boldly with four small brass nails on the regulation notice-board, and waited, not without a certain quiet confidence, for the final result of the communal council.

  “Aha!” said the hierarch to himself with a kindly smile, as he passed into the refectory at dinner-time that day, “has it come to that, then? Well, well, I thought as much; I felt sure it would. A good girl, Olive: a true, earnest, lovable girl: and she has chosen wisely, too; for Clarence is the very man to balance her own character as man’s and wife’s should do. Whether Clarence has done well in selecting her is another matter. For my own part, I had rather hoped she would have joined the celibate sisters, and have taken nurse duty for the sick and the children. It’s her natural function in life, the work she’s best fitted for; and I should have liked to see her take to it. But after all, the business of the phalanstery is not to decide vicariously for its individual members — not to thwart their natural harmless inclinations and wishes; on the contrary, we ought to allow every man and girl the fullest liberty to follow their own personal taste and judgment in every possible matter. Our power of interference as a community, I’ve always felt and said, should only extend to the prevention of obviously wrong and immoral acts, such as marriage with a person in ill-health, or of inferior mental power, or with a distinctly bad or insubordinate temper. Things of that sort, of course, are as clearly wicked as idling in work hours or marriage with a first cousin. Olive’s health, however, isn’t really bad, nothing more than a very slight feebleness of constitution, as constitutions go with us; and Eustace, who has attended her medically from her babyhood (what a dear crowing little thing she used to be in the nursery, to be sure), tells me she’s perfectly fitted for the duties of her proposed situation. Ah well, ah well; I’ve no doubt they’ll be perfectly happy; and the wishes of the whole phalanstery will go with them, in any case, that’s certain.”

  Everybody knew that whatever the hierarch said or thought was pretty sure to be approved by the unanimous voice of the entire community. Not that he was at all a dictatorial or dogmatic old man; quite the contrary; but his gentle kindly way had its full weight with the brothers; and his intimate acquaintance, through the exercise of his spiritual functions, with the inmost thoughts and ideas of every individual member, man or woman, made him a safe guide in all difficult or delicate questions, as to what the decision of the council ought to be. So when, on the first Cosmos, the elder brothers assembled to transact phalansteric business, and the hierarch put in Clarence’s request with the simple phrase, “In my opinion, there is no reasonable objection,” the community at once gave in its adhesion, and formal notice was posted an hour later on, the refectory door, “The phalanstery approves the proposition of Clarence and Olive, and wishes all happiness to them and to humanity from the sacred union they now contemplate.” “You see, dearest,” Clarence said, kissing her lips for the first time (as unwritten law demanded), now that the seal of the community had been placed upon their choice, “you see, there can’t be any harm in our contract, for the elder brothers all approve it.”

  Olive smiled and sighed from the very bottom of her full heart, and clung to her lover as the ivy clings to a strong supporting oak-tree. “Darling,” she murmured in his ear, “if I have you to comfort me, I shall not be afraid, and we will try our best to work together for the advancement and the good of divine humanity.”

  Four decades later, on a bright Cosmos morning in September, those two stood up beside one another before the altar of humanity, and heard with a thrill the voice of the hierarch uttering that solemn declaration, “In the name of the Past, and of the Present, and of the Future, I hereby admit you, Clarence and Olive, into the holy society of Fathers and Mothers, of the United Avondale Phalanstery, in trust for humanity, whose stewards you are. May you so use and enhance the good gifts you have received from your ancestors that you may hand them on, untarnished and increased, to the bodies and minds of your furthest descendants.” And Clarence and Olive answered humbly and reverently, “If grace be given us, we will.”


  Brother Eustace, physiologist to the phalanstery, looked very grave and sad indeed as he passed from the Mothers’ Room into the Conversazione in search of the hierarch. “A child is born into the phalanstery,” he said gloomily; but his face conveyed at once a far deeper and more pregnant meaning than his mere words could carry to the ear.

  The hierarch rose hastily and glanced into his dark keen eyes with an inquiring look. “Not something amiss?” he said eagerly, with an infinite tenderness in his fatherly voice. “Don’t tell me that, Eustace. Not ... oh, not a child that the phalanstery must not for its own sake permit to live! Oh, Eustace, not, I hope, idiotic! And I gave my consent too; I gave my consent for pretty gentle little Olive’s sake! Heaven grant I was not too much moved by her prettiness and her delicacy, for I love her, Eustace, I love her like a daughter.”

