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Buried (Alex Hope Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Aj Estelliam

  I shook my head. ‘No-but you’re about to,’ I smiled.

  He frowned at me looking completely baffled. ‘I’m sorry, I’m not following.’

  ‘Do you have someone who can cover you for a while? I need to talk to you…’

  ‘Well, ah…we could talk in the bar…we’re not busy,’ he said, but was clearly unsure. He looked from me to Jess and then back again.

  ‘That sounds perfect.’

  He turned and headed out of the small office. He then joined us and gestured to a table by the bar where we could sit. We all sat down and he looked at me expectantly.

  ‘I’m a psychic,’ I began.

  His eyebrows rose in concern.

  ‘And I think I can help you…’

  ‘Oh, I don’t need any help,’ he began.

  ‘You’re not drowning in debt?’ I continued, hoping to capture his attention. ‘Because Grandad Robert says that you are.’

  He gaped at me, stunned. ‘What did you say?’

  ‘I said, your Grandad had information for me. You’re in a lot of debt, right? In trouble money wise?’

  I watched as he swallowed hard, visibly shaken. ‘I, uh…’

  ‘Well, whatever…I have something to show you-in the hotel.’

  ‘Whoa, whoa…can you go back to the beginning and explain all this to me clearly. I don’t get what is going on here.’

  ‘Okay,’ I sighed. ‘I have some strange psychic abilities,’ I told him. ‘I sometimes see things and sometimes just know things by looking at people. When I saw this vision, it was clear. Your Grandad has something for you and it’s going to get you out of this tight spot with money.’

  ‘Oh really?’ he replied, looking more than a little interested now.

  ‘Yes, so can I show you?’

  He nodded, standing. ‘Yes please…where are we going?’

  ‘I…I don’t exactly know…I just kind of feel it. Let’s go…’ I said, leading the way down the corridor.

  ‘What is we’re looking for?’

  ‘Well, your Grandad-he had a sense of humour, didn’t he?’

  ‘Yeah! Too true!’ William replied. ‘He was a right joker…’

  ‘That explains this a little clearer then. What I’m seeing is ‘treasure’ to find but he’s had a little fun with it.’

  ‘How do you mean?’

  ‘I mean, he’s hidden it well…I see a map.’

  ‘A treasure map? My Grandad has hidden treasure in the hotel and made a treasure map to find it?’ he questioned.

  ‘That pretty much sums it up!’ I laughed.

  William laughed and turned to me looking pleased and happier. ‘Well, let’s go!’

  I walked down the corridor, feeling my way to the source of the treasure map. I didn’t know where I was headed but I sensed I was following in Grandad Robert’s footsteps. I could hear his hearty chuckle and his humour as I stepped closer to his prize.

  I turned off the corridor at the restaurant and headed up the stairs. Then I walked towards a large, ornate bookcase and stared at it intently.

  ‘This is the place,’ I murmured.

  ‘The bookcase?’ William asked, doubtfully.

  ‘Yes. You moved it right?’

  ‘I did, years ago…not much though…only along this wall slightly.

  ‘It was enough,’ I said nodding.

  ‘Enough for what?’ he questioned.

  ‘Enough to cover the vent behind it. On the wall there is a vent, in the vent is the map.’

  Both William and Jess stared at me for a long moment.

  ‘Just have a look,’ I said in a slightly frustrated voice.

  Jess shrugged. ‘She’s never been wrong before…’ she told William.

  ‘I…well, okay then!’ he agreed, stepping forward.

  We all helped to push the heavy, old bookcase along the wall slightly. It only needed to move about ten inches as the vent was only slightly covered. Two great pushes and it was uncovered.

  ‘There!’ I said triumphantly.

  ‘Oh yeah! In there, you say?’

  I nodded, bending to look at the vent. ‘You may need a screwdriver by the looks of things though,’ I commented.

  William bent down himself to look at the vent and then straightened. ‘I’ll just go and get some tools…back in a second,’ he said, rushing off.

  I smiled as I watched him go. He was full of excitement now and feeling more hopeful about the future. Everything was going to pan out fine for him, I knew, so I wasn’t concerned about him.

