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Healing Love (Love to the Extreme)

Page 13

by Abby Niles


  Lance watched Kelsey aim a dart at a wall covered in balloons and throw. Somehow the arrow missed every single inflatable and lodged in the corkboard backing. She threw back her head as she groaned in good-natured disappointment.

  His emotions had been all over the fucking map ever since she’d confided in him, but mostly he felt fury at the motherfucker who’d dared to lay his hands on her, who made her so terrified she’d changed her name to hide from him.

  Ella. Her name was Ella, and she let her walls down with him.

  The confession had continuously whispered through his mind as the night passed. Over two hours ago, they’d climbed off the Ferris wheel with him having a whole new set of responsibilities toward this woman. For the last week, he’d tried to do right by her, had kept his distance. As he suspected, it hadn’t taken the McNealys long to figure out he’d told Piper the truth, and they’d had a fucking conniption at having their leverage taken from them—though they’d calmed after he shared his idea with them. But the McNealys hated not having the upper hand on anyone who owed them money.

  If they learned about his feelings toward Kelsey, they might try to find a way to use her against him. What if they learned the truth about her?

  After what she’d shared with him, he was torn over what to do. He had two choices. Continue keeping the distance between them so the cousins would not target her, or enjoy what time they had together.

  Kelsey turned toward Gayle and laughed at something the crazy woman said. They’d stayed together as a group all night. And again, he was struck by how well she fit into his life.

  But Kelsey’s mission was to reclaim her name and go home. His time with her was limited. That thought decided it.

  Lance walked up to her. “Hey, you want to get out of here?”

  She glanced around and then pulled him away from the group. “I just want to be clear. My confession on the Ferris wheel wasn’t an attempt to get you to feel sorry for me. I don’t want you to feel cornered now that you know my story.”

  While he respected her bluntness, she was way off on his intentions. Reaching out, he ran his knuckles across her cheek. “The moment I saw you tonight, I knew I was fighting a losing battle. It would have ended this way even if you hadn’t shared your past with me.”

  Her bottom lip disappeared between her teeth as she stared up at him. Finally, she nodded. “I have to tell Amber. I rode with her.”

  “I think she’s going to be relieved you won’t need a ride home.” He pointed to the woman and Rick. The two had gotten cozy with each other ever since they’d been forced to ride together on the Ferris wheel.

  “I guess she’s going to get some boy-drama of her own,” Kelsey muttered.


  “Nothing. Girl talk.”

  After Kelsey spoke with Amber, and they said their goodbyes to everyone, they hurried to his Jeep. Once inside, the air between them thickened. There was no doubt where this was headed, and by the way Kelsey fidgeted on the passenger side, she knew it, too.

  How did she feel? Kelsey wasn’t a virgin, but her circumstances made this like the first time all over again. He’d never doubted his techniques in the bedroom. But he couldn’t help but worry about doing something that would scare her instead of excite her.

  The last thing he wanted was to make this a horrible experience for her and have her shut down like she did every time he tapped her in training. What if the same happened during sex?

  The silence in the car was suffocating, so he flipped on some music. Talking seemed pointless. They were both wound tight, knowing they were heading into a huge unknown, and what could possibly end up as an epic failure.

  He wanted Kelsey—had from the moment he’d watched her go apeshit on that bag. If she couldn’t go through with it tonight, then he’d be patient. That was what she needed most.

  After he pulled into her driveway and cut the engine, he turned to her. “You sure about this?”

  She breathed a deep sigh. “Let’s not make this awkward, okay? If it happens tonight, it happens. If it doesn’t, that’s okay, too.”

  So she’d been thinking the same things he had. A part of him was relieved about that. Took a little pressure off.

  “Then let’s go in and hang out.”

  She smiled. “I’d like that.”

  As they entered the house, she tossed her keys and cell phone on a side table and walked into the kitchen. “Would you like a beer?”

  “No wine?”

