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Shattered Lives

Page 11

by Marian Phair

  “Pleased to meet you Amie, Millie has told me so much about you.” He said, speaking with a soft Irish accent.

  “Likewise, may I call you Sean? Mr. O’Neil sounds so formal, I hope Millie did not say anything bad about me to you, if she did I will kill her!” she laughed.

  “Call me Sean by all means, that’s my name and don’t worry, Millie didn’t tell me anything bad, she only told me you are her best friend.” He smiled at Amie, releasing her hand and turning to Millie he asked if she was ready to leave, as he had a taxi waiting outside. Millie said she was.

  “Nice to have met you Amie, I hope to see you again sometime,” said Sean, going ahead of Millie to open the door for her. Such a gentleman, Amie thought.

  Behind Sean’s back Millie waved a hand rapidly in front of her face, rolling her eyes at Amie to let her know that she found Sean ‘hot’ and that she fancied him. Amie gave her friend the thumbs up, to let her know she approved. “Enjoy yourselves.“ Amie told their retreating backs. “We will, don’t you worry.” Millie told her over her shoulder as she left.

  For the second time that day, Amie found herself alone. She went down to the dining room to see what Jose had prepared for dinner. She ate a solitary meal and then went back to her apartment.

  Going into the bathroom, she put the plug in the bathtub and turned on the taps, remembering her grandmother’s advise not to take a bath directly after a meal. She missed Daisy and she wished with all her heart she was still here. She sat on the side of the bathtub adding foam to the running water, swishing her hand back and forth in the water, as the bath filled, creating lots of bubbles.

  Then she undressed and looked at her reflection in the mirror over the sink, turning sideways to study her profile, she ran her hand over her swollen abdomen. She was certainly showing her pregnancy now.

  She gently lowered herself into the warm soapy water, closing her eyes, she relaxed, letting the bubbles work their magic. She almost drifted off to sleep and with a sigh she got out of the tub pulling the plug, letting the water out.

  Without bothering to dry, she wrapped herself up in the fluffy white bathrobe and then lay down on the bed. Taking up the book she had set aside earlier that day, she started to read. She was asleep before she had read the first page, the book slipping from her hand, landing on the tiled floor with a clunk, oblivious, Amie slept on.


  El Serrallo is another part of Tarragona. The seaside district is the home of the fishermen it was there, that Sean brought Millie. He had secured work on the fishing trawler, La Celeste.

  The captain, Salvador Olivar, had taken Sean on as a crew hand a few days earlier. He had allowed Sean to show Millie around the boat.

  “The name El Serrallo means ‘The City of the Sea’ and I have been gathering as much information as I can about the fishing here. The sea around here is great for catching, Hake, Sea Bass, Dorado, and Swordfish,” Sean explained to Millie, as he took her on a tour of the boat, “the captain told me that when the really hot weather arrives, there will be stands of fish for sale, all along here. The boats supply the many restaurants in the area with fresh fish as well.”

  Leaving the La Celeste, they strolled along the front of the port hand in hand. Sean continued to enlighten Millie with his new found knowledge,

  “The women sit outside sewing the nets with the arrival of the boats. ‘Pes’ which is what the locals call, the fish market,” he said, as they strolled along hand in hand, “trawler fishing here is different, from the eel fishing I was doing back in Ireland, but I know my way around a boat and I am sure I will soon get the hang of it. I had better, or I will be out on my backside and that will not do for what I have in mind.”

  “What might that be, may I ask?” said Millie, looking up at him lovingly.

  “I will tell you later, now is not the time,” he told her.

  “Does the job pay well, for all the work that is involved,” she asked him trying not to sound nosey.

  “Well enough,” Sean replied, “three or four times more than I could make eel fishing.

  You can only fish for eels at a certain time of the year, but here, you are not bound by the seasons so much. Here you can catch fish of different varieties, all the year round.”

  They stood watching the catch being taken off the boats in small green plastic containers, ready for sale.

  “The eastern dock is one of the first buildings that can be seen on reaching Tarragona by sea,” he went on, “on arrival, this gives an incredible view of the city, so I am told. I am not boring you, am I?” he asked smiling at her.

