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In The Company of My Sistahs

Page 27

by Angie Daniels


  She blinked. “I’m sorry. Did you say something?”

  Lavina giggled and reached out and placed a hand to Nadine’s thigh. “Yes. I asked do you feel better now that you’ve admitted your feelings?”

  Nadine leaned her head back against the cushions of the couch. “Oh gosh, yes. I feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted. Now I just need to finish convincing myself.”

  She felt her body begin to relax and she glanced down and noticed that Lavina’s hand was still on her knee. At that moment Nadine knew she should leave but for some reason she didn’t want to be alone. She felt so good being here with someone who understood how she thought and felt. Before she realized what she was doing, she had reached down and placed her hand over Lavina’s.

  “Acceptance will come as soon as you allow yourself to do so,” Lavina said, smiling.

  Nadine was thinking about what she said when they heard moans coming from the other room. As soon as the bed began to squeak, Nadine glanced at Lavina and the two of them started cracking up. She fell back against her and they bumped foreheads.



  When she opened her eyes, Lavina’s mouth was only inches away from her. She knew she should have pulled back and told her good night. But she couldn’t. She leaned forward and met Lavina’s lips halfway. She reached up and cradled Lavina’s face and devoured deeper into the kiss. She pushed her tongue past her lips and met each stroke with skillful strokes of her own. Lavina pulled her against her and the two lay back on the couch kissing and touching one another.

  “Lavina, this isn’t a good idea,” Nadine said between kisses.

  Lavina’s soft hands cupped Nadine’s breasts. “Don’t think, just feel. I need to taste you, to touch you.”

  Nadine groaned at her lack of willpower. Then she convinced herself that she wasn’t being unfaithful to Jordan, especially since they had kinda broken up just before the trip. There wasn’t time for reasoning, because the next thing she knew Lavina’s hand was traveling under her shirt and unsnapping her bra. She smiled. It always amazed her the way a woman had no problem finding the hooks while a man could spend hours trying to figure it out.

  Lavina lowered her mouth and captured Nadine’s nipple between her teeth. Nadine squirmed beneath her and imagined what it would be like if they were both lying across a bed naked. Lavina knew just what to do to make her come apart. Suddenly she wanted, for once, to take.

  She sat up and instructed Lavina to lie back on the couch, then she reached beneath Lavina’s dress and slipped her panties down over her hips and ankles. She glanced up at Lavina, and when their eyes met she licked her lips, then dropped down on the carpet before Lavina. Lavina opened her legs wide, then Nadine leaned forward and buried her head between her legs. She took a deep breath. Lavina smelled so good, Nadine dived right in and feasted on what she had to offer. She alternated between probing her center with her tongue and stroking and teasing her clit with her teeth. When Nadine latched on and sucked, Lavina arched up off the couch with a gasp. Nadine’s confidence in her ability soared, and she drove deeper. While she teased Lavina’s clit, she slid her fingers inside of her. First one, then two, and finally three. She took slow measured strokes and moved in and out. She could feel her legs weakening.

  “You like this?” Nadine asked.

  “Hell, yeah, that shit feels good,” she moaned as she rocked her hips to meet Nadine’s hand.

  Nadine smiled as she stared at the woman’s eyes, which were closed in a sex-induced haze. The bed in the other room began to squeak again, and as Lavina’s sister’s cries increased, so did Lavina’s. Nadine swore the sisters came at the same time. As soon as Lavina’s body collapsed, Nadine removed her fingers, then planted light kisses up and down the inside of her thighs while her breathing returned.

  Lavina’s sister stepped out the room, wrapped in a sheet. “Yo, Vee ... oh, shit!” Her eyes widened when she saw the two of them. “My bad. I didn’t know you were here.”

  Nadine dropped her eyes and smiled. “No problem.”

  “I was gonna ask you to go and get us a Coke, but shit, never mind.” She turned and went back into the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Nadine glanced over at Lavina’s smiling face and started laughing. She couldn’t believe it. She didn’t feel ashamed or uncomfortable. For once she felt alive because she was being who she was without fronting.