  Nose scrunching, she said, “I don’t do wine. Gives me a raging headache.”

  He chuckled. “Beer sounds great.”

  Seconds later, clacking glass sounded in the background then she returned with two beer bottles, one in each hand. She handed him one and fell back on the couch beside him. An awkward silence enveloped them as she took a long draw off her beer.

  Grimacing, Kelsey finally looked at him. “This is weird, right?”

  “Weird” was one way to describe it. He’d also use “tense” and “uncomfortable.” The exact opposite of how things should be going. That needed to change. Pronto. He took the beer from her and set it on the table along with his. “Let’s make it unweird.”

  Cupping the back of her neck, he brought her mouth to his in a gentle, sweet kiss. As he suspected she would, she stiffened. He immediately started to pull back, but she clamped both hands on his cheeks. “Don’t. I’m okay.”

  Smiling, he kissed her again a little deeper. Inch by inch, she melted onto him, her hand coming to rest on his chest. He covered it with his, pressing it harder into his skin. Just like the other night, he loved how she fit against him, loved how it felt to be touched by her.

  As he slowly traced her lips with his tongue, Kelsey strained closer to him. Seeing that she was completely into it, he grabbed the back of one of her knees and tugged her over his lap so she straddled him. She broke the kiss.

  “You have total control,” he whispered to her, concerned by the serious way she stared down at him.

  She traced his cheekbone with her finger. “You sure you’re up to this?”

  Seeing that the worry was over his bruising and not what they were doing, he ground up against her. “Sore muscles aren’t going to stop me tonight.”

  “Just checking.” Then, leaning over, she met his lips again. Her hair teased his skin, and he slipped his fingers into the silky mass. He loved her hair.

  As her hips moved against his, his cock responded, straining up toward her. Instantly, she sat back and looked away from him, bottom lip caught between her teeth.

  “Hey?” he said softly, brushing her hair back. “If we’re moving—”

  “No. I just—” Again that bottom lip disappeared. “Damn it,” she whispered.

  Pushing out a long breath, she closed her eyes and yanked her shirt over her head. Purple lace covered breasts thrust forward. “Fuck.”

  All he wanted to do was bury his face between the plentiful mounds.

  “I know. It’s ugly.”

  What the hell was she talking about? There was absolutely nothing ugly about the gorgeous display in front of him.

  “Lance, please say something.”

  He forced his attention away from her generous chest and up to her face. The stark vulnerability in her eyes struck him hard in the gut. How could she ever feel this insecure about the way she looked? The woman was breathtaking.

  Then her hand slid over her flat stomach, drawing his attention back down. A long, jagged scar curved across her stomach right under her rib-cage.

  “Good God,” he breathed out.

  “You didn’t notice it when I took my shirt off?”

  “Baby, I was too busy looking at your boobs. What happened?”

  “My spleen ruptured from the… I had to have it removed.”

  Lance’s fury rose again as he traced the tough skin with his finger, causing Kelsey to flinch away.

  The fact she did so only pissed him off more, not at her, but at
that motherfucker who’d beaten her. “Don’t do that. I want to touch every part of you.”

  Tears suddenly brightened her eyes, and she blinked rapidly. “It doesn’t gross you out? It does me.”

  “That’s because it reminds you of something bad. Do you want to know what I see when I look at it?”

  “What?” she asked hesitantly.

  “A strong as fuck woman who’s even more beautiful than she was two minutes ago, and she was pretty fucking hot then.”

  A small sad smile brought up one corner of her mouth. “I haven’t taken my shirt off in front of someone in a long time.”

  Pride expanded his chest at being granted such a privilege. He understood the magnitude of what she was telling him. She’d trusted no other man since her trust had been destroyed. She trusted him. And goddamn it he wasn’t going to let her down.

  Chapter Eight

  Ella gazed down at the man between her legs. For years, she’d been self-conscious over that scar, had stared at it in disgust and believed a man would do the same. It’d taken a serious amount of courage to whip her shirt off for Lance.

