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Temptations--Three Book Bundle

Page 14

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘I’m ready to get out of the bath now.’ I stood up and he cloaked me in the towel, helping me out of the deep bath. I stumbled on the wet tiles, falling against him and he caught me and pulled me gently into his hips. Then, he gently rubbed my wet breasts and my back and dried the cleft between my buttocks, assiduously sliding the towel between the folds of my sex wet pussy. Finally he held up the robe.

  ‘I don’t need that.’ I said shortly, as in my curiosity I forgot my inhibition and began to wonder how far I could tease him and what the resolution to such protracted foreplay would be. Indeed I had forgotten everything now except how much I desired seduction. I decided I would like to drop the towel, and I did so. I caught a glimpse of myself in the full length wardrobe mirror, and I admit I looked splendid for a woman of a certain age. I was voluptuous, and when I unpinned my hair, it fell in a cascade around my shoulders. I posed, thrusting out my hips, I was being daring.

  RS’s eyes were glistening with subdued hunger. He drew out a chair and shaking out a napkin and spreading it out on my lap he allowed his naughty fingers to graze my naked cunt.

  ‘Why don’t you join me? Sit down and have a spoonful of caviar. I won’t take no, for an answer.’ I flirted. ‘But first of all, why don’t you unbutton your shirt. Better still take it off. Would you mind doing that?’

  RS loosened his tie and as he unfastened the remaining buttons of his shirt, his hair fell rakishly forward over his eyes.

  ‘No! Certainly not Carla. I’m at your service.’ He put mild emphasis on the word service before sitting down opposite me, buttering toast, adding caviar and feeding it to me. I opened my mouth and I obliged him by licking my lips and showing him my tongue. He wiped a dribble of butter from my chin as he studied my lips, open and inviting. The sex rippled off him in cascades of energy.

  I wondered if it might be fun to provoke room service. ‘Oh dear, I think I just dropped my earring. It fell on the floor, and I can’t see it.’

  Now he was on his hands and knees beneath the table. I was becoming increasingly daring and very naughty. I spread my legs, displaying my cunt. I knew he was looking at me since I could feel his warm breath disturbing my pubic hair. He was very close indeed and I shivered with delight. I then said. ‘Lick me.’

  I continued to nibble the caviar as I felt his hands spread my legs further apart. He kissed my inner thighs and my sex all over, working his way towards my juicy slit with slow sensuous strokes and kisses until finally his finger and thumb parted the lips, and the mouth and tongue began to slide up and down my cleft, his teeth eventually fastening on my clitoris. I bit down hard on the toast as I muffled my moan. RS was now working his tongue around and around my sex, and I could feel my orgasm beginning to surge. I had to hold the arms of the chair when I came, it was so violent. So totally unexpected.’

  He sat back down and he ran a hand through his tousled hair.

  ‘I think I’d like to go to bed now.’ I stood up abruptly. ‘Would you be so kind as to brush my hair?’

  ‘I’d love to brush your hair. What a pleasure.’

  I sat on the bed, my legs wet with cunt juice and the aroma of warm heady sexual arousal emanating from me in sweet waves. RS sat beside me and I admired his firm musculature and the jutting ferocity of his cock pressing against his pants. He teased my hair, easing out the knots and I felt the excitement begin to rise again with each successive tug. I took my breast in my hand and as he brushed my hair, I massaged the nipple until it was firm and sensitive, then I caressed it, inciting my passion, forcing my orgasm. I had never experienced such pleasure, it kept ebbing and receding in deeper and more satisfying pulses. Finally he finished brushing my hair and he lifted it back from my shoulders. I placed my hand gently on his cock.

  ‘Service me.’ I commanded flirtatiously as I gazed into his eyes. ‘That’s what room service is all about, isn’t it? That’s the purpose of the game?’

  He stood in front of me, and unzipping his pants out sprung his liberated penis. Whilst he let me fondle him, he carefully controlled his lust. He was the perfect slave.

