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Circumstantial Evidence

Page 9

by Annette Broadrick

  "But Rafe, the whole idea was to protect my job, and our marriage accomplished that. I thought you'd be eager to resume your life in California by now."

  In rapid strides Rafe moved to where she stood and clamped his arms on her shoulders. "You really do see me as some self-sacrificing knight who came to your rescue, don't you?"

  Confused by the anger she could hear in his voice, she attempted to step back, and his hold tightened. "What other reason was there?"

  "This!" He took her in his arms, his mouth taking hers in fierce possession. Ashley's arms locked behind his head and she returned his kiss passionately, running her hands through the curls at the nape of his neck, and loving the feel of her breasts pressed against him.

  They were both breathless when Rafe broke their contact. In a tortured voice, Rafe spoke. "I made a promise to myself that night I almost took you that I would never make love to you unless you invited me to. That was the only way I knew to show you that you could trust me." He groaned as he nuzzled her neck. "But it's been hell living with you every day, seeing you, wanting you, and not being able to have you." He stopped and kissed her again as though starved for the taste of her. "I can't take any more of it, Ashley. I've got to get away from you before I break that promise and end up causing both of us to hate me."

  Ashley's arms slid around Rafe's waist and she reveled in the feel of him. "Rafe, all you needed to do was tell me how you felt. I've lain there night after night fantasizing about what would happen if I were to get up and go to your room and beg you to love me." She placed quick kisses along his jaw line and his hands explored her spine, caressing the curves of her hips as though he planned to sculpt them. "I couldn't do it. As much as I wanted you, I couldn't ignore the ingrained inhibitions. I couldn't be so brazen as to force myself on you."

  "Force yourself." He groaned. "Oh, Ashley, we've both been so ridiculous and wasted an unbelievable amount of time." Rafe scooped her into his arms, carrying her easily, and moved down the hallway to her room.

  As he placed her on the bed, Ashley was certain that she smelled the soft scent of cedar intermingled with Rafe's aftershave lotion. She watched him as he removed his clothes down to his briefs, those incredibly tiny briefs that could not conceal the effect she had on him. Then he joined her on the bed.

  She tensed as he touched her, unsure of the next step. "It's all right, love, I'm not going to rush you," he murmured as he slipped her blouse and skirt from her. He paused when scraps of lace were all that covered her and began to kiss her with long, drugging kisses. Her trembling ceased and she began to respond to his caresses. A slow fire started deep within her and she began to imitate his movements.

  "Oh, yes, Ashley, touch me, love—I want to feel your hands on me."

  His encouragement led her to further exploration and by the time he shifted his weight over her, she ached for his possession. She had never thought herself capable of experiencing the emotions Rafe stirred within her. His possession appeased a need that had been growing in her since their first weekend together. She gloried in the tremor she felt course through him, reassured that the overwhelming response she felt was shared. Ashley felt that nothing could equal the emotional high his lovemaking created until she heard Rafe murmur, "Dear God, how I love you, Ashley Allison McCord," and her heart overflowed.

  After twenty-eight years, Ashley had found her home in Rafe's arms.

  Chapter Eight

  Autumn had left its calling card wherever Ashley looked; the yellow leaves of the sycamores and the red of the sumac dressed up lawns and parks. Brisk mornings warned that winter was beginning to stir from its summer hibernation.

  Ashley had gotten into the habit of walking to work. She needed the exercise, and it gave her time to make the transition from her personal to her professional life. Not that there was much happening in her personal life at the moment. Rafe had been back to Oregon only twice since the night they had made their marriage a reality more than two months earlier. She lived on the memories of those visits, waiting for his return.

  Rafe had called several times to see whether she could fly down to him, but she had always had to refuse. She was too close to making partner now to risk taking time to travel south. More than one partner had met with her during the past few weeks to discuss her feelings toward her practice and the firm, and to ask her about her goals. She was excited about her career, and only the knowledge that Rafe would arrive the next day gave her more pleasure than her job.