  He wanted her so badly he hadn’t even noticed it. It was an empowering feeling. It made her feel desirable.

  His gaze raked hungrily over her, and her insides ignited in the special way only he kindled. Tonight, this man would give her back her passion. Of that, she had no doubt.

  Already, her body hummed with a lust so fierce it was a little frightening. She wouldn’t fight the feeling. She wanted everything he had to give her, with no hesitation, no doubt.

  He caressed her cheek, then ran his palm over her neck and the upper part of her chest, barely grazing the swell of her breasts. In anticipation, her nipples puckered, straining against the purple lace, but he ignored them and continued down her sides, over her hips, down her thighs, knees, and calves. He caressed every inch of the front of her body, except for the tight peaks and her aching center. Both wanted attention, both needed to be touched. As his palms traveled back up, she squirmed against the intense desire he built within her.

  A wolfish grin curved his mouth.

  He cupped her hips in both hands, sliding his palms up her waist to the underside of her breasts then stopped. With the pad of each thumb, he grazed her tight nipples, and Ella gasped at the euphoric feelings that erupted inside her. As he continued to rub the hardened peaks, he began kneading the undersides of her breasts. Closing her eyes, she simply basked in the shocks of pleasure sparking throughout her.

  When he lightly pinched each tip, she arched up, needing more.

  “Fuck, woman.”

  A quick flick of the front closure of her bra and her breasts were freed. The cool air greeted the sensitive skin as he dipped his head down then slowly circled a tip with his tongue. A moan ripped out of her. Her enthusiasm at such a small thing embarrassed her, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

  As he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth, she couldn’t hold back another groan and arched closer. To hell with trying to stay quiet. It wasn’t possible—not with him.

  His fingers worked on the button of her jeans until it released. Lance lifted his head, watching his hand run down her stomach. She couldn’t detect one iota of disgust as he skimmed over her scar. All she saw was the heated passion of a man who wanted to devour her.

  He lifted his gaze to hers. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  Emotion clogged her throat. His words, his actions, his gaze all made her feel fucking beautiful. This moment was beautiful. She wasn’t looking over her shoulder. She wasn’t tense, on guard, or watching her every word. She was experiencing. Living. And she loved it.

  He rose to his feet and flipped her gently onto the couch so her back was against the cushions. His weight settled on top of her as his mouth devoured hers. She enjoyed the feel of his body pressing into her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tugged him closer and returned his kiss.

  When he broke the kiss and then shifted his weight from on top of her to her beside her, she murmured her protest, missing his warmth.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered against her neck as his lips grazed the skin. He teased the top of her panties with his fingers. “Right here is exactly where I want to be.”

  He slipped his palm underneath the elastic band and cupped her. Gasping, she arched up.

  “So hot,” he said as he nipped her skin and slipped one finger slowly inside. “So fucking wet.”

  From the way she throbbed for him, that wasn’t surprising. Every cell in her being was ready for him. Keeping an even pace with his fingers, he gently placed soft kisses along her collarbone, then trailed his mouth between her breasts, over her stomach until he was back on his knees beside her and withdrew his hand. Ella whimpered, and the knowing smile he gave her almost incinerated her.

  Within seconds, her jeans and panties joined her bra on the floor. He didn’t need to coax her. She knew what she wanted. Had no problem with encouraging it. She opened her legs for him.

  A low guttural moan filled the room as he stared down at her. Exhilarating heat rushed over her skin. She went with the feeling, spreading her thighs wider, all but begging for what she wanted. She didn’t care if she came across as too eager. She’d spent so many years dead sexually. Nothing was dead now. Every inch of her body was alive and thriving because of this man.

  Eyes glued to her most private part, he ran a finger down the center of her. The light touch to her clit made her gasp.

  “Like that?” he asked.

  “God, yes.”