  “Oh no, I find it fascinating, it’s great to have someone who can point out all the places of interest and tell you the history of it all,” Millie stated.

  They reached the port clock, which was designed originally to tell the port workers the time, and was now in the form of a shrine.

  Sean placed Millie against one of its Ionic columns and ordered her to smile whilst he took her photograph, the beautiful columns and surrounding buildings forming the backdrop, of the photograph he intended to keep, next to his heart, whilst away from her.

  Millie was entranced by the creams and the pinks of the painted houses and the tiled streets. She persuaded Sean to stand in front of a mural, painted on the wall of one of the houses, depicting a fisherman at the nets and children played in the foreground. It was forming the perfect backdrop for his photograph.

  They had luncheon in a nearby fish restaurant, before continuing to take in the sights, visiting the Neo Gothic church of San Pere in the centre of El Serrallo. Millie had spent every spare minute in Sean’s company since they met.

  Now with the nets mended and the supplies on board, the La Celeste would put out to sea, on the next tide. She would remain at sea until her holds were full of fish, before heading back to port.

  As evening approached, they sat in ‘The Lighthouse’ restaurant eating their evening meal and drinking ‘izaguirre,’ the locally produced drink. Then as the sun was setting, they stood on the balcony of ‘The Lighthouse,’ it’s circular shape built upon stilts, offering the perfect spot to watch the sea and the arrival of the boats.

  Placing his arms around Millie, and pulling her closer to him, Sean proposed, “I know we have only known each other for a short time, but I know I want to wake up every morning and see your little freckled face on my pillow. I have fallen for you hook, line and sinker, Millie O’Sullivan. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on God’s green earth?”

  The kiss Millie gave him, told him her answer was, yes. They said their goodbyes at the taxi rank. Sean waited until the taxi was out of sight before turning around and making his way through the dark back streets to where the La Celeste was moored. The taxi sped on its way taking Millie back to Rojo Tejado.

  Now with the return of Melissa and Peter from Portugal things settled back into the normal routine. With Sean now at sea, Millie had bought a diary and had taken to writing down her feelings and the mundane day-to-day events in her life, reminding Amie of another diary she had secretly read. She had not confided in Millie, deciding to keep Melissa’s secret just that.

  Amie tried her best to behave in a normal manner around Dr Sam and Melissa. She was caught over a barrel; she would have to wait until her baby was born, before deciding what she wanted for them both. She would keep their secrets, as past ghosts had a nasty habit of coming back to haunt you.

  Peter had brought a jointed snake back with him from Portugal. He held it by the tail causing it to sway from side to side. Creeping up on Amie, he used it to frighten her, laughing out loud when she pretended to be scared. He was a totally different boy from the one who went away ten days ago, happy and smiling and full of beans. Sitting on Amie’s lap, he told her of the sights he had seen and the things he had done with his daddy and mummy. Amie was surprised when Peter told her that his mummy had given him the snake.

  Later, putting him to bed, Amie sat reading him a story, when sudde
nly Peter sat up and lifting her arm, put it round him and cuddled into her, a thumb in his mouth, looking at the pictures as she read. Looking down she saw that he had fallen asleep. Amie gently eased herself away from him and laid his head on the pillow kissed his brow and quietly left the room.

  Melissa looking radiant sat in animated conversation with Charlie, unaware that Amie was studying her. Amie could not believe the change in her in so short a time. In the two days since her return, Melissa had remained sober.

  Charlie turned to Amie pulling up a chair for her to sit down. He certainly is a gentleman, she thought, smiling at him as he held her chair. He had a heart as big as himself, it was such a waste that a man so warm hearted and caring, along with a jovial nature, had never married. She hoped Charlie would not remain a bachelor all of his life, it would be such a shame. Although he was grossly overweight now, he had not always been so. He had shown her a photograph taken only two years ago, seated on a wall and holding a dog on his lap. In it, not only did Charlie look ten years younger, he had a full head of jet black hair, hanging almost to his shoulders. She wanted to ask him why he had shaved off all his hair and to find out why he had let himself go, the way he had. As their friendship grew, she knew in time he would open up to her and talk about his past. For now she would just enjoy his company.

