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Yours to Hold: Ribbon Ridge Book Two

Page 28

by Darcy Burke

  “Wow, this is a new level of jackassery, even for you.” Liam shook his head.

  Derek glared at Liam. “Shut it.” He looked at Kyle, and there was sympathy in his gaze. “It’s a bit of a shock, but you’re right. She isn’t to blame for Alex’s death.”

  “Thank you.” Maggie sounded small and scared. She cleared her throat. “For what it’s worth, I cared a great deal for Alex, and if I could go back in time, I would. I had no idea he was suicidal.”

  “And why was that?” Dad said angrily. “You’re a goddamned professional.”

  Kyle pulled Maggie closer to his side. “Dad, Alex hid what he was planning from everyone. Not even Aubrey knew what he was doing, and she set up the trust.”

  “He’s right,” Hayden said, clasping Dad’s shoulder. “I know we want someone to blame, but that’s solely on Alex. And since he’s not here, it’s been easy to direct our anger and hurt at the people who are. Some of us were pretty awful to Aubrey at first.” He threw an accusing look at Liam, who’d been the most vocal about questioning what Aubrey knew before Alex’s death.

  “Hey, I wasn’t the only one,” Liam said.

  “So you . . . knew him,” Tori said softly, drawing everyone to look at her. She and Maggie had something in common, Kyle realized. Tori tended to react emotionally, just like Maggie did. “But you probably can’t share anything with us.” Of all of them, Tori seemed the most hurt by Alex’s actions. But then, she was a one-woman fix-it machine. There was no problem too big to handle, no crisis that couldn’t be managed. That Alex would choose death over life absolutely confounded her.

  “Yes, and I liked him a lot. I was shocked when he died. Utterly shocked.” The sadness and regret in Maggie’s tone were unmistakable.

  Kyle hoped they could see that she’d been as affected as they had. “I’m not sure it’s possible to feel as guilty as Maggie did. She had a breakdown and had to quit practicing for a few months.”

  Mom made a sound in her throat. She narrowed her eyes. “Forgive us if we don’t feel sorry for her.”

  “I didn’t tell you that to encourage your pity,” Kyle said, trying not to become frustrated, especially in the face of his mother’s anger. Her opinion meant everything to him, and if she couldn’t accept Maggie . . . he didn’t want to contemplate that. “I wanted you to maybe understand her perspective.”

  “It’s going to take time, Kyle,” Hayden said. “You get that, right?”

  “I do.”

  “Why’d you have to do this now?” Liam asked. “Great timing with the wedding. You couldn’t have waited until next week?”

  Kyle flexed his free hand in an effort to expel his growing irritation. He speared Liam with a frank glare. “When you’ve gone back to Denver so you wouldn’t have to deal with it?”

  Liam gave a little shrug, clearly communicating his unspoken answer: Yeah, that would’ve suited me fine.

  Telling himself to ignore Liam, Kyle squeezed Maggie’s hand again, this time for himself. He looked around at all of them. “I wanted to talk to you about more than this. I’m through hiding who I am, and that means introducing you to the woman I love and telling you that I’m”—he took a deep breath to try to calm his suddenly racing heart—“a gambling addict.”

  MAGGIE WAS SURE you could’ve heard a pin drop. Two bombshells in one night seemed excessive, but she understood why he’d done it. He wanted to own who he was, and she couldn’t have been prouder of him.

  “I need a chair,” Kyle’s mom said, looking nearly as pale as when Kyle had said Maggie’s full name.

  Evan, who was closest to the table, grabbed a chair and helped Emily sit.

  Derek leaned toward Kyle and whispered, “Don’t you think that could’ve waited?”

  “It had to be done,” Kyle responded in a low tone. “I don’t mean to shock you, Mom, or anyone else, but I wanted to say this to all of you, and I don’t know when we’ll be together again. And tomorrow is Chloe and Derek’s day.”

  “I’d argue right now is still their day,” Liam said. Maggie had never met him, but when she recalled what she knew of him from Alex and his behavior tonight, she sort of wanted to kick him in the balls.