  “So we all love all the children of the phalanstery Cyriac, we who are elder brothers,” said the physiologist gravely, half smiling to himself nevertheless at this quaint expression of old-world feeling on the part even of the very hierarch, whose bounden duty it was to advise and persuade a higher rule of conduct and thought than such antique phraseology implied. “No, not idiotic; not quite so bad as that, Cyriac; not absolutely a hopeless case, but still, very serious and distressing for
all that. The dear little baby has its feet turned inward. She’ll be a cripple for life, I fear, and no help for it.”

  Tears rose unchecked into the hierarch’s soft grey eyes. “Its feet turned inward,” he muttered sadly, half to himself. “Feet turned inward! Oh, how terrible! This will be a frightful blow to Clarence and to Olive. Poor young things: their first-born, too. Oh, Eustace, what an awful thought that, with all the care and precaution we take to keep all causes of misery away from the precincts of the phalanstery, such trials as this must needs come upon us by the blind workings of the unconscious Cosmos! It is terrible, too terrible.”

  “And yet it isn’t all loss,” the physiologist answered earnestly. “It isn’t all loss, Cyriac, heart-rending as the necessity seems to us. I sometimes think that if we hadn’t these occasional distressful objects on which to expend our sympathy and our sorrow, we in our happy little communities might grow too smug, and comfortable, and material, and earthy. But things like this bring tears into our eyes, and we are the better for them in the end, depend upon it, we are the better for them. They try our fortitude, our devotion to principle, our obedience to the highest and the hardest law. Every time some poor little waif like this is born into our midst, we feel the strain of old prephalansteric emotions and fallacies of feeling dragging us steadily and cruelly down. Our first impulse is to pity the poor mother, to pity the poor child, and in our mistaken kindness to let an unhappy life go on indefinitely to its own misery and the preventible distress of all around it. We have to make an effort, a struggle, before the higher and more abstract pity conquers the lower and more concrete one. But in the end we are all the better for it: and each such struggle and each such victory, Cyriac, paves the way for that final and truest morality when we shall do right instinctively and naturally, without any impulse on any side to do wrong in any way at all.”

  “You speak wisely, Eustace,” the hierarch answered with a sad shake of his head, “and I wish I could feel like you. I ought to, but I can’t. Your functions make you able to look more dispassionately upon these things than I can. I’m afraid there’s a great deal of the old Adam lingering wrongfully in me yet. And I’m still more afraid there’s a great deal of the old Eve lingering even more strongly in all our mothers. It’ll be a long time, I doubt me, before they’ll ever consent without a struggle to the painless extinction of necessarily unhappy and imperfect lives. A long time: a very long time. Does Clarence know of this yet?”

  “Yes, I have told him. His grief is terrible. You had better go and console him as best you can.”

  “I will, I will. And poor Olive! Poor Olive! It wrings my heart to think of her. Of course she won’t be told of it, if you can help, for the probationary four decades?”

  “No, not if we can help it: but I don’t know how it can ever be kept from her. She will see Clarence, and Clarence will certainly tell her.”

  The hierarch whistled gently to himself. “It’s a sad case,” he said ruefully, “a very sad case; and yet I don’t see how we can possibly prevent it.”

  He walked slowly and deliberately into the ante-room where Clarence was seated on a sofa, his head between his hands, rocking himself to and fro in his mute misery, or stopping to groan now and then in a faint feeble inarticulate fashion. Rhoda, one of the elder sisters, held the unconscious baby sleeping in her arms, and the hierarch took it from her like a man accustomed to infants, and looked ruthfully at the poor distorted little feet. Yes, Eustace was evidently quite right. There could be no hope of ever putting those wee twisted ankles back straight and firm into their proper place again like other people’s.

  He sat down beside Clarence on the sofa, and with a commiserating gesture removed the young man’s hands from his pale white face. “My dear, dear friend,” he said softly, “what comfort or consolation can we try to give you that is not a cruel mockery? None, none, none. We can only sympathize with you and Olive: and perhaps, after all, the truest sympathy is silence.”

  Clarence answered nothing for a moment, but buried his face once more in his hands and burst into tears. The men of the phalanstery were less careful to conceal their emotions than we old-time folks in these early centuries. “Oh, dear hierarch,” he said, after a long sob, “it is too hard a sacrifice, too hard, too terrible. I don’t feel it for the baby’s sake: for her ’tis better so: she will be freed from a life of misery and dependence; but for my own sake, and oh, above all, for dear Olive’s. It will kill her, hierarch; I feel sure it will kill her!”

