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Temptations--Three Book Bundle

Page 11

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘Oh, piss off, guys!’ I shout, without looking round. ‘Go back to your poker game!’

  ‘I wouldn’t dream of it! This looks like a hell of a lot more fun than poker!’

  A male voice, very similar to my boy’s, speaks from somewhere above and behind us. I go hot and cold. I try to read the boy’s expression. Then there’s the unzipping sound of another wet suit, and the boy’s eyes widen. First he shakes his head furiously, and then a filthy grin spreads across his face. Not a grin I’ve seen before. He looks at me in a different way. Kind of domineering. I’m thrown off balance. Already he’s learning. Glancing at the newcomer, the boy knocks my breasts from side to side.

  ‘My older brother,’ he croaks. ‘Back from the surf.’

  He pulls me forwards, jamming my tits into his mouth again, and now my backside is up in the air. I want to protest but I can’t move. My butt is all exposed, bouncing in front of his brother, but so gorgeous is the feel of my boy’s almost aggressive mouth sucking on my sore nipples that I can’t stop him. As first one nipple then the other grinds into his mouth I automatically start up the rhythm again. I’m acutely aware of my new audience. It’s unutterably sexy to be watched.

  I slide up and down his cock, showing off now. My muscles tighten each time to grab hold and keep him inside, and his cock is hardening even more with each thrust.

  I’m just poised to ram down onto him harder than ever when my butt cheeks are pulled apart and another male body presses up against my back.

  ‘Can’t let you have all the fun, bruv,’ says the voice. ‘Reckon I want a go.’

  ‘You’ve got some catching up to do, mate. Bloody well wait your turn.’

  The first boy pulls me harder down on top of him, ramming me right up inside.

  ‘You don’t mind me watching, do you?’ his brother murmurs in my ear, still fondling my buttocks.

  ‘No,’ I puff, barely able to speak. ‘Don’t mind.’

  There’s something else going on here, too. I can recognize sibling rivalry when I see it, or rather sense it. It’s not that different from the ‘friendly’ rivalry between me and my mates up at the cottage. Our parlour games are never going to be the same after this.

  I’m dizzy now, knowing I’m being watched. Who knows? Maybe the crowd up at the cottage will be down any minute, join the audience. See me in a whole new light. I gyrate as if dancing on the boy’s pole, flinging myself wildly about. The urge for satisfaction and the loss of control starts to overwhelm me.

  The invisible brother is right behind me, touching me everywhere. I fall onto the rigid cock inside me and the orgasm is gathering. My moans are snatched into the sea air as I rock frantically. My boy can’t hold back and it’s spurting out of him and I’m bucking in my own orgasm.

  ‘Can’t let you corrupt my little brother and get away with it,’ the older brother says, pulling us apart. ‘Reckon you need teaching, too.’

  He parts my legs, gets his own cock out. I try not to smile too greedily as we all lie on the sand while the tide encroaches up the beach and the seagulls wonder what the fuck these tourists are up to.

  Open-Bottle Policy

  by Jeremy Edwards

  ‘Well, it looks like you’ll be making out on the leftovers, Dave,’ said Charles with an affable smirk, as he suavely – and generously – grabbed the bill from our server.

  I studied the lovely form of the woman who had waited on us, as she headed back to the kitchen. If my memory was correct, she had introduced herself as Becky. But I wasn’t at all sure on this point. I’m usually pretty good with names, but not when distracted by a pair of kind, laughing eyes situated in an elegantly-impish feminine face.

  Whatever her name was, I had enjoyed our brief moments of interaction this evening even more than I’d enjoyed the company of my old friends Charles and Amanda.

  I assessed the appealing remnants of the exquisite Thai-fusion dinner, which all of us were now too full to dally with any further. ‘What do you mean?’ I said to Charles. ‘You and Amanda should take some of it.’ I shifted my gaze to Charles’s wife. ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Amanda?’

  My friend Amanda is the type of woman who has a subtle, but potent, sexiness. I think the only reason I don’t respond to her more strongly is that I’m so conscious of the fact that she’s a long-time crony who’s happily married to another long-time crony. It’s true that I have, on occasion, fantasized about her. This sort of thing can’t be helped sometimes in one’s bed late at night. But under normal circumstances I have succeeded in feeling only a chummy affection for Amanda. And yet, in a tangential way, spending an hour in the presence of her charm and beauty – always well-presented in the perfect clothes and perfumes – usually leaves me in a sexy mood even if the feelings are not directed toward her.

