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Her Dirty Doms [The Men of Treasure Cove 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Rebecca Joyce

Chapter Five

  “Are you crazy?” Vanessa shouted at Peter, Carter, and Brice. “We’ve only known each other for hours! I can’t just marry you.”

  “You know it’s going to happen, Vanessa.” Carter grinned, and she so wanted to slap that smirk off his face. She had been staying with her dirty mechanics for over two weeks now, ever since her brothers invaded Treasure Cove and requisitioned her apartment. Her brothers had told her it was only going to be for a few days, but neglected to tell her what that actually meant. Then there was the fact that they were mercilessly chasing River. Vanessa loved River, and did everything she could to thwart her brothers, but those idiots were like a dog with a bone. They wanted her. No matter what Vanessa did, her brothers seemed to always be one step ahead of her, and her poor friend was almost at her wit’s end.

  As it was right now, she had access to her shop during the days, but that was it. Every time she tried to enter her apartment, she was bombarded with beer bottles, trash, and the Spanish Inquisition. If she didn’t know any better, she would swear her brothers were planning a coup. They were disgusting, and caused more trouble than what they were worth.

  “We love you, Vanessa,” Brice whispered, his eyes pleading with her. God, she wished he wouldn’t look at her as if she were the missing part of his soul. But that was Brice, her big teddy bear who wore his heart on his sleeve, and she loved him for it. But she was not going to marry them just because it was a good idea. Were they nuts?

  Sighing, Vanessa combed her hair with her hands in frustration. They had all been getting along so well over the last few weeks, and then they had to go and ruin everything.

  Marriage! What were they thinking? She just couldn’t marry them and make all their dreams come true. She wasn’t built that way. Oh, she knew they came with baggage, what relationship didn’t, but damn it, her baggage was trunk loads full. She refused to dump all of that on these men. Besides, there was a small child involved, one she had only met briefly, and was due to come back home tomorrow. She had wanted to be back in her apartment before that happened, but thanks to her brothers, that wasn’t going to happen. She knew she could stay with her mother at Janie’s, but Vanessa didn’t want to intrude on Janie and her men. Plus, they had a new baby, and well, just the thought of that gave her the shivers.

  “Baby, listen,” Brice said, moving around the car, wiping his hands on a grease rag. They had been working all morning in the garage, and though they were dirty and sweaty, for some reason Vanessa thought they looked more delicious than ever. This shocked her, because before she would have been repulsed by their state. Now, with just wife beaters on, sweaty bulging muscles and smudged grease here and there on their bodies, they were a walking wet dream. “I get that you’re scared. We all are. We love you and we want you with us for the rest of our lives.”

  “We don’t have to get married to do that, Brice,” Vanessa said, frustrated, and a little turned on at the sight of them. God, she needed to get out of this hot garage. How could they work in these conditions? The sweat alone dripping down her back was driving her crazy. Yet they didn’t seem to mind. In fact, they looked hot, scorching, like “turn up the flames and let’s get naked” hot.

  Licking her lips, Vanessa scanned each of them, paying attention to every detail, from Brice’s five-o’clock shadow, Carter’s sweaty bare chest, to Peter’s dirty hands. Her pussy clenched, and when Carter grinned, she swore she came in her panties. Oh, yeah, there was no talking to them dressed as they were, she needed to get the hell out of here and find some place to cool off.

  “I think we’re done talking. It’s time we show our woman what we want,” Peter said smoothly, dropping the rag he was holding on the floor of the garage. Stealthily moving toward her, he removed his dingy wife beater and grinned. “You’re ours, Vanessa, now and forever. The sooner you admit that and stop fighting us, the happier you’ll be.”

  Slowly backing up, Vanessa stammered, “Peter…what are…you doing?”

  His eyes turned hard, determined, and lustful as he stalked toward her. “Claiming what’s mine.”

