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Ruined: A Dark Romance

Page 50

by B. B. Hamel

  “Yes,” he said. “I do.”

  Liam shook his head. “That’s crazy.”

  “I have keycards,” I said. “I can tell you exactly where the files are.”

  “Assuming Vadik didn’t get an inside man to grab them already,” Liam said. “Even with the keys, we’d stick out like a sore thumb.”

  “They’re hidden,” I said. “Well, not exactly hidden, but they’re mixed in with stuff that isn’t important.”

  “They’ll grab the lot.” Liam shook his head. “Don’t you have stuff?”

  “I need more.”

  “It’ll be worth it,” Gage said. “Do this and we’ll give you whatever you find. Just guarantee our safety.”

  Liam sat back in his chair, sighing. “It’s a big ask, brother.”

  “It’s a huge ask,” Gage agreed. “But imagine if you pull it off? You’ll have the leverage you need to start pushing back against the Russians.”

  “Against your own people,” Liam noted.

  “Not anymore,” he said simply.

  Liam nodded, sipping his whisky. We lapsed into silence as the men drank and I stared at them, a mess of frustration and anger. It was so obvious what they should do, and I knew that I could give them the information to pull it off. The files were worth the risk, more than worth the risk. The files were the key to everything.

  Finally, Liam spoke up. “I’ll give it a think,” he said. “I have to bring it to Padraig too, of course.”

  “Of course,” Gage agreed.

  “Okay then. Cheers.”

  The men clinked glasses and drank. When they were done, Gage stood up. He nodded at me and I stood up with him.

  “This is the right thing to do,” I said to Liam. “It’ll work. I promise.”

  “Sure,” he said, not turning back to me.

  Gage took my arm and gently steered me away. We walked quickly outside and hurried into the car. Once the engine started and we pulled away, I turned on him.

  “What the hell was that back there?”

  “Business,” he said.

  “You leaving me out of it was bullshit.”

  “Maybe, but Liam doesn’t know you as anything other than the new young ADA. He was being careful.”

  “Fine, I get that. But why didn’t we push harder?”

  “Can’t push. If you do, it’ll just piss them off. Plus, Liam isn’t the boss. Padraig makes all the decisions.”

  “Then why didn’t we talk to him?”

  “We don’t ever meet with Padraig,” Gage sighed. “I know it’s frustrating, but this is how it works.”

  “Fuck how it works,” I said, anger spilling over. “This is our lives. We need to make this happen. We have no other options.”

  He nodded. “I hear you,” he said. “But you have to take a deep breath and calm down. Trust that I’m working this the right way.”

  I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms. It didn’t feel like we were doing to right, but he was right. I had to trust him. Gage had more experience in this sort of thing than I did, and even if I wanted to take control and fix everything, I knew that wasn’t realistic.

  “Fine,” I said. “It’s your call.”

  “I know.” He smirked at me.

  I shook my head and looked out the window. I hated being sidelined like that and treated like I didn’t know what was going on. I hated that I didn’t have any power in this situation. It drove me absolutely insane knowing that I had to rely completely on other people to get me through this, even if I wanted to step up and take control.

  Still, it wasn’t fair to turn my anger toward Gage. It wasn’t his fault. He was trying to keep me safe, trying to save me from the men that wanted to really do me harm. I had to accept that and let him do what he needed to do.

  “Do you think they’ll do it?” I asked him after a few minutes.”

  “Probably,” he said. “Hard to really tell. Padraig is an unknown to me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s a new guy, just stepped into power a few months ago. When I worked with Liam, there was a different guy in charge of the Irish. I don’t really know what Padraig’s game is.”

  “That could be bad.”

  “Could be,” he agreed. “But the animosity between the Russians and the Irish goes back a long, long way. I think we can count on their hatred for the Russians to overshadow their desire to play this one safe.”

  “I hope so,” I said softly.

  He reached out and took my hand, squeezing reassuringly. This was our one chance to actually do something about our situation, and I had zero control over what was going to happen.

  I had to trust him. I’d trusted him so far, and so far he’d kept me alive. It was time to let go and trust that Gage was the kind of man that could get things done.



  The rest of the day was spent in the hotel room. We got food from a nearby chicken place and immediately got into bed after finishing every last piece.

  I didn’t want to get back out of bed. It was stupid since I knew we had a lot of work to do, but I wanted to enjoy those moments. I wanted to stay with Sadie, maybe fucking or maybe just laying there not moving a muscle, until it all just went away. That wasn’t going to fucking happen, though.

  It was just the way she made me feel, like I was more than just the mafia. She made me remember the man I wanted to be back when I was just a kid. She made me remember the kind of man that I still could be.

  I made my peace with leaving the mob, but I still hadn’t figured out what I wanted to become. All those years with the mafia taught me only how to be a thug, a killer, a violent criminal. I didn’t know how to be a man, a normal fucking man. I wanted Sadie to teach me, but I didn’t know how to ask. It was all just so fucked up and destroyed, but it didn’t matter. We had each other and that was what mattered.

