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Striker (Book 1 in the 'Striker' Trilogy)

Page 41

by Michelle Betham

  ‘I never wanted it to be like this,’ she whispered, looking down at Ryan’s hand in hers. ‘But him coming back here, it’s messed everything up.’

  ‘Only if you let it.’

  She looked up at him, smiling. ‘Yeah. I suppose you’re right.’

  He rubbed his thumb over the third finger of her left hand, kissing her quickly, not caring if people were watching or not. ‘Y’know, we’re engaged, yet that finger is still looking a bit naked to me.’

  Amber looked down, too, cocking her head on one side. ‘I hadn’t even thought about it.’

  ‘Yeah, well, you see, that’s where you differ from the girls I used to be familiar with. If I’d asked any of them to marry me there’s no way they’d have said yes until there was some obscenely-sized diamond on that finger.’

  ‘Are you saying I’m cheap?’ Amber smirked, sliding a hand round the back of his neck.

  ‘No, I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is, I think we need to find something to go on that finger, don’t you?’

  ‘I don’t care about rings or fancy weddings or any of that, Ryan. I care about you. Nothing else matters. I don’t need a piece of jewellery to tell me you’re mine.’

  ‘Not even a nice little solitaire? Maybe in a platinum band?’

  She couldn’t help smiling. ‘Well, maybe a little diamond wouldn’t look so bad.’

  ‘That’s my girl,’ he laughed, quickly kissing the tip of her nose before his lips touched hers in a longer kiss. ‘And after we find the perfect ring we can celebrate with a coffee and a doughnut, what do you say?’

  ‘I’d say; whoever said romance was dead didn’t know what they were talking about.’

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  ‘So, which magazine are you going to sell your wedding photos to?’ Debbie asked, crossing her legs as she and Amber shared a bottle of wine over lunch in a city centre pub.

  ‘Magazine?’ Amber frowned, sitting back against the cushions of the comfortable navy-blue sofa they’d commandeered in a cosy corner of the pub.

  ‘You’ll have them falling over themselves to bag the exclusive,’ Debbie went on. ‘Me and Gary have just signed a deal with this one.’ She held up a copy of a well-known, celebrity-filled magazine renowned for its coverage of weddings/parties/christenings, etc. of the rich and famous.

  Amber shuddered as she looked at the magazine. ‘Debbie, can I tell you something?’

  Debbie put the magazine down and looked at Amber. ‘Of course you can, chick.’

  ‘I don’t really know what I’m doing.’

  It was Debbie’s turn to frown. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘All this talk of weddings and engagement parties and magazine deals – it’s freaking me out. Big time. I mean, Ryan asking me to marry him in the first place was a big enough shock but now it seems like I’ve been thrown into this whirlwind of publicity and I have no idea how to handle it.’

  Debbie threw Amber a friendly smile. ‘It’s all been a bit full-on, hasn’t it?’

  ‘Just a bit, yeah,’ Amber sighed. ‘It doesn’t feel like five minutes since last August when I walked into that Press Lounge to interview him and couldn’t stand him on sight. And now I’m marrying him. It’s crazy!’

  ‘A lot’s happened in those few months, chick.’

  More than Debbie realised, Amber thought. She had no idea about Jim or the fact that he and Ryan were never really going to get along, even in a professional capacity. But even without all of that, things were still crazy.

  ‘I feel like I haven’t really had time to get my head around it all. I can’t even escape it at work. Kevin wants to run a story on News North East about mine and Ryan’s romance. He’s even talking about doing some kind of feature on the run-up to the wedding, filming us as the date draws closer – a date, I hasten to add, that hasn’t even been set yet and… I just want to take a minute to sit back and think about things, y’know?’

  ‘Of course you do, chick. Look, what does Ryan think about all of this?’

  ‘He wants to get married sooner rather than later. He’d like to set a date for some time soon after the season ends, but that’s less than four months away, Debbie. And less than a year after we met. It just seems way too soon.’

  ‘Do you love him?’

  ‘Of course I love him. I love him like crazy, God help me.’

  ‘Then, does it matter how soon you get married?’