  “‘Ow’s the little mum ter be?” he asked her, “long time nah since we ‘ad a chat darlin’.” She sat down in the chair he held for her, thanking him, “I feel fine Charlie, thanks for asking.”

  “Have you ever been on a film set?” Melissa asked her.

  “No, why do you ask?” Amie replied.

  “How would you like a day out on the set,” asked Melissa, “we could spend some time together between takes, maybe get to know each other a little better. I’m sure Peter would enjoy it.”

  Lighting up a cigarette, Melissa did her party piece, as Millie called it, blowing not one, but two perfect smoke rings towards the ceiling.

  “What about Peter’s afternoon nap?” asked Amie, worried, if she did not keep to Peter’s daily routine, she would incur Melissa’s wrath.

  “Oh, I am sure one day won’t hurt him, he missed most of his siestas in Portugal,” Melissa replied.

  “Any ‘ow, if he gets tired, we can always bed ‘im dahn.” Charlie interjected.

  “In that case I would love to come with you, if you are sure we would not be in the way.” Amie told them.

  “We will have to leave by five thirty, filming starts at six thirty. I suggest we all retire for the night,” said Melissa stubbing out her cigarette, “you will have to be up by four, or certainly no later than four thirty Amie, to get Peter ready. We can all have breakfast together at five, we won’t get time to hang around in the morning, I’m afraid.”

  “Listen to ole Mel givin’ ‘er orders, but she’s right, we should all get some kip,” said Charlie, standing and stretching his limbs, stifling a yawn.

  “It’s no wonder I see so little of you Charlie, I’m still in bed when you leave,” Amie told him and bidding them all goodnight, she retired to her apartment.

  The next morning, as they ate breakfast together, Peter fell asleep over his bowl of cornflakes, unaccustomed to rising so early. He slept on Charlie’s lap in the back of the limousine the entire journey.

  The film set was totally different to what Amie had imagined it to be.

  She was fascinated by the special effects that were Charlie and Jimmy’s department. There were various caravans and trailers, used by the cast, for resting between takes and as dressing rooms, and a mobile canteen, where a team of caterers, were on hand throughout the day.

  The high light of the day for Amie was meeting Tony Doyle, Melissa’s co-star and a long time fantasy ‘boy friend’ of Amie’s and having her photograph taken with him. He had autographed it for her, signing it, ‘to Amie, a special lady, love Tony x‘ and she was thrilled to bits. Close up she could see the wrinkles on his face that did not seem to be so noticeable on the screen. It did not matter to her, he was her hero. She watched as make up was applied to his face for his next scene. It seemed strange watching a man have face powder, eye makeup and lipstick applied and she sat enthralled as they acted out the various scenes. Amie felt sorry for the wardrobe mistress, whose job it was to clean, press, mend, and keep track of all the costumes, and props that went with them.

  Charlie had taken Peter under his wing, leaving her free to enjoy herself. They all shared a meal together at the mobile canteen, during a break in filming. Later, Rowland the onset hairdresser and Lucy, Tony’s make-up artist, treated Amie to a makeover. With Christmas a few days away, this was her Christmas treat. She sat in one of the caravans, in front of a large mirror, and watched as they worked on her hair and face, fascinated as the change took place before her eyes.

  Roland, basket wove her wayward locks into a sophisticated style, adding height and fullness to her hair, as he worked. Lucy deftly applied make up to Amie’s face, using both a pink and a silver eye shadow on her lids, colours Amie would never have dreamed of using and it looked great. Lucy drew a thin black line above Amie’s upper lashes, and then smudged it lightly with the tip of her finger, blending it into the eye shadow. Blusher was applied to her cheeks and the same shade of lipstick she had used on Tony Doyle, was painted on with a fine brush. They stepped back to admire their work.

  Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Amie could hardly take her eyes off herself. “Wow!” she breathed, “I am beautiful, is that really me?”

