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Trent Men of Clifton, Montana Book 9

Page 8

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  Trent pulled up to the cabin, put the gear into Park, shut the truck off then climbed out. He walked up the steps and entered the cabin. The little dog ran to him, sat down, and ‘smiled’ up at him making him laugh. Aussies showed their teeth, and it looked like a snarl, but it was just a smile to greet you. Those teeth smiled up at him, and her little body wiggled. She was happy to see him. He pulled his gloves off, removed his hat and coat off then squatted down and rubbed her ears.

  “Hey, girl. At least you’re happy to see me, huh? Do you have to go out?” He grinned when she ran to the French doors. Trent knew she had to have belonged to someone at one time since she was house trained.

  Trent followed her and opened the door. She ran out onto the deck then down the steps and into the yard. He left the door open then sat down and took his boots off. He had a few hours to kill before going to see Delaney. He frowned as he wondered what he would do with the dog if he spent the night with her and he did plan on it, or he was going to have to have her come here. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he found her number and called her. She answered sounding out of breath.

  “Are you running, darlin’?”

  “The diner is busy,” she said.

  “I won’t take up much of your time. Do you still want me to come over tonight?”


  “Can I bring the dog because I’m not leaving your bed until tomorrow morning.”

  “Of course, you can bring her. I just have one question.”


  “Who is this?”

  Trent chuckled. “You’ll find out later. I’ll see you at six.”

  Her laughter came across the line. “Can’t wait. Bye.”

  Trent shook his head but couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he let the dog back in then headed for the shower.


  Jake sat behind his desk and looked at Gabe.

  “I don’t think it’s a bad idea to talk to Dirk,” Gabe said.

  “I agree. I really don’t think Trent is after anything other than information but better safe than sorry.”

  “Call Dirk then and get us in there as soon as he can see us.”

  “Wyatt’s going too, whether he wants to or not.”

  Gabe laughed. “Hell, he’ll drive us there. I still can’t believe Trent hit him and almost knocked him down.”

  “Seems like Trent’s more like Wyatt than we are. How many times have we been on the wrong end of one of Wyatt’s fists?”

  “Wyatt shouldn’t have said what he did. If someone had said it about our mother, we would have done the same thing.”

  “Definitely. Wyatt will have to get used to it. Besides, it sounds like Trent’s going back to Billings and that’s a real shame. We have another brother, and despite what we think about Dad doing that to Mom, I’d like to know Trent. It’s not his fault.”

  “No, it’s not. I’d better get going. Can I tell Emma about this?”

  “No reason why not. Becca knows, and I’m sure once Wyatt gets home, Liv will know something is up with him, and she’ll get it out of him.” Jake grinned.

  Gabe chuckled. “Yep. Of course, our wives can get any information from us if they put their minds to it. Call me when you can get us in to see Dirk.”

  “Will do,” Jake said as he watched Gabe stop in the doorway to hug Becca, then he left.

  Becca entered the room. “I’m sorry I got involved in that.”

  “How could you not, Red? Wyatt’s your brother-in-law, and he needed someone to put him in his place.

  Becca laughed. “I think Trent did that pretty well. I couldn’t believe it when he punched Wyatt. Not many punch him and get away with it.”

  “That’s true.” Jake sighed. “I’d like it if Trent would stick around, but it doesn’t sound like that’s going to happen.”

  “I wish he’d come for Thanksgiving,” Becca said.

  “It would be nice, but I also think it’s too soon. If Wyatt found out he was coming, he wouldn’t. He has to get used to this first. I’m still not, but I’m trying.”

  “I know you are, Stone. I just don’t want you to forget about Trent once he returns to Billings.”

  Jake pulled her into his arms. “I promise that won’t happen.”

  Becca looked up at him. “Good.” She smiled when Jake kissed her forehead.

  He did not intend to forget his brother. Family had always been important to him, and Trent was family now. No matter what happened.