  “Girl, if Jordan doesn’t want your ass back, I’ll take you.” Lavina slipped off the couch and landed on top of Nadine. They giggled like teenagers.

  Chapter 60


  I got up the next morning with Everton’s threat still clear on the brain. He had taken a one-night stand to the next level. I could report him, but then I would be jeopardizing his job and that was not my intention at all. Just because I pussy-whipped his ass doesn’t mean he had to lose his job behind it. He was just young and didn’t understand the power of a woman and her coochie. Or should I say me and my potent coochie. Or maybe it’s a Jamaican thing. Although I get the strong suspicion that they have one-night stands all over the continent. Maybe he was raised differently. Unfortunately, unlike him, Solomon knows how to please a woman.

  By the time my stomach started growling, I decided not to let Everton’s idle threats get the better of me and joined Kayla and the others for breakfast. I moved to the restaurant and glanced over at the registration desk and was relieved to find Leslie behind the counter. Maybe I’d get lucky and his ass wouldn’t come in today.

  “How was the club?” Lisa asked after we had all fixed our plates and settled down at the table.

  “I had a good time.” Kayla said as she sipped a glass of orange juice. “You should have come.”

  Nadine agreed and then I remembered her confession from the night before. My girl was a dyke. I had been so wrapped up in my problems with Everton I had almost forgotten. I couldn’t help it, but I started laughing.

  Nadine frowned. “What the hell is so funny?”

  I pointed my fork at her. “You, ho. I still can’t get over you rubbing pussies with some woman.”

  Kayla spit her eggs across the table and they landed on Lisa’s plate. “What did you say?”

  “Damn, Kayla.” Lisa scooped the food onto a napkin.

  “Sorry. Renee, what did you just say?”

  Smiling, I reached for my mug. “Ask your girl there.”

  Nadine completely ignored me and chewed on a piece of toast. For several seconds no one said anything.

  Kayla’s eyes traveled around the table until they finally landed on me again. “Can someone please let me in on what’s going on?”

  I tilted my head to the right. “I’ll let your girl tell you.”

  “Shit, I planned on telling her later, in private.” Nadine looked so pissed I started laughing again.

  “Now is as good a time as any,” I stated avidly.

  Lisa glared at me. I gave a nonchalant shrug and ignored her silent message to shut the hell up. “Fine, I’ll tell her. Kayla, your girl here is a dyke.”

  “A what?”

  Nadine flung a strawberry across the table and I ducked, barely missing it. “You are such a bitch,” she hissed.

  “Yeah, I know.” I chuckled.

  Kayla’s eyes were about to fall out of her head. “I can’t believe this. When did you discover this?”

  Nadine shifted uncomfortably on her chair. “Some time ago and I would rather talk about this in private.” She glanced around as if checking to see if anyone else was listening.

  I tossed my hands in the air. “Whatchu got to hide? We’re your girls. Fuck all them other mothafuckas.” I know I was being a bitch but that Everton shit had me so pissed off, I wanted someone else to also be pissed. I know that’s very selfish of me, but what the hell.

  Kayla folded her hands on the table. “Well, I guess that explains it.”

  “Explains what?” I asked.

>   She glanced across the table at Nadine as if a lightbulb had just gone off in her head. “That’s why I’ve never met Jordan.”

  I looked from one to the other. “Jordan? Who the hell is Jordan?”

  Kayla somehow managed to keep a straight face when she said, “I’m assuming he’s a she.”

  Nadine gave her a sheepish grin and the three of them started cracking up.

  I was too through. Nadine had been dating a woman and had managed to keep my ass in the dark about it. “Bitch, your ass is too much. I can’t believe you hid that shit from us for as long as you had.”

  She shrugged, then reached for her fork. “I didn’t know how to tell y’all.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. “Shit, just like you tell us everything else. Damn, I might be a bitch but I’m a fair bitch.”