  Amber took a long sip of wine, wishing the alcohol would kick in and make her feel a little more relaxed about the whole thing. This whole situation was so alien to her. Marriage was something she’d never really thought about before. Ever. Except, maybe, for a brief period of time when she’d been with Jim. An infatuated teenager living her very own daydream. But, as an adult, it had never been high on her list of agendas, never been something she’d wanted to do. She’d loved her independence way too much. Until she’d met Ryan. He’d invaded her life and changed everything. There was no going back now, even if she’d wanted that. But, marriage?

  ‘I suppose not,’ Amber said quietly. She looked at Debbie, picking up the magazine again. ‘But I’m not selling my wedding photos to anyone. I’m not like you, Debbie. I hate being the centre of attention, even if my choice of fiancé seems to argue against that theory.’

  ‘They pay for all sorts of things in return for exclusive photos, you know,’ Debbie smiled. ‘It’s just a pity Gary and I aren’t tying the knot until after you guys then you could have seen what was involved. It might even be fun.’

  ‘You don’t think Ryan will want to go for this, do you?’ Amber asked, with more than a hint of panic in her voice.

  Debbie shrugged. ‘I don’t know. He does love a bit of media attention, but then, that was the old Ryan, wasn’t it?’

  ‘Do you really think he’s changed, Debs?’

  ‘Oh God, yes! No doubt about it. Gary’s forever moaning that Ryan’s no fun anymore because he never wants to go out as much as he used to. And he’s finding it hard to find another partner-in-crime now that a lot of the Red Star players are finally starting to settle down.’

  ‘Don’t you want Gary to change, too, though? Surely if Ryan can do it then Gary can?’

  Debbie sat back, taking a long drink before fixing Amber with a resigned look. ‘Honey, he isn’t ever gonna change, and I know that. He’s going to be one of life’s perpetual little boys, but I love him.’ She shrugged again. ‘I can’t help myself. But at least I know how to deal with him. And let’s face it, I’m no angel, either. We’re two of a kind. Made to be together, because nobody else would put up with us.’

  Amber looked at the delicate platinum diamond solitaire ring that now graced the third finger of her left hand. ‘Things just feel too good to be true right now.’ She looked back up at Debbie. ‘And you know what they say – if something’s too good to be true…’

  ‘Just enjoy it!’ Debbie smiled, picking up the bottle of wine and checking to see how much was left inside. ‘No second-guessing, no questioning everything a hundred times over in your head. Enjoy it.’ She stood up, tucking the empty bottle under her arm. ‘I’ll go get us another, then we can start planning this wedding of yours, alright?’


  ‘You’ve got to let me and the lads take you out to celebrate,’ Gary said, bending over to catch his breath as he took a quick break from training.

  ‘We’re having a proper engagement party soon, Gaz. We can celebrate then.’

  ‘Jesus, Ryan. I know you’ve grown up and all that, but I’m talking about a night away from the missus. Just you, me, and a few of the lads, hitting the clubs, rocking up at the casino – it’ll be a blast.’

  ‘Can’t we do all of that on the Stag Night?’

  ‘Sod staying in Newcastle for the Stag Night. I was thinking Las Vegas.’

  ‘Vegas? Gary, mate, is that not a bit over-the-top?’

  Gary stood up straight, his hands on his hips, a confused look on his face. ‘You are kidding, aren’t you? I
thought you went to Las Vegas for Danny Tate’s thirtieth? And from what I read in the papers, it was one hell of a ride.’

  Ryan couldn’t deny it had been a trip to remember. Casinos waiting to be played day and night, women on tap; they’d had anything they’d wanted whenever they’d wanted it. They’d partied with the famous, slept with more girls than he cared to remember, and spent more cash than any group of people should be allowed to get through in three days. But the memories… Man, they were good! So good Ryan couldn’t keep the smile off his face. ‘Yeah. That was one trip I’ll never forget.’

  ‘So? Vegas for the Stag Weekend, then?’

  Ryan still couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. ‘Why the hell not, huh? I mean, Amber’s bound to want to organise something with the girls, isn’t she?’

  ‘If Debbie’s got anything to do with it, yeah,’ Gary said, looking over at Colin on the sidelines who was tapping his watch and throwing him and Ryan a look that said Get back out on that pitch. ‘I’ve heard whisperings of Ibiza or Majorca. Do you think Amber would go for that?’