  Lanie pulled into the garage, put the gear into Park, and then climbed out of the SUV. She needed to grab a shower before Trent got here because she smelled like grease, burgers, and fries. Quickly entering the house, she took her hat and coat off, and started undressing as she walked down the hallway then tossed her clothes on the bed. Entering the bathroom, she turned the shower on then stepped inside the stall. It was four-thirty, and Trent would be here in an hour and a half, so she didn’t have time to waste. She had a lasagna she just had to put into the oven. Connie had made it and given it to her a few days ago. Lanie had almost separated it into sections because it was too much for one person, but she was now glad she hadn’t. She reached for the shampoo and lathered up her hair, rinsed it then washed her body with her favorite honeysuckle bodywash.

  After shutting off the water, she reached for a red fluffy towel to wrap around her hair then another one to dry off with. Stepping from the stall, she hung the towel up then left the bathroom and entered the bedroom. She opened the closet door and stared at her clothes hanging there. What to wear? She pushed each hanger along the rod and ruled out each item. Damn it! It shouldn’t be this hard. She pulled out a green V-neck sweater, and jeans deciding on those then walked to her chest of drawers and opened the top drawer to pull out a set of panties and bra. Purple for tonight. As she put them on, she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She sat on the bed to put her socks on then she stood and pulled her jeans up, zipping and snapping them then she slid her feet into her fuzzy bunny slippers. She whipped off the towel on her head and pulled her sweater over her head then entered the bathroom again to blow dry her hair.

  When her hair was dry, she made her way to the kitchen and put the lasagna in the oven then headed back to the bedroom and put her clothes in the hamper. As she walked by the mirror in the bathroom, she stopped and looked at herself. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and her cheeks were rosy. She couldn’t remember ever looking like this when she knew Brett was coming over before they moved in together. This is what Trent Donovan did to her, and she’d only known him a week. She wouldn’t put makeup on because he’d already seen her without it. Her mother had always told her she never needed makeup with her smooth skin. Lanie jumped when someone knocked on her door. She glanced at the clock to see it was five minutes to six. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the door, opened it, and almost groaned looking at Trent. He held the dog in his arms.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi there, cowboy. Come in,” she said as she opened the door wider. She rubbed the dog’s ears.

  Trent set the dog down then took his coat and hat off. She took them from him and hung them up. She shouldn’t be nervous, but she was and kept her back to him until he slid his hand under her hair and touched the nape of her neck. She turned to look up at him.

  “Can I have a kiss?” he asked her.

  “Yes, please.”

  He grinned and lowered his head then pressed his lips to hers. When she moaned, he deepened the kiss and moved his tongue into her mouth. He slowly lifted his lips from hers.

  “By the way, I’m the one who called you today about bringing my dog.”

  “Was that you?” She laughed when he chuckled.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Well, I hope you like lasagna.”

  “I do.” He straightened up. “Damn, about breaks my neck kissing you.”

  “Then we need to sit down.”

  “Or lie down,” he said and waggled his
eyebrows when she looked at him.

  “Sure, but after dinner. Go have a seat. You can turn the TV on, and I’ll check the lasagna. It’s already cooked, just needs to be heated up.”

  “All right. I love those bunny slippers.”

  “Thank you. They’re all the rage now.”

  “They look good on you.”

  “Go sit down, please. Hey girl, you can go sit with your master.” Lanie laughed when the dog ran behind Trent.

  While waiting for the lasagna to heat up, they sat on the sofa watching a movie. Lanie leaned against Trent, and the dog was next to her.

  “No name yet?”


  “Why not? Do you enjoy calling her dog?”

  Trent chuckled. “No, but I really don’t want to name her until I know she doesn’t belong to someone. I spoke with Dr. Garrett, and she said to bring the dog in, and she’d check for a chip.”

  “That’s good. If a family is missing her, she needs to go home.”

  “Yeah,” he said then blew out a breath.

  “What’s wrong? You’ve been a little distant all evening. Are you sorry you started this with me?”