  While William hurried off, Jess and I sat down on the top of the stairs, waiting.

  ‘You alright, Alex?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah,’ I said on a sigh.

  ‘Are you sure? You seem slightly…distant,’ she commented.

  ‘I know, and I’m sorry Jess. I think you’re right on some levels. I just feel…I don’t know how to describe it,’ I said, feeling tight-chested.

  ‘Is it the case still? It’s over you know!’

  ‘I just…it’s weighing on me heavily and I don’t know why. My heart feels heavy and I just feel…a sense of fear?’

  ‘You don’t need to, Alex! It’s done and over! He can’t harm anyone else ever again.’

  I nodded, sadly. ‘I know. Maybe it’s just because I came close to the crimes-I mean, he did put me in the ground! That’s not something that happens to a person every day! Being buried alive is quite significant!’

  ‘Absolutely, and I’m not discounting that fact. I just think you need to let it go now. If you hang on to all of it, it’s impossible to carry on and lead a normal life.’

  ‘Are you saying that from experience?’ I wondered.

  She nodded, looking grim. ‘There’s things I’ve seen which I’ve had to put away in the back of my brain, Alex. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to carry on and do the job I do. It’s just too much for one mind to take.’

  I nodded slowly. ‘I’ll try to put it behind me a little more.’

  She smiled at me softly. ‘I think it’s important, Alex.’

  I swallowed hard and rubbed my face. ‘Maybe I’m just tired today. I do feel weary all of a sudden.’

  ‘It’s been one hell of a few weeks…and we’ve missed a lot of sleep in that time.’

  I nodded. ‘Yeah…once I’ve sorted this map situation out, I’ll go and have a long rest.’

  ‘Good idea. I may just join you,’ she said warmly.

  William arrived back then with a bag of tools. He immediately bent to unscrew the vent, a huge smile of anticipation on his face.

  We watched him work for a few moments and when he had the vent off, he reached in and pulled out the map. It had been sat there waiting for years, and he had had no idea whatsoever about it.

  ‘I can’t believe it!’ he exclaimed, stunned.

  ‘Believe it! Grandad Robert wanted you have to have the ‘treasure’ but he wanted you to go on a hunt to find it. Maybe he was remembering the little boy William,’ I mused.

  ‘He was,’ William replied. ‘He used to make these for me all the time as a kid. He’d hide things in the hotel and then give me a map to find them. I used to love it.’

  ‘Well, this is the ultimate find!’ I smiled.

  He looked up and smiled at me with happiness. ‘I can’t wait to go and look…’

  ‘You go…we’ll be fine,’ I smiled, ‘unless you want us to come and help.’

  ‘No, it’s okay-I mean, I think I can figure it out from here,’ he said warmly. ‘Thank you so much though…you don’t know what this means to me.’

  ‘I think I do,’ I said softly, laying a hand on his arm.

  He smiled.

  ‘We’ll catch you later at dinner,’ I told him, having seen him walking around during each dinner time.

  ‘Yes, absolutely. Thank you again!’ he said, as we headed off down the stairs.

  We made our way back to the room and I headed straight for the window. Standing staring out at the view, I was once more
awed by the beauty of nature here and found myself longing to just stay in this sanctuary forever. I knew that was not possible though. Even though it was hard, I was destined to help and protect now. It would be a waste of my skills to not do that now, I mused.

  Jess came up from behind me and wrapped her arms around me from behind. I lay back against her gratefully, basking in her love and warmth.

  ‘I’m so glad you’re here with me,’ I murmured.

  ‘Where else would I be?’

  ‘Anywhere else! Not with a complete head case at least!’ I exclaimed.

  She turned me around in her arms and stared down at me. ‘You’re not a head case, Alex.’

  ‘I am a bit,’ I said, but smiled to lighten the moment.

  ‘Well surely we all are a little bit mental at times, aren’t we? I know I am! I can be a nightmare!’

  ‘Yeah, but you don’t hear voices in your head.’

  She sighed. ‘Oh Alex…it’s just as well that you do!’


  ‘Because so many deaths have been avoided, Alex! You forget constantly how many lives you’ve saved…and you’ve only been doing this for a short time!’