  Ryan shrugged. ‘Mate, I have no idea. But tell Debbie not to go too heavy-handed with it all, okay? Amber doesn’t really go in for all that celebrity shit. It’s way out of her comfort zone.’

  ‘Well, she might have to start getting used to it. With you as her husband – Jesus Christ, Ryan. You? A husband? Shit, that’s so not right.’

  Ryan couldn’t help laughing, because it was true. Or, it had been. Just a couple of months ago he wouldn’t have even considered a steady girlfriend, never mind a prospective wife. But Amber had changed all that. She’d changed him. And he loved her for it. He loved her for saving him. ‘It’s who I am now, Gaz. So get used to it. You’re gonna have to find a new playmate to go out with now.’

  ‘Piss off, Ryan. You’ll still be there, I guarantee it. There are only so many nights in a man can take, believe me. I’ve been there. So, anyway, this night out to celebrate your engagement. You up for it?’

  Ryan stopped a ball shooting past him by standing on it, kicking it straight back to another player in the centre of the pitch. ‘If it’ll stop you frigging nagging then yes, I’m up for it.’

  ‘Get in! I knew you wouldn’t be able to say no.’

  ‘I can say no, Gaz. You just don’t give me any bloody choice.’ Ryan noticed Jim Allen arrive on the sidelines, dressed – unusually for him – in tracksuit bottoms, sweatshirt and football boots. He never took training, as a rule. That was very much Colin’s territory. ‘What’s he doing taking training?’

  Gary followed Ryan’s gaze. ‘Beats me. Maybe he’s got something planned.’

  ‘Well, I doubt he’s dressed like that for the good of his health.’

  Gary looked at Ryan. ‘Shouldn’t you just let that go now, mate. It’s over between him and Amber. You said that yourself.’

  ‘Is it?’ Ryan mumbled, watching Jim Allen as he began kicking a ball around the pitch, showing quite clearly that age hadn’t dulled his talent.

  Gary frowned. ‘Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?’

  Ryan looked over at Jim again, who was now standing with his arms folded, staring at Ryan. ‘Nothing. It doesn’t mean anything.’

  ‘Whatever you say,’ Gary shrugged. ‘I suppose we’d better get moving, then. Hey, tell you what, how about a drink and a game of pool after this? We can talk about the night out.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Ryan sighed. ‘Whatever.’


  ‘Let’s have a girls’ night out to celebrate,’ Debbie smiled, flicking through a rail of dresses in a small, high-end designer boutique that Amber had never been in before. This wasn’t her style. She was more used to Next or New Look, maybe the designers section in Debenhams, at a push. That’s where she was comfortable. Just looking at the price tags on some of these dresses made her feel quite faint.

  ‘It’s a bit early to be talking about a Hen Night, isn’t it?’ Amber asked, wishing they could hurry up and leave.

  ‘I’m not talking about the Hen Night, silly,’ Debbie laughed, picking out a tiny black dress with a silver halter-neck, holding it against her as she looked in the mirror. ‘What do you think of this one?’ she asked, swinging round to face Amber.

  Amber thought it would barely cover her modesty, but Debbie had the kind of figure that – well, if Amber had a figure like that then she’d probably flaunt it, too. ‘It’s nice.’

  ‘Nice?’ Debbie said, arching an eyebrow. ‘This is a £500 dress, Amber, it’s more than nice.’

  ‘How much?’ Amber gasped, almost choking on that information.

  ‘Listen, chick, now you’re with Ryan you’re gonna have to get used to shopping in places like this. You can’t be going into Primark when the paparazzi are following you.’

  ‘The paparazzi aren’t going to be following me, Debbie. Ryan, maybe, but not me.’

  Debbie arched that eyebrow again. ‘You have a lot to learn, missy.’ She put the dress back and pulled out a slightly longer lime green one with spaghetti straps and an asymmetrical hemline. ‘Anyway, about this night out.’

  ‘What night out?’ Amber asked, still wishing Debbie would hurry up and buy something so they could get out of there. She was gasping for a coffee.

  ‘The night out to celebrate your engagement. And yes, I know you’re having a proper engagement party soon but this is different. I’m talking about a night out with the girls, away from the men. Dinner somewhere expensive, plenty of cocktails, the VIP section of a club… I might even organise a couple of strippers, what do you say?’