  Oh God! Vanessa turned to run, but only made it a few steps before running into a large muscular wall. When his gentle hands gripped her arms and lifted her off her feet, she knew she was caught. There was nothing she could do about but give into their demands. By the looks in their eyes, she knew they were very happy, too.

  “Keep her busy, Brice, while Carter and I get some things ready,” Peter said, laughing as he walked out of the garage, with Carter behind him chuckling.

  “Looks like it’s my lucky day,” Brice said, lowering her to the ground. “I get you all to myself.” Her heart pounded and her pussy dripped. Vanessa asked playfully, “Oh yeah, big boy, how lucky do you feel?”

  “Very lucky,” he growled, moving closer as she stepped back. Vanessa giggled, slowly backing away from him until the backs of her knees hit the bumper of the car they were working on. Leaning over her, Brice wrapped his arms around her waist as his mouth descended. The second his lips touched hers, he smiled. “Very, very lucky.”

  “What are you going to do about it, Brice?” Vanessa laughed as he bit her bottom lip. God, she loved this man. Her strong teddy, with gentle hands, had become a balm to her soul. Brice knew when she needed him, especially when she felt overwhelmed or unsure. It didn’t matter where or when, one minute she could feel the tension, and the next Brice was there, helping her relax. However, she wasn’t sure how he was going to persuade her to marry all three of them. But she was more than willing enjoy the ride.

  “You, my love, are dangerous,” he sputtered.

  “Yeah,” Van sighed as Brice licked the side of her neck. “How so?”

  “One taste of you and I’m addicted,” he said as he grabbed her hand and placed it over his stiff erection. The feel of his thick cock had her pussy weeping and her legs unsteadily.

  “See what you’ve done to me,” he said, using her hand to rub against his crotch. “I hope you have excellent insurance because you’ve wrecked me.”

  His affliction hit her hard, as he rubbed himself against her pelvis. Looking at him, she was surprised to see that the damage was relatively superficial, and with little work, he could be fixed. However, the question was, did she want to fix him.

  * * * *

  River was fit to be tied. For the last couple weeks, she had been chased, hounded, pursued, and corralled by the Sanchez brothers. The only reason they were still breathing was out of courtesy to her best friend, Vanessa. However, River was seriously considering absolving Vanessa of that relationship just so she could put a serious hurt on her brothers.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the pursuit, it was just becoming monotonous. She thought several times about just letting them catch her, but then she thought better of it, because if she stopped running, she wasn’t so sure they’d walk away when they were done. There was something about the brothers that told her that when they caught her, they would bind her to them quicker than superglue. River liked her freedom, and though she knew someday she would get married and settle down, she just didn’t want it to happen now.

  At twenty-eight years old, she was still young enough to enjoy life, and old enough to know what she wanted.

  “River!” her sister, Lake, shouted from the trailer they had set up in front of the construction site. River never got tired of seeing her name embossed on their trailer and vehicles. She and her sisters worked damn hard to accomplish what most said they never could. It wasn't easy being a female in the workforce, but to add construction worker to that portfolio and, well, to say they had a rough start would be an understatement. But they worked real hard and did expert craftsmanship. Eventually, word began to spread, and when someone said Trinity Construction, they knew they were getting the best.

  Of course, their biggest test still lay before them. With the city of Treasure Cove’s stamp of approval, the construction had begun on the new library. This wasn’t going to be any rebuild. It was a
historical landmark, and certain designs had to be adhered to. After the bombing of the library a couple of years ago, some of the original materials were saved, and the city council insisted that they be incorporated in the new build. The old building was gone, and the town knew that. But they still wanted the same historical value of the old, in just a new package. It wasn’t going to be easy, but River knew she and her crew could get it done.

  She had managed to round up about eighty percent of her crew. As for the other twenty percent, well, they were still sleeping off a hangover from hell or were missing in action. It wasn’t easy babysitting thirty grown men who tended to scatter after a job was done. However, enough had shown up to get the job started, and that was exactly what she did. Thankful for the opportunity, she jumped right in, getting both hands dirty quick.