  “Liam, you’d argue about the color of the sky.” Rob’s angry comment drew everyone’s attention. “Give your brother some respect here.”

  Emily looked up at her husband. “Did you know?”

  Rob nodded, his face tensing. “I did.”

  “My goodness, Rob, I wonder what else you’re keeping from me.” She glared at him before turning to look at Kyle. “Is that why you left before?”

  “Yes. I got into some trouble. But I’ve sought some help, and I’m doing better now.”

  Hayden rubbed his eyes. “I can’t even get my head around this. Maybe it’s the jet lag.” He blinked several times. “So is Maggie your therapist or something?”

  Maggie nearly choked on the air she’d just inhaled.

  “No, she’s no longer practicing. As you saw, she’s a fantastic landscape architect.” He flashed her a warm smile that helped ease her raging nerves.

  “Who else knew?” Sara’s question was tentative. Dylan had his arm around her while she fidgeted with a bracelet. Maggie knew about her sensory processing disorder and from her own professional training recognized that she was having trouble regulating.

  “Just Dad and Derek. I didn’t want to upset you, Sara-cat.”

  Maggie heard the anguish in Kyle’s voice and put her other hand over the back of his, holding him between her palms.

  “I could’ve handled it,” Sara said. “I wish you would’ve trusted me.”

  “It’s not about you,” Maggie said, unable to keep from both defending the man she loved and giving her professional input. “It’s about Kyle’s inability to be honest with himself and with you.”

  “She’s right,” Kyle said. “I left because Derek found out and told Dad. I was pissed and hurt and most of all, embarrassed. The only thing I had left was my pride, and even that had taken a massive hit. The only thing I could think to do was leave.”

  Derek set his hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “We get it. At least, I get it. The others will, too.” He looked at everyone else. “He needs our support, not our criticism or judgment. We’re a family, and we look out for each other—in good times and especially in bad.”

  Sara took a deep breath. “You’re right.” She wiped a finger over her eye and blinked. “I’m here for you, Kyle. Whatever you need.” She went to him and gave him a hug.

  Kyle let go of Maggie and hugged Sara back. Maggie was glad for this positive reaction, but without his touch, she felt alone and threatened, like a boat stranded among a sea of sharks.

  Sara and Kyle broke apart, and she turned to Maggie. “I’m so glad you’re with my brother. I can already see you’ve had a good influence.”

  Maggie was flummoxed by Sara’s kindness. As much as they might talk about there not being blame, she still struggled with guilt over Alex’s death, and maybe she always would. “Thanks.” She looked around at all of them. “I just want you to know that I love Kyle so very much. In a way, it feels to me like maybe Alex brought us together. That maybe our finding each other through him was fate. I’m incredibly grateful to him for bringing Kyle into my life.”

  Kyle turned to look at her, love shining in his blue-green eyes. “I hadn’t even thought of it that way, but you’re absolutely right.”

  A peace settled over Maggie, and she knew in that moment that whatever happened, she’d be okay. “I know it’s going to take time for all of you to adjust and accept me—but I hope you will. I’ll wait as long as it takes.”

  Kyle put his arm around her. “I may not be quite so patient. As you can see, I’m pretty anxious to get on with my life.”

  “Clearly,” Hayden said, half-smiling for a brief moment before becoming serious again. “What about the gambling? What do you need us to do?”

  “Just understand and support me. I’ll be going to Gamblers
Anonymous meetings—which I did in Florida. And I’m going to find a therapist who isn’t Maggie.”

  “Good call,” Derek said. “And I don’t mean offense by that,” he rushed to add. “Just that you being a couple and all, seems like you’re already playing the role of therapist.”

  Chloe smacked him on the arm. “Are you saying that’s our job as women?”

  Derek laughed, rubbing his bicep. “Ouch, no. Kyle’s just a handful.” He winked at Kyle. “All right, people, I need to get my bride home—to the Archer house, I guess—so she can get the beauty sleep she doesn’t really need.” He hugged Kyle and then surprised Maggie by hugging her, too. “Welcome to the family.”