  “No way, sweetheart. I just have a lot on my mind. Things…just didn’t turn out the way I was hoping.”

  “Tell me,” she said and sat up to look at him.

  “I told you I was here for business, but my reason for being here is personal.” He took a deep breath. “I told you that my mother died recently, well, I grew up thinking my father had died, but after my mother passed away, I found a letter she left me telling me that he was alive and the reason she had told me he was dead was that he was married. I knew his name because I had seen my birth certificate, but since I thought he was dead, it didn’t matter. She told me in the letter that he was here in Clifton. That’s why I came here, to find him. But I found out he had died years ago. I also found out that I have three half-brothers.”

  “Who was your father?”

  “Josiah Stone.”

  Lanie gasped. “Stone? As in Jake, Gabe, and Wyatt?”

  “Yes. My middle name is Stone for my father. Trenton Stone Donovan. My mother never married but I’ve messed up the brothers’ lives by coming here. Wyatt hates me, and I don’t know how Jake or Gabe feel. They loved their father and hate the fact that he cheated on their mother, which I can certainly understand. I never should have come here. I just wanted to meet my father.”

  “Oh, Trent, I am so sorry.”

  “I should have checked into him before even coming here. Maybe I would have found out he died, and I never would have caused problems for anyone. I was just anxious to get here and meet him.”

  “I know all three of them. Not really well, but what I do know is that they’re good men and I’m sure they’ll come around.”

  “I hit Wyatt today,” he said flexing his hand.

  “You hit him? Why?”

  “He said something about my mother spreading her legs for his father and I got angry. My temper got the best of me, and I punched him.”

  “Men. I don’t see any bruises so he must not have hit you back.”

  “Not because he didn’t want to, but Jake and Gabe held him back. I told them I’d leave soon then Becca asked me to have Thanksgiving with them, but I turned her down. There would be way too much tension.”

  “You’re leaving soon?” That was all she heard.

  Trent hugged her to him. “Not for a while yet. Becca said I could stay at the cabin for as long as I want. I was planning to leave in a day or two, but I’d like to stick around a while. My boss told me to take as long as I needed. Hey, do me a favor, please don’t mention to anyone why I’m here.”

  Lanie stared into his eyes. She hoped he wanted to stay because of her.

  “I won’t. I am glad that you’re staying a while. You know, Aunt Connie serves dinner on Thanksgiving. It’s for anyone who doesn’t feel like cooking or has nowhere to go. I told her I’d help her. Why don’t you come to the diner?”

  “I might do that.” He put his face against her neck and kissed her. “How long before dinner?”

  “Soon. We have all night, cowboy.”

  “You’re right because I’m not leaving until after breakfast.”

  “I don’t have any pie.”

  Trent chuckled. “I’m sure we can find something.”

  Later they sat on the sofa watching a movie. Dinner was over, and they were relaxing. The dog lay at Trent’s feet. Lanie kept snapping her eyes open. She was exhausted. It had been such a long day. When she yawned, Trent looked at her.


  “I am. We were so busy at the diner. I took a quick shower when I got home, but I wish I would have soaked in the tub.”

  “Then go do it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course.”

  “You could share it with me. It’s a big tub. Uncle Owen put it in when they lived here since he and Aunt Connie are on their feet so much.”

  Trent stared at her then nodded. “I could use a nice soak.”

  Lanie stood and put her hand out to him. “Come on then.”

  Trent stood and towered over her then he surprised her when he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. She let out a squeal and laughed as he headed down the hallway in the direction she pointed.

  Chapter Eight

  Trent awoke to the feeling of Delaney’s hand around his dick, and it came alive in her grasp. A groan tore from his throat when she ran her tongue along the length then put her mouth down over him. He thrust his fingers into her hair, and she raised her head.

  “I hope you don’t mind me waking you up like this,” she murmured then put her mouth down over him and sucked hard.

  “No…damn,” he swore as he raised his hips.