  Amanda smiled graciously. ‘Charles is right, Davey. We’re heading straight to the theatre from here, and we can scarcely carry big, fragrant leftover containers into the auditorium with us.’

  ‘It wouldn’t be polite, since there’s not enough to share with everyone else in the audience,’ added Charles.

  I chuckled and nodded, recognizing that their offer of all the food was as practical as it was polite. Since my hotel room was in this very building – and equipped with both a refrigerator and a microwave – it was logical that the leftovers would devolve to me.

  ‘Sorry again that we couldn’t get you a ticket,’ said Charles. ‘Next time you’re coming to town, give us a little more notice!’ He gave me a playful punch in the arm.

  I laughed. ‘If my company ever gives me more notice, I promise I’ll give you more notice.’

  ‘Oh – what about all this wine?’ said Amanda suddenly.

  We had ordered a modest-looking Merlot that had turned out to be remarkably good. In the course of this convivial but all-too-brief dinner, Charles and I had consumed only one glass apiece, and Amanda had limited herself to half a glass. None of us wanted to see what was left in the bottle go back to the kitchen – though, for my part, I wouldn’t have objected to watching Becky carry it back to the kitchen, if you know what I mean.

  ‘Dave can take that, too,’ Charles answered.

  ‘Can I?’ I wondered aloud. ‘Aren’t there rules against it?’

  ‘Let’s ask the server,’ Charles replied optimistically. ‘After all, you wouldn’t even be taking it out of the building.’ At that instant Becky reappeared, and Charles gave a jovial wave to attract her back to our table.

  ‘All ready?’ Becky asked. I observed that although it was Charles who was proffering his credit card, and Charles who had requested her return, her eyes kept shifting in my direction. Or was I just imagining this, because I found her so pretty?

  ‘Question,’ Charles began. ‘Can Dave here take the rest of the wine up to his room in your hotel?’

  Now Becky turned her gaze fully toward me, and her mouth curled into a mischievous smile. ‘So, Dave wants all the wine, eh?’

  I probably blushed. ‘I guess I do. That is, I’d be glad to share it… if I had someone to share it with. But seeing as I’m all alone in this great big hotel, I’m fairly sure I can do justice to what’s left in the bottle.’ I thought I saw something especially gentle creep into Becky’s smile as I said the word ‘alone’.

  ‘There’s no rule against that, is there?’ Charles continued.

  ‘Actually,’ said Becky with a professional briskness, ‘there is an ordinance about open bottles in this town. But since Dave isn’t exactly leaving the premises, it may be okay. Let me ask the manager.’ Watching Becky’s confident behind walk toward the manager’s station, I thought about how she seemed to enjoy calling me by name, as if we were already pals.

  As Becky led him our way, her boss telegraphed his accommodating answer by means of a wide, customer-service-friendly grin. ‘You’d like to take the wine upstairs?’ He was looking at Charles and Amanda, but Becky nudged his elbow and cocked her head my way.

  ‘If it’s no proble
m,’ I said.

  ‘No, there won’t be a problem with that,’ said the manager. ‘Our open-bottle policy within the building merely states that your server must escort you to the elevator. We simply need to verify that you are taking the bottle directly to your hotel room, you understand.’ He flashed us another cordial grin, then retreated.

  Becky beamed. ‘I’ll get the cork, and then I can see you out whenever you’re ready, Dave. And I’ll be back in a sec with your credit card, sir.’ I saw that she barely acknowledged Charles, even as she addressed him. Her attention seemed to be locked in on the co-ordinates of my face.

  A minute later, the leftovers had been boxed, the wine had been re-corked, the credit card slip had been signed, and Amanda was telling Becky, course by course, how much we’d all relished the meal.

  ‘I’ll let my manager know that I’m taking you to the elevator now,’ Becky said to me when Amanda had finished. ‘I’m due to go on my dinner break, anyway,’ she confided before leaving us.