  ‘Okay, you’re too close to saying no there and I’m not going to let you do that. You’re having this night out so just leave all the organising to me and I guarantee you’ll have a night to remember.’

  ‘Really?’ Amber asked, slightly nervous now.

  ‘Really,’ Debbie smiled, returning the lime green dress to the rail before pulling out a bright red one. ‘It’ll be fun! I promise.’

  ‘Okay. I believe you,’ Amber sighed. ‘I suppose that means Gary’ll be organising some kind of night out for Ryan, then?’

  Debbie looked at her, reaching out to squeeze her hand. ‘Listen, chick, I will make him swear on his life that he will not do anything stupid. Alright? It’ll be fine.’

  ‘It’s not necessarily Gary I’m worried about, Debs. What if Ryan…?’

  ‘He won’t, Amber. He just won’t. He’s changed, I know he has. And you know it, too.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Amber smiled, relaxing slightly. Debbie seemed taken with the red dress, so that probably meant they could leave this place soon. Half an hour in there and she was ready for another bottle of wine. But she’d make do with that coffee she was still gasping for. ‘Yeah, you’re right. And I can’t hold him prisoner forever, can I? I’ve got to show him I can trust him.’

  ‘Right. I’m having this one,’ Debbie smiled, laying the red dress over her arm as they walked towards the cash desk. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to look for something to wear for this night out?’

  ‘What? You’ve bought that dress for our night out?’

  ‘Of course I have, chick. I don’t want to be papped wearing something I’ve been seen in before, do I?’

  ‘Jesus, Debbie, you’re not wrong when you say I’ve got a lot to learn. I was just gonna throw on a dress I bought from Fenwicks for last years News North East Christmas party.’

  Debbie drew a sharp intake of breath, placing a hand on her chest in mock-shock. ‘Amber, darling, you really do need my help.’ She laid the dress she’d chosen down on the cash desk and smiled at the assistant behind it. ‘I’ll have that one, but if you can just hang on a few minutes, my friend here has yet to make her choice.’ She took Amber by the hand, dragging her back towards the rail of dresses. ‘Come on, Ms. Sullivan. I’m going to treat you to a dress that will turn people’s heads.’ She winked at her, and Amber couldn’t help smiling. ‘Especially Ryan’s.’


p; ‘Engaged? I leave the country for five frigging minutes and you get fucking engaged?’

  ‘I thought you’d be pleased, Max. This means I’m settling down, doesn’t it?’

  ‘Does it?’ Max asked, leaning back against his black BMW that was parked next to Ryan’s car in the Red Star training ground car park. ‘Just like that? Is that how it works now, huh? I heard about your meltdown, Ryan. I read the papers, I’ve spoken to Jim Allen…’

  Ryan couldn’t stop the derisory snort from escaping, which Max didn’t miss. ‘Something wrong? Because, let me tell you this, kiddo, if you’d had any other manager in charge of this club I doubt the punishment you’d experienced would have been quite so lenient. So, maybe you should be thanking Jim Allen rather than deriding him.’

  Ryan said nothing. He wasn’t in the mood to talk about Jim Allen. ‘But out of all that shit, Max, I found Amber again, didn’t I?’

  ‘You should never have lost her in the first place. But, I suppose we got there eventually. Maybe she can keep you in line this time. Turn you into a well-behaved boy, huh?’ Max grinned.

  ‘Piss off,’ Ryan laughed. ‘You coming on this night out Gary’s got organised for me, then?’

  ‘No, I can’t. I’ve got meetings all this week and all of them involve ridiculously early mornings. But I trust you’re going to be on your best behaviour?’

  Ryan held his hands up, smiling at his agent. ‘Scout’s honour.’

  ‘Hmmm,’ Max said, folding his arms. ‘I believe you. I think. But, I’ve heard rumours of a planned visit to the casino, so I really hope you’re ready to switch that willpower on, kiddo. And leave the women alone, alright? You know the old saying, why have hamburger when you’ve got steak at home.’

  ‘Yeah, thanks for that,’ Ryan mumbled, pressing his key fob to open the driver’s door of his Jaguar. ‘I think I know what I’ve got to do, I don’t need babysitting anymore.’


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