  “Ain’t you nothing,” she replied sarcastically.

  “You’re still my girl. Just as long as I don’t wake up and find you trying to lick my coochie.”

  She tossed another strawberry and this time it hit me square in the forehead. I rolled my eyes. She was lucky my food looked too good to waste, otherwise I would have dotted her eye with a bagel. I reached for my coffee cup again.

  “So what’s up with you and Solomon?” Lisa asked, trying to change the subject. I told you my sister’s ass be hating. She hates for her girl to be the subject of attention for too long, so what does she do? Switch the focus to me.

  “He’s taking me to Kingston today to meet his family,” I mumbled against the rim of my mug.

  Her brow rose. “I thought you had a fit when Everton wanted you to meet his family.”

  “That’s ’cause Everton’s ass has a little dick.”

  “And how do you know his dick is little?” Nadine inquired.

  I rolled my eyes. She was trying to catch me in a confession. Well, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool my ass.

  “I never said I didn’t touch or see his dick. I said we didn’t fuck. I was looking for an island fling and he wants a wife and kids.”

  “So why are you trying to meet Solomon’s family?”

  I couldn’t resist a smile. “Because I like him. I like him a lot.”

  “Oh, Lord.”

  I’m not sure which one of them said that so I glared at all three. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Lisa lowered her fork to the table. “I guess you’re in love, right?”

  “No-o-o. However, I do want to get to know him better. I have never met anyone like him before. He’s funny, intelligent, and can fuck the shit out of a sistah; what more could a woman want?”


  I glared at Nadine. “Bitch, don’t hate.”

  She gave me an innocent look. “Who’s hating? I’ve just heard this song and dance before.”

  “We all have,” Kayla added.

  I couldn’t believe she had the nerve to say anything, especially when I still haven’t figured out what the hell Clayton sees in her.

  Lisa cleared her throat. “I thought you were planning to spend the week figuring out what to do with you and John.”

  See, her ass is always trying to ruin my fun. “What’s that got to do with me and Solomon?”

  “It’s got a lot to do with it. You can’t focus on your future if you’re trying to live for the moment.”

  “She’s right,” Nadine added.

  Now that ho needs to go and lick some bitch’s pussy and leave me the hell alone. I was about to cuss all their asses out when Clayton walked over to the table. Man, his ass smelled good.

  “Good morning, ladies.”

  “Good morning,” we answered in unison.

  He then had eyes for no one but Kayla. He leaned over her and gently kissed her cheek and told her he’d see her later, before he turned away to join his boys. Damn, the jealousy was lurking again. I don’t know why, especially now that I had Solomon in my life. Renee, shame on you. I should have been happy for her, but I wasn’t. I guess because even though Solomon was fucking me right, there is still something about Clayton that I like. The money, perhaps?

  I was the first to speak. “Damn! Girl, you got that negro falling all over your ass.”

  She blushed as she reached for her orange juice.

  Lisa nudged her in the shoulder. “Kayla, honey, I’m so happy for you.”

  “You better grab him before someone else does.” Nadine mumbled.

  Do you know she had the nerve to stare at me out the corner of her eye? What the hell was she trying to imply? Okay, so maybe I was looking at Clayton, but shit, we all were. I decided that instead of getting into an argument I’d go and get myself a second helping of breakfast.

  I spotted Clayton at the buffet so I rose and went over there. In my white shorts and pink halter, I knew I was looking too cute.

  I moved over to the bacon and loaded my plate and swayed over to the fresh fruit, where he was helping himself to the pineapple.

  He smiled when he saw me. “Whassup, Renee?”

  “Nothing much, although I hear you and my girl had a good time last night.”

  He nodded. “Yes, we did.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Although your idea of a good time and mine are two totally different things, but to each his own. I’m curious, though.” I paused, then turned to face him. “Have you ever made love on a sandy beach?”