  I stroked the organ, admiring the plump girth and rippling sinuous length as I stroked the male essence from the bleeding stem. Gently I rubbed up and down the shaft, and sinking to my knees I took the pole between my teeth and I sucked it, as I fondled my clit. Room service stroked my hair and I felt the tensile promise of his climax. He did not move until I was satisfied.

  My fantasy had always been to discover men and peel away the layers of them to reach the heart of their arousal, however usually men were too eager to be inside me. RS allowed me to explore all of him at my leisure. I slipped my finger into the tight constriction of his butt and he sighed as I drew him to the brink of ejaculation and then away again.

  We played endless games of pleasure as I acted out my fantasies. I dribbled champagne between my thighs and he sucked each droplet away as I made him clean me with his tongue. Then I lowered myself onto him, spearing his cock inside me, on my terms. I wanted to cry out with the passion of it, the controlled thrusting deliciousness of it. He was the perfect lover, timing his orgasm to perfection as the penis rotated and thrust inside me. Using tongue and cock to take me to the very boundaries of ecstasy he wrapped me in the sheet and stroked my hair.

  I awoke at three thirty am. and I really fancied hot milk. I was smiling coyly as I pressed the button on the phone.

  ‘Oh! Could I order some hot milk please?’ Room service had told me he was always available to oblige no matter what the time of day or night.

  When he knocked on the door I said to him. ‘Don’t you get fed up with these calls at all hours?’

  Grinning, RS reached once more, to unbutton his shirt. ‘Why Carla, I never tire of providing room service.’

  The Travelling Circus.

  by J.S. Black

  I watched with interest the colourful procession of caravans clatter out from the surrounding woodland and into our small village square. ‘Madame Juliet’s Travelling Circus’ had arrived.

  I had been sent to fetch milk, but my chore for the moment forgotten I stood amongst my fellow villagers to watch the caravans move slowly through the village, heading for a clearing in the woods which for a short time would be their home.

  I suspect that many of the villagers here are wary of our visitors, being so doubtful of anything disrupting their mundane lives, but not I. Being a young woman of eighteen I welcomed any break from the dull routine of village life!

  “Ladies and gentlemen!” I looked towards the woman who addressed us from the lead caravan, “roll up and see the show tomorrow night in the clearing just over yonder!” I knew this to be Madame Juliet, her commanding yet deeply feminine tone easily captivating the gathering. And as dwarfs gambolled and lions roared this beautiful woman teased and lured us.

  I felt spellbound by her striking blue eyes framed by a mane of long curls the colour of burgundy wine, bought alive under the summer sun, yes, Madame Juliet was indeed a beautiful woman. I think the village men were transfixed by her, and secretly, so was I.

  When my eyes fell upon the man whose caravan announced, ‘Gabriel the Extraordinaire!’ my breath momentarily caught in my throat.

  Long dark locks fell about muscular shoulders that strained against the material of his flamboyant shirt but it was Gabriel’s eyes that I found most striking. There was something of innocence there, and something else that I could not read, as though he were distant from his surroundings and we held little interest to him at all.

  Milk pails forgotten, I pushed my way to the front of the crowd where nobody would be able to block my view of this man that I’d yet to take my eyes from and maybe, I hoped, he might glance my way and notice me.

  And notice me he did. If only for a moment his dark and beautiful eyes had met my own and I could only hope that no one but Gabriel had seen the lustful longing that was surely in my own eyes.

  “These travelling folk are nothing but trouble. I don’t want you anywher
e near them, do I make myself clear Anna?” father told me from over the rim of his pipe.

  “But father, I’m not a little girl anymore, and so little happens here in this village…” I implored, looking towards my mother for help.

  “I’m sorry Anna but your father is right, I’m not keen on those gypsy people, they’re not like us, they have strange ways,” my mother warned.