  One more day. They'd been apart for more than three weeks. Something was going to have to give in their schedules soon.

  About midmorning her phone rang. It was Raul. He had never called her at the office before, and her first thought was something had happened to Rafe.

  Ashley's heart leaped, then started pounding. "Raul? Is something wrong?"

  "Well, let's put it this way. I'm calling you in your professional capacity. I think I've been framed."

  "Why? What's happened?"

  "There was a chemical spill at the plant last week under rather peculiar circumstances. Today I've been served with papers from the Department of Environmental Quality asking that the court shut McCord Industries down." His voice sounded grim. "Since you happen to be my favorite lawyer, I wondered if I could make an appointment to see you and discuss the matter." He paused. "Will it hurt your feelings to know that you're also the only lawyer I know?"

  Ashley laughed, relieved to know that Rafe was all right. "No, Raul, that doesn't hurt my feelings." She glanced at her calendar. "As a matter of fact, I've got a cancellation at eleven this morning. Why don't you bring the papers around and let me look at them?"

  "That'll be great. I'll see you at eleven. Oh, and Ashley?"


  "Thanks." The receiver clicked.

  Raul watched Ashley's face as she read the summons, complaint, and motion for temporary injunction. If granted, McCord Industries would have to shut down immediately, perhaps on a permanent basis.

  "What can you tell me about the spill?" Ashley said, glancing up from the documents.

  "Well, we have a number of drains that allow chemical waste to run off into holding tanks. The spill occurred because one of those drains was plugged."

  "You think it was deliberate?"

  "I know it was. I found a large piece of wood stuck in the drain. There's no way that piece of wood could have gotten in there accidentally."

  "Have you talked with the employees who were at the plant when the spill happened?"

  "More than once, and no one seems to know anything or to have seen anything. I'm completely baffled."

  "It looks as if Tysinger's still at work, Raul."

  "How could he be behind this, Ashley? He and several others have been indicted and are awaiting trial. What could he hope to gain?"

  "Nothing. It's what he hopes you lose. He's obviously vindictive and could easily have bribed someone in your plant to cause the trouble. I think you're right. You've been framed."

  "So what do I do about it?"

  "We fight it, that's what."

  Raul took in the picture Ashley made. She looked as though she'd been energized, ready to go into orbit, to move mountains and leap rivers. She suddenly broke the silence. "The hardest part of all of this is the hearing for the injunction. That's only a week away, and we'll need as much time as possible to investigate your employees."

  "What does the temporary injunction mean?"

  "It means they think your business is a menace and so dangerous that the court should shut it down immediately until such time as a trial can be held so that a judge can hear the arguments and decide whether"—she ticked off on one finger—"you reopen the business, or"—she touched another finger—"you stay closed permanently."

  "If we should get closed down, how long before a trial?"

  "A good question. It could be months. I don't think any business could stand that."

  Raul's face blanched. "No. I'd miss too many contract deadlines. That would
ruin me."

  "And that, dear brother," she said with a wink, "is why I don't intend to let them win on their motion next week. So we've got a busy time ahead of us." She smiled, her air of confidence creating a feeling of confidence in him that she could do what she set out to do. For the first time since he'd been served with the papers that morning, Raul managed to take a deep breath and relax.

  Ashley was relieved to see the tension ease in his face. She walked him to the door. "See what kind of information you can get for us, then quit worrying about it. Remember, you've turned it over to your lawyer now, so let me do the worrying. That's what you pay me for."

  Raul stepped out of the office, then turned back to say, "Now I can see the advantages of having a lawyer in the family, Ashley. You're going to be one of our greatest assets." Ashley could feel her face flush. What a thing to say in front of her secretary. He was almost as bad as Rafe. "And you turn such pretty colors too. A really unusual addition, that's for sure." He walked down the hall laughing as Ashley smiled sheepishly at her secretary and dived for her office.

