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Her Dirty Doms [The Men of Treasure Cove 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Rebecca Joyce

  He was about to head up to his room, when what he’d been looking for walked right through the double doors. God, just seeing her lightened his mood. She looked tired but beautiful. Once again, she was wearing overalls, a white tank top, and a pair of construction boots. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore no makeup, not that she needed any, in his opinion.

  “Hey, Cricket, can you tell Delta when she shows up that I need her over at Mom and Dad’s place? I’ve got to check on the plumbing. Brutus called and said there is water leaking out the back door.”

  “No problem, River. I’ll let her know.”

  “Thanks,” she replied and headed back outside. After texting his brothers, Victor jumped to his feet and ran after her. He caught up with her just as she got to her vehicle, stepping up behind her and whispered seductively, “We’ve been looking for you, sweetheart.”

  When River didn’t move, Victor added, “You’ve been a naughty girl, evading us for the last two weeks. I should spank your delectable little ass right now for that, but I won’t, because no one but me or my brothers gets to see you come.”


  “Very good, sweetheart, slide on over, because I’m driving.”

  “It’s my truck.

  “And you have something we want. Now be a good girl or I’m gonna spank your cute little ass harder.”

  When River said nothing and slid over to the passenger side of her truck, Vic smiled. He didn’t give her a second to think as he jumped in and held out his hands for her keys. He didn’t have to wait long, and soon he was backing out of the parking lot. “Where to, baby?”

  “Just stay on this road. My parents’ house is outside the town limits.”

  Victor drove as River sat quietly next to him. Looking over at her, he noticed something was off with her. He wondered if he was too abrupt with her. He knew he was demanding, but that was nothing compared to Julio and Miguel. If she couldn’t handle him, then maybe he should just let her walk away. The second that thought filled his mind, his heart lurched. No, he couldn’t let her go any more than he could stop breathing. She was his and would be for the rest of his life.

  Taking a more compassionate approach, he asked, “You’re awfully quiet over there. Where’s my spitfire from the other night?”

  “I’m just had a bad day, Vic. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.”

  “We can help you, if you let us.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want your help, it’s just that I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

  “Typically one starts at the beginning,” he replied. When she smiled at that, he added, “Look, River, I know me and my brother can come off a little domineering at time. We can be a lot to handle and we’re stubborn, but we really do like you. We weren’t joking the other night when we said we wanted you. I hope we didn’t scare you off.”

  “You were a little persistent afterward, but no, I’m not afraid. It’s just that I never thought I’d find one, let alone three men who wanted me. I’m not your typical girl, ya know. I don’t wear pretty clothes. I don’t get my nails done. I can’t remember the last time I went to the beauty salon. I’m just a tomboy who knows how to change my own oil and swing a hammer.”

  “Admirable traits most women should know how to do. River, we don’t care what you do or don’t do. My brothers and I just want to get to know you. After the night we had, we kinda thought you did, too.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry for ignoring you afterward, but like I said, my life is hectic and I don’t know if I have time for a relationship.”

  “Sometimes, we just have to make the time, if it’s what we really want.”

  “That’s easier said than done.”

  “You never did tell us what you do.”

  “Me and my two sisters, Delta and Lake, own Trinity Construction. We’re rather new, but we keep ourselves busy. Right now, we’re rebuilding the Treasure Cove Library, but it’s not going as planned. We have to work with the local historical society and make sure the building conforms to historical standards. We’ve done this before and do exquisite work, but things aren’t going as planned.”

  “Well, that explains a lot,” he muttered.

  “What do you mean by that?” River asked.

  “I just remembered the night we first met, when you took on that guy bigger than you. My brothers and I thought you needed our help. Apparently we were wrong and needn’t have bothered.”

  “I’m glad you did, though,” she whispered.

  Victor smiled at her. “So am I, baby.”

  “So where are your brothers? I heard that your sister kicked you out of her place.”

  Grumbling, Vic replied. “Yeah, she did. We’re staying at the Best Lay Hotel for now until we find a place to live. We were all out looking for you while trying to find a job, too. But I got lucky. I found you first.”

  “You guys need a job?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “We can’t keep living off our savings. It isn’t practical, but don’t worry, we’ll find something. We’re pretty versed in many jobs.”

  “Ever work construction?”

  “Honey, we’re prior military. We’ve done construction.”

  “Could you work for a woman?”

  Victor turned and smiled. “Only if that woman understands that when it’s quitting time, she’s no longer our boss.”

  “Well, I’m gonna have to try you out first. You know, check out your skills and all. I can’t just go and hire anyone. How good are you with plumbing?”

  Victor smiled and simply replied, “Exquisite.”

  * * * *

  Vanessa was exhausted. After cleaning up her apartment, she managed to get some work done in her shop, restocking items and going over new invoices. It was tedious work but she enjoyed it. That, and it kept her mind off what was really bothering her. After having lunch at Macie’s Diner with River, Vanessa couldn’t stop thinking about what her best friend said. Then, to add in Kelly’s and Macie’s opinions, well, her head was whirling. She needed down time to think and compartmentalize everything. On some deep level she knew the girls were right, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that unless she could prove it to herself, she would never submit to being her men’s wife, let alone try to have children.