  I could tell my words had a positive effect on him, because he looked like he was squirming for air. He shook his head. “No, I can’t say I ever have.”

  “That’s too bad. You just don’t know what you’re missing.” I winked, then turned on my heels and headed back toward the table. Nadine blocked my path.

  “I can’t believe you said that.”

  I shrugged. “It’s just harmless fun.”

  She looked like she wasn’t buying it. “Nothing you do or say is harmless.”

  “Bitch, whatever.” I purposely bumped her shoulder and moved toward the table. What was Nadine doing anyway, listening to my conversation? What her dyke ass needs to do is focus on her new woman and leave me the hell alone.

  Chapter 61


  After breakfast, Kayla returned to the room to get ready for the trip to Dunn’s River Falls. The football players had chartered a bus to take them and their families to Ocho Rios for the entire day. Kayla smiled. She couldn’t wait because she would have Clayton all to herself. Kayla felt a combination of nervousness and excitement.

  As soon as she stepped into the room, out of habit she checked for messages and as usual there weren’t any. With a sigh, she began preparing for the trip. As she packed a change of clothes for the trip, she realized how big a fool she was. Leroy never had any intentions of calling her. The minute she had made the decision to question the future of their relationship was the exact moment he had decided to call it quits, only she was too stupid and gullible to know game when it was heard. She was too stupid to know when she was being played. Instead, she sat moping around waiting for him to call and tell her he loved her.

  As she tossed a pair of water shoes into a small bag, she told herself to look on the bright side. She had a wonderful man who seemed to truly like her. In fact, he had invited her to be his guest at the wedding tomorrow. Flattered, she had quickly accepted.

  Kayla stepped into the bathroom to freshen up her face. She splashed cool water across it, then patted it dry with a towel. When she caught her reflection in the large mirror, she paused.

  Even as she thought about getting on with her life, she knew that it was going to take time and willpower to get over Leroy. Despite the way he had treated her, she still loved him with all her heart. And that was what made it so hard for her to move on. Luckily, she thought with a smile, she had someone like Clayton to help her. She couldn’t think of a better substitute. But how could she keep someone like him happy?

  Grabbing a larger towel off the rack, she moved back into the room and stuffed it into the bag with her clothes. As soo
n as she changed into a pair of seersucker crop pants and a matching red top, she would be all set to go.

  Hearing calypso music below, she moved to the window and glanced down at the guests eager for jerk chicken. At the end of the path, she noticed Renee talking to Clayton and her jaw dropped. As usual, Renee was flirting. She could tell by the tilt of her head and the way she kept touching his arm. Panic rose up and lodged in her throat. She was going to have to do something quick or run the risk of losing him. And she couldn’t bear to lose another man.

  As she slipped into the cool red outfit, Kayla thought about Renee’s behavior last night. Renee was supposed to be her friend, yet she had been all over him, bumping and grinding. She was envious because she wished she had the guts to be like that. At the same time she was angry because her friend had no boundaries when it came to her behavior.

  At the very moment she made a promise. She was going to have to watch Renee closely.

  The phone rang. Kayla practically broke her neck trying to reach it.


  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Kayla didn’t recognize the voice and frowned. “Who is this?”

  There was a slight chuckle and for a moment she thought maybe Renee was downstairs playing games.

  “Who else, my sweet, but the only man who truly loves you?”

  She may not have spoken to Leroy in days but she definitely knew that wasn’t him or Clayton either, for that matter. Besides, the mysterious voice had an accent. “I am two seconds away from hanging up.”

  “Renee, my love, you’re breaking my heart. This is none other than your prince, Everton.”

  Kayla released an angry sigh. Everton had gotten her all excited for nothing. “This is Kayla. Not Renee.”

  “Oh, forgive me for my assumption. Is Renee there?”

  She smiled, suddenly coming up with a way to get back at her roommate for pushing up on her man. “No, she’s down by the beach.”

  “Thanks, and again I apologize for the confusion.”


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