  By the time Ashley got home that evening she was too excited to sleep. Rafe would be flying in sometime the next day. She decided to start reading the Robert Ludlum book she'd purchased some time ago. She would probably be sleepy after a couple of chapters. Wrong! Midnight found her in bed, propped up with pillows, avidly turning pages. Tasha perched herself on the pillow next to Ashley. The predicted rain had started in the afternoon, which had made her walk home a little damp but sounded very soothing as it tapped a merry rhythm on her bedroom windows.

  The book had her total concentration, so she didn't hear the car drive up the rain-slicked street until it pulled into her drive and stopped. She lowered the book and checked the clock. It was after midnight.

  The doorbell rang as she tugged on her warm housecoat and fished for her slippers. It rang again as she trotted down the hall. "Who is it?"


  She fumbled for the chain, yanking it away as she turned the handle of the door. She threw open the door and flew into his arms. "What are you doing here?"

  The impact of her body knocked him back a pace or two, his arms instinctively holding her to him. "I thought I'd find you asleep this late at night. Is something wrong?"

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the darkened house, the glow of the lamp from her bedroom providing enough light for them to see.

  "I'm all right," she said with a hint of impatience, "but how come you're here early?" She led him into the bedroom, turned, and for the first time saw him in full light. Lines of weariness were etched across his face. "Rafe! What's happened?"

  "Nothing's happened." He shrugged out of his jacket and pulled her back into his arms. "I just couldn't stand not seeing you for another day. I was in another interminable meeting today, listening as they cussed and discussed, and I realized that I no longer cared what happened." He pulled her closer, his hands wandering up and down her back, hungry for the feel of her. "So I got up, told them politely that I had to leave but would be in touch, then walked out to the car and started driving."

  "You drove up here?" She couldn't believe it. "That's a good twelve-hour drive."

  He gave her an endearing grin. "Well, I made it in better time than that, but you're right, it's a long drive." He started kissing her cheek and ear. "And I haven't been able to sleep for wanting you." His kiss left her in no doubt that she'd been needed. She felt so complete when he was holding her. The last few weeks had been tough for her and obviously for Rafe too. She'd never seen him look so drawn. He'd lost weight and there were deep circles under his eyes. "Oh, Rafe, what have you been doing to yourself?"

  "Just trying to get back up here to you," he murmured, his hands finding the tie of her housecoat and pulling it open. He couldn't seem to touch her enough.

  She pulled away from him. "Are you hungry? Can I fix you something to eat?"

  His eyes seemed to be almost glazed. "I'm more thirsty than anything."

  "Let me get you something, then. Are you sure you don't want a sandwich?" She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off his shoulders, then pushed him onto the bed.

  "I don't care. A sandwich is fine." He lay back across the bed with a luxurious sigh. "I never knew a bed could feel so good." He lay there with his eyes closed.

  Ashley rushed into the kitchen, prepared a sandwich in record time, poured a large glass of milk, put them on a tray, and dashed into the bedroom with the tray. Rafe was sprawled across the bed, asleep. He'd taken his socks and shoes off, but his pants were only unsnapped at the waist. Tasha sat next to his shoulder, studying him with feline interest.

  "So what do you think? Shall we keep him?" she asked Tasha. She set the tray down and worked his pants down his hips and legs. Rafe was a dead weight as she pushed and pulled him over to one side of the bed, then managed to pull the covers up over him.

  She looked at the glass of milk, the sandwich, and the book on the bedside table. Then she looked at Rafe. He'd been trying to kill himself, she thought. Nothing was worth that.

  She crawled back into bed with a smile, picked up the book, and continued to read, this time eating Rafe's sandwich and sipping his glass of milk.

  Ashley finished the book a little after two. During that time, Rafe had not moved. She'd never seen a person sleep so soundly. He must be exhausted. For that matter, so was she. She glared at the book resting on the nightstand. She should have known better! Turning off the light, she curled up to Rafe's back. He was home at last.

  Sometime during the night Rafe turned over and pulled Ashley into the curl of his body. He woke up and found her in his arms. She looked like a young girl, her hair spread across the pillows, a contented smile on her face. Should he wake her? He knew she needed her rest, but the temptation was more than he could resist.