  ‘Well, buddy, it looks like you’re in good hands,’ said Charles with a wink. Beautiful Amanda tittered conspiratorially, while favouring me with a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

  ‘Enjoy the show!’ I shouted as they left the restaurant.

  I didn’t realize that Becky had managed to sneak up behind me, and I nearly jumped when I heard her perky ‘All set, Dave?’

  ‘Huh? Oh – yeah, I guess so.’

  She touched my elbow and steered me toward the door. I was wearing short sleeves, and the feel of her fingers on my skin sent a thrill through me.

  It took us only a few seconds to cross the lobby to the elevator, but the car was currently occupied somewhere above. Becky, carrying out her professional assignment, continued to hold the wine bottle while we waited.

  ‘This feels so silly,’ she suddenly blurted, with a rather unprofessional giggle that I found adorable. ‘Almost like we’re on a date, or something.’ Then she added earnestly, ‘Not that dates are silly, mind you.’

  Her presence was making me feel like I was melting all over. Well, almost all over – there was one place on my anatomy where I was, by contrast, definitely solidifying.

  The elevator arrived. I saw that this was the time to act.

  ‘Hadn’t you better escort me all the way upstairs?’ I said with a transparent slyness. ‘I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble with your boss for not ensuring that the wine went straight to my room.’

  Becky looked at me, looked back toward the restaurant, and then back at me again. She didn’t say anything, but her eyes glinted. I was holding the elevator door open, and she entered swiftly.

  While the car ascended with a soothing whir, Becky broke the silence. ‘I don’t know if this was strictly necessary, according to the open-bottle rules. But I am going on a break… and I can do whatever I like on my break.’ She stepped closer to me. ‘Whatever I like,’ she repeated. And she reached forward and tapped my chest, ever so briefly.

  I looked at Becky and took in all I could see. Bright blonde hair, long and casual. Those laughing eyes, that sensitive mouth. The trim, athletic body, shown off to nice effect in her white blouse and tight black slacks. I felt warm, nervous… and excited.

  The spell was broken for a moment by the ‘ding’ of the elevator, and the door opened on to my floor. Becky stepped out without hesitation, in perfect stride with me. As I led the way along the corridor, she hummed cheerfully. The cozy sound of our feet shuffling along the carpet accompanied her voice very nicely.

  ‘Here we are,’ I said when we’d arrived at my door. I stood at the threshold, brimming with desire and uncertainty.

  ‘Aren’t you going to open it?’ she coaxed.

  So I opened it. She entered, ahead of me, wine bottle still in hand. Hoping for the best, I closed the door behind us.

  Once inside the room, I quickly put the leftovers down, not even giving much thought to where. Becky finally handed over the bottle.

  ‘Thank you,’ I said self-consciously. There was a short silence while I decided what to say next. ‘Would you like some wine?’ was what I came up with.

  ‘Thanks for the offer,’ she replied. ‘But it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to return to work with alcohol in my system.’

  ‘Ah, of course,’ I said. ‘I’m so sorry.’

  She reclaimed the bottle from me and placed it out of the way, on a table. ‘Don’t be sorry,’ she said. ‘There are plenty of other things we can do during my break.’

  ‘We?’ I barely had time to utter it before she began to smother me with kisses, while reaching around to grab my butt in her strong little hands.

  Because her restaurant provided room service, it was natural that Becky would be familiar with the standard layout of rooms in the hotel. So I was delighted, but not surprised, that she was able to navigate us toward the bed without even having to watch where she was going.

  ‘Just because that bottle’s sealed, it doesn’t mean everything around here has to stay under wraps,’ she breathed in my ear. An instant later, I felt her reach for my zipper, and I reciprocated by teasing hers out of its home in the nook of her sexy trousers. We wiggled the clothing down each other’s legs with semi-graceful synchronization, engaging in an eager dance of undressing.

  The dance continued as Becky lifted my cock out of my shorts, and I stroked the moist black cotton between her legs.

  ‘I can’t wait,’ she chirped, rushing to slide her own panties down while my prick stayed in a holding pattern. Then she sank into the bed, giggling becomingly and spreading her nicely-toned thighs so that I could see her soft blonde curls and her glistening wetness. Her blouse was still buttoned; nevertheless, as I pounced on her I felt the warmth of her breasts, reaching me through bra and blouse and my own shirt.