  ‘I…what about the ones who are lost though…’

  ‘Alex, stop doing this to yourself.’

  ‘He was just a little boy, Jess.’

  ‘I know he was, and he didn’t deserve to die. You couldn’t stop it and could have done anything to prevent it happening. You need to forgive yourself for not hearing anything.’

  ‘I…but why did I hear all those women and yet not him…’

  She shook her head, grimacing as she did so. ‘I don’t think there’s any rhyme or reason to it.’

  ‘No…I just wish I had prevented it though.’

  ‘I know. And I wish I could have stopped every murder that I’ve been involved in, I wish I had stopped every abuser from hurting their victims. We’re not God, Alex. We can’t save everybody.’

  I nodded, taking her point on board. She was right. We couldn’t save everybody. It just wasn’t possible. ‘I’m being ridiculous…’

  ‘No, you’re human and you’re grieving. It’s normal, Alex. The thing is, I want you to be able to do what you do and yet carry on and live a normal life. If you’re going to work for the police, developing that kind of emotional detachment is going to be necessary sometimes.’

  I swallowed hard, nodding. ‘I know you’re right…I know.’

  Jess sighed and looked at her watch. ‘It’s three hours until dinner…maybe you should try and sleep?’

  I nodded, looking at the bed. ‘That does sound like a good idea.’

  ‘I don’t know if I can…I might go for a walk on the beach to give you some peace.’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed. ‘Well, I’ll see you in a bit then,’ I said softly.

  ‘Yeah…’ she said, kissing me gently. ‘I’ll come back in an hour or so.’

  ‘See you in a bit.’

  I watched her go and then headed for the bed. After lying down, I turned on my side to stare out of the window at the view. I sighed, heavily. Why couldn’t I get these thoughts out of my head?

  Chapter 19

  I lay on the bed without sleeping for what felt like ages. I went over the whole case in my head again and again, wondering why it wouldn’t leave me. I turned onto my side and tried to breathe deeply and quell the stomach ache which was making my body feel tense.

  I sighed and closed my eyes, willing myself to drift. As I did, I began to feel more rested. I wasn’t asleep but I was relaxing. It felt better as I breathed deeper and the quiet around me nestled me closer towards sleep.

  As I dozed, I drifted.

  A moment of clarity. One thought being pushed away and another coming forward. The crowd around me faded as I focused on one person. The person being led in handcuffs to the building in front. All around me voices shouted and rang out loud and clear. I stood still, watching…always watching. Inside I was laughing. I was laughing because it was funny to me. This was how it was supposed to be. This was what was supposed to happen. I smiled to myself and then turned to walk away.

  I woke up then, and knew I hadn’t been sleeping for long. My head hurt and I sat up a little, frowning to myself in confusion. What was that all about, I wondered? I didn’t quite know what I was supposed to be seeing. Who was the figure in handcuffs? And who had I been inside? Whose thoughts were plaguing my sleep? I wasn’t sure, and I lay down again and tried to sleep. When I couldn’t, I got up and reached for the phone.

  I dialled his number from memory and waited.

  ‘Captain Withers?’

  ‘Oh hi, Dan-it’s Alex.’

  ‘Alex! How are things? Are you managing to relax?’ he questioned.

  ‘I’m working on it,’ I told him quietly.

  ‘Good…so what’s up?’

  ‘I just wanted to check in with you. Is everything okay at your end?’

  ‘Yes, it’s fine. We’re just wrapping everything up here. There’s a few details that we’re working on that don’t fit so we’re just trying to figure it all out before it goes to court. Swan is locked up and away for good though, Alex. You don’t need to worry.’

  ‘No,’ I murmured softly. ‘What details?’ I asked.

  ‘Oh, you don’t need to worry about them,’ he told me.

  ‘No? Why not?’

  ‘Because you’re on holiday! You need a break from all this!’

  ‘I can still help if you like though…’ I offered.

  ‘No, it’s fine. We’re almost there. Don’t worry, Alex. Enjoy your time at the coast and being with JJ. Is she okay? Has she shut off from work?’

  ‘More so than me,’ I told him smiling. ‘She’s really enjoying it here, I think.’