  With a very light touch, Rafe ran his hand down her side from her ribs to the hollow of her waist, then over the curve of her hip. His hand slowed as it reached her thigh and began to drift inward. She leaned back into his warm body, then turned her head. Slowly lifting heavy eyelids, she murmured, "Good morning."

  "It certainly is," he whispered and turned her more completely toward him. Her silken skin caused his hand to tremble as he caressed the hills and valleys of her body, warm from the covers. Her hands began their own exploration, reacquainting themselves with his body, which she was beginning to know as well as her own.

  Rafe pulled the covers from her, wanting to enjoy the sight of her lying there waiting for him. He started placing kisses on her shoulder, then slid his mouth down to the breast waiting for his possession. His mouth covered the tip and he began to tease the nipple until Ashley could feel the reaction in her innermost body.

  She reached for him but he resisted the pull of her arms as he began to taste her body. She remembered several ways to get his attention. Her hand softly stroked him, causing his flesh to quiver.

  "Ashley," he groaned. As she continued to glide her hands over him, Rafe pulled her to him roughly. Their need proved greater than their patience, their merging more volcanic than gentle, more intense than pleasurable, their striving for unity more necessary than the ultimate fulfillment, but in that striving and seeking they were fortunate, and found it all.

  The persistent ringing of the phone cut through the mists of sleep and Ashley felt for the phone by the bed.

  "Hello?" Her voice sounded groggy.

  "Good afternoon!" Jeanine bubbled. "Something tells me that Rafe has arrived. Sorry if I woke you from your nap." She didn't sound in the least sorry. She sounded more as though she were trying not to laugh.

  Rafe stirred, then opened one eye.

  "I'm calling to see if you and Rafe would like to come over for dinner."

  "I'm not sure what this fireball of energy has planned, if anything. Shall I ask him?"

  Jeanine chuckled. "By all means."

  Turning to Rafe, Ashley explained. "Jeanine wants to know if we'd like to come over for dinner
. She probably thinks I haven't planned much." She'd be right, for that matter. Eating was not on her list of priorities when Rafe was home. She reached over and brushed the hair away from his forehead.

  He groaned and closed his eye. Ashley ran a hand through her hair and looked at the clock. It was after one o'clock. She spoke into the phone. "I'm not sure I can interpret his groan right now, Jeanine. Why don't I call you back in a little while?" Rafe's head nodded into the pillow.

  "No problem. We're going to be here and if you show up, I'll just throw on two more steaks."

  Ashley placed the phone back on its stand. Rafe's hand began to move along her ribcage and over her stomach.

  "I thought you were asleep." They were still in the same position they'd been in when they fell asleep, legs intertwined, Rafe's arm under her neck.

  "I am." His eyes remained closed.

  "At least I'll bet your arm is asleep. I must have cut off the circulation." She sat up and gingerly moved his arm.

  "Ow! You're right. My fingers are numb." He moved them tentatively; one eye opened to watch.

  Ashley managed to prop herself up on a pillow. She couldn't remember when she'd last slept so well. Rafe was much better than a sleeping pill.

  She glanced down at the man lying beside her. "So what do you want to do?"

  Both eyes opened and watched her for a moment.

  "I'm not sure. What sort of entertainment can you provide if we stay here?" His mouth turned up at the corners. She got off the bed, then glanced back at the sprawled male in her bed.

  "Darned if I know. My entertainment director took the weekend off." She wandered into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  By the time she'd pinned up her hair, Rafe was already in the shower yelping as he tried to adjust the water flow. "My God, woman, doesn't this place run to hot water?"

  Peeking into the shower, she laughed and said, "I knew I forgot to pay something. Must have been one of the utilities." The water was pleasantly warm when Ashley stepped in and grabbed the soap. Filling the washcloth with suds, she began to scrub the wide back before her. She heard a purr of pleasure. Then she stroked down over the startling white skin on his slim hips. "When I first met you I wondered if you were naturally bronzed all over." He turned around and tugged the washcloth from her hand.


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