  “You were beautiful to start with, we have just shown your beauty in a different form,” Roland told her. She found herself blushing under his compliment. Peter had been turned into a pirate, complete with eye patch and a wooden sword.

  “Well let’s see if Billy can take a few shots of you both shall we,” said Roland, “you will have washed all this off by tomorrow.” Roland went to find Billy.

  “A few photos will help to keep the experience alive for you, something to show your grandchildren one day,” Lucy said, laughing at Peter as he thrust and parried, killing his imaginary foe with a mighty blow of his sword.

  Billy took several photographs, one of Amie alone, then with Peter, one with Tony Doyle’s arm around her waist and finally a group photograph. Amie stood in the centre, Peter stood in front of her, she had her hands on his shoulders, and they were surrounded by the entire members of the cast and most of the crew, including Charlie and Jimmy.

  The day spent with these lovely, friendly people, was the happiest day she had known, except for one other, her eighteenth birthday. She would remember both forever.

  In between takes Amie sat with Melissa making plans for Christmas. Watching Melissa at work, Amie could not help but admire her; she certainly had talent and played her part with conviction. Melissa introduced Amie to Stuart her stunt man, who had played her part as Sara Wilkes, in two previous scenes. He told her how Melissa’s character had some hair raising experiences in her life and that’s where he came in.

  “I am supposed to commit suicide, by driving my car at speed down that hill over there and into that brick wall at the bottom.” Melissa pointed to a steep incline on Amie’s left. Then she explained to Amie how they planned to shoot the scene. “We start off with a shot of me in the car, and then Stuart, dressed as me and wearing a wig, crashes the car into the wall. Just before the car crashes, the camera will cut away to Tony’s horror stricken face, before panning back onto the car, allowing enough time for Stuart to jump free. Then, after the car hit’s the wall, I, with suitable make up and pigs blood over my face and body, will be filmed, crushed behind the steering wheel and pronounced dead at the scene.”

  “Exit Melissa,” Stuart told her, “that is her part in the film over, but there is more filming to do with the rest of the cast before it is finally a wrap.”

  Reaching into her pocket, Melissa withdrew her cigarettes, offering the pack to Stuart. He lit two cigarettes, handing one to Melissa and gave her back the pack

  “There are a few kinks to be sorted out first,” Melissa explained, “before my final scene can be filmed. The car we used for a test run, using a dummy behind the wheel, was completely crushed. There was no way I could get in to play my part.”

  “It will be sorted out eventually,” Stuart told her, they are thinking of having your body shoot through the windscreen. Charlie has one or two ideas; it is his job to sort it out and yours to act it. It will work out fine in the long run.”

  Peter and Amie returned to Rojo Tejado, leaving the others behind.

  Filming was to go on late into the night, with the cast snatching a few winks of sleep, as and when they could, between takes.

  Peter had fallen asleep on the back seat so Amie had Enrico carry him up to her apartment. Peter could share her bed tonight; she did not like to think of him being alone in the master suite. If he woke up in the night, he would be frightened, not knowing where his mother was. Amie settled him down in her big bed.

  She took a last look at her new image, knowing that when morning came, the last traces of makeup would have to be removed, but for once, she would go to bed without washing. She felt shattered, removing her clothing, and slipping the cotton night gown over her head, she lay down beside the sleeping child. It had been a long day, a very long day.


  Christmas was upon them. It seemed strange to be wandering around the house in tee-shirt and shorts, helping to hang the coloured lanterns and the various streamers, with the sun shining brightly outside.

  Melissa had gone into Barcelona taking Peter with her, to do some last minute shopping. The La Celeste was back in port and Millie was spending Christmas with Sean in El Serrallo. Amie was really looking forward to the next few days. She had already gift-wrapped the presents she had purchased. All neatly labeled, they had been placed round the foot of the tree. Charlie had just handed her a beautiful silver hairbrush and comb set, for the baby. She smiled to herself, as she packed it away, recalling his embarrassment, when she had kissed him, thanking him for his gift.


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