  ‘Oh good! You’re very good for her, Alex.’

  I smiled at that. It was a nice sentiment. ‘How is everything with you at home, Captain? Is Fee doing okay?’ I wondered.

  ‘Yes, she’s fine-thanks for asking. I’m thinking of proposing actually. I really love her, Alex, and what with the baby on the way…’

  I smiled to myself. ‘It’s a lovely idea, Dan. She’ll be over the moon.’

  ‘I have the ring ready and everything…it’s just timing.’

  ‘Well, I’m sure you’ll know when the time is right.’


  ‘Yeah,’ I smiled, ‘or if not, just do it and get it the hell over with!’ I laughed.

  His deep chuckle sounded down the end of the phone and I smiled, glad he was so happy. ‘You talk a lot of sense!’

  ‘I know…well, take care, Captain. We’ll see you soon.’

  ‘Yes. And Alex?’


  ‘You relax now…that’s an order, okay?’

  I laughed. ‘Yes sir!’

  ‘Okay then…bye Alex.’

  ‘Bye Dan. Take care.’

  I put the phone down and smiled. It was so nice to see the man I respected so much so happy and content. He hadn’t had much of a personal life-well, not a successful one anyway. It was good to see him happy.

  Jess arrived back as I was considering that fact.

  ‘Oh hey! I thought you would be sleeping!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘I found it hard to relax,’ I told her, ‘so I called the Captain.’

  ‘You did? Oh Alex! You’re supposed to be relaxing!’

  ‘I know, I know…and he said the same. I’m now on strict orders to do just that. He said relax and forget about it all because everything is in hand.’

  ‘Exactly! As I knew it would be. Now, you need to calm down and chill out…doctor’s orders!’

  ‘Which doctor would that be?’

  ‘This one,’ she said, coming to sit beside me.

  ‘Oh yeah?’

  ‘Yeah,’ she murmured, moving to kiss me.

  I lifted my lips to hers and kissed her slowly, savouring her closeness and enjoying the moment of intimacy between us. I had been so distracted lately that I ha
dn’t been able to focus on her as much as I wanted to and now, all I wanted was simply that.

  Her mouth moved slowly over mine, caressing me gently and arousing me quickly. I moaned as she deepened the kiss and I opened my mouth to hers. She moved me backwards and eased me on to the bed. As her body covered mine, I relaxed and gave myself up to the pleasure of being in her arms.

  A long while later, we got up to eat dinner. We headed down to the restaurant and enjoyed the three-course meal immensely. What made it even more wonderful was that William came to speak with us. He was positively beaming from ear to ear.

  ‘Hello!’ he announced, and bent at the side of our table to kneel down and talk to us.

  ‘Oh hello, William! You’ve had some luck?’ I questioned.

  ‘I sure have, thanks to you, Miss Hope!’

  ‘Oh, call me Alex, please!’ I laughed.

  ‘Alex…you’ll never guess what I found?’

  ‘Well, I can because you’re picturing it…tell me anyway! I love to see people looking and sounding all excited.’

  ‘I found real pirate treasure,’ he revealed.

  Jess gasped in astonishment. ‘What, really?’

  ‘Yes!’ he exclaimed. ‘It turns out there was wreck off Hope Cove some years ago and my Grandfather found and stored it away for years and years. In the safe was also thousands and thousands of pounds in old money…I spoke to a dealer and it looks like my money troubles are over.’

  ‘That’s wonderful,’ I said, smiling.

  ‘I don’t know where I stand with the pirate treasure but I will certainly find out. It deserves to be in a museum somewhere! Not in a dusty old safe!’

  ‘Which you never knew even existed!’

  ‘No! Well, until you came along,’ he smiled. ‘Alex, thank you so much.’

  ‘You’re very welcome. I can hear your Grandfather laughing,’ I said then. ‘I am pretty pleased that he’s happy about this.’

  ‘I’m sure he is. I think I was meant to find this a long time before now.’

  ‘You were,’ I confirmed. ‘At least it’s got you out of a sticky spot now though…’

  ‘Exactly,’ he agreed, getting to his feet. ‘Alex, if there’s anything I can ever do for you in return, please let me know.’


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