  Delaney laughed. “You just relax, Trent, and I’ll take care of you.”

  “Relax? Easy for you to say.” He moaned when she continued to suck on him and when her hand cupped his balls, he almost shot off the bed. Her other hand pumped along his hard length as she swirled her tongue around the head.

  “Son of a bitch. Delaney, you have to stop, darlin’,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Not yet. Give me a few more minutes, baby,” she whispered.

  Damn, he loved it when she called him baby but he sure as hell did not have a few more minutes. He sat up, pulled her away from him, and tossed her down beside him. The air whooshed out of her when she landed on her stomach. Trent quickly reached for a condom, ripped open the packet, rolled it on, then got behind her, and spread her legs. Lifting her hips, he moved his finger along her slit, but she was already wet. Grinning, he thrust into her, and she gasped.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked and stilled.

  “No. Move damn it,” she snapped.

  Trent chuckled and began to pump in and out of her.

  “Get up on your hands and knees, Delaney.”

  Raising up, she pushed her hips back at him. Trent didn’t think he’d be lasting much longer. She was so tight and wet, he was sure this was going to be over way too soon. He leaned over her, moved her hair aside to kiss her neck, and cupped her breast with his other hand as he moved his lips up to her ear.

  “You’re so fucking hot. I love how wet you get for me.” He nipped her neck then kissed the spot.

  “Yes, only for you. Harder, Trent. Faster,” she moaned, and he complied.

  When he felt her inner muscles clenching around his dick, he slammed into her harder. She cried out his name and the dog started barking outside the door. Trent chuckled when Delaney laughed then he gripped her hips and thrust harder as his orgasm ripped through him. He groaned out her name and came hard. She fell forward, and he landed on top of her back. He rolled to his back, put his arm over his eyes, and took deep breaths.

  “God, it’s always so good,” she said between breaths.

  He ran his hand down her sweat-slicked back to her ass and then back up.

  “It is, and if this
is what kills me, I’ll die happy.”

  Delaney raised her head and looked at him. “Me too. Now I’m hungry again.”

  “Well, we worked up an appetite. What time is it?”

  She turned to look at the clock. “A little past midnight.”

  “Not too late for more lasagna, is it?”

  “Nope.” She rolled over, swung her legs over the bed, stood then found his T-shirt and pulled it on.

  “What am I supposed to wear if you’re wearing my shirt?”

  “Your jeans, boxer briefs, nothing.”

  Trent laughed. “I’d hate to spill hot lasagna down on my underwear. I could damage something.”

  Delaney reached for the bottom of the T-shirt and pulled it off over her head then tossed it at him.

  “I’ll wear my robe. You wear that and your underwear. Maybe that shirt will keep you a little safer.”

  “I liked you in my shirt,” he said as he walked around the bed to her. He cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers then moved his tongue inside when she opened to him. Her arms wrapped around his waist as he deepened the kiss then slowly raised his lips from hers.

  “I’ll wear my robe for now.” She stood on her toes and kissed his lips. “I’ll go warm up the lasagna and let the dog out. She really needs a name, Trent. Even if you don’t get to keep her, you have to call her something for now.”



  “Yeah. My mother’s name was Virginia, and everyone called her Ginny.” He shrugged.

  Delaney blinked her eyes, but Trent saw the tears.

  “I like that. I’ll let Ginny out,” she said as she pulled her robe on and tied the belt.

  Trent watched her leave the room then headed for the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He reentered the bedroom, pulled on his jeans, and tugged his T-shirt down over his head then strode to the kitchen. He leaned against the doorjamb and watched her cut the lasagna and put it onto plates. She turned and saw him, and he swore his heart stopped. There was no way he could have deep feelings for her. He’d only known her a little over a week, and he was leaving soon to go back to his job. He could never ask her to go with him. He didn’t have anything to offer her. Not anymore and the ranch was so isolated that it was no place for a woman and family. Blowing out a breath, he moved to the table to take a seat.


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