  Two fingers slipped deep inside her and he slowly pumped his hand. “I’m going to make you come a lot tonight, Kelsey. So prepare yourself.”

  The friction of his fingers inside her and the pressure of his palm sent her over the edge, fast. Arching up, she moaned through her release.

  “So goddamn beautiful,” he whispered.

  As she became overly sensitive to touch, she jerked away from him. He slowed his ministrations, but didn’t remove his hand, just lightened the pressure as he reawakened the need inside her.

  Lance leaned over and ran his tongue over her scar, but she didn’t flinch—she embraced the clear message he was sending her. She was beautiful to him, scar and all. He moved his head down over her mound then replaced his hand with his mouth. His tongue slid against her swollen clit before he gently sucked and she exploded again.

  As her body relaxed against the couch, she gave a contented sigh. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close to his side and she laid her head on his chest, playing with the cotton of his shirt. He kissed the top of her head.

  When he made no move to roll her beneath him or change the direction of their lovemaking, confusion set in.

  Not once had Lance sought his own release. They couldn’t be done. As far as she was concerned, they had only begun. She tilted her head back to look up at him and the satisfaction on his face made her stomach flutter.

  “Umm, Lance,” she asked hesitantly. “What about you?”

  Eyes closed, he hugged her closer. “Later. I’m good, right now.”

  She could hear the truth in his voice. The man had unselfishly given her pleasure repeatedly without once thinking about himself. Emotions she was terrified of identifying filled her chest to capacity.

  As she listened to his breathing slow and turn to soft snores, she was beginning to suspect that Kansas had been the best decision she had ever made.


  Lance blinked open his eyes and frowned at the neutral walls surrounding him. Where in the fuck—

  The sounds of splashing water and soft feminine humming came from the bathroom. The previous night returned in a rush: her moans of pleasure, her exquisite body, how responsive she was to his touch.

  At some point last night, she must have woken him up and had him move to the bedroom. He couldn’t remember, which wasn’t completely surprising considering how exhausted he’d been last night. Quietly, he slipped out of bed, n
oting he must have shed his clothes before falling into a dreamless sleep.

  He grimaced at the soreness that seemed to stick around no matter how much muscle rub or ice he used. He wasn’t bouncing back from those fights as fast as he would have ten years ago.

  Lifting his arms above his head, he stretched the tight muscles, smothering a pleased groan as they thanked him for the movement. He then wandered into the master bathroom. The claw foot tub/shower combo with a breathtaking woman inside grabbed his attention. He could imagine doing erotic things to her while she soaked in that water.

  Would she be game? There was only one way to find out.

  He walked toward the tub. She turned her head in his direction and a pleased smile graced her lips as her eyes ran over his naked body. Instantly his cock stirred and his heart tightened.

  He wanted her. There was no doubt there. But he didn’t like his other reaction.

  From the moment he’d met Kelsey, she’d been tweaking his insides in more than a typical attraction. Attraction he could deal with, but the sense of protectiveness he had toward her—the sense of possessiveness, if his reaction to her flirting with Rick was any indication—were terrifying. Especially for a woman he knew wouldn’t be staying.

  As he approached the tub, she made an appreciative noise and he stood a little taller.

  “I think you could use a little help with your bath.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  He reached for the bath puff and squeezed body wash on it then dipped his hands into the warm water. He brushed his knuckles against her thigh. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she shifted and turned her face toward him.

  Lance ran the puff over the tops of her shoulders and watched the suds slide down her skin. His cock tightened even more. Just her trusting him was a huge fucking turn-on.

  “How does that feel?” The huskiness in his voice was clear even to him.


  Seeing that she was completely relaxed and not the least bit hesitant about his intentions, he scrubbed the puff down her chest and over her breasts, slightly teasing the tips with the netting until they puckered into tight peaks. He had to bite back a groan. He’d always loved pleasuring a woman, but with Kelsey it was a totally different level of enjoyment.


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