  Turning off the table saw, River removed her safety glasses and ear protection and yelled, “What!”

  “Phone call.”

  Grumbling, River nodded and headed toward the trailer. Removing her gloves along the way, she looked at the site, compartmentalizing what needed to be done this week so they would stay on track. That was one of her biggest pet peeves…Falling behind. It was her reputation on the line, and when she gave a certain date, she meant it. Nothing short of a cosmic catastrophe would stop her making a deadline. Everyone knew that, and her crew accepted it, knowing that some days they would be working long hours. But they didn’t mind. River made sure the crew was paid handsomely and rewarded when a job was done on time.

  Walking into the trailer, River noticed Lake back in front of her computer, typing away. She never understood how her sister could sit in a chair day after day, clicking away on one of those things. But Lake was good at what she did. As the bookkeeper and site manager, Lake made sure that River had everything she needed to do her job. It was Lake’s position to talk to the bank, make deposits, and write the checks. But if there was a problem, that was where Delta came in. The youngest of the Trinity sisters, Delta was a Jack of all trades. She could do anything that River or Lake could do and then some. However, what Delta was best at…was finding and acquiring the hard to find. Only, River and Lake knew to never ask their younger sister how she acquired it.

  Picking up the phone, River said, “River Trinity, what do you want, I’m busy.”

  “Well, get unbusy. I need you in Celestial.”

  Sighing, River looked at her sister, who silently snickered as she pecked away on her keyboard. River’s life was already hectic as it was thanks to Vanessa’s brothers and the new construction of the library. Then there were the rumors of the new housing subdivision not going as planned, and the developer was suspected of foul play. There was too much drama going on around her, she really didn’t want to invite more in.

  Apollo Humperdinck was the mayor of Celestial. He was brash, opinionated, and too damn good looking for any one man to be. But he was also one of her biggest supporters when she and her sisters started their construction company, so they felt a little beholden to the hulking Norse God of Celestial. However, he was still a colossal pain in the ass. Just recently, he finally took the plunge and asked his long-time loves to marry him. Everyone in Celestial prayed that married life would calm the man, but so far…no such luck.

  Sitting down, River asked, “What do you need now, Apollo?”

  “I need my club fixed. And as the mayor of the town you live in, I trump those heathens from Treasure Cove. So get over here and fix my roof.” River tried to hold back her laughter. About a week ago, Apollo’s club, the Rainbow Room, had a little accident, by the name of Cricket Zazzle-Leaf, when she lit a caldron and set his place on fire. The fireworks were out of this world, but it left a gaping hole in his roof and some minor fire damage on the inside.

  “Apollo, I’m working on the library in Treasure Cove for the next two months. I can’t just stop this build to fix your business.”

  “The hell you can’t! Helios wants to hold the reception here at the Rainbow Room. He said the roof has to be fixed because he doesn’t want Rayne to bitch at him for endangering the citizens. And Fairy is worried about the rain, not Rayne the annoying person, but rain that falls from the sky.”

  “So you’ve finally set a date?”

  “Yes, June 6th, 2015.”

  “That’s next year!” River shouted, coughed, and then said, “Wait a minute. You are getting married on D-Day? The day the Allied troops landed at Normandy?”

  “Yes,” Apollo groaned. “The irony is not lost on me. Which is why you need to get over here and fix my roof.”

  “Apollo,” River sighed. “I love you, I really do, but according to the calendar, I have six months to get your place fixed before I have to deal with Helios and Fairy. Trust me, they are two people I don’t want to mess with. I will have Delta schedule your build. She will come by and take pictures and make a list of materials we’re going to need. But until my crew finishes the new library, we can’t do your place. If Helios and Fairy want a better explanation, tell them to call Lake. She will be more than happy to explain. Now I have to get back to work. It was nice chatting with you,” she said before quickly hanging up the phone. Lake groaned and flipped her the bird. River smiled and blew her sister a kiss. Paybacks were a bitch!