  The play with the Irish was questionable, but I knew that going into it. I knew that they might flat out turn me down, or maybe demand something more than we offered. Fortunately I kept where we were staying off the table, just in case some shit went down. I trusted Liam not to turn me over to the Russians though, if only because they fucking hated each other.

  He called me around nine that night. Sadie was in the shower, leaving me alone in bed to think about her sweet fucking curves. I wished we had a bottle of something, and was considering running out to get one, but my phone ringing pulled me out of my daydreaming.

  It was a burner and only Liam had the number, but still, paranoia made me be careful. I checked the number and answered it after another ring.

  “Yeah?” I grunted.

  “It’s me,” Liam said.

  “How’s it going?”

  “Good brother, good. I spoke with Padraig.”


  “Come back to the bar and have a drink with me. We’ll discuss it.”

  That was a red flag. I narrowed my eyes. “Why not tell me what he said now instead?”

  “It’s not so simple. We need to discuss some details.”

  I nodded to myself. So they were going to ask for more, or give me some other stipulations. That was fine. I could handle it.

  “Where?” I asked.

  “The pub, same place as earlier.”

  “No,” I said. “Come to Manny’s, it’s a little bar near where I’m staying. Neutral ground.”

  There was a short pause then he laughed. “Okay, sure. You a little paranoid?”

  “Yeah, I fucking am. Wouldn’t you be?”

  “Of course, brother, of course. I’ll be there in ten.”

  “Fine.” I hung up the phone and got out of bed. I got dressed and slipped my gun into my jeans then headed toward the door.

  I stuck my head into the bathroom. Sadie was still in the shower. I watched her silhouette for a second, enjoying her curves.

  “I have to leave for an hour,” I said.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Liam called. He wan
ts to talk business.”

  “I’m coming then.”

  “No,” I said. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “We’re meeting at a bar near here. I don’t trust him, Sadie. I don’t want you in danger.”

  She opened the door and looked out at me. “So it’s okay if you’re in danger?”

  “More or less. I can handle myself.”

  She looked like she wanted to argue more, but instead she took a deep breath and released it. “Okay,” she said. “If that’s what you think is right.”

  “Stay here. Stay in this room no matter what. Okay?”


  “I’ll be back.”

  “I know you will.”

  I turned and left, shutting the bathroom door behind me.

  Manny’s was right down the street, a two-minute drive. I pulled into the lot and went inside. It was pretty crowded, which I was happy about. I wanted there to be more people to cover what we were talking about and to make me feel safer. They were less likely to straight up ambush me in the middle of a crowded bar, even a fucking dive like Manny’s.

  I spotted Liam already sitting at the bar, an empty stool to his right. In front of the stool was a glass of whisky. I walked over, a smile on my face, and sat down next to him.

  He grinned at me. “Good to see you,” he said.

  I nodded. “You too.”

  “Drink up.” He saluted me with his glass. I picked mine up and sipped.

  I wasn’t going to let this display of affection get to me. Liam still hadn’t proven himself an ally just yet, and so he could be an enemy. I had to assume that he was going to double-cross me somehow, up until I was sure that I was safe.

  “Where’s the girl?” he asked.

  “Back in the hotel,” I said.

  “I liked her. Had some fire.”

  “She’s a smart girl. She knows when she should stay away from men like you.”

  He laughed. “Is that so?”

  “Let’s get down to it, Liam. What did Padraig say?”

  Liam nodded, sipping his drink. “Padraig was interested, but how can we trust you?”

  “You know the girl and you know they’re after her. Obviously, she has something.”

  “That’s what I said.” He shrugged. “He wants more. Assurances.”

  “He has my word.”

  “Your word isn’t enough.”

  “Is five grand enough?”

  He smiled at me. “That’ll do it, then.”

  “Good. What else?”

  “We needs keys and instructions. I’ll be going on the run myself, so I’ll have to meet with the girl, talk it over.”

  “Fine. We can do that.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Does that matter?”

  “Not necessarily, no. But it’ll help for when I go to meet with the girl.”

  “You can do that in some neutral place.”

  He laughed. “Okay then. Whatever you want.”

  “After this, we’re free to go?”

  “That’s the idea, it is.”

  “Okay then. Tell Padraig we’re on.”

  “I will.” He raised his glass. “To fucking up the Russians.”


  We clinked glasses. I tossed my drink back and stood. “I should get back.”

  “Leaving so soon?”

  “She’s waiting for me.”

  “Good on you.”

  “Not like that.”

  “No? You’re just helping her out of the kindness of your heart?”

  I smiled. “Okay. Maybe a little like that.”

  “That’s a good lad. I’ll call your burner when we’re ready.”

  “Fine. Talk soon.”

  I turned and headed toward the entrance of Manny’s.

  I didn’t love the way that went, but it wasn’t surprising. Five grand wasn’t some huge sum to the Irish, but it was enough to show that I was serious about all this. Likely Liam would pocket it all in the end, anyway. Padraig might not even know anything about this, if I knew Liam. He could be running this whole thing on his own just to look like a hero for his people, plus to make a little cash on the side.