  Everyone slowly began filtering out, even Liam, who—to his credit—came over and spent a few minutes talking to her while Kyle was speaking with his parents. “I suppose you know all sorts of nasty secrets about us,” he said.

  “Not as many as you might think.” And mostly about you.

  “What . . . what was he like?” The question threw her off guard. He asked it with an intensity and a vulnerability that rattled her.

  “Funny—he had a very dry sense of humor. Smart, thoughtful, though I know that must sound bizarre given his actions. He spoke very highly of his family.”

  Liam’s expression turned skeptical. “I doubt that included me. He wasn’t angry?”

  Maggie considered whether she should answer that. She’d already shared more than she ought, but did it really matter? She wasn’t a practicing counselor anymore, and Alex was dead. If she meant to have a relationship with Kyle and his family—and she did—couldn’t she share certain things? Not everything, she thought, especially with Liam. “Yes, he was. He hated his condition. He struggled with anger management and depression. I thought we were making progress.” The familiar wave of emotion crept over her, but she swallowed it back. “I was wrong.”

  “For what it’s worth, I don’t think it mattered,” he said flatly. “I’m sure you did your best. Alex had a plan, and he was going to execute it no matter what. I know that like I know myself.”

  He was absolutely correct. Alex had possessed a singular drive, but so many of the things he’d wanted to accomplish were physical and therefore beyond his reach. In this, he was able to dream big—establish this trust, draw his family home again, and provide a legacy that would last a lifetime and beyond.

  “Will you ever come back—permanently?” she asked, knowing that had been one of the most important things to Alex, even though he’d never said so.

  “I doubt it. Not to live, anyway. But I pop up all the time. I’ll be back in a few weeks to run Hood to Coast, and then I’ll head up to Washington for the Dave Matthews Band shows.” He smiled. “That’s my annual end-of-summer Northwest jaunt.”

  “So I’ll see you then?”

  “You’ll see me tomorrow.” He shook her hand and left, leaving her to reflect on the fact that Liam Archer was a very complicated person—so much like Alex.

  Maggie joined Kyle with his parents. Both of them eyed her dubiously. They’d met earlier in the week, but now that they knew who she really was, Maggie was suffused with anxiety.

  His mom spoke first. “I’m happy you have a girlfriend, Kyle. I don’t remember you ever having a real girlfriend before.”

  Kyle slid his arm around Maggie’s waist, giving her some much-needed comfort. “Because I haven’t.” He looked at her. “Never had a reason to until now.”

  His mother’s features softened. “I want to be upset about this, but I just can’t be. I’ve spent too many months in darkness, and I don’t want to go back. We’ll figure this out, Maggie.” She took Maggie’s hand between hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. Then she turned and left, leaving them alone with Rob.

  “Is she going without you?” Kyle asked.

  His dad nodded, looking weary. “She’s pretty mad at me right now. I told her about your granddad the other day, and now this. She thinks I’m keeping secrets and is wondering about our entire marriage—what else I’ve kept from her.” He shook his head. “Never mind, that’s our problem. I’m glad you came clean tonight, son.”

  “Thanks. You encouraged me to do it—about the gambling and Maggie. You have to know, Dad, I was so worried about how you would take this. It’s important to me that you’re okay with it, but at the end of the day, I’m going to choose her. I love her.”

  Maggie’s heart swelled, but she also held her breath.

  Dad pressed his lips together. “You never knew this, but my folks weren’t always a huge fan of your mother’s. And no, that’s not a secret. She’s well aware of that. Your mother broke up with someone in order to date me, and the way it went down . . . well, this is a small town; people talk. My parents came around eventually—I didn’t give them any choice. So I can’t fault you. I won’t.” Rob’s eyes crinkled at the corners as his face relaxed into an almost smile. “I can already see that she’s good for you.” He looked at Maggie. “Keep him in line, no matter what.”

  She tucked her hand around Kyle’s waist. “I will.”

  Rob and Kyle hugged, and then Rob left. The tension whooshed out of her like a balloon going flat. Kyle took her hand. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “Better than a firing squad.”

  He laughed. “That’s not a good comparison. What were you and Liam talking about? Was he being a dick?”