  “Hold all my calls until lunch, sis.”

  “You know he’s going to drive me crazy until you get his roof fixed, right?”


  “Why don’t we just send a couple of guys over there to fix it?”

  “Until the rest of the crew shows up, I can’t afford to lose a single man. This is a big build and an important one. This job is going to get our name put into the historic registry of builders for the state of Montana. If we do this right, this little library will open a lot of doors for us.”

  “We could hire some new guys?”

  “Talk to Delta about that. I’ve got to get the plumbing squared away for the inspector shows tomorrow. Whatever you two decide is fine with me.”

  * * * *

  A few blocks away, Julio, Miguel, and Victor sat on the couch in their sister’s apartment, getting their asses handed to them. “You need to find your own place!” their sister shouted at them as she tried to dodge their dirty clothes, empty bags of chips, and trash. “You’re destroying my apartment.”

  For the last month, their sister Vanessa had graciously allowed them the use of her apartment above her store. Oh, she balked and complained, but she relented and they were grateful. However, it looked as if their sister’s good graces had run out.

  “Come on, Van, we can clean this up. It’s not so bad.” Miguel moaned, lounging on the couch, trying to look around her to see the football game on television.

  “It’s going to take a bulldozer to clean this place. You three are slobs!”

  “Are not,” Victor piped up. “We just haven’t had the time to clean. We’ve had other important things to do.”

  “You three wouldn’t know a sponge from toilet paper! Besides, what have you been doing that’s so important?”

  “Uh…um,” Vic stammered and looked at his brothers for help.

  “We’re job hunting.” Julio smiled. Now that was a bold-faced lie. Miguel knew his sister was smarter than that, especially when she stopped cleaning, faced them dead on, and that eyebrow of hers arched. When she did that, Miguel could have sworn he was looking right at their mother, and that was one woman he didn’t want to face. The truth of the matter was they’d spent the last couple of weeks learning everything they could about River. They asked around town, but only a few people knew about her. If it weren’t for Macie over at the local diner, they would have never known that River lived in another town. They had made plans to head over there right after the football game.

  “Oh, really? Vanessa stopped and stared at each of them. “Where?”

  “Celestial,” Victor supplied swiftly.

  “Celestial! Are you three crazy? There aren’t any jobs in Celestial, j
ust a bunch of hippies and crazies. Everyone knows that,” Vanessa said, then added, “Wait a damn minute. Are you guys still bothering River?”

  “No!” all three of them said at once.

  * * * *

  “I can’t believe she kicked us out,” Victor said as they threw their last bag into the bed of Julio’s pick-up truck. It was one thing to be angry, but to deny flesh and blood a place to stay, well, that was just unheard of. Well, at least in their family. Of course, it probably didn’t help when Julio started in on her by asking when the wedding was. That was a conversation best left for another day, especially when their sister was already pissed at them. But that didn’t happen, and now they were homeless.

  “We’d still be there if Julio could learn to keep his damn mouth shut,” Miguel muttered, closing the bed of the truck.

  “It was an honest question,” Julio replied. “She’s been living in sin with those three men for who knows how long. If Pops were alive, she’d kill him. She needs to set the date and get it over with.”

  “It isn’t that easy for her, and you know it,” Victor said, defending his twin. “She’s had a rough time, and we should be patient with her. She will do the right thing when she’s ready.”

  “Vic’s right, Julio. Making our sister do anything she doesn’t want to do has never worked. Vanessa has to work it out for herself. She isn’t going to jump into anything without looking at all the angles and then studying them. You know that.”

  “Well, she better hurry the fuck up. Because if I find out she’s pregnant, then she won’t have a choice. I will haul her ass kicking and screaming in front of a priest.”

  “Good luck with that, bro.” Victor laughed.

  “So what are we going to do now?” Miguel asked. “There’s always Mom’s place.”

  “Nope, she sold it when the Hicks offered her the foreman’s house on their property,” Julio stated, reaching into his coat for his keys.


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