  I headed into the parking lot and looked around. I felt a little dizzy, like I’d had too much to drunk. I shook my head and sucked in some cool, clean night air. I headed over to my car and got my keys out.

  Dizziness hit me hard. I had to clutch onto the door of the car, not sure what the fuck was happening to me. I dropped my keys but was too nauseous to bend over to grab them.

  Just then, I felt hands grab my shoulders. “You okay, brother?” Liam said into my ear. “Wouldn’t want you to drive in this state. Had too much to drink, I’ll wager.”

  That fucking bastard. I tried to move away, but my whole body felt like fucking molted lead.

  “Roofies,” he whispered harshly into my ear. “Not just for raping sluts, but also good for incapacitating trusting fucking assholes like you.”

  I tried to fight, but the drug had taken over my system. Things moved in a blur around me, my whole body dead weight.

  I got shoved into the back seat of my car and the last thing I could remember was the engine turning over and the car backing out.



  I woke up suddenly drenched in sweat. I’d been having a nightmare. In my dream, Gage was completely naked, but he had no cock. He looked like a demented Ken doll, and he kept trying to push me into oncoming traffic. The man that tried to rape me was there, laughing the whole time.

  I stretched out my hand to touch his back, but found only sheets. Confused, I checked the clock.

  It was five in the morning.

  I sat up, looking around the room. There was no sign that he had come home. The television was still on from the night before, and I realized that I fell asleep while waiting for him.

  I got up and quickly checked the bathroom. He wasn’t there. I looked around for a note or some sign that he had come home, but I knew I wasn’t going to find anything. If he had come home, he would have turned off the television.

  I was freaking out, not sure what to do. If Gage hadn’t come back, that meant something went wrong. Maybe the Russians caught him and killed him and murdered him in cold blood. Maybe he was dead somewhere in a gutter, all because of me.

  As I quickly threw my clothes on, another horrible thought occurred to me, maybe worse than the first one: he could have simply left me.

  There was nothing keeping him here. Gage had the skills and the knowledge to run away and start over. I was the dead weight in our relationship, dragging him down. He would do so much better without me, and maybe he realized it. Maybe Liam had convinced him that I was just going to get him killed, and he would be better off without me.

  I banished that thought from my mind. I couldn’t obsess about that, not yet. I had to get away and go far, far away, though I had no clue where I was going to go or what I was going to do.

  I packed my bag. I found the stack of cash under the mattress and shoved it into my bag. I grabbed the gun that Gage had left behind for me and slipped it into my jeans.

  I took one last look at the room and then found a pen and paper. I left him a note: I’ll be at the diner at Bleaker and Ash until five tonight. Find me if you can.

  I knew that was stupid, but I couldn’t just leave. What if he was just delayed, but he was coming back? I was naïve and stupid to hold out hope, but I couldn’t help myself. I had to believe in him.

  I quickly left the room and headed downstairs. I walked past the front desk and out into the parking lot where I took a second to get my bearings. I needed to find a place where I could grab a bus or possibly call a cab, though there weren’t really any payphones around anymore.

  As I went to turn around to go back inside and ask the front desk to call me a cab, I suddenly saw it. Parked across the street in front of a closed-down car dealers
hip was Gage’s car.

  There was no mistaking it. I’d know that car anywhere, even from across the street. I walked fast toward it, my heart beating fast in my chest.

  I had to cross traffic. I sprinted across the busy street, nerves setting in. I felt the comforting weight of the gun against my back as I walked toward the car.

  It was parked closest to the abandoned building. Debris was everywhere, broken glass and trash, and the place had clearly been closed down for a while. It was once called Big Dan’s Car Paradise, which was an awful name, so no kidding it was closed. I turned back toward the car, slowly approaching it.

  Nothing looked strange. Nobody was in the front. I slowly made my way around toward the back and then froze mid-stride.

  There was a body back there.

  I got close, peering in.

  Gage was tied up, his wrists bound, his ankles tied, duct tape over his mouth. His eyes were shut and he was pale as hell, and I wasn’t sure he was even alive.

  I reached back for the gun tucked into my jeans. My heart was hammering in my chest. The people that did this are still here.

  “Easy there.”

  I whirled around. Liam was standing near the entrance to the building, smirking at me.

  “Don’t pull that piece,” he said. “Otherwise, my friends here will hurt you.”

  I recognized the two men that stepped out next to him. They were the same men from the bar when I first saw Gage again all those weeks ago. It felt like years. One of them was fat and creepy, and the other had a large, hooked nose.

  “Do as the Irishman says,” the taller man said. “Or else we’ll just kill you now.”

  I slowly released the gun and put my hands up. The fat man came over to me and took the gun from my pants, but not before squeezing my ass with a creepy grin. A shudder ran down my spine.

  “Well now, Alex.” Liam said to the tall man. “You got the girl and the boy. I’d like my money.”

  Alex looked at the fat man. “Boris, pay the man.”

  Boris grunted and walked back inside. He emerged a second later with a bag that he tossed to Liam.

  “Pleasure, boys.” Liam gave me a little smile and then quickly walked away.


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