  The elder brother passed his hand with a troubled gesture across his forehead. “But what else can we do, dear Clarence?” he asked pathetically. “What else can we do? Would you have us bring up the dear child to lead a lingering life of misfortune, to distress the eyes of all around her, to feel herself a useless incumbrance in the midst of so many mutually helpful and serviceable and happy people? How keenly she would realize her own isolation in the joyous busy labouring community of our phalansteries! How terribly she would brood over her own misfortune when surrounded by such a world of hearty, healthy, sound-limbed, useful persons! Would it not be a wicked and a cruel act to bring her up to an old age of unhappiness and imperfection? You have been in Australia, my boy, when we sent you on that plant-hunting expedition, and you have seen cripples with your own eyes, no doubt, which I have never done — thank Heaven! — I who have never gone beyond the limits of the most highly civilized Euramerican countries. You have seen cripples, in those semi-civilized old colonial societies, which have lagged after us so slowly in the path of progress; and would you like your own daughter to grow up to such a life as that, Clarence? would you like her, I ask you, to grow up to such a life as that?”

  Clarence clenched his right hand tightly over his left arm, and answered with a groan: “No, hierarch; not even for Olive’s sake could I wish for such an act of irrational injustice. You have trained us up to know the good from the evil, and for no personal gratification of our deepest emotions, I hope and trust, shall we ever betray your teaching or depart from your principles. I know what it is: I saw just such a cripple once, at a great town in the heart of Central Australia — a child of eight years old, limping along lamely on her heels by her mother’s side: a sickening sight: to think of it even now turns the blood in one’s arteries: and I could never wish Olive’s baby to live and grow up to be a thing like that. But, oh, I wish to heaven it might have been otherwise: I wish to heaven this trial might have been spared us both. Oh, hierarch, dear hierarch, the sacrifice is one that no good man or woman would wish selfishly to forego; yet for all that, our hearts, our hearts are human still; and though we may reason and may act up to our reasoning, the human feeling in us — relic of the idolatrous days or whatever you like to call it — it will not choose to be so put down and stifled: it will out, hierarch, it will out for all that, in real hot, human tears. Oh, dear, dear kind father and brother, it will kill Olive: I know it will kill her!”

  “Olive is a good girl,” the hierarch answered slowly. “A good girl, well brought up, and with sound principles. She will not flinch from doing her duty, I know, Clarence: but her emotional nature is a very delicate one, and we have reason indeed to fear the shock to her nervous system. That she will do right bravely, I don’t doubt: the only danger is lest the effort to do right should cost her too dear. Whatever can be done to spare her shall be done, Clarence. It is a sad misfortune for the whole phalanstery, such a child being born to us as this: and we all sympathize with you: we sympathize with you more deeply than words can say.”

  The young man only rocked up and down drearily as before, and murmured to himself, “It will kill her, it will kill her! My Olive, my Olive, I know it will kill her.”


  They didn’t keep the secret of the baby’s crippled condition from Olive till the four decades were over, nor anything like it. The moment she saw Clarence, she guessed at once with a woman’s instinct that something serious had happened: and she didn’t rest till she had found out from
him all about it. Rhoda brought her the poor wee mite, carefully wrapped after the phalansteric fashion in a long strip of fine flannel, and Olive unrolled the piece until she came at last upon the small crippled feet, that looked so soft and tender and dainty and waxen in their very deformity. The young mother leant over the child a moment in speechless misery. “Spirit of Humanity,” she whispered at length feebly, “oh give me strength to bear this terrible unutterable trial! It will break my heart. But I will try to bear it.”

  There was something so touching in her attempted resignation that Rhoda, for the first time in her life, felt almost tempted to wish she had been born in the old wicked prephalansteric days, when they would have let the poor baby grow up to womanhood as a matter of course, and bear its own burden through life as best it might. Presently, Olive raised her head again from the crimson silken pillow. “Clarence,” she said, in a trembling voice, pressing the sleeping baby hard against her breast, “when will it be? How long? Is there no hope, no chance of respite?”

  “Not for a long time yet, dearest Olive,” Clarence answered through his tears. “The phalanstery will be very gentle and patient with us, we know: and brother Eustace will do everything that lies in his power, though he’s afraid he can give us very little hope indeed. In any case, Olive darling, the community waits for four decades before deciding anything: it waits to see whether there is any chance for physiological or surgical relief: it decides nothing hastily or thoughtlessly: it waits for every possible improvement, hoping against hope till hope itself is hopeless. And then, if at the end of the quartet, as I fear will be the case — for we must face the worst, darling, we must face the worst — if at the end of the quartet it seems clear to brother Eustace, and the three assessor physiologists from the neighbouring phalansteries, that the dear child would be a cripple for life, we’re still allowed four decades more to prepare ourselves in: four whole decades more, Olive, to take our leave of the darling baby. You’ll have your baby with you for eighty days. And we must wean ourselves from her in that time, darling. We must try to wean ourselves. But oh Olive, oh Rhoda, it’s very hard: very, very, very hard.”


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