  It killed her to think that, knowing that her sweet lovable Brice wanted one of his own. She wanted to give him that, but until she was sure she could handle everything herself, she couldn’t commit to something that profound. She wanted to love her men for the rest of her life, she adored them, and they did make her happy and she couldn’t wait to get home. She thought it was funny as she silently drove that she thought of their place as home. In a way it was. She liked knowing that there were going to be three handsome men waiting on her who loved her. She liked knowing that when she arrived, just them seeing her made them happy. It was the little things like that that she wanted. She didn’t need a grand house with money, she just needed them.

  Vanessa could imagine her life with them loving her. She could clearly see laughter and happiness for the rest of her days. Oh she knew there would be moments of anger and frustration, she wasn’t naïve, but she knew the good would outweigh the bad. Her future was before her and all she had to do was reach out and grab it. All she had to do was find the courage to let go of her past, accept her limitations, and find the strength to grab what she wanted. If she could do that, then she would finally have her dream.

  Chapter Seven

  The truck came to a stop in front of a beautiful two-story Victorian house. River loved this house. Everything good and beautiful in the world came from this house. Her parents were away again, on one of their many excursions around the world, and River promised them that she would look after the place, and she had. Only, she hadn’t been here for about two weeks. If it weren’t for Brutus calling her, she wouldn’t be here now. Grabbing her tool belt out of the back of her truck, she wandered down the paved pathway that led to the backyard. Vict
or was quiet as he followed. She wondered what he was thinking.

  Unlike most of the homes in Celestial, the Trinity house was more modern in design. Though it was built to resemble an old Victorian from the past, her parents’ house had all the modern conveniences and upgrades the modern world needed and insisted upon. When her parents bought the property back in the early sixties, they did so thinking they would commune with nature like the rest of the citizens of Celestial. That was until their mother found out she was pregnant with Delta. That day, everything changed.

  River’s parents came from money. Lots and lots of money, and when they knew that they were not alone anymore and had a baby coming, her father and mother agreed to raise their children to the best of their abilities. They hired a construction crew and built this beautiful home. Oh, it still had some remnants from their wild cosmic days, from the pool in the living room, and a real outhouse that still worked. But it had a real toilet with plumbing, and other than that, it was all modern.

  As she walked down the path, a flurry of butterflies floated past while trees and lush plants overflowed from raised garden beds, creating a mythical oasis. River drew in a breath and let it out in a contented sigh.

  “This place is incredible,” Victor said in awe as he followed closely behind her.

  “Yeah, it is,” River said. “My parents love this house. Me and my sisters were born here, in the room upstairs. There isn’t a single memory of my life that doesn’t include this house.”

  “It must have been nice growing up in one place.”

  “Yeah, I guess it was. You never had a place to call home?”

  “The military was our home. Every two or three years, Pop would get orders to some new location and we’d move. I had over thirteen different school cafeterias in my lifetime. That’s probably why my brothers and I joined the military after we graduated. We were so used to moving around.”

  “It must feel strange, then, being in one place knowing this is where you’re going to spend the rest of your life.”

  “It hasn’t sunk in yet, but I am hoping I will enjoy it, especially if I know I have someone beautiful to look at when I come home.”

  River blushed and turned away. Using her key, she unlocked the back door and instantly her feet got wet. Cursing, River ran into the house, trying to find the source of the water. The kitchen was flooded and so was the dining room. Thinking something was wrong with the pool, she headed toward the living room only to find the pool at normal levels. Returning to the kitchen, she found Victor under the sink as he turned off the water supply.

  “It’s a broken pipe, hand me a wrench,” he said, his hand held out. Doing so immediately, River reached for her tool belt and gave him what he needed. “Go turn off the main water supply. It’s still leaking pretty good under here. We’re going to need to cap it off until we can replace this pipe.”

  “I think I may have what we need in the back of my truck. I’ll be right back.” River hurried back to her truck, gathering what items she needed, and headed back indoors. Victor was still on his back under the sink when she returned. “Here, use this to cap it off. I can run into town tomorrow and get what I need. I also brought in the wet-dry vac to clean this mess up.”

  “Don’t forget to open the windows. It will dry faster with the fresh air.”

  “Doing it now.”

  By the time they were done stopping the leak and cleaning up the water, River was soaking wet and so was Victor. She grinned, licking her lips as she looked at him. He was a woman’s wet dream…literally. All muscular and buff. His wet clothes molded to him like a second skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. His cock was thick and long and clearly visible under his wet jeans.

  Damn, she needed to get her some of that.

  “You keep looking at me like that, baby, and you’re gonna regret it.”

  “I don’t think so. If anything, I just might like it,” she teased.