  “Actually, no. We were talking about Alex. There are a lot of unresolved issues there.”

  “Yeah, I suspected there would be. They always had this weird twin thing—very push-pull. The six of us sort of had our pairings—me and Sara, Tori and Evan, and then Alex and Liam. Except it wasn’t the same. It was a love-hate relationship, if you really want to know.”

  “I know I’m not supposed to reveal things, but I can tell you, right? You’re my boyfriend.”

  A sexy smile spread over his face, lighting his eyes. “Absolutely. Of course you can tell me things. And my lips are sealed.” He zipped his fingers over his mouth.

  “Alex talked about all of you, but it was the conversations about Liam that stuck with me the most—the competition he felt, the inadequacy, the utter depression he struggled with over not being like Liam.”

  “Wow.” Kyle’s eyes darkened. “You can’t ever tell him that.”

  “I know—and you can’t either.”

  “In the vault.” He pulled her against him and stroked her back. “I want you to tell me anything and everything. I don’t want any secrets like my parents.”

  She tipped her head back and looked up at him. “That’s going to take effort. You’re a guy who likes to keep things close.”

  “Not as close as I like to keep you.” He brushed a kiss against her forehead before notching her chin up and claiming her mouth.

  She sighed into him, twining her arms around his neck and kissing him back. When they broke apart, she gazed up at him with love and joy, so ready for the future awaiting them. “Keep me as close as you like—in fact, don’t ever let me go.”


  KYLE COULDN’T REMEMBER a better day. The wedding reception was in full swing. The placed looked fantastic, especially the exterior lighting design Maggie had insisted they add. It allowed the guests to wander out to the garden and just enjoy the spectacular summer night. In fact, he saw Dylan and Sara doing just that.

  Maggie came up behind him and slid her hands around his waist for a quick squeeze. “What are you looking at?”

  He watched them curiously, a bead of apprehension wending down his spine. “My sister and her boyfriend. Out there at the pergola.”

  Maggie moved around him to look and gasped. “He’s down on his knee.”

  “I see that.” He smiled as he turned and gave Maggie a quick, fierce kiss. “Let’s go congratulate them.”

  “Wait! Is she going to say yes?”

  He stared at her like she’d grown a second head. “You’ve seen them together, right?”

  She laughed. “Yes. J
ust give them a few minutes. Oh my goodness. He’s putting a ring on it!” She clasped Kyle’s arm and tried to turn him around. “We should give them privacy.”

  He resisted, his eyes glued to the romantic scene before him. “It’s forty yards away. In the middle of a wedding reception. If he wanted privacy, he should’ve taken her to the underground tunnels.”

  “Good point.” Maggie sidled up to him. “Maybe we should get popcorn.”

  Tori joined them, smoothing the skirt of her purple bridesmaid dress. “What are you guys staring at?”

  Kyle’s eyes misted. “I think our baby sister just got engaged. I have to say, I’m a little choked up. I guess she’ll be the first of us Archer kids to get married.”

  Tori started coughing. She brought her hand to her mouth and tried to recover, but it became a full-blown fit.

  Kyle patted her back. “You okay?”

  “I’ll get you some water,” Maggie offered, disappearing.

  “I’m fine,” Tori wheezed. “Just inhaled a bug. Happens all the time when I run.”

  Kyle laughed as Maggie came back with a glass of water. “Here.”

  Tori took several gulps. “Thanks.”

  Kyle turned back toward the pergola in time to see Sara and Dylan coming toward them, both of them wearing the biggest shit-eating grins he’d ever seen. “Something you want to tell us?”

  Sara’s blue eyes rounded. “Did you see?”

  “We did. It was quite a show.” He wiped a finger under his eye and affected a mock-anguished voice. “You almost had me in tears, right, Tor?” He glanced back at his other sister, but she wasn’t there. He looked at Maggie, who only shrugged in response.

  “Was Tori here?” Sara asked. “Don’t mind her. She’s been in a mood all day. It’s like she took an antilove pill this morning.”

  “Congratulations to both of you,” Maggie said. “Can I hug you?”


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