  Her sensuous wiggling beckoned my face down to her centre of pleasure. I kissed and licked at her sweetness, and she squealed and pressed herself against my mouth. Despite the sturdy vigour of her personality, she felt delicate down here – and she tasted, indeed, like a delicacy.

  Becky was ready to be brought to ecstasy, and it was no challenge to do so. Her muscular legs kicked beautifully as she climaxed.

  ‘You certainly know how to get things flowing,’ she purred, lifting my head. ‘Now, how about we put a cork in it for a while?’

  She guided my cock into her vessel, and I felt the warmth of her love-vintage bathing and caressing me.

  Friendly little kisses and nibbles – signs of a healthy appetite – pampered my neck and ears while we bounced together. All too soon, I felt myself spilling into her, and she clutched me tightly and whispered my name.

  ‘Oh, Becky…’ I answered.

  She guffawed, and hugged me even tighter. ‘It’s Betsy.’

  She rolled me over, and straddled me like a woman who knows exactly what she wants to get out of her dinner break. Then she proceeded to show me, in no uncertain terms, that she wouldn’t dream of holding an innocent mistake against me.

  With my prick in the spirited embrace of Betsy’s powerful cunt, my mind rolled hither and yon in ecstasy, and random thoughts about the evening began to flash by. Charles had been right about taking the wine upstairs, said one random thought. And he’d been right that I was in good hands, said another.

  By now, Betsy was fucking me with a positively athletic exuberance, and leading us rapidly toward a joint climax. As our bodies vibrated together, I heard something crackle from behind my shoulders. Styrofoam. Oops.

  Charles had been right again. I was making out on the leftovers!

  In Medias Res

  by Beverly Langland

  “Post nubila Phoebus!” I rolled my eyes. What sort of answer was that? Art is an intellectual snob – a professor of Latin or something equally pretentious at Yale. How Dan and he had ever become friends, I’ll never understand. They are like chalk and cheese. Dan, down to earth, had a modest mid-management position with a building firm, while Art looked like he’d never used his hands in his life.
“We shared a girl once in college,” was Dan’s glib reply when I asked. “Art’s come to return the favour.” Yeah, right! Dan had a huge grin on his face so I assumed he was winding me up. I had recently made the mistake of admitting a recurring fantasy of mine – you know the classic – where I take two cocks at the same time. Luckily, Dan has always been adventurous in bed – and out of it. He indulged my fantasy, pretending someone was with us as he used a dildo on me while I sucked his cock. It created the illusion of another man sharing our bed, but it was just that – a fantasy. In all the years we had been together, Dan had never expressed any desire to share me.

  Joke or not, I couldn’t get the image of Dan with Art and his girlfriend out of my mind. It certainly changed my opinion of the American. I couldn’t picture the stuck-up git getting down and dirty. Nor Dan for that matter. Art’s flight had been delayed a day so we were stuck with him overnight. When I asked if he minded he gave his answer in Latin, never offering a translation. He made me feel so ignorant. Art didn’t want to go to the pub so we ended up watching a wildlife documentary of all things. I suppose he is into that sort of thing. I sat on the floor by Dan’s feet painting my toenails. Art seemed curiously quiet. He usually had something to say about everything and anything. It may have been my imagination or perhaps the image of lions mating but I felt a tingle of expectation in the air. Somehow, certainly without conscious effort on my part the atmosphere in the room had become sexually charged.

  I looked up and saw that Art was staring up my skirt. Dan noticed too, but instead of any display of concern or anger, he wormed his foot between my legs and wriggled his toes against my crutch. I snapped my legs shut in surprise, unintentionally trapping his foot. He continued to rub against me so I searched his face questioningly. Dan smiled and nudged my thighs apart. I hadn’t imagined it. They were definitely up to no good. It never occurred to me that I had become the focus in some strange game the two of them played. However, I was conscious that Dan was showing me off – literally. I was miffed yet aroused at the same time. So aroused I was willing to play the pawn in their bizarre game. Anyway, my panties were already wet. A fact I suspected Art could plainly see. For some reason, that notion alone made me wetter still.


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