  Victor smiled as he walked over to her. “I guess I feel the need to tell you since you started this that after I am done with you, you will be mine forever. I want you, River. I’ve made no ifs about it. After tonight, you will be mine…forever.”

  His gaze dropped to her breasts for a fraction of a second before he grabbed a hold of her and pulled her into him. River knew she was in trouble when he licked his lips hungrily. Just that brief flicker of interest got her pulse racing.

  “Then make me yours. Claim me, Victor,” she said.

  It amazed her that he had this power over her and had absolutely no idea, or at least appeared to be oblivious. Many times over the last few weeks, she silently admonished herself for being such a coward about the whole situation. She should have been having fun trying to turn the tables on him.

  “Is that pool heated?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied, adjusting her wet tank, not intentionally trying to draw his attention back there, but it had that effect on him. Victor’s gaze returned to hers. He let out an amused breath, as if he knew he’d been caught looking.

  “Then strip,” he ordered and sat down at the small kitchen table, his eyes never leaving hers. River knew once she began, there would be no stopping him. If she went through with this, she would be forevermore his. She liked that idea and the more she thought about it, her body hummed and her pussy creamed. To belong to three handsome, virile men was a dream of hers, one she figured she would work into her schedule later on in life. But that was not how the stars saw it, when the universe gave her three strong heroes. She knew as time went by, she would look back on that moment at the Rawhide Bar and know that was when her life changed. That day, the universe gave her a great gift, one she would cherish forever.

  As she removed her clothing, Victor kicked off his shoes and grabbed the neckline of his shirt, tugging it over his head. He let it fall from his dangling fingertips as his eyes never left hers. River had to fight not to close her eyes and sigh. He was just too damn appealing.

  Her eyes followed his movements as he stood and walked toward her. She took in the relaxed set of his shoulders, his smooth gait, and the smile that hovered at his mouth. She’d only had the opportunity to be alone with him for that brief moment a few weeks ago. He was sin and sex all wrapped into one. River wasn’t sure she could handle the temptation and the torture now she had him all to herself.

  “Why the frown?” he asked, coming to a stop before her.

  She tried her best to shake away the thoughts and rolled her shoulders. “Just mentally trying to assimilate everything, that’s all.”

  He flicked her ponytail, the gleam of amusement in his eyes telling her he knew there was something more to it than that. “Well, are you going to get in or just stand there all day posing?”

  River tried to glare at him, but laughter bubbled up inside her. “There’s only one poser here and we both know it’s not me.”

  He grabbed her wrists and held them out to her sides. “Why were you doing that thing with your boobs then?” he asked.

  The rising laughter burst from her in a surprised breath. “What thing?”

  “Pushing them out to get my attention. You don’t need to do that. Believe me, I already noticed.”

  She made a show of trying to tug her hands free, even though the sensation of his fingers tightening on her wrists made her skin tingle with awareness. “I don’t need or want your attention,” she said haughtily.

  “Really?” His gaze wandered down her body. River held her breath, her heart pounding at his blatant appraisal. She had to keep reminding herself he was only teasing, but a shiver passed through her and her nipples hardened under the weight of his stare. When his dark caramel eyes met hers again, her breath hitched and her cheeks flooded with heat. “Liar,” he said, smiling. “You want to play hard to get, don’t you?”

  She tried to laugh, but it came out more like a choking sound. “No!” Could he see it on her face? She’d always tried to keep her emotions hidden. Apparently she needed more practice where he was concerned
, or he saw right through her.

  He tugged her closer. “You can play all you want, baby, but just understand that I’m in charge.”

  Their gazes meshed. Her breaths came hard. It gave her a small sense of satisfaction to see that for whatever reason he appeared to be struggling, too. He’d pulled her so close that her hardened nipples brushed against his chest. River gasped at the contact, and Victor swore under his breath.

  He let go of her wrists and turned away from her. She took in the hard lines of his profile, her pulse racing at the sudden change in mood. “What?” she asked. “What did I do?”

  “Nothing.” He shook his head and stared at the ground. Several tense seconds passed where she stood waiting, not knowing how to respond. “If you don’t get in that water soon, I’m not going to be responsible for what happens next, River. I’ve wanted you alone for weeks, and now that I have you all to myself, I am finding it hard to contain the urge to bend you over that table and take you hard.”

  She gasped. She was still trying to understand the words he’d just spoken when he scooped her up in his arms and tossed her into the pool.

  Her screech of protest cut through the air as the warm water crashed over her. River held her breath and felt the splash beside her as he followed her in. She pushed to the surface, spluttering and wiping the hair from her eyes. “I can’t believe you did that!” She sliced her hand through the water to send the spray into Victor’s face.

  Although he appeared more at ease now the tense moment between them had ended, the glint in his eye told her he had retaliation in mind. Before he could make a move she took off, trying to put some distance between them. Several strokes in, Victor grabbed her ankle and dragged her back toward him. River let out a laughing scream and kicked to no effect before suddenly finding herself twisted around and pressed against a hard, wet male body.


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