  The thought of not seeing these people again upset me, I didn’t care if they were considered strange. I felt drawn to the travellers and needed so much to see the goddess like Madame Juliet once again and of course, Gabriel…

  Being a warm night I tossed back my bed sheets to lie with the moonlight upon me. Slowly, I began to raise my nightgown to expose my young plump thighs, while imagining Gabriel watching me as I did so.

  I knew so very little about sex and had virtually no experience apart from when Tommy the ironsmiths son once showed me his cock, and how he rubbed it to make it hard and I’m sure he would’ve shown me again if my father hadn’t caught us. My father had lectured me for hours about the evils of sex and of how we should not give in to temptation.

  But there are times, such as now, when I ache between my thighs, when I want so much to explore and to touch myself, such is my frustration!

  I know that what I’m doing is wrong, teasing myself as I run my palm over the smoothness of my right leg, moving slowly over my inner thigh… I stop before I touch where my wetness has moistened my panties. I must try to not give into myself but oh, is it so wrong for me to pleasure myself in this way?

  I imagine Gabriel, watching me, those powerful yet strangely innocent eyes meeting my own, seeing my desire for naughtiness and it feels delicious when I hook my fingers around the gusset of my panties, to slowly pull the damp material aside and to expose myself to him. With my other hand, my right hand, I resist no longer and touch myself where it pleasures me most, encouraged by Gabriel’s gentle smile.

  “I’m yours to do with as you so wish sir,” I tell my imaginary Gabriel and slowly push two of my fingers deeply into my young tightness, stifling my groan of pleasure before it could escape my mouth.

  I thought again about Gabriel and the other travellers so very near. On this balmy summer night a short and pleasant walk would have me at their camp in very little time, and once there, maybe there would be a chance of seeing Gabriel and maybe, secretly hidden by the night, I could watch him for a little while…

  With some reluctance I removed my fingers from deep within my thighs and admired how they glistened in the moonlight. I felt the desire to place my fingers to my mouth, to taste myself but I dare not. What was it that hindered my pleasure so? Guilt? Yes, guilt surely. Why did I so crave that which most folk would call sinful?

  I looked towards my open window. I saw Gabriel’s smile once again, willing me onwards…

  The warm soft breeze felt wonderful upon my skin as, wearing only my nightgown, I made my way through the woodland. I wondered if I were being foolish, that I’d reach the caravans only to find them closed and able to see no one, but I’d no intention of turning back now.

  Before long I could see the caravans through the clearing trees, their paint shining under the moonlight. The night air carried the sound of voices from the camp along with the sound of what I thought to be a lion murmuring to the night and with effort I crept steadily in my attempt to make no sounds of my own.

  A nervous wave washed through me when I saw the warm, welcoming glow from the nearest caravan, Gabriel’s caravan, almost touching the edge of the woodland. It had been my intention to remain hidden within the thickets but realizing that from here I would see very little I ventured forwards, out of the cover of darkness and into the silver moonlight.

  Lust and excitement pushed aside my feelings of nervousness when on peering through the caravans’ small window I saw Gabriel who appeared to be seated, and carefully, I positioned myself so that I might see more.

  Gabriel wore only his black leggings and silently, I admired his exposed muscular torso and drank in the sight of his thick dark hair. The sight of him caused a longing in me that was almost painful.

  But why was Gabriel tied to the chair, his hands behind his back?

  Instinctively, my hand moved under my thin gown, between my thighs…

  “I own you, body and soul… slave of mine…” I barely suppressed a surprised yelp on hearing Madame Juliet’s deep and commanding voice from within the caravan. My mouth fell open. I needed to see more.

  The gypsy woman was relaxing upon a narrow bed on the other side of the caravan where she had raised her gowns to expose her large, dark skinned thighs and her sex between. She wetted her fingers before placing them between her thighs where she made small circular movements. I was fascinated! So I wasn’t alone in my desire to pleasure myself in this way! I slowed my own movements upon myself, aware of my closeness to that most wonderful of sensations…

  Madame Juliet watched Gabriel intently and when she spoke her movements upon herself quickened, “You like to see me do this to myself don’t you Gabriel, can you see how wet I’ve become…” I watched Madame Juliet place her glistening fingers to her mouth as she watched Gabriel, sucking them before returning them to her most private area. She had performed with such ease and relish that which I myself had been too timid to do… but not after this night…

  I returned my gaze to Gabriel. His chest rose deeply with each breath and I noticed a sheen of sweat upon his smooth skin. Although still wearing the leggings, I could see that he was erect under the thin black material.

  “I see you straining for release lover, but I may not give it to you yet,” Madame Juliet said teasingly and I returned my gaze to her, “I think I might choose to drink your cum tonight… if I so please…” I’d quickened my movements between my thighs and was now unable to stop the wave of pleasure exploding from between my thighs, weakening my knees.

  To my horror I’d let out a deep groan of pleasure and quickly, I turned away from the caravan so that I might return to the cover of the night.

  I thought I’d run into a tree before feeling powerful hands take hold of my shoulders and looking up, I saw the face of the circus’s strongman peering down at me.

  “Bring her inside Jareth,” I heard Madame Juliet command before being carried towards the opening door of Gabriel’s caravan.

  “Thank you Jareth, you may go,” Madame Juliet ordered and Jareth did as he was told. Inside the caravan I felt overwhelmed. Strange yet pleasant incense enveloped my senses, making me feel pleasantly warm and giddy. I felt afraid and yet excited.

  Madame Juliet stood silently for a moment, observing me.

  “Are the folk in this village in the habit of watching people then?” she asked, her powerful voice intimidating me.

  “No miss,” I answered quietly.

  “Then why did you come here? Answer me girl,” the gypsy woman demanded. I glanced towards Gabriel before lowering my gaze to the floor.

  “Please don’t tell my father! I’ll never say anything I promise!” I suddenly begged.

  “Of course you’ll say nothing! We’re not the ones looking through folks windows are we!” She placed her hand under my chin, lifting my face. “What’s your name girl?”

  “Anna Marlton,” I answered.

  “So, Anne Marlton,” Madame Juliet’s tone softened, “you were innocently walking by and couldn’t help your interest in us so had to get a little closer, this right girl?”

  “Yes,” I answered in eager agreement, “that’s just how it was.”

  “No one innocently walks through woodland at night to peer into windows girl, you’ll have to do better than that,” she smiled, it seemed that she was amused by me at least. She noticed my gaze towards Gabriel and I guess she read much from my eyes, “Ah, I should have known,” the gypsy woman smiled at me. She reached for a bottle placed upon a small table and pouring the liquid into a goblet, handed me the drink. I drank deeply. It was a strong wine the likes of which I�
�d never tried before and I liked it, it both warmed and soothed me.

  Madame Juliet frightened me a little, but I liked her nevertheless.

  “Were you touching yourself while watching us Anna?” Madame Juliet asked with a nod towards the window. The question sounded natural and not meant to embarrass or belittle me. I nodded slowly, my eyes now meeting hers. The gypsy woman nodded with a smile, as if she already knew.

  “And this strict father of yours, you have to hide the fact that you’re now a young woman whose interest in sex is awakened?”

  “How did you know that he’s strict?” I asked, feeling that this woman could read me too easily.

  “Well, your first response once we caught you here was to beg us not to tell your father,” she smiled again, “fathers worry about daughters, it’s only natural, and sex is natural too Anna. So, did it feel good to masturbate while watching us?”

  I took another sip from my drink, “Yes, but I was also afraid because I knew I was doing wrong, and that I might get caught…”

  “Ah, and caught you were!” Madame Juliet laughed not unpleasantly. Gabriel remained silent as he watched me, his eyes giving away little of his thoughts. “But it’s not our intention to cause you harm girl,” Madame Juliet continued, “indeed you are of interest to us. Tell me exactly what you were